a new breed of Comments? what use, I ask....

Tzara said:
I've seen the comments you refer to, NJ, and agree that they are kind of pointless. Particularly when they summarize the poem incorrectly, which they have done to me before. Or maybe I don't know what I'm writing about. :rolleyes:

They don't really irritate me--I basically ignore them. Nor does it bother me if the motivation is some kind of race or top list of some kind or whatever. If I turn comments on, then people are welcome to make any kind of comment they want.

But they certainly aren't useful comments. Useful ones, as you mention, are few and far between. And, yes, they've probably fallen off in the last few months. Commenting is very time consuming and often difficult, even if you reserve sufficient time to devote to it. I fairly frequently read poems that I really have very little to say about--not because they are bad, not even because they are so good I can't think of any suggestions. Usually it is just that I wouldn't know what to say, because the subject is something I don't know anything about, or because the style is so different from how I might approach the topic that I don't know where to begin. Add to that the fact that you don't want to inadvertently make someone upset, and you sometimes just give up and don't comment at all.

I've come to believe that commenting on poetry is actually harder in some ways than writing it. At least when I am writing it, I know what I mean and what I was trying to do, even if no one else does.

The bad thing about all of this is that commentary does help you get better. I know it has helped me.

And, no, I don't have any clever solution to that problem. If somebody does, I would love to hear it.
I do.
It involves a pointy stick. :D <winkz

for evil to thrive, all good men have to do is remain silent or something like that
ohh, dear snail :)

How nice to see you here. Funny thing, everytime I read my bunny poem, ( clear as a bell) I think of you. thanks for the support you have given me on my most erratic pieces. your comments alwasy make me feel.... and sometimes, they make me laugh, usuallly they make me smile.

tell u-no-who i said "howdy" and hugs

normal jean said:


maybe some people need a personal reason for what I did with Marias work?

My heart is aching, okay. I have been in love with a man for years, thought I could trust him, told him everything in the world about me. Things my own family doesnt know, things I didnt want to admit to myself.

After 4 years, he told me he loved me . He told me 3 times in the last 3 years. Now he is gone. He didn't trust me when he knew everything there was to know about me. The last time we broke up, I did the breaking because he wouldnt/ couldnt share his life and soul with me.

That was in Nov. 2004. I changed my Yahoo screenname, my AIM. Changed everything to make it easy on ME to get away from the memory of HIM.

In 7-05, I got a FB email from LIt. It was him. This was 7-11-05. Told me he missed me, and all sorts of BS.

Then he does the same thing to me, doesnt trust me, lies to me, and on and on.

Point is, he found me through Marias page. I know, I didnt have to respond, but silly me, I needed that love, I thought it was love, I needed his strength, I thought it was strength. Thing is, he helped me , he was there for me when my husband was beating me on a regular basis. He helped me when I had NO ONE in the world to talk to. He helped me gain some self esteem by telling me everyday that I did NOT deserve to be treated less than dog shit. I still love him, but I dont want his form of abuse anymore either.

I told you I deleted my Yahoo name?

look up http://profiles.yahoo.com/maria2394.

see the date that profile was made? He claimed my yahoo ID after the wait time was over, he has it now. not me, he did that the day before he emailed me and now he says HE didnt do that. What I cannot forgive is that he treated me like I am stupid. I cant take that from anyone anymore :( Maybe it bothers me so much because I tend to feel that way about myself.

Hell, cant you guys feel the bitterness and pain? at least you are all honest with me and I supose thats the real reason I stay, I feel ike the idiot little sister of a bunch pf people I admire. I keep hoping to learn something to help me get out of my fucked up self. But It doesnt come and I dont know where else to look. I'M tired of pain, period.

Fifth flower, I'm not mad. Please dont label me, you dont know me. :rose:

Leon, youve been a good patient friend, thank you.

Sorry I offended so many of yyu, it wont happen again. Im trying to learn how to be demure and quite and accept that I will always be a doormat, but something in me is rebelling and refuses to be like I was when I first came here.

IM about to fucking give up and end the whole miserable process.

fuck it

Fuck you! You're not giving it up. You are waaaay too good and waaaay too smart. Just go take a deep breath of Spring and you will be fine.

I love you NJ. As much as one can on the internet. You're real. You're good, and kind, and have so much love in you. It shows- thats the best part of you.

Soon I'll have a number and we can get to know each other even better.

Boo :rose: :rose: :p

(I hardly ever do the Lil Lappy Frog thingy. That means you're really special!! lol)
I appreciate any kind of comment on my poems (and stories) save blatant insulting ones (and even then I usually look on the bright side and tell myself I must have hit some kind of nerve with what I wrote).

If that comment is nothing but a summary of what I wrote, okay. It's not my favorite kind of comment, but I'm glad at least the person took the time to read what I wrote, and maybe that's all they want to tell me by posting the comment. I read those, and I smile, because this is nicer than them having written no comment at all, and this way at least I know they read it, and they're more than just another count of the "views" number. It's not like I can only have a finite number of comments, they're not wasting space.

I do prefer constructive comments, of course, but I don't feel I have the right to demand them. Ask for them, sure. But it's like a person giving me free candy. I may not like the candy they give me, but it's a nice gesture and I'll smile and thank them, even though I may not end up eating it. I'm not going to give it back to them and say "Sorry, but I don't like this much, can you make some peanut butter cookies for me to eat instead?" Bit of a silly metaphor, maybe, but there you go.

I love constructive criticism. I haven't been writing poetry for very long, I'm still in the early learning stages, and this is one of the main factors that helps me improve, along with reading other people's poetry. I appreciate when someone points out what line, or word choice, or whatever else they liked the best, and I appreciate it even more when they point out where there's room for improvement. I've barely ever received a negative constructive comment (This poem is no good, and here's why...) and I do believe that they're quite rare. Not many people feel like making enemies with an author who may take this sort of comment very personal - and a constructive comment actually implies that the commentator gives a damn about the poem or the author. One would usually try not to be too negative if that's the case. It actually makes me quite sad because if you can take those types of comments, they will help you improve a lot.

Anyway, my $.02 :rose:

what a sexy name! Im wondering if you are a redhead? Or am I assuming incorrectly and that name is reflective if your personality?

whatever the reasoning, thanks for your .02 cents. It goes a lot further than one would think in some cases. :)

I appreciate constructive crit too. Of course I do. Its just frustrating sometimes, the way things work.

My turning off the PC feature and removing Marias work doesnt mean that anyone else has to do anything. I'm sorry if anyone thought I was trying to dictate everyone's behavior. It was a concern of mine. I realize Im not the best giver-of-feedback and I wont get into that again because it will end up being a self-deprecating rant and I'm not doing that to myself again.

Hubby is cooking dinner for me, I dont have a college diploma, , will I cry myself to sleep or leave summaries of peoples poetry?

No, i f I DO leave a comment, it will be of the type--

1---I liked this poem, and a brief WHY I liked it.

2- I didnt much like the poem, and a brief why I didnt like it, although those dislike comments are very rare for me. I feel that if I cant be nice, then why even leave a PC?


3- This poem could use some tweaking--if the poem has problems which I feel I am capable of addressing, I will offer my advice with a disclaimer that I am not the best one to give that advice, but this or that just didnt seem right to me. that is all I can do, but you will not find me leaving a summary. In my opinion, that is somehow cheating the writer, and the reader and the leaver-of-such comment.

I never thought it was a big deal, but I see that my tone implied that I was in dire distress over the whole deal. Im not, okay? just seems pointless to me. I'm glad theres only a few of them doing it, because if that was to be the state of FB here forever, well... :(

Usually if I leave a comment accompanying a vote of anything less than a 5 and gushing praise, I get lumped into a group of "angry poets", called a bitch, get hateful email, and on and on. Used to, if I gave a constructive comment to a newbie, I would get zapped with zeros, but after a few years here, I learned that posting a poem and getting FB is NOT all about the votes, but when I was a newbie, those low-bombs hurt my feelings because I didnt understand the rationale behind them and just as there are so many people here, ther e are just as many different reasons for low votes.

Now that I have been here so long, the 5 bombs tend to bother me more than the ones because when I get an artificially HUGH score, I wonder about the quality of my work.

The bottom line is, I am an insecure writer and always will be, regardless of what the vote is, or what the comment it. Sure, if someone just MUST leave a summation, they are welcome, it just wont be on one of my poems because I turned the PC off on most of them. And that is MY choice. and a summation, to me, doesnt indicate that my poem was read or understood, or enjoyed, it means that the person clicked, scanned, made a quickie post and carried on. To me, thats an insult, maybe not intended, but hey, IM sensitive... I certainly dont consider them an honor, and actually, that desont really indicate that my works have been read.

Before the PC feature was added, there was the virtual assurance that if I opened my email and saw

Literotica Feedback for Maria2394, it was usually a constructive comment or some one telling me they enjoyed my work. Rarely did someone take the time to post a hateful comment when it meant taking the time to actually send an email

except on my stories, the correspondence on stories here would burn your retinas out , in some cases, some of them were nearly stalker-like and some were blatant hatemail. I dont think I EVER got a single email on a story that was advice on how to do something better.

sweet dreams y'all

and Boo, :D

I WILL make my way up there someday, I still would like to have that picnic on the side of the mountain with you and Mary Jane ;)

Love you!!

normal jean said:

what a sexy name! Im wondering if you are a redhead? Or am I assuming incorrectly and that name is reflective if your personality?

whatever the reasoning, thanks for your .02 cents. It goes a lot further than one would think in some cases. :)

I appreciate constructive crit too. Of course I do. Its just frustrating sometimes, the way things work.

My turning off the PC feature and removing Marias work doesnt mean that anyone else has to do anything. I'm sorry if anyone thought I was trying to dictate everyone's behavior. It was a concern of mine. I realize Im not the best giver-of-feedback and I wont get into that again because it will end up being a self-deprecating rant and I'm not doing that to myself again.

Hubby is cooking dinner for me, I dont have a college diploma, , will I cry myself to sleep or leave summaries of peoples poetry?

No, i f I DO leave a comment, it will be of the type--

1---I liked this poem, and a brief WHY I liked it.

2- I didnt much like the poem, and a brief why I didnt like it, although those dislike comments are very rare for me. I feel that if I cant be nice, then why even leave a PC?


3- This poem could use some tweaking--if the poem has problems which I feel I am capable of addressing, I will offer my advice with a disclaimer that I am not the best one to give that advice, but this or that just didnt seem right to me. that is all I can do, but you will not find me leaving a summary. In my opinion, that is somehow cheating the writer, and the reader and the leaver-of-such comment.

I never thought it was a big deal, but I see that my tone implied that I was in dire distress over the whole deal. Im not, okay? just seems pointless to me. I'm glad theres only a few of them doing it, because if that was to be the state of FB here forever, well... :(

Usually if I leave a comment accompanying a vote of anything less than a 5 and gushing praise, I get lumped into a group of "angry poets", called a bitch, get hateful email, and on and on. Used to, if I gave a constructive comment to a newbie, I would get zapped with zeros, but after a few years here, I learned that posting a poem and getting FB is NOT all about the votes, but when I was a newbie, those low-bombs hurt my feelings because I didnt understand the rationale behind them and just as there are so many people here, ther e are just as many different reasons for low votes.

Now that I have been here so long, the 5 bombs tend to bother me more than the ones because when I get an artificially HUGH score, I wonder about the quality of my work.

The bottom line is, I am an insecure writer and always will be, regardless of what the vote is, or what the comment it. Sure, if someone just MUST leave a summation, they are welcome, it just wont be on one of my poems because I turned the PC off on most of them. And that is MY choice. and a summation, to me, doesnt indicate that my poem was read or understood, or enjoyed, it means that the person clicked, scanned, made a quickie post and carried on. To me, thats an insult, maybe not intended, but hey, IM sensitive... I certainly dont consider them an honor, and actually, that desont really indicate that my works have been read.

Before the PC feature was added, there was the virtual assurance that if I opened my email and saw

Literotica Feedback for Maria2394, it was usually a constructive comment or some one telling me they enjoyed my work. Rarely did someone take the time to post a hateful comment when it meant taking the time to actually send an email

except on my stories, the correspondence on stories here would burn your retinas out , in some cases, some of them were nearly stalker-like and some were blatant hatemail. I dont think I EVER got a single email on a story that was advice on how to do something better.

sweet dreams y'all

and Boo, :D

I WILL make my way up there someday, I still would like to have that picnic on the side of the mountain with you and Mary Jane ;)

Love you!!

Aw, thank you very much :rose:

Whether or not I'm a redhead is up for debate. Generally, no. But apparently my hair appears red in pictures with certain lighting, because people visiting my pic thread will compliment me on my red hair. It's a litte odd :confused:

Concerning stories - you're right, there is not a lot of feedback that truly tells me how to improve. The best feedback of this type I get is from my editor (who should be harsher with me :) ) and from the feedback thread in the AH.

And I didn't mean to imply that everyone shoudl leave their PCs turned on. If that's not your cup of tea for any reason, I will respect that. I was simply explaining why I won't ever complain about this type of comment. :rose:
fieryjen said:
I appreciate any kind of comment on my poems (and stories) save blatant insulting ones (and even then I usually look on the bright side and tell myself I must have hit some kind of nerve with what I wrote).

If that comment is nothing but a summary of what I wrote, okay. It's not my favorite kind of comment, but I'm glad at least the person took the time to read what I wrote, and maybe that's all they want to tell me by posting the comment. I read those, and I smile, because this is nicer than them having written no comment at all, and this way at least I know they read it, and they're more than just another count of the "views" number. It's not like I can only have a finite number of comments, they're not wasting space.

I do prefer constructive comments, of course, but I don't feel I have the right to demand them. Ask for them, sure. But it's like a person giving me free candy. I may not like the candy they give me, but it's a nice gesture and I'll smile and thank them, even though I may not end up eating it. I'm not going to give it back to them and say "Sorry, but I don't like this much, can you make some peanut butter cookies for me to eat instead?" Bit of a silly metaphor, maybe, but there you go.

I love constructive criticism. I haven't been writing poetry for very long, I'm still in the early learning stages, and this is one of the main factors that helps me improve, along with reading other people's poetry. I appreciate when someone points out what line, or word choice, or whatever else they liked the best, and I appreciate it even more when they point out where there's room for improvement. I've barely ever received a negative constructive comment (This poem is no good, and here's why...) and I do believe that they're quite rare. Not many people feel like making enemies with an author who may take this sort of comment very personal - and a constructive comment actually implies that the commentator gives a damn about the poem or the author. One would usually try not to be too negative if that's the case. It actually makes me quite sad because if you can take those types of comments, they will help you improve a lot.

Anyway, my $.02 :rose:

Your $.02 is worth more than some of the disingenuous posts in this thread, and a whole lot more then thousands of lame comments. You have a right to expect constructive criticism. Now since Lebroz is beating up the bone yards he should realize that there is a real sub class of people that do not know what the word "criticism" means.
I put to you that these comments that NJ complains about are done for these reasons:
Vote getting, the ole I get an H you get an H hoedown. That is played here so well, but not well enough that it couldn't be supplimented.
True ignorance, limited capacity and closed minds as to what poetry is or can be. The possibilty exists that maybe you maybe you are not meant to understand it in a rational, logical way and if you do maybe it is not poetry but directions.

Now Lebroz, are you going to stop playing Dr. Phil or oldies DJ and answer my question: what do you look for in a good comment and who do you think leaves them?

Quit playing politician and put your ass on the line, or is the fear of saying something wrong weighing you down?
:D :rose: :rose:
ooohhhh!! now HERES a comment--

left on this poem--

What's crazy, is
by normal jean ©

I know this sounds crazy but
sometimes I want to take a razor blade
and I won't tell you what I really want to do
except that it involves the shaving of heads
and the aerodynamics of a mohawk while fighting a freefall,
skin stretched plastic by the wind
it has to do with freedom and the shedding
of twenty-six years of pain
and I know this sounds crazy
but I want to run naked and screaming
into downtown traffic at rush hour,
red lights gridlock everyone stopped
lanes of people on cell phones staring
and sometimes I want to jump
off a thousand tiny tables in a day
just to say I did it , I did it
and what did it get me?

I'd still remember those twenty-six years-
twenty-six years I'd ( probably) do again.


OKay, did anyone who read think it was a poem about SANITY??

LMFAO, of course not!!

and anonymous left the following comment


think you need a shrink


what a dumbass

hell, at least it was an opinion, and a funny one at that. I guess the therm set at 25 was meant to be insulting, too bad, it just made me slightly pee myself

Last edited:
normal jean said:
ooohhhh!! now HERES a comment--

left on this poem--

What's crazy, is
by normal jean ©

I know this sounds crazy but
sometimes I want to take a razor blade
and I won't tell you what I really want to do
except that it involves the shaving of heads
and the aerodynamics of a mohawk while fighting a freefall,
skin stretched plastic by the wind
it has to do with freedom and the shedding
of twenty-six years of pain
and I know this sounds crazy
but I want to run naked and screaming
into downtown traffic at rush hour,
red lights gridlock everyone stopped
lanes of people on cell phones staring
and sometimes I want to jump
off a thousand tiny tables in a day
just to say I did it , I did it
and what did it get me?

I'd still remember those twenty-six years-
twenty-six years I'd ( probably) do again.


OKay, did anyone who read think it was a poem about SANITY??

LMFAO, of course not!!

and anonymous left the following comment


think you need a shrink


what a dumbass

hell, at least it was an opinion, and a funny one at that. I guess the therm set at 25 was meant to be insulting, too bad, it just made me slightly pee myself


See, Ms. Pissy Pants?? Thats why I love you- you're smart assy attitude!! :nana:

Playing my guitar and singing to NJ...

Wild thing!! You make my heart sing! You make evvvvvvv ry thing...

... grooovy!!!
BooMerengue said:
See, Ms. Pissy Pants?? Thats why I love you- you're smart assy attitude!! :nana:

Playing my guitar and singing to NJ...

Wild thing!! You make my heart sing! You make evvvvvvv ry thing...

... grooovy!!!

well, Lady Boo, good to see you TOO!!

And back in such a fashion, all feisty and full of life and laughter,.

DAmmit, Iam so glad youre back!!

and hey, I didnt really pee on myself, but it was close

normal jean said:
well, Lady Boo, good to see you TOO!!

And back in such a fashion, all feisty and full of life and laughter,.

DAmmit, Iam so glad youre back!!

and hey, I didnt really pee on myself, but it was close


*whispers back to you- Who did you pee on?

I'm not really back. I'm just back at my sisters packing what the weekend packers forgot! But it won't be long TweedleDee!

smooooches :rose:
BooMerengue said:
*whispers back to you- Who did you pee on?

I'm not really back. I'm just back at my sisters packing what the weekend packers forgot! But it won't be long TweedleDee!

smooooches :rose:

didnt pee on anyone, silly - butt, but if youre not careful.... :p

lemme know when youre really back, I will give you my phone # and we can giggle all l night when hubby's out of town working, okay?


normal jean said:
I dont have a college diploma,
If you did would you have spelled it don't? I hate to break it to you, do you know who went to both Harvard and Yale? :rolleyes:
Just kidding with you about the college thing, with enuff money and pull any idiot can get through it, some even come out dumber than they went in. It's just a business in most cases.
I don't think Bill Gates worries too much.

As for your comments, keep leaving them, to hell with the bitch sayers :rose: .
darling Snail,

you know Jeane cares very little about punctuation on her forum posts

she is shameless and lazy

MyNecroticSnail said:
Regarding comments,
Two emails received:
This message contains feedback for: MyNecroticSnail
This feedback was sent by: NAME REMOVED AND SLIGHTLY EDITTED


thanks for the real and genuine feedback, because I could not for the
life of me figure out why I was not happy with that poem.
Other problems harrassed me, not those cliches-
weird, the blind spots that suddenly develop!

I must have helped.

This message contains feedback for: MyNecroticSnail
This feedback was sent by: Anonymous


Normally, I would appreciate all constructive criticism. However,
nothing you said was constructive. Every comment I have seen from you on any
poem here has been negative. If you don't ever have anything nice to
say, why do you bother?
If you ask me, you should take a look at yourself
and figure out where this God complex came from!

fails to identify what comment, check operative word negative. What is funny, is I don't remember leaving any comments in that time period.
I suggest you have either been fooled won't be the first time, or you are confusing me with a lesser talent who does have a God complex.

another email
name removed and specifics as to what the poem was.

Thanks for the criticism, never worry about me taking it wrong, or ripping me a new asshole when I write shitty poetry if you so desire, it happens. Often.

We all do. Often. Constructive criticism. Operative word, constructive. Constructive implies you do something with it, give it some thought, as to how to improve.
This stands in contrast to the Anonymous negative sayer. Of course it cannot be constructive unless you give it some thought, and do something with it. Give it some thought.

All I ask is give it some thought, and I don't mind getting my asshole ripped when I write shitty poetry either.
To the person who sent this particular email Thank you.
I for one will stand up here and say, YES< snail HAS offered me constructive FB on more than one occasion

I just dont understand why some people, and we all know who they are, lol, most of the time it is an army of ONE....

well, it seems to me, that army of one has decided that if and when we ALL dont give newbies a gushing 5, we are trolls.

sorry soldier, then I guess I am a troll too because I often tell people what is "wrong" in my opinion, I try to help and I do not always give 5's.

Maria just went through some tripe with a newbie on this issue and she still finds its tragic and more than a little funny that they all feel entitled to those little red h's that mean so little in the grand scheme of things.

She was accused of being jealous, illiterate, and being a half-assed poet ( okay, that might be true) but hell, everyone here knows that maria has had and deleted her share of H's and E's, right? so would maria be jealous? nah, she doesnt waste her time and energy on crap emotions like that

I personally would rather people see the inside of my work than just the outside, with or without the makeup Lit might assign to them

Anyway snail,

maybe you do enjoy the mess too much sometimes but thats your decision, the other guy is ( usually) and this time( definitely) the instigator and i ts starting to look like a kindergarten mudpie fight


MyNecroticSnail said:
If you did would you have spelled it don't? I hate to break it to you, do you know who went to both Harvard and Yale? :rolleyes:
Just kidding with you about the college thing, with enuff money and pull any idiot can get through it, some even come out dumber than they went in. It's just a business in most cases.
I don't think Bill Gates worries too much.

As for your comments, keep leaving them, to hell with the bitch sayers :rose: .

ps, snail,

NJ didnt mean she was stupid or anything and she hopes you dont judge her intelligence by the lack of an apostrophe, lol. she is lazy, remember?

the no diploma comment just meant that she gets less respect because she doesnt HAVE that piece of paper, and just cause Bushwhacker DOEs sure as hell doesnt make him smart-er

and yeah, if I did have a diploma, sorry, I would still blow off punctuation in forum posts.

love ya

ghost_girl said:
Maria just went through some tripe with a newbie on this issue and she still finds its tragic and more than a little funny that they all feel entitled to those little red h's that mean so little in the grand scheme of things.

She was accused of being jealous, illiterate, and being a half-assed poet ( okay, that might be true) but hell, everyone here knows that maria has had and deleted her share of H's and E's, right? so would maria be jealous? nah, she doesnt waste her time and energy on crap emotions like that

Anyway snail,

maybe you do enjoy the mess too much sometimes but thats your decision, the other guy is ( usually) and this time( definitely) the instigator and i ts starting to look like a kindergarten mudpie fight


I've only been accused of being jealous, as far as being half-assed, I wear a prosthetic. Fools most. :nana:
I admit I have an artificial cheek, so I'm not about to turn it. :)
MyNecroticSnail said:
I wonder what is constructive criticism, your thoughts, LeBroz? Anyone you look forward to?

How about an answer? :rose: I've been waiting. Do I have to keep coming back?
While you're at it, what do you think of the the two emails I received? How about Tzara's post?

I've come to believe that commenting on poetry is actually harder in some ways than writing it
MyNecroticSnail said:
How about an answer? :rose: I've been waiting. Do I have to keep coming back?
While you're at it, what do you think of the the two emails I received? How about Tzara's post?

I've come to believe that commenting on poetry is actually harder in some ways than writing it
LeBroz said:

I always have viewed movie critics as sad creatures who often must doze through a movie or are so busy eating their popcorn that they miss entire scenes. I'd read their reviews and wonder which movie they had watched because their review certainly often bore no relationship to the movie I'd see.

Now I'm seeing the same with the dynamic duo of duddle & amy, rushing to rack up comments as fast as possible. And in their haste to get these comments out I've noticed many comments that made no sense next to the poem to which the comment was attached.

Now I see the same thing on my little light poem, A Man and A Woman - I. I just read their incredible comments and I swear, either they didn't read it all the way through to completion or they are in such a rush that they have no idea what they just read.

It's obvious {at least to me} that they were standing at the end of the runway when the irony took off.

LeBroz said:

Well Eve, you'd best get crackin' cause duddle146 is shooting up the list with upwards of 20 comments/day.

Wonder how quick I can overtake {again} don87654, and retake the top spot? There are, after all, a few thousand poems in backlog I've never read...


I thought it was some kind of competition. Now what are you doing? Pursuing the same strategy that the tail pursed, trying to devalue, denigrate without having the capability to answer a direct question? You had said you would get back to me in two days, did you forget? A cloud of retrivals in a the pretense of being a nice guy.

GOD BLESS SENNA JAWA. save us from the nice guys
both of these I'm sure are nice guys, but both are ruthless and driven in the pursuit of what is good in poetry.

Shit, I could fill this up with GOD BLESSES -You know who you are, and I think Lebroz wants to join you. Let's not have any more free passes in NPR or in your AR because someone used a spell checker, and let's see a goddamn reason why you think it is good, so what if you're wrong. Do you think SJ and TRM agree on everything, no, but they can defend what they say. The possibility exists that they both could be wrong, and you may be right. They have to ability to modify their position. That is growth. You're beginning to show it, now get your nose bloodied not browned.

Now Lebroz, direct question, in your romping around the boneyard, whose comments do you look forward to seeing? Why? I want a list of five, so I know you're working, and not just jerking off. WHO is your compitition in quality NOT quantity. Just give me an answer so I can leave on a postive note.
LeBroz said:
You make some excellent points.

I came across an old feedback thread that someone {de sade?} started back in '03 and got upset when he really got feedback. It's no different with the PC's ~ some folk just want their precarious egos stroked.

As I mention in my post above, when I sent positive constructive criticism on that poem (curiosity!), the poet deleted it. I had pointed out the problems with the random capitalizations, a word she corrected but still misspelled (splender should be splendor). She then went and added a qualifying note on her bio page: "Just a note I love feedback about my poems, I appreciate your opinions, however, I am not great at grammar, punctuation,also I use capital letters in the wrong places, I also make spelling errors I KNOW I AM HUMAN AND NOT LOOKING FOR PERFECTION if you leave a comment please just ignore my human errors and tell me what you thought of the piece."

This poet put in writing what some poets do in practice. They ignore constructive criticism and refuse to correct fundamental errors ~ minor details like grammer and spelling. I view that as an insult to my intelligence (hell, to anyone's intelligence!) and normally won't read their future submissions.

And for FifthFlower, my usual reaction upon seeing a poem with comments/voting disabled is to bypass the piece (I may scan it quickly, but that would be rare). Why? Well, I feel that if the poet is not interested in what I have to say, why should I be interested in what they have to say? And I don't view a comment sent via email as the same thing. Just a quirky thing I've developed in this Internet age.


As I see the same type of crap comment in the Archival Revue, except when pushed, Angeline steps in and does a fine job.

How about it Leon....
I'll try to publicly respond to your post later today after I do my reviews, if I'm up to it. If not, on Thursday then.

Thursday, long, long gone, along with my patience.

Do you see a fundamental error in your Archival Review. Is it logical, Leon, for any of us to accept your choices, with no elaboration on the why this or that particular poem is supposed to be good.

or are you running from/for something?

Do the work.
MyNecroticSnail said:
As I see the same type of crap comment in the Archival Revue, except when pushed, Angeline steps in and does a fine job.

How about it Leon....
LeBroz said:
I'll try to publicly respond to your post later today after I do my reviews, if I'm up to it. If not, on Thursday then.
Thursday, long, long gone, along with my patience.

Do you see a fundamental error in your Archival Review. Is it logical, Leon, for any of us to accept your choices, with no elaboration on the why this or that particular poem is supposed to be good.

or are you running from/for something?

Do the work.

note: the reformatting in this quote is mine, Carrie Champagne's.
I don't understand why you continue to gnaw on this bone, m'sieu L'escargot. Of what skin off your nose is the quantity or quality of someone else's comments?

The poems in the archival thread have been posted on Lit for over a year in most cases and have dropped off almost everyone's radar. When LeBroz shares one in his review thread, it's a pleasure to know that these mouldy wonders are actually being read. That someone, somewhere may just get a taste of a poem I (or any other poet) wrote for the pure pleasure of writing is great, in my view.

If you'd like to include a poem in the AR thread, what's to stop you from doing so? Nothing is prohibiting you from reading the thousands of poems on this site and showing the members of the forum, poetry you find personally worth reading and/or commenting on. Don't ask for work from someone if you're not willing to share the task they're trying to complete.

I won't say anything more about this because I know you're going to tell me I should get off my arse and review some poems, too. I know this, but I tend not to vote on poetry, no matter who writes it, unless I'm going to leave a comment. I only leave a comment when I have something to say. The comment thermometer will always be set at my own personal default of 100 and won't indicate the actual rating I gave to the poem in the private vote.

So, have a glory day, sir. Life is too short to have your stomach acid always in your throat.
TheRainMan said:
hey, that's a good line! :)

I can wax philosophical at times. :) 2 open-heart surgeries in less than a decade will do that to a person. Since my esophagus has been stretched during the surgeries, the sphincter at my stomach doesn't always stay closed, tightly. Stomach acid burns.
champagne1982 said:
I can wax philosophical at times. :) 2 open-heart surgeries in less than a decade will do that to a person. Since my esophagus has been stretched during the surgeries, the sphincter at my stomach doesn't always stay closed, tightly. Stomach acid burns.

the line probably struck me because of that plate of enchiladas i had last evening . . . it made for an interesting night's sleep. :cool:

glad you're feeling better. :)