A poetic journey :)

Now, are you questioning the character''s character's here?
Of course they were sleeping.
It was night, was it not???
They were in a bed.

What else
could one do??

It's lucky that I'm not morally inclined?
Or deprived?



Times can be hard, Linea's time here surely had been. Among us we find them, those unsung heroes. Those who just keep on, always there with that helping hand, not caring for their own hardships. They are to me like candles in the night, each of them a clear light of their own. Linea was one such person, as was Dawn and Hope, Carl and Derek knew it of course, not that they ever thought about it, but the knowledge was there inside them.

When Carl woke up the next morning he found himself alone. After getting himself dressed he went down to the kitchen to get his cup of coffee. Nobody was there so he went out on the porch to drink it. The morning was fresh and a little cool, one could feel the ozone from the storm lingering but soon the sun would lift it away. When he looked out the green hillside he noticed something strange. The neighboring houses were all gone.

'Now, what the... ' Carl said surprised. He knew he had a pair of binoculars in his car so he went down to get them. Coming down he found that his car was gone, in its stead there was a covered rig, looking somewhat like an old-fashioned Conestoga. He looked inside and to his surprise all their stuff was in there. But in the little leather bag where his Japanese Binoculars should have been there was only an old fashioned field glass.

It was beautifully made out in copper, with lots of obvious marksmanship invested in it. He found it a marvelously intricate instrument to behold, although it wasn't his he decided to take it with him up to the house anyway. Once back up, he started to call for the others to come and see, but there was no one answering. Now he started getting worried for real, he ran down to the barn to see if they were there. Four horses were gone and there was a note hanging on the door. 'Told you to keep your head. We're just having a morning ride. Enjoy your coffee. Derek.'

He felt himself relax a little, whatever strangeness there was here, he was sure he could handle it as long as he had his friends around him. When he had drunk his coffee he at last saw them coming. They rode up to the house in a tight line, following a path through the woods that he could swore had been a paved road yesterday. Linea shone as a little mini-sun as they came up to him, 'Carl, I love it. Can you smell the air, don't you like it?' Carl gave her a strong hug. 'well, now when you are back I may like it a little more Linea.'

Dawn looked at Carl, all of a sudden feeling guilty, she came over to him and gave him a long kiss. 'Look lover, ' she whispered, suddenly making Carl into a very happy man. 'We couldn't resist taking a quick look. Linea wanted it so much, and we all thought we would be back long before you would wake. I'm Sorry love.' Carl didn't care to be angry any more, hearing Dawn naming him love made all his pondering insipid.

'I don't mind Dawn. As long as you come back. And that goes for you all.' He said, trying his best to sound severe. His goofy smile revealed his true intent though. Derek smiled as he saw it. Oh yes, that boy is a true goner. Dawn have him twisted around her little finger, same as Linea. Thank God I'm not like that he thought. Hope turned to him smiling. 'You're sure?' she asked.

Derek started to chuckle. 'Don't you know that it's impolite to listen to others thoughts Girl?' 'Ahh, but you're mine Derek, did you not know?' Derek who now was laughing so hard that he had to dismount for fear of falling gave in to her. 'Yes Hope, I'm yours, now and forever. You can listen in any time you like love.' 'Good. Then there might still be hope for you.' Hope said in her most imperial manner as they lead the horses back to the corral.

When they had saddled down their horses and rubbed them dry they all went back to the house to have some breakfast. Carl who by now somehow had accepted that it all had changed, even though he wasn't sure that he still might be laying in that bed hallucinating, enjoyed cuddling with Dawn sharing their food with each other.

Linea studied them, Gross she thought! But it was fun to see, almost like they were drooling on each other. Hope suddenly crumbled what was left of her sandwich and threw it on the others. 'Food fight! She shouted. Come on... ' It was lots of fun for them all but for Dawn, who was the one usually fixing in there, and the kitchen sure looked like hell afterwards.

'You know Hope.' Said Derek thoughtfully. 'Do you think we should get some dogs?' Dawn smirked slightly as she heard his teasing. 'Oh no.' She said smiling. 'Why, Hope is only too happy to clean up after you. Aren't you dear?' Hope who now seemed somewhat subdued looked at Dawn. 'You don't mean that really. Do you?' Dawn smiled sweetly back at her. 'Watch me.' She said, as she left the kitchen.

Linea who had thrown her share now stepped in. 'We'll help you.' she said 'Don't you worry, when Dawn comes back it will be spotless, you'll see.' True to her words it was a spotless kitchen meeting Dawn as she came back to start preparing dinner. She came in, daintily drawing her finger at a corner and after inspecting it looking at Hope.

'Well.' She said, 'It will have to do for this time, but' and there she held up the same but now warning finger. 'Next time I might not be so lenient.' Hope made a deep curtsy. 'Oh thank you, thank you so much mistress.' Then the girls started to laugh again. Yep, thought Carl. A hallucination maybe but if so the best in my life, and hey, I don't mind.

He asked Dawn if she needed some help but she just hushed him up. 'Go you out and help Derek instead.' She said. 'Let me do me dinner in peace and quiet for once.' He noticed that her word rhythms seemed more marked now when they were here, wherever that might be? 'Ok love.' He said, testing the waters, if you know what I mean. He went over to her and kissed her carefully on her right ear. 'See'ya.' He called cheerfully as he went out in search for Derek.

.-------------------Yeah---------------------Whatever :)))---------Not so much to build on I'm afraid-------
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more random thoughts...


on foundations that shift -
a mirage


curtsies to mistress -
no apron?


outside -
for a modern man


growth, in stepping

From questioning my characters to teasing them.

Now really Wild ( I agree there ) Sweet (hmmm quite possibly so, even if only when the mood strikes her -:) ) One ( yeah, I can do that too, count all the way actually. look here, one, two, three, ahh, many?? )

anyway. I like it :)))
Yeah, Im proud over my teasing too.

Ps: I guess you just never stopped being wild girl.


He found him outside marking up where he wanted the cabins to be by sticking in pins in the ground marking their locations. 'Do you need any help?' asked Carl as he watched. Derek looked at him, 'Could you get those 3D drawings you printed out?' 'Sure thing.' Carl found them up at his room, but now they looked as drawings instead, most meticulously done but drawings all the same, he shook his head but he started to get used to it now.

Everything seemed to change shape when it moved to here he thought, Derek thanked him and carefully laid out them on the grass. He then looked at Carl saying. 'This will be your first lesson Carl. Come and join hands.' Carl backed up a little, holding hands? 'Come now Carl, this will teach you much, we don't have the whole day on us you know.' Said Derek. now starting to sound impatient. Carl went over and they joined hands standing over the drawings. 'Now Carl, do you see your drawings?

Now imagine them standing exactly where I marked it up with the pins. We will take one cabin at a time starting with the one over there.' he pointed. 'To here.' You can close your eyes if you like, but try to see the cabin as exactly as you can in your mind.' Carl studied Derek skeptically. Did he really believe this to work? On the other hand, it seemed to be working in so many other ways so? Why not, I'll play it out, we'll see.

He concentrated on that first cabin trying hard to see it in its proper place. He heard Derek say. 'Relax, just let it come to you. It's like an invisible stream Carl and if you just relax you will invite it.' So Carl tried his best to imagine himself floating on that invisible stream at the same time as he kept holding the image of his cabin firmly in his mind.

While waiting, slowly losing all feeling in his hands, he saw something, dimly as through a fog. There it was, his cabin, even better than he had imagined it. He felt satisfied seeing it and he hoped that the others would like it too. Far away he heard a voice 'Carl, come back.' But it was to fun to finally see his work, he decided to see the others too as he already was there.

One after one they raised themselves in front of him, when they all were standing there finished he started to look around for his friends but to his surprise there was none to be found. Now the fog seemed thicker too, far away he heard a voice, It felt like his Dawn calling him. He started to walk towards the sound, it was difficult though, the fog seemed to cling to him, making it real hard to move, in the end he had to force himself to wade through it.

At last he saw a opening slowly broadening in front of him, all of a sudden he fell out of it. As he came to he found his head to be resting in Dawn's lap, 'Hi, Dawn.' He said 'I came as fast as I could love.' Dawn smiled down at him. 'Hush baby, just rest.' Then she looked at Derek now with hostility written all over her lovely face.

'How could you. He could have been lost in there!' Derek looked back slightly embarrassed. 'How would I know that he was so attuned to the flow. I thought it would give him a good introduction to what world lines are. And Dawn, it was you who told him to go to me, remember?' Dawn seemed almost to be in tears now and Linea who had been sitting beside her reached out to her.

'It's fine now Dawn, it's fine, he's back isn't he. And he will be so proud when he see the cabins.' Dawn smiled tearfully at Linea. 'You're right sweetie.' Then she said filled with remorse 'I'm sorry Derek, but you've got me so scared.' Derek smiled reassuringly at her. 'I know Dawn, so was I. Now that we know his full strength we will take it more careful, I promise.'

Hope who had stood silent listening now broke it up. 'I think it's time for some cinnamon buns, and coffee perhaps?' Dawn leaned down to kiss Carl. 'Honey, do you want some coffee.' Carl felt tired, it was as if he had worked very hard, harder than he ever had done before, all the same he didn't want to disappoint Dawn. 'Yeah.' he said lifting his head from her lap 'Coffee sounds good.' As he slowly got up, helped by the girls, he saw the table, all laid out for him.

He felt sort of dreamy like he had wool inside him instead of a brain. Still, it was very nice sitting there with his friends, he thought as he enjoyed his coffee. After they were finished they took him out to show him. He looked at the cabins very surprised. 'Wow, exactly as I thought them.' He said. He looked at Derek. 'When did you do this? It must have taken you weeks to build all those, how long was I sick?' Because as far as Carl could see, this was the only plausible explanation, other than that he was mad of course.

Linea took his hand looking very proud. 'It was you Carl.' Carl tried to remember. When had he done this? He sat down on the grass now feeling terribly confused. He remembered waking up, the rig and the horses, also when Dawn had told him to find Derek, but this? No way he remembered building anything like that. He stood up again to get a better look of what he was supposed to have built. Good sturdy work it was, round windows and doors, even grass growing on the roof.

It was thick grass too, like it had been growing for quite a while, and there were no squares cut, the grass was all in one piece. He turned to them shaking his head. 'I don't remember ever doing something like this?' he said. 'And looking at the grass this cabin must have been standing here for quite a while?' He went to Dawn to hold her, he looked down at her, smelling her body's fresh scent's like a blend of warm honey and eucalyptus. 'Girl, tell me. When did I do this?'

Dawn contemplated his request for a little while, then she got a mischievous smile upon her pert face. 'I'll do you one better, love.' She smiled. 'Watch.' She backed up against him and turned so that they both stood facing the same direction. It was like looking into a somewhat fuzzy room containing the exact same landscape as where they now stood watching. He could see it all, beginning as he and Derek joined hands, how the first cabin started to grow in an almost organic way.

He saw Derek trying to steer him back, how he failing that called on Dawn and Hope. Linea who also stood watching the drama was awed by Dawn's underhanded show of power. This place and those people were so much more real than anything she ever had seen in her whole life. 'Please, please, don't let me wake, ever.' She mumbled to herself as the 'soap opera' continued to unfold before her. It ended with him waking up in Dawns lap and with that the 'movie' disappeared.

He had kept on holding her even tighter while watching, inhaling her, feeling her breasts rhythmically move up and down, caressing his arms. Somehow the combination just made his brain close down, all he could think of was how he needed to get this little green eyed temptresses to himself. He could almost hear himself growl as he stood there, his nose deeply buried in her flaming red hair. It was a retarded thing to do, it was awkward, immature, imbecile and also exhilarating in the extreme.

Dawn who could feel his excitement growing down there smiled feeling secretly flattered, but then she reminded herself most severely that there was a place and a time for everything. She moved carefully away from him, and then turned to face him again. 'So? Do you remember now Carl?' she asked. 'Yeah I do.' Said Carl surprised as he found out that he had a crystal sharp recollection of it all now. Somehow the 'movie' had released those memories of his that his brain had suppressed.

It seemed that he still had a lot of 'getting used' to do before he could relax, he thought to himself. He had in fact censored himself from knowing the truth. 'But how? Where did I learn to that?' Derek answered. 'Some have it in their blood Carl. With you it seems to be that way. We knew you were a natural, but we didn't know to what extent you were.'

'Does that mean that I too can do it?' asked Linea. Now it was Hope answering. 'Yes Linea, you're a natural too, but how your gift will show itself we don't know yet.' 'Cool!' said Linea smiling at them. 'Way cool.' Then she turned to Carl. 'And you! Yes you, you better behave now. Know that I have mighty powers!' As she peered up at him majestically. 'Yes Ma'am, will do Ma'am.' Carl answered in a most humble voice as he smiled down at her.
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some thoughts...


a new world, found
beyond the mist


beyond the four walled facade
a different stream flows
off the land; a tilt
sends it scuttling
to the sea. a mist
creates a village, a thought
gathers people close -
a desire brings out
a new world.


a green roof
preserves land value


cabin roof
from the ground
life risen

So much better than my writing alone.
It lifts it to a level where I almost can be satisfied.


Dawn who now decided that it was the right time even if not the right place took Carl's hand and led him back to their room. Once there she stood herself in front of him waiting. Carl who happily had expected them to immediately hit the bed looked at her in confusion, 'You may undress me.' she informed him in a most regal tone. Carl couldn't help but loving that sultry carnal sound of her voice, she was so hot, and so cool he thought, all at the same time. He silently came forward and hesitantly touched the uppermost button of her silk blouse. Her hand stopped his. 'With your mouth laddie, your mouth.' She said.

It made it both more intimate and more difficult for Carl. After having done a few buttons he found it easier though, as he finished her hand gently guided him back to her chest. He smelled her fragrance and felt her nipples that by now had perked up tasting as soft and sweet as raspberries under his lips. She massaged his neck as he gave her breasts the adoration they deserved but after a while he felt her hands pressing him down. 'Kneel down laddie.' She said.

Carl, who now thought he understood, went quickly down on his knees to try to open her tight clinging jeans with his mouth. He directly hit upon his first obstacle, her belt. It wasn't a buckle holding it, it was a knot and a intricate one too. He tried to sneak up his hands but she intercepted them, holding them in a tight grip as she looked down at him kneeling in front of her. With a devilish glint to her she said. 'Now laddie, don't go all obstinate on me now, use that sweet mouth of yours.' He tried to release his hands from her grip but somehow his strength was lacking, he had no choice but to keep using his mouth.

He succeeded in freeing her belt at last, now he was only a few buttons away from paradise. But now she started to slowly swing her hips around pressing herself against his face. It made it very difficult indeed to get lose those damned buttons. Also it made him slobber all over her front the longer he had to fight with her trousers. She was now totally wet and he could taste as well as smell her arousal against his mouth as she pressed his head even further down. Suddenly she seemed to shake a little and she gasped, then she stopped moving and allowed him to remove those few obstacles hindering his road to heaven.

After he had undressed her she did the same to him, humming softly as she played him as a fine instrument with her mouth. She was driving him crazy and she well knew it, they ended up in the bed, both totally worn out. 'Carl.' she said after having rested for a while 'Carl. Love, let's do it again, laddie?' she shook him but the only sound answering her was Carl's snores as he slept on.

She sighed despondently but then moved his head to her bosom and tried to relax listening to his breathing. She was old, older than most. It was a long time since she had took a lover. It was like going through hell each time she saw her lovers get old and die for her. She had promised herself not to go through that pain again. But here she was, in love again. She was the heiress to the world Carl now resided in but she had long ago abdicated it, she was still its foremost protector though.

In a way one could say she was a collector. She had found and trained both Hope and Derek and now they had found Carl and Linea, she felt both grateful and depressed when she thought about it. To once more feel love, but also to once more have to meet times betrayal. Still, her mother would have said that this was only her destiny, her khral to move this way through time.

So let it be, she thought as she felt his love for her cover her, like a velvet enfolding and caressing her with every breath she took. She moved a strand of her red hair tickling his nose with it, making him twitch in his sleep. Ah well, she thought as she slowly faded away into her dreams, love? It's definitely better than a sleeping potion.

Now? What about Linea then? Well she definitely didn't want to sleep alone anymore. She knew it wasn't going to be easy for Carl to accept her sleeping with them, but with Dawn's help she thought they would make do. She went up just to find them snoring entwined in the bed, she undressed and crept up as close as she could to Carl who now once more got sandwiched. She felt very secure, and quite protected sleeping with them.

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A journey into hell :)

Some know instinctively how to treat their partners, most though learn as they play, Linea was no exception. She wanted to be together with both Carl and Dawn, but she also needed some control of it. You might be tempted to call her a dominant but that would only be a small part of it.

We all play roles with each other. When we work, or go to the gym, or just meet up with that presumptive partner, we do it, not bothering to label it. The truth is that most of us are a little of both, in fact that's normal, the one's that we find being to the outside of this norm is our true submissive's and dominant's.

So Linea was a little of both, but in Carl's case she found it easiest to adopt to the dominant part. And Carl didn't mind, as he already was of two minds. The one sitting between his shoulders said one thing but the head sitting between ... Well, you get my drift. As it was he found it easiest to just allow things to evolve on its own.

And Dawn you may wonder? Well, if you were her age, knowing what she knew I would probably expect you to come out as a rather strong-willed person too. And true dominance is more a matter of being right, not to make people do your will, but to actually try to find and create what's best in all situations. And that was Dawn in a nutshell. Linea was like a younger sister and together they were like a black powder keg of sweet emotions, ticking away with Carl as their new fuse.

After Linea had examined Carl's back to her satisfaction she allowed him to go up and get dressed. When Carl came down to the kitchen he felt extremely relieved to see Dawn again. 'Dawn.' He said. 'Ahh, I think we have a problem. Linea is so strange today, I just don't get it?' Dawn smiled watching as Linea came in stopping unheard just behind Carl. 'Oh?' Dawn said. 'What do you mean by strange?' 'Well.' Said Carl. 'She seem somehow to believe that she is in charge of me.'

Linea smiled wickedly at Dawn and then in a perfect commanding voice, same as once built that great empire, she asked him 'Carl! Is this how you behave when I turn my back.' Carl almost got himself a heart attack, unprepared as he was for this verbal attack. He felt himself shrinking mentally to a ten-year olds level as he leaped away from the danger 'Linea, don't sound like that. Honey.'

Now it was Dawns turn to play him 'Since when, did she become your honey Carl? Is there anything you want to tell me?' And now Linea again 'Sit down Carl and for Gods sake, keep quiet. Can't you see what mess you've created here?' They then proceeded with discussing him as if he wasn't there at all.

It ended with them both concurring that it probably would serve all best if they helped Carl to behave. Linea turned to him with a most severe expression on her face. 'Carl, you need to learn how to listen, is that clear.' Carl who slowly decided that it all was just an ongoing hallucination wisely played possum and nodded. 'Not good enough.' Said Dawn. 'We expect you to say, yes Ma'am.' They looked at him, boring their eyes into him. 'Yes, Ma'am, may I go up to my room now? Ma'am.' Carl heard his voice say. He shook his head feeling shell shocked as he went up. There was something truly strange going on here he thought.

With Carl gone the two vixen's broke down in laughter. ''Awh, I almost feel sorry for him.' Said Linea. 'Don't.' Said Dawn. 'Not if you want to share us. This is the only way he will accept it. Let it be for now, you can check up on him later.' Carl who by now was sitting on his bed, feeling somewhat like a newly drowned kitten, wondering confusedly what bus had hit him. Both his girls turning against him? What had he ever done to be treated like this? As he sat there he could feel his resentment slowly building, if that was what they wanted? Well, then that was what they were gonna get.

He decided to give them back an even measurement of pain. When Linea came in a little later to ask him to come down and socialize, she found him on his back staring up on the roof, totally ignoring her. She tried her commanding tone, and then her sweet, and in the end even the whining but nothing seemed to help, he just acted as if she didn't exist. Trying for a long time she at last sat herself down beside him.

'Oh come on Carl.' she said wearily. 'We were just having a little fun, we love you. Please, talk with me.' she started to worry if they had overreached themselves playing with his mind. She bent over to look him in his eyes, with her face only inches from him he could see her now so nervous gray eyes searching his for forgiveness. 'Please, pretty please Carl.' then she leaned even closer, her eyes starting to tear up.

He abruptly griped her waist and pulled her roughly down on him. 'Ïs it fun feeling like this?' He growled. She shook her head tearfully. 'Then don't do that to me.' he said. She was so relieved that he was talking again that she didn't even care that he had tricked her. And as she was lying there upon him she noticed that his allergy to her seemed to be gone too. 'Can I be with you two tonight, please.' She asked. He thought it over and to his surprise he found that he didn't really care any more. He wasn't going to have her any way, the only problem was if and when he woke up on the wrong side.

'Was it that what this was about?' he asked. 'Look, you don't need my permission to use our bed, if Dawn is alright with it then so am I' 'But you wasn't this morning.' Linea said. Thinking back he had to admit to himself that he had been feeling awkward earlier. 'you might be right.' He admitted. 'But I don't care anymore, as long as you can stand me of course.' Strange how right Dawn had been Linea thought. Somehow their treatment had beaten down his defenses and allowed him to enjoy them both. On the other hand her first idea of 'training' him seemed more complicated than she first had thought.

But it was still interesting to see how he answered to the right tone of voice she thought, well mostly at least. 'Now boy, get your lazy ass up and follow me down.' Said Linea, testing her new no nonsense voice. Carl raised himself immediately still holding her in his arms and then looking down at her, as if to assure himself of going in the right direction, he carried her down the stairs into the kitchen where he carefully put her down beside Dawn. 'Yes Ma'am.' He said as he gave her a peck on her forehead. He then took hold of Dawn and just stood there for a while, ending it with a small kiss on her nose. 'My own two favorite manipulators.' He said mildly smiling at them both.

After they had eaten a late breakfast Carl asked Dawn to tell him something about this strange place where they so suddenly had found themselves in. Dawn leaned closer to him with Linea sitting on the other side resting on his other arm and started to tell. It was a long and involved story, there seemed to be strange alliances in this place, twisting and binding humans with nature. It seemed that nature itself could be sentient here, creating minds of its own. One had to thread carefully indeed when walking this green earth Carl thought while listening to Dawn. As one of the caretakers of this earth Dawn's primary responsibility was to secure the world lines and try to direct the influx of people and ideas.

Although they bartered using the same concept of money as Earth, the extreme greed and shortsightedness controlling Carl's world yet had to get a grip of those living here. 'But it's a never ending task to hold sway of it.' Dawn said. 'That's one reason why we take it so slow with your concepts of mass production.' And there were dark forces on this world too. Forces that one needed to watch closely that they might not surprise and, in the end, overturn both her's and Carl's world.

It seemed a remarkable though very complicated world to Carl. 'It makes me wonder if I ever will be able to handle it on my own? ' He said. 'How will I ever learn all your customs?' Dawn mulled it over, then she smiled. 'Oh, we have a solution for that.' She said. 'We will go to Briars cove tomorrow, there they have potions that will help you both to assimilate knowledge.' Linea looked excited hearing this. 'What is Briars cove ' she asked. 'It's a meeting place and it also holds the legislature of this area.' Dawn looked thoughtful for a moment. 'Next week there will be a fair hold there. It would be good if we started our journey somewhat before it.'

Carl who now had begun to get cold feet, thinking that taking his two girls to a foreign place, not knowing customs or anything, just maybe wasn't the smartest of moves, got voted down by the girls. 'Don't worry' said Dawn. 'They know me, and love me too.' She laughed. 'After all Carl, this is my world.' and Linea who at this time had became so excited that she couldn't sit still anymore said in her most regal voice. 'Don't you worry boy, I will protect you.' Carl who didn't know if he should cry or laugh at her empty dallying decided to keep his cool, and instead discuss it with Derek and Hope. They at least were 'down to earth' people he thought, not like those two firebrands of his.

Dawn felt her heart melt at his concern, he truly cared for them and took his guardianship seriously. She stroked his arm as if it was a kitten, leaning at him whispering what they would do tonight. Carl forgot to worry, as he listened to those delicious promises Dawn was making. 'Eh, You know what Dawn. I'm starting to feel a little tired.' He said in a hopeful voice. 'Yep, in fact I need some rest girls, feel free to accompany me.' And now he looked at Dawn most meaningfully. 'Go you, ' said she. 'We will join you later.' We? Thought Carl. 'No I was only thinking of, you know Dawn.' She smiled. 'And who said I wasn't?' she asked. Sh- Nothing works today thought Carl frustrated. 'Ah well. Then I'll just go out to talk with Derek, that is, if you ladies don't mind?' he said somewhat peeved. Dawn who could guess what he wanted to discuss nodded. 'We'll see you later then.' Smiling at him as he walked out.

He meet both Derek and Hope down at the barn where they were taking in the horses for the night. He told them about what they had discussed at the table and Hope became very exited. 'Oh' she said. 'You're going to the fair. They are so fun. They have magic competitions and music and dances, oh Derek, do you think we could get someone to take care of the farm for a while?' Derek smiled. 'Maybe.' he said 'I have some friends that owe me.'

Carl felt more relaxed now, if Derek and Hope would go then there would be cooler heads prevailing, and he would not have to worry so much about his two sweet firebrands going berserk on him. While they walked back the horses Derek looked him over once more, yep he thought. Hope sure did know what she did when she invited them. One could feel the power flowing from Carl, it was a almost tangible thing for those with the right eyes to see. And even without that it was worth it he thought. Carl and Linea had made Dawn happier than he had seen her in a very long time.

When they came up to the house the table was already set. There was an old cracked jar filled with spring flowers set in the middle of the old oak table, Linea had collected them from the little garden at the back of the house. This time Dawn had made a vegetarian stew with some strong nice tasting herbs and fried mushrooms in it, and to that they had a really good red wine. Linea preferred hers watered, but Carl, who now for long had felt the immediate need for something strong, took his straight.

The dark raisin bread was perfect to it, and they all enjoyed it immensely. Hope saw how Carl sneaked looks at Dawn when he thought none would notice. Oh yes. She most definitely had him wrapped around her little finger she thought mischievously, and the same seemed to be true for Linea. She noticed Lineas new attitude towards Carl, there was something to that look that almost smelled of, ownership? Nah, that must be wrong she thought to her self.

When they had finished their dinner they decided to spend the rest of the evening playing cards. They had a good time doing it, Linea tried, without success though, to cheat at it and Carl of all men came out as a winner. For once something works he thought gratified. Linea who now had started to look more and more impatient turned to Dawn yawning hugely. 'I'm soo tired Dawn, how about you?' Dawn smiled at Linea well knowing that she wanted to see what she could make of her new plaything. 'Maybe.' she said turning to Carl. 'How about you love? Tired?'

Carl who now once more started wondering how many girlfriends he had answered carefully 'Why don't you two get ready, I'll join you later.' Dawn smiled at him, understanding his sense of foreboding. 'Excellent idea' she said 'Coming Linea?' Linea who had been sitting there quietly, happily humming 'how much for that puppy in the window' now gave Carl a most severe look. 'Now Carl' she said in her most imperial voice. 'There will be no dilly dallying this night. Up you go, and hurry.'

She smiled a smile filled with motherly warmth at him. 'We girls need it too you know.' Then, seeing his shocked expression, adding with a giggle 'The Bathroom stupid. giddy-up now.' Carl who until then had believed himself a free man found himself reacting automatically to her voice. It wasn't until he was going up the stairs he started to ask himself what he was doing. But that new voice of hers, that remarkable voice, reminding him so much of school? Why did it do so? Maybe he should have a talk with her later he thought, yes, that would be the ticket. Later...

Derek started a standing ovation for Linea as soon as he saw Carl disappear up the stairs. Linea blushed most beautifully and finally had to hide herself inside Dawns comforting arms. 'Now stop this nonsense.' Dawn said to Derek. 'She is just training him, one has to start in time, right Hope.' Hope smiled back at her nodding as she answered. 'And not even then will one succeed.' pointing at her husband. 'So true.' Said Dawn. 'Well, goodnight then, we should try to leave as early as we can tomorrow. So try to get some sleep now, lovebirds, ' Derek who actually had started to feel kind of inspired watching the drama enacted in front of him reminded her. 'There's always a tomorrow Dawn. Why not take care of the night first?' Linea started laughing 'We will, we will.' She giggled.

Carl finished brushing his teeth and striped down to his boxers and tee-shirt. Coming out he found Dawn and Linea, both in their nigh-clothes, blocking his way. This might be as good time as any to tell Linea about her voice he decided. 'Linea, girl why do you... ' She interrupted him directly, saying in that impervious tone 'Carl, turn around.' When he started to ask why, she just looked at him, obviously annoyed. 'Carl, turn around I said, we want to see your back, now Carl!' Carl turned around fuming to himself. So this was the way they were going to treat him, was it? Forget it girls he thought. I'm still a free man and this is a free country? Isn't it, or was it a Monarchy?

While debating the facts with himself he could hear giggling behind him. Suddenly he felt two hands hit him, one on each butt cheek as the girls forced their way passed him to the bathroom. He had never felt so humiliated, what the heck, he dived for the bed under the covers deciding to tell them that they could sleep in their own beds instead. It was then the bathroom door opened and they appeared. It was the most beautiful sight he ever had seen, and they were his, his girls! He felt his heart almost bursting with pride as he saw them coming, looking so innocent, yet beguiling. Linea smiled at him 'Shy are we? Take those covers off, now Carl!'


Ah We'll stop here I guess..