A poetic journey :)

As I wrote before.
Only you know.

( I know, another failure of mine, trying to be polite;))
I will try to quit.

So? Do you want to turn this thread into a discussion of what a Haiku properly should be?
Be my guest. Troll on.

But I'm not interested
Not here.

Ps: you know what?

That's a haiku.
or a koan
or both

Take your pick and ...
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Yoron, do me a huge favour and an honour would you? please just carry on with the story. we both know that what we're writing is hot off the press, raw, first draft writing. others who are interested probably need to understand that and allow us (and everyone who wants to join in as it is) to just carry on and enjoy ourselves.

you're giving me lots to think about. sure, i pretty much know exactly what haiku is meant to be. but i also know a need to just get Out There and write something, anything to get the juices flowing wherever they wish to flow. what i'm writing isn't always haiku, but it's teaching me a lot about tautology, it's teaching me how to process and comprehend writing, how to use punctuation with effect, how to understand and work with another writer, and it's helping my own personal growth.

yes, editing is a huge part of poetry or prose writing. BUT let's just keep the flow going for now and if we wish to edit, then do it when and as we feel like it.

writing for me is a process. i write first and edit later. and edit more. and more. you get the drift.

for now, please let's just keep the water flowing down the stream.

Yeah, tautology is a nice word. somewhat like a archetype, well kind of.
You do have a way with words wildsweetone.
As for Haiku's its been a long time since i used them.

But to me they are emotional statements.
Somewhat like a cipher-coded sequence that allows/sets your imagination free.
I'm sure there are a lot of other opinions of it though.

But to me it goes well with Tao.
Not that i know much about that either.
But I have this nice true story of a master of Tao living in China when the government started one of its cultural 'cleansing's'.

His friends who hadn't seen him for some years thought that he was either dead or in a concentration camp when he just showed up one day.
They asked him what he had done and his answer was that 'he had gone up in the mountains for a walk'.

So China has its 'walkabout's' too (;))
Thanks for your kind words girl.


Ok how can anyone refuse you sweetone.

But then you will have to accept some stupidity (not all together to suprising I surmise) from my side.
I'm gonna take some real liberties with existing ahh, houses.

And yes, i will lie my or yours (;)) pants/teeth's of. Or should it be 'through'? Awwh.
So don't expect any exact description of Nova Scotia, more than I have to say after looking at it now.
It seems a awesome, hauntingly lovely and extremely beautiful view.
Just like :)))

I will have to go there someday to see, if I can.
I like it most when your choices just 'seems right' without any advance knowledge.
Then it becomes magical to me.

So don't tear it to pieces now, and please, have fun.
If you find it under your ?whatever? that's cool with me.
It's a mindgame, not Tolstoy.
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Ok this is the last.
So 'take it away Sam'


When they had packed their thing to Linea's satisfaction, not Carl's, however surprising this might be to the reader, their journey continued. Linea looking at him, a smug smile on her face. Carl drove, now and then sneaking glances at her. I wish she was mine, he thought, then all of a sudden feeling guilty clarifying to himself, daughter I mean.

Thank God she didn't hear that he thought, she would probably run away screaming if she had heard his first thought. 'What?' she said, 'Did you say something?' looking at him. Sh*, don't tell me she can hear me thinking, thought Carl smiling back at her, 'No, I was just wondering if you can drive?' she nodded and said ' Yes i can, but I lost my driver's license.'

'Speeding?' he asked. She laughed surprised. 'No, what do you think of me? I just lost it somewhere.' Could be, he thought, or maybe she got rid of it as she got that fake ID? He just knew he had to do something about that. But hopefully it could wait. 'Well without a driver's license I can't let you drive Linea.' He saw her frustration as she realized that she couldn't help out.

Suddenly he saw that this was his chance to get her a better ID. He looked at her again and asked. 'Would you like to get a driver's license?' 'We could stop at a Police station and fix it for you?' She panicked. No way she was going to test her Id at a Police station, she shook her head violently saying 'No, forget it, I can get it later.'

Carl said 'Don't worry Linea, They won't know who you are, i will fix it.' He had just the town in mind, Pleasentville. He had visited it regularly over the years, first at a female friends invitation and then later just because he liked it. He had played with the idea of moving there often enough but somehow never gotten his ass of the wagon. Best of all , it was just eight hours driving away.

And he knew the officers there, they were only three of them and their receptionist Clara and furthermore, it was on the way. 'If you like I can present you as my niece, and then you will just have to take a new driver's license there. They are my friends.' Continuing with telling her about his numerous vacations there. And so it went, three splendid days later they were back on the road again, but now with Linea driving and Carl enjoying himself immensely as the map reader.

She was a good, even if slightly to careful, driver, and a most enthusiastic one too. If one would believe her, then this car was the seventh miracle of good engineering. As he relaxed and listened to her happily chattering away, he thought back on how easy all had been meeting his friends again and getting her new ID/Driver's license. As soon as he presented her they had fallen for her , exactly like him. As they were good men he felt a little guilty considering his 'social engineering' but he justified it to himself with that it was all for a good cause.

Without Clara's help it would have been impossible though. But she had a slight crush on him for a long time, as he for her, even though Clara already was engaged. It had never really led to anything, but it sure helped as he showed her Linea's diary and told her of her predicament. At least it was a real laminated driver's license, and as such no fake he thought. She had used the fake ID and made a very fuzzy copy of it on the application. Afterwards she had firmly told Linea that her old ID was broken and therefore confiscated it.

Now they were nearing the border, he planned on doing some sightseeing in Montreal trying to bypass Toronto. They had had a enjoyable stay in Pleasentville, sleeping at some friends of Carl. After meeting them Linea seemed to be able to trust Carl even more. In some mysterious way she now seemed to treat him as her big brother.

He had a surprise for her, and he thought she was going to like it. The house he had bought was no ordinary house, it was a lighthouse. It was a passion of his, lighthouses, and he had felt so lucky finding out that it was for sale. The Nova Scotia Lighthouse Preservation Society NSLPS had tipped him of it as he was searching on the Internet.

As they gave him the link ' http://www.nslps.com/lights/lighthouse_page_01.asp?ID=131&SP=4&M=Later History ' and as he saw it, he suddenly knew that he had no choice. That was his home, the agency had helped him and his new employer had chipped in guaranteeing security. In just fifty short years it was all gonna be his.

He hoped Linea liked the Ocean. Well, actually the lighthouse was situated inside the bay, at the end of Main Street in the town of Liverpool. It marked the entrance to the inner harbor there situated at the south shore. And outside the bay waited only the wide green stretches of the North Atlantic Ocean, all the way to Greenland and further. Going through customs had been simple, thank God no hassle at all. so now they were in Canada at last on their way to Toronto. Their stops had mostly been for getting quick showers and change of clothes as they now were two to drive. It also meant that the journey had become so much faster and smoother for Carl. And he had someone to talk with, all in all it had made it a very enjoyable transition.

But now they were both becoming tired of driving, he thought that his car would be pleased with a change of oil and a quick checkup too. Passing Lake Ontario and Kingston by highway 401 and then taking a chance turning of the highway, he at last saw a sign for a B&B (bed & breakfast) just outside Cananoque. It was beautiful country and as the spring was slower to come the more north they went it was still budding season up here. It was noon still and Line was sleeping peacefully as she had been doing the last four hours. He turned up a little side road and finally arrived to a small cottage situated next to what looked like a corral with a barn next to it.

He woke Linea and they both went up to knock on the door. Nobody answered so they sat down to wait at the front. Linea looked around, he could see that she still hadn't waked up entirely. 'Hey.' She said, a little more enthusiastically at last. 'They have horses!' And with that she started a brisk walk towards the corral. He followed her more slowly. He wasn't sure that they were allowed to just move around like this at some other persons property, even though it was supposed to be a B&B. She was right, they had horses, what breed it was he couldn't say though.

'Owhh' said Linea, 'ain't they lovely. Come here you,' and then she made some clicking sound with her tongue. One of the smaller horses lifted its head to study her and then slowly trotted forward. Linea now looked like she was in total bliss, Carl who happened to have a apple in his jacket gave that to her so she could offer her new friend something to eat, as they were standing there feeding the horses he suddenly felt someone. When he turned around he could see a woman approaching, she was petite, dressed comfortably in jeans shirt and a lumber jacket. 'Hi' she said ' you're looking for buying a horse? Or are you just trespassing?'

Owh Sh*! Now we're in trouble, thought Carl as he hastily stretched out his hand. 'Hi, I'm Carl and this here is my niece Linea. I'm afraid we just might be doing that, trespassing here. We were searching for a bed and breakfast?' She looked at them again, Linea who just had given her a quick smile and then ignored her totally for the colt, Carl who now was blushing for the third time since he had meet Linea. She couldn't help laughing, 'I was just having some fun with you' she said. 'You're Americans right? Well, don't worry, we're not so strict here as in the States. But we don't have any Bed and Breakfast here I'm afraid. I'm Hope by the way.'

Linea who now had feed her new friend looked so disappointed that Hope now seemed to reconsider her words. She studied them both intently, as if trying to read their minds, suddenly she smiled. 'Well, we do have an extra guestroom, that is, if you don't mind sharing the room with each other? And if it's only breakfast you're looking for I believe we can help you out.'

Ah ah, not good, not good at all thought Carl. 'No' he started to say. 'It's very good of you but we couldn't impose ourse…' At that Linea broke in with a enthusiastic 'Oh can we, can we. Thank you Hope, I would love to stay. Do you need any help with your horses?' Carl who now realized that those two ladies were overruling him, had the good sense so shut up.

They followed her up to the house were she put on a kettle of tea and started serving out home baked dark bread with raisins in it, then cheese, ham, tomatoes, putting it all on the table. She finished with a little stainless steel bunk in which there was butter floating in the water. It looked very homely to Carl and he smiled at her again thanking her for her hospitality.

Linea though, only wanted to talk about the horses, and Hope told her that they were descended from horses originally sent to the “New World” by King Louis XIV of France in the late 1600’s. Their ancestry could be traced to both Arab, Andalusian and Barb horses, the last coming from Northern Africa. She told them that the French horses had bred by themselves for hundred of years in Canada. Eventually developing into what now is called the Canadian Horse, or the 'Cheval Canadien'. They were very tough and hardy horses, and also extremely easy to keep.

Linea who now seemed to just float in her sea of bliss, just kept on smiling and nodding to Hopes tale and even Carl couldn't help becoming interested. 'So you have a horse ranch?' He asked. 'Yes, we feed them raise them and sell them.' She answered. 'My husband and I have been doing this all our lives and it's a good living for us.' Carl looked around the kitchen, it was a sunny and inviting place, with hooks on the walls from where copper kettles and pans were hanging and with a old iron stove as the main attraction.

'Where is your Husband then?' he wondered. 'He's coming any minute now, he had to go into town to get a friend of us passing by. That's why we only have one room free.' She smiled and turned to the slightly opened window, from where they now could hear the muted sound of a car drawing near. ' It must be them coming.' She said as she went out to meet them. 'Stay here and enjoy your ahh, breakfast' she said with a little laugh. 'You will meet them soon enough.' Carl could hear a contented sigh from Linea, looking at her she smiled at him and murmured as if to her self 'I'm dreaming, please don't wake me up.'

Carl who knew what her life had looked like could only concede to her words. To tell the truth even he himself had started to feel more and more as if he was becoming slowly entwined in some fairy tale. If I just wasn't so F*ng old he thought to himself. I could so easily fall in love with Linea and… But it wouldn't be right towards her, he thought for what must easily have been the thousandth time, sadly admitting to his folly.

Now they were in the vestibule, he could hear someone talking breathlessly and happily. 'And there I was with the Ocean laying in front of me, seeing the Kings ship leaving for Hammershead and… ' Somebody hushed her and then a male voice said. 'Now where are our new friends Hope?' As they all come in to the kitchen Carl got his first good look of Hopes husband. He was a mountain of a man, over six feet tall and as broad and chiseled as a well-barreled old oak-tun. Carl stood up to shake his hand, but the man just waived him back to the chair.

'Sit down and enjoy,' he said with a smile. 'We will soon enough join you, my name is Derek and this here,' turning to the other woman beside Hope. ' little thing is Dawn'. As Carl and Linea waited they could hear the others hanging up their clothes, then to join them in the kitchen. Dawn was as lovely as Hope, but she was slightly younger and where Hope was a brunette Dawns hair was a fiery red, with her green eyes she looked so Irish that Carl just couldn't help a small joke. 'Now, Where are the faeries hiding?' He was not prepared for the reaction he got, first from Dawn who suddenly looked around as if searching for something, and then from Hope who answered. 'Nah Sir. Don't you know that faeries never will intrude without proper invitation.' Looking as relaxed as if they were just discussing the weather.

He felt a fool creating such consternation from just a small joke. 'I beg your pardon Dawn, it was just that your appearance made me think of Ireland and … ' Hope laughed relieved and Derek who just had been sitting there studying Carl intently smiled 'Yes, that she does, doesn't she.' He then nodded to Linea. 'And you my girl.' he said. 'Reminds me of those Norse swords maidens, as exquisite in war as in peace.' And that was the first time Carl had seen Linea blush, but blushed she did, and most enchantingly too he had to admit.

She looked back at Derek with a slight rosiness in her cheeks answering 'Thank you, I'm happy that we found you. I love your farm and the horses.' Dawn smiled at her hearing this and said. ' Yes, I already talked to Derek about that, we would both be glad to get some help with the horses, do you know how to ride Linea?' And now Linea most definitely was in seventh heaven Carl thougt. He hated to do it, but he just had to make some sense of it all. 'As much as both Linea and me like it I have to point out that we just are traveling through though.' he said. 'We are on our way to Nova Scotia.'

But seeing Linea's disappointment and knowing that he still had over two weeks left he gave in to her wish somewhat. 'We would verily appreciate though, if we had the possibility to stay some days?' Derek looked at Dawn who nodded her approval. 'We would be most pleased to have you as our guests.' He answered. 'Feel free to stay for as long as you wish.' And with that said he went to a cabinet where from he took a bottle filled with some yellow substance, he then poured the fluid into small cups of clay. Giving us each one of them he lifted his arm and said 'Welcome to our simple abode, we hope you to enjoy, be your stay short or long.' And then he emptied his cup in one sweep and they all followed through. It was a taste like the very best Single Malt Carl ever had drunk and Derek must have seen his pleasure as he followed up with pouring him another cup. Linea who wasn't used to hard liquor had now gone from rosy to red, so in the end it was him and Derek who kept on enjoying our drinks.

The ladies had taken Linea with them and withdrawn inside what Hope called their sewing chamber. He could hear them laughing and Linea sounded so happy as they were talking. It was a strange but comfortable feeling sitting here in the kitchen. It had become quite cold as the evening proceeded and Derek had lighted a fire in the iron stove that slowly heated the kitchen up again. 'It's good to have such a reliable stove.' He said. 'Did you know that this one has come all the way from Sweden once? He pointed to some words stamped at it 'Husqvarna 1880'. ' Yep, sure is a old one.' He said with obvious pride in his voice.

As the evening slowly moved on into the night, it slowly seemed to transform into one of the most magical moments of my life. It was as if we had been friends of long standing and I found myself unexpectedly opening up, revealing dreams and desires. He was very interested in my engineering background, telling me that he himself had been a black smith originally. *But now I'm more of a jack of all trades.' He laughed. 'So you have already been contracted with this firm?' he asked me as we spoke. 'No,' I said, 'the contract is waiting on me in Nova Scotia, but as for now I'm still free.' 'Isn't that dangerous?' he said 'To leave all security and throw yourself out into another Country and another job, not even knowing if they will uphold their promises?' Putting it that way he made much sense. so then I found myself with no other choice but to explain to him how tired I had become of my old life, and my need for some adventure. 'I have no reason to doubt them' I said describing how they had helped me with finding my Lighthouse and promising security for my loan. He still looked dubious as he listened to me and it did made me feel somewhat restless, but we went over to other subjects and soon I was feeling that magic again.

As the night had come we finally had to take our leave to get some sleep. I have to admit that It was somewhat strange to be in the same room as Linea. I mean, we had been sleeping near each other in the car but this was the first time we shared the same room. As she came back from the bathroom in her housecoat I could feel the fragrance of her smell lingering in the room as she pulled the covers over her head. To my surprise I must have fallen asleep immediately, as I when next opening my eyes, found that the morning already was upon me. I had a weak memory of someone touching my cheek, whispering a 'good morning', but as I looked around I was alone. Linea was gone and from the kitchen I could hear a sweet singing voice. It was a most pleasant awakening and while finishing my morning chores I could feel myself almost bubbling with energy.

Coming to the kitchen I meet Dawn, she was fixing some stew while humming to herself. There was a line sprung over the stove mantel at a safe distance containing dried herbs, and as she spread some of those in the pan she told me to sit down. 'Here' she said as if by magic whipping up bread, cheese and coffee for me. I ate my fill at the same time enjoying myself watching Dawn cook. 'You're very gracious in your moves Dawn.' I said. 'It's a pleasure seeing you.' She smiled and kept on working as we made some small talk. I learnt that she was not from Canada at all, but that she loved visiting and in return she found out about Linea and me. To my surprise I gave her the unbridled version, why I don't know myself. I just trusted her I think, as we were talking Derek came in.

He sat himself down to some coffee and looked me in my eyes. 'Carl'. He said. 'We have to talk ,' then he looked at Dawn 'alone.' She seemed surprised but found herself quick enough. 'With your permission, gentlemen.' She said as she left us alone to our talk. He studied me, a somber look resting on his countenance. 'I couldn't help wondering over that firm.' He said. 'I went up on the Internet to check it up, also that agency that helped you with your purchase of your new home. First, let me ask you how much you paid in advance for your house.' I suddenly had a really bad feeling about this. 'I paid as normally? You know, ten percent in cash and the rest as a loan with my new house as mortgage?'

'And how much did that come to?' Derek asked. ' Thirty five thousand.' I answered hesitantly. 'I know it sounds expensive, but there was some land and a small trawler included in the price, and after all Derek, it is a authentic Lighthouse.' He shook his head at me and then said. 'I'm afraid you've been taken for a fool here, there is both a company and a agency of that name in Nova Scotia but neither of them have any knowledge of you Carl. When you told me that you had bought that lighthouse I started to wonder, but I didn't want to say anything before I had checked it up. You see, almost all Lighthouses in Canada is owned either by the state, or is in municipal ownership. Someone has stolen that money from you. It might be possible to track the clearing numbers and the account but my best guess is that the money is long gone, and that you won't be reimbursed by any bank.'

It was very heavy news for me. What was I going to do? I had my car and some savings still, but only what I thought I would need until my new salary would start coming. And I had Linea now, I couldn't let her drift away, I just sat there staring down at my hands. I heard Derek moving around in the room, suddenly I saw his hand appear holding a cup of yellow amber. 'Here' he said. 'We will solve this Carl. You will see, take this dram of my hands now' He sat himself down again while smiling at me. 'You can stay here for as long as needed Carl, the rent we can discuss later and we are pleased to have found ourselves a new stable hand.'

I looked up surprised. 'Why,' I asked. 'Why would you want to help us? We are strangers to you.' Now I heard another voice, it was Hope that unnoticed to me had come in while I had been staring at my hands. 'No you're not, I liked you both from the first moment I laid my eyes upon you. And don't the book itself say that we should treat others as we ourselves would want to be treated?'

It made me feel small meeting such warmth from people unknown to me. Not that we couldn't continue our journey, I was sure that somewhere there must be a need for someone like me, and for Linea too. But it would be so much better to first check it out on the Internet I thought. 'I must thank you both' I said, 'I don't really know what to do here. I will first have to speak with Linea and see what she thinks, but I'm very grateful to you, all the same.' Hope come up to me and gave me a hug. 'Go you and speak with her.' She said.
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some random thoughts.

hmm let's see. new things around the corner...

spring leaf;
caterpillar crawls to the edge,
for a new view

what could be around the corner...

candle flickers -
friends across the table,


comfortable, or, uncomfortable moments...

upfront there is the politeness
of respected peers. behind
the winter closed windows,
tomorrow is set in motion -
an unchallenged clock
notches the minutes
on air as thick as the umbilical cord
of a new born lamb.


dealing with the now...

a wee dram
helps dissipate the shadows
that lurk along the walls,
lightens their intent
until menacing black figures
recede to become a pause
between the minutes, a play
that William would write.

Hate it when my browser sends two.
That twotiming piece of ...
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Well sweet one.
You my dear, are a gem:)))

It's most, I don't know really.
But it makes me think of Tolkien.
And Lothrien and Fanghorn(?)

As dark passes overhanging cliffs with shadows waiting
(Scares the sh* out of me (;))

It's very good.
And I wish I could write like that in my prose.
then I might be happy.

There is a lot of good poetry at this site.


And your mention of the lamb sits so well with what I wrote while waiting.
'It's true. It's true' as someone said (Heidi Lamar?)
Great minds think alike...
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Before that I went up to Derek's computer to check out the facts myself. I called the agency as well as the company, nobody recognized me, neither did they recognize the names I had of persons supposedly working there. I had definitely been taken for a ride. And a most expensive one too.So I went to talk it over, I found her at the barn where she was standing looking at a young colt and his mother. 'Linea.' I said. 'Can we talk?' She nodded and I continued. 'First of all Linea, I want you to know that whatever you decide I will pay you for your time up to the end of the two weeks that remains of my vacation.' She suddenly froze in her movements.

I then explained what Derek had told me, finishing with how I too had checked it out. 'I'm so sorry Linea' I said. 'You must think me a fool for not checking it out earlier. But it seems that Derek and Hope weren't joking when they said that they needed someone to help them though. If you like you can stay here.' I felt like an asshole telling her about my stupidity. But at last she would have somewhere to sleep and eat while I was out looking for a work. And knowing Hope and Dawn I was sure of their treatment of Linea. 'If you like you can go with me, but I can't promise you any salary though. I'm very sorry that it has come out this way Linea, the blame is all mine.' After saying so I excused myself with having to check on my car and went to think things over again.

Actually I now felt closer to killing myself, or even to just drive away, never to come back. Having had to listen once more to myself telling my story gave me a really tired feeling of idiocy running rampant. How the hell could anyone be so dumb as to put his whole life and his savings on one single card, not even checking it out before. I must be such an idiot I thought to myself and now I had done it again. Soon Linea would be gone too and there I would be, a little older, more tired and disillusioned. The hours just run away as I sat there, hating myself for my naivety. Eventually I must have fallen asleep as I was sitting there in my car because I never noticed anyone coming.

The first inkling I got was someone opening the passenger door. It was Linea, she looked me over for what to me felt as a very long moment and then simply asked. 'Would you want us to leave? I've been talking with them and they all want us to stay. But if you want we can leave.' I must admit that I wasn't prepared for those words and it must have shown as she leaned over to hug me.

'You're so stupid, I wouldn't dare let you go on alone. You don't know how to clean your room, even less yourself. You're so badly in need of someone helping you.' She said it with a smile in her voice and suddenly I found myself starting to hope again. So maybe life had dealt me another bad card, but it seemed that I wasn't alone any more? If that would be true, for me that would be more than worth any price I could think of. It was a long time since I could remember anyone caring for me, if ever.

After sitting silent beside her in the car for awhile I started to feel better again. So maybe I didn't have any money, but I had a friend, no make that three, no four friends. Before this trip I had only had acquaintances and work mates. So looking at it this way I definitely was ahead of the game. 'Come.' I said to Linea. 'Let us go up and talk with them if it is still ok for us to stay some days.' Linea now got a smile on her face, so big that it easily could have swallowed any old storm cloud. I looked at my radiant companion as we walked back and all of a sudden found myself not caring about my lost money anymore, instead thanking what Gods there were for the chance to learn to know her and our new friends.

Coming in we were welcomed as if we had been gone for weeks. Dawn seemed to fall all over me hugging and Hope was doing the same with Linea. Derek was standing slightly aside watching the spectacle with a bemused expression on his otherwise so stony face. When he noticed me watching him his face cracked open in an amused even if perhaps also somewhat ridiculed smile.' The long lost lambs,' he rumbled to me as he pointed to the kitchen. 'Would anyone like a wee dram, friends?'

I followed him into the kitchen, towing the girls behind me as they happily chattered away. 'Now, let's see' said Derek exploring his cabinet. 'This calls for something happy and feisty. Ahh, there it is!' he said as he picked up a bottle filled with liquid of a fiery red color. He poured three cups and giving me a somber look he then poured two glasses half full with it. 'To health and a long life.' He said as he emptied his own.

As the girls went for the cups I naturally ended up with the other glass. 'And to a happy ending for us all' said I as I swept it. It was so smooth when running down my throat, but when hitting my stomach it was as if I had a boiler exploding inside me. I could feel my eyes turning red and steam coming out of my ears. When I got my breath back I said 'Wow, what was that?' Derek studied me anew, a devilish glint in his eyes. 'So you enjoyed it then?' he said.

'Yes' I answered him. 'It was a tremendous explosion. I even think I have a name for it. The boiler, how does that strike you?' Derek laughed, 'Its' real name is in a language I can't express, he said. But the boiler will do.' Now the girls started again. I leaned back a little on my chair, tipping its front legs up. I know, it's not polite to do so but somehow I felt at home here. It was very nice to just close my eyes and listen to the chitchat. I started wondering what work I should look for.

My engineering skills was mostly in construction, in a way I also was somewhat of an architect as I did build from the beginning. There should be a need for me somewhere around I thought, and if not I would take whatever was offered as long as I could keep us floating. It is strange how taking care of someone else can bring out the best in us, also how happy it can make us.

The chitchat had slowly stopped as I had been thinking, I opened my eyes to find them all staring at me. What had I done now? I thought as I tried to make some sense of their staring, then I saw that they wasn't really staring at me as much as they were looking at my chair. Maybe I shouldn't tilt it I thought as I looked down. I almost got a heart attack when I found that my chair was balancing on two legs all on its own, without me supporting it in any way. Seeing it broke the enchantment or whatever it was and the chair tipped back crashing down the floor, taking me with it.

Linea came directly to my rescue, she seemed to have a hard time holding in her laughter while helping me though and I could see Dawn and Hope sharing her problem, Derek said. 'That was priceless Carl.' I looked at him feeling confounded. 'What was priceless?' 'Ahh, the look on your face my friend, the look on your face.' Everyone, except me that is, now had smiles on their faces. I have to admit to feeling somewhat miffed, but thinking back on it I could imagine my own look when I saw the chair balancing so precariously and yes, it was funny.
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Have you thought about canvassing the denizens of the Role Playing forums? It's easier to put poetry into prose than it is to build prose from poetry. You may even get a closet haikuist involved in your tale.
Ok a shy haikuist hiding in a toilet.
Now I see.

A friend of yours perhaps?
Before that I went up to Derek's computer to check out the facts myself. I called the agency as well as the company, nobody recognized me, neither did they recognize the names I had of persons supposedly working there. I had definitely been taken for a ride. And a most expensive one too.So I went to talk it over, I found her at the barn where she was standing looking at a young colt and his mother. 'Linea.' I said. 'Can we talk?' She nodded and I continued. 'First of all Linea, I want you to know that whatever you decide I will pay you for your time up to the end of the two weeks that remains of my vacation.' She suddenly froze in her movements.

I then explained what Derek had told me, finishing with how I too had checked it out. 'I'm so sorry Linea' I said. 'You must think me a fool for not checking it out earlier. But it seems that Derek and Hope weren't joking when they said that they needed someone to help them though. If you like you can stay here.' I felt like an asshole telling her about my stupidity. But at last she would have somewhere to sleep and eat while I was out looking for a work. And knowing Hope and Dawn I was sure of their treatment of Linea. 'If you like you can go with me, but I can't promise you any salary though. I'm very sorry that it has come out this way Linea, the blame is all mine.' After saying so I excused myself with having to check on my car and went to think things over again.

Actually I now felt closer to killing myself, or even to just drive away, never to come back. Having had to listen once more to myself telling my story gave me a really tired feeling of idiocy running rampant. How the hell could anyone be so dumb as to put his whole life and his savings on one single card, not even checking it out before. I must be such an idiot I thought to myself and now I had done it again. Soon Linea would be gone too and there I would be, a little older, more tired and disillusioned. The hours just run away as I sat there, hating myself for my naivety. Eventually I must have fallen asleep as I was sitting there in my car because I never noticed anyone coming.

The first inkling I got was someone opening the passenger door. It was Linea, she looked me over for what to me felt as a very long moment and then simply asked. 'Would you want us to leave? I've been talking with them and they all want us to stay. But if you want we can leave.' I must admit that I wasn't prepared for those words and it must have shown as she leaned over to hug me.

'You're so stupid, I wouldn't dare let you go on alone. You don't know how to clean your room, even less yourself. You're so badly in need of someone helping you.' She said it with a smile in her voice and suddenly I found myself starting to hope again. So maybe life had dealt me another bad card, but it seemed that I wasn't alone any more? If that would be true, for me that would be more than worth any price I could think of. It was a long time since I could remember anyone caring for me, if ever.

After sitting silent beside her in the car for awhile I started to feel better again. So maybe I didn't have any money, but I had a friend, no make that three, no four friends. Before this trip I had only had acquaintances and work mates. So looking at it this way I definitely was ahead of the game. 'Come.' I said to Linea. 'Let us go up and talk with them if it is still ok for us to stay some days.' Linea now got a smile on her face, so big that it easily could have swallowed any old storm cloud. I looked at my radiant companion as we walked back and all of a sudden found myself not caring about my lost money anymore, instead thanking what Gods there were for the chance to learn to know her and our new friends.

Coming in we were welcomed as if we had been gone for weeks. Dawn seemed to fall all over me hugging and Hope was doing the same with Linea. Derek was standing slightly aside watching the spectacle with a bemused expression on his otherwise so stony face. When he noticed me watching him his face cracked open in an amused even if perhaps also somewhat ridiculed smile.' The long lost lambs,' he rumbled to me as he pointed to the kitchen. 'Would anyone like a wee dram, friends?'

I followed him into the kitchen, towing the girls behind me as they happily chattered away. 'Now, let's see' said Derek exploring his cabinet. 'This calls for something happy and feisty. Ahh, there it is!' he said as he picked up a bottle filled with liquid of a fiery red color. He poured three cups and giving me a somber look he then poured two glasses half full with it. 'To health and a long life.' He said as he emptied his own.

As the girls went for the cups I naturally ended up with the other glass. 'And to a happy ending for us all' said I as I swept it. It was so smooth when running down my throat, but when hitting my stomach it was as if I had a boiler exploding inside me. I could feel my eyes turning red and steam coming out of my ears. When I got my breath back I said 'Wow, what was that?' Derek studied me anew, a devilish glint in his eyes. 'So you enjoyed it then?' he said.

'Yes' I answered him. 'It was a tremendous explosion. I even think I have a name for it. The boiler, how does that strike you?' Derek laughed, 'Its' real name is in a language I can't express, he said. But the boiler will do.' Now the girls started again. I leaned back a little on my chair, tipping its front legs up. I know, it's not polite to do so but somehow I felt at home here. It was very nice to just close my eyes and listen to the chitchat. I started wondering what work I should look for.

My engineering skills was mostly in construction, in a way I also was somewhat of an architect as I did build from the beginning. There should be a need for me somewhere around I thought, and if not I would take whatever was offered as long as I could keep us floating. It is strange how taking care of someone else can bring out the best in us, also how happy it can make us.

The chitchat had slowly stopped as I had been thinking, I opened my eyes to find them all staring at me. What had I done now? I thought as I tried to make some sense of their staring, then I saw that they wasn't really staring at me as much as they were looking at my chair. Maybe I shouldn't tilt it I thought as I looked down. I almost got a heart attack when I found that my chair was balancing on two legs all on its own, without me supporting it in any way. Seeing it broke the enchantment or whatever it was and the chair tipped back crashing down the floor, taking me with it.

Linea came directly to my rescue, she seemed to have a hard time holding in her laughter while helping me though and I could see Dawn and Hope sharing her problem, Derek said. 'That was priceless Carl.' I looked at him feeling confounded. 'What was priceless?' 'Ahh, the look on your face my friend, the look on your face.' Everyone, except me that is, now had smiles on their faces. I have to admit to feeling somewhat miffed, but thinking back on it I could imagine my own look when I saw the chair balancing so precariously and yes, it was funny.

a new job,
filling heart and soul -
a gap closes


another hand,
holding the foundation steady;
rocking on a whim


beyond the journey
a fierce grip
turning my path

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as always wso (;))


I still wanted to repay them their former kindness so when the girls disappeared into their sewing chamber, whatever that meant, I finally got the chance to ask Derek in what way I might help. He told me that they were thinking of building some guest cabins for visitors and that he greatly would appreciate if I would give him some input. 'I will do better than that' I said.

'If I might lend your computer I will make you blue prints and I'll help you construct them. But that doesn't end my obligation to you. I would very, much like to be able to pay my way here too.' Derek took my offer seriously and in the end, after much bickering, we agreed on a ridiculously low price for us staying there. 'If I tried to make you pay more.' He said. 'My wife would most probably kill me.'

But he smiled as he said it though. With my pride somewhat rescued we started to discuss how the cabins should look and where they had thought them to be placed. He took me up to his work-study where he showed me his own drawings. They were quite good I thought. If I wanted to put one up on this I really would have to put on my thinking cap. He told me that I was welcome to use his computer any time I wanted.

This was the second night Linea and I was sleeping under the same roof. It was strange how fast one got used to sharing a room. As she was in the bathroom I when I came up I bedded myself down and was already under my sheets contemplating what changes should be made to Derek's drafts when Linea came back. Suddenly I lost all interest in thinking about that.

Linea was wearing a dark green pajamas that seemed to caress her as she moved, she was so breathtakingly beautiful that I couldn't take my eyes of her no matter how hard I tried. She stopped at her bed seeing as how intensely I followed her with my eyes. 'What are you thinking of Carl?' she asked me smiling at me. Hastily I beat my retreat 'Oh, nothing Linea, nothing special at all, you know, work.'

Now she pouted her lips and walking, no, more like treading, treading like a wild sweet panther on the prowl, silkily aligning with her target, at the same time saying in a most sultry low voice. 'Nothing Carl. Are you calling me? A... Nothing?' Now I had done it, somehow my foot always seemed to get stuck in my mouth. And this time I wasn't so sure that I would be able to let her be either if she strayed to close to my bed.

'Linea, it was just seeing you, you took my breath away.' Sh- not that old one, I thought, but I was lucky, it made her laugh and with that she became my young niece again. She leaned over and gave me a good sturdy goodnight kiss. The she walked back to her bed, yes walking not gliding this time, and at last we got some sleep.

Well, at least she did, for myself I was rolling 'the movie' of her coming over and over again, with different endings every time. In the morning I wisely decided that we would have to get separate rooms. Not that I minded her advances, but she was only testing her newfound prowess to incite whereas I who could be her father had such a much more advanced responsibility towards her. She needed a boy around her own age to enthrall not me. With that in mind I sat down to discuss it with Derek and Hope,

They listened gravely, it did seem as there was some slight twitching around Hopes lips when I described the night before but Derek was completely in control and very undestanding. He studied me gravely for a moment before turning to Hope saying. 'The only solution I can think of is talking with Dawn. What do you say love?' Yes, I thought. A homeruun, exactly what I was hoping for, and yes, it would be so good for Linea to learn from an older woman too.

Also I knew that they liked each other a lot, as I always could see them whisper with each other. 'Please try Hope.' I said to her, 'I know I'm imposing myself here but I'm not very good at this parenting thing.' She smiled at me promising to do her best. The day went fast as I sat in front of Derek's computer using his cad program to construct some truly cool drawings. I had stolen the idea from Tolkien's Hobbit houses and added some twists of my own to it.

It was cuddly and loveable cabins, made with frolicking in mind, and I thought that most people would have a good time renting one of those. I had also added a municipal outdoors-wooden bathtub. It was round with a thin sheet of copper under it and raised on legs, big enough to easily hold fifteen people with a fire heating under its bottom and a sauna beside it. I knew that I would enjoy testing it out.

The last thing I did was to 'coat' my drawings in 3D so they could see them 'for real'. I showed my designs to them later that evening. I don't think I ever have gotten such good responses as I got then. Hope took me aside to whisper that 'all was arranged so that I could get my rest' which made me give her a heartfelt hug. Some peace and quiet I thought, even though I did love my Linea it would be nice to act as I wanted for once, without concern for others.

The evening was drawing towards its end as Linea came up to me smiling. 'Goodnight Carl' she said kissing my chin. I patted her wishing her a good night too. Then I excused myself and went up to get a good night's rest. It was strange having the room all to myself, but I didn't mind. I fell fast asleep and woke up the next morning rested and spry. It was only one thing disturbing me, the memory of a voice whispering 'good morning baby.' to me. Now it could have been Linea but, baby? Nope, had to be a dream.

When I looked at her bed I saw that she had forgotten her underwear, or? What was it? I went over to see, aha a negligee! And quite frilly and sexy too. A good thing that she hadn't tried to wear that last night I thought as I was getting dressed. When I came down Linea gave me a peck and asked me if I had had a good nights sleep. 'Yep.' I said. 'sure did.' I took my cup of coffee to the table,

Then Linea looked at Dawn. Smiling as a cat in front of a saucer filled with cream she asked her how her night had been, Dawn smiled back giving a unruffled 'Peaceful my dear, and so sleep full.' Now Linea seemed somewhat befuddled as she looked from Dawn to me, and back. 'Tired Linea?' I asked as I noticed her behavior. But she just shook her head with a smirk mumbling to herself 'So, we have secrets, do we.'

Disappearing out to help with the horses and leaving Dawn and me to our own devices we had ourselves a most pleasant breakfast , filled with interesting tidbits. I learnt a lot about her, and Hope and Derek too. It was only when it came to her childhood and birthplace that she became strangely silent. I put it down to bad memories perhaps and decided to let it be.

I wondered what would have happened if it was her I had meet on the road instead. I could easily see myself getting involved with her, and as my imagination continued with spinning its tale I missed her sudden silence. I had come to the part where she looked up on me with large eyes saying 'Soo big' when I heard her sniffle.

Sh- I thought, this was becoming a habit to me. First Linea and now poor Dawn. I'm oversexed, yep that's it, A danger to womankind... I should try to get some pills for it, to cool it down, yep, I better talk with a doctor about it. I've read about them before, niagra was it? I looked at her feeling like a jerk. 'Sorry Dawn, got carried away there for a second.' I said.
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i've not forgotten this, just brain dead for letting loose right now. will look in and think over the next couple of days.

'ceptin' in know it's not called niagra. ;)
Reading it I must admit that niagra might be wrong.
On the other hand i have no first hand experience of what would be right either...:)))

I will wait and hope for some response.
Not that it is what it should be, my writing I mean, but it will have to do for now.

okay, here's some fiddling from me...


filled with tidbits -
toast and chat


breakfast -
across toast and coffee,
eyes talk


carried away
on a whim -
third thoughts


(i think many of the things your writing is conjuring in my mind are abstract and it's making me work hard to find something concrete to grip onto. i'm not succeeding. i am normally an image strong writer. maybe i should try and stick to the images you are giving instead of those provoking thoughts/suggestions. this in no way is anything wrong... just something different for me to learn :) )

i also have two words rattling in my brain...

'dawn' and

on the balcony
...dawn indulgence

deliberately leaving out punctuation.

i could try...

on the balcony, dawn

You're to good

I'll admit it.
I started it as a conscious try to keep it 'impactive' :)
But then I started to 'write' and it all blew down the sink :(

And now It's more of a story than what i had intended before.
But i love your poetry so I'll fill in with what I have.
That is if you still find it to be a 'learning experience' for you?

Btw: Who the heck is 'experienced'
No way, I'm innocent (until found guilty, that is.)

Now tell the truth and nothing but the truth, so help you God.
:))) hmm, maybe a tiny whiny to much that one?

I can take it, I'm a grownup, yes I am, I aaaamm.


What the heck, I'll throw this in anyway.
(the ego of that man!)

And now:
The spunk of that girl :)))
Saying it was to long??

On the other hand that's not to bad to hear?
But quarter it???

*That gotta hurt*
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She was looking at me strangely, almost as if she was weighting me in her mind. I noticed that she had acquired such a healthy rosy complexion while talking with me too. 'Would you like to go for a walk?' I asked her. She gave me another of those funny stares but then nodded her silent acquiescence. It was a clear and sunny day and you could see how the spring was getting on. High above me I saw the dark blue sky with some wispy clear-weather clouds hanging about,

I looked at Dawn and suddenly I felt so happy. It seemed a very right and intense emotion, and I just had to do something about it. I stopped, turned towards her and then just took hold of her, looking down at her lovely face, I couldn't help but to lean down to smell her hair. She had become very still as I did this, by surprise or because of something else, I don't know. As I inhaled her fragrance I suddenly found me falling into those green eyes of her at the same time trying to excuse my behavior. 'Spring.' I said sounding most dense. 'Spring and... '

By now I had already learnt to hate that voice emanating from me, but I couldn't stop it, I was to absorbed with falling into those deep green wells of emeralds. '. All.' Then I kind of woke up and finally tried to let her go. But my muscles just didn't want to. I felt terribly embarrassed over myself, first I attacked her at the table and now this? Sh- I was in desperate need of those pills. Perhaps Derek could help me there? I would warn him about Dawn and me and then as if in passing ask him for some 'pacifiers'. Niagra, or whatever they were called? Yes, as the English said, that should work the ticket.

To my surprise Dawn didn't seem at all steamed up with me. She just put a cool hand on my forehead, asking me if I was feeling well. I tried to act as if what happened just had been a small joke on my side, desperately trying to look both cool and, if I may say so, chill. No way I was going to admit to being a complete jerk around the fairer sex. I franticly commented on the weather, the horses, the barn, my shoes, anything that came to mind. Trying to stop her from saying something sensible that would reveal my total incompetence. To my surprise she seemed content with letting me ramble on, just holding my hand. That was also a strange thing, I was quite sure that I had let her go, but here I was with her hand in mine?

Not that I complained, the longer we was together the happier I felt. But I also felt scared, confused, and terribly unsure of what craziness I might create the next minute. It was a scary emotional cocktail I can assure you. But somehow she made me feel at peace again and I slowly started to hope for my sanity. We were standing at the corral now watching Linea taking care of a colt. As she patted it down, giving it a brisk rubbing at the same time I couldn't help comparing those two. No not the colt, I meant Dawn. I knew that I loved and cared for them both, but with Dawn I found myself harboring that secret hope of something more. With Linea I thought such an approach would be a catastrophe for us both. It would destroy her first steps out into the world of grown ups, and color her behavior towards love forever after. And for me it would diminish me, twisting me into something I wouldn't like...

I knew that some thought it fine but I just couldn't find it in me to see it that way. There was a gap darker wider and hungrier than hell between ones fantasies and reality to me, only fools believed it to be the same. No, my Linea was somehow given in my care, and I would do my best to treat her right, but Dawn? How did she see me? Did she find me as young and fumbling as I found Linea? I hadn't really had that many affairs in my life. Somehow my work had taken over, or maybe I had just found that a convenient lie to hide my cowardice? My colleagues had learnt to expect me to be the one to cover up for them. And so it had become an evil self-repeating circle. Not strange that I had wanted to run away I thought, surprised that I hadn't seen it coming before. So no, I wouldn't describe myself as very experienced. Ah well, maybe she liked me anyway, one could always hope.

As we were standing there in the cold sunshine I could feel the closeness of her body. Once more I found myself disappearing into that realm of thought where everything is allowed. In there I found her waiting, it was a great comfort to me. I smiled at her as I seemed to flow inside her, as we became one and that sweet song healed the emptiness hiding in my heart. It was a strange experience, a little like having a double vision, as I at the same time also could see my niece and the colt with absolute clarity, nevertheless it felt magically right. Later we went back to the kitchen where Dawn started to bake some bread for the evening, humming away as I sat there silently listening, watching her. Without knowing I had found her, and finding her I felt like I wanted to run away? Could I ever trust myself again.

Not wanting to make more of a fool of myself than I already had done, I excused myself and went down to my car. I started to change the oil and at the same time checked it out for failures and worn parts. Everything seemed fine and as I stood there under the evening light, hearing the birches swaying, whispering to themselves over and round me, feeling the earth and green grass I suddenly felt like I was locked into this land. Like there was a power coming under me passing beyond me, connecting me to this breathless canopy of indigo air, stretching all the way out to the stars and flowing into infinity.

I started to worry about my sanity again as I stood there surveying myself. So many things had happened so fast and I couldn't make sense of any of them. From no friends to three and a niece too. It made no sense, no sense at all. I had also found out that I could love, and that scared me big time. It was not the way I had organized my life, this was new and treacherous ground to me. While I was thinking I had finished changing the oil and as I already was working I then checked the other fluids too. Somewhat later, as the shadows were starting to grow around me I decided it was time to return to the house. As I stood outside it I couldn't help but silently moving to the kitchen window to get a peek in. They were there all of them, not hearing what they said, only being able to see them move in that light almost made it into a dance.

The girls moved as if weightless with Derek sitting in the corner fixing with something. They all seemed to belong, it was only me left outside looking in. I tried to collect my thoughts, as I stood there captivated by their movements. To be a part of their purpose and to be welcomed in their midst seemed to me now as all one could ask for. I went into the house and hung up my coat in the vestibule and then went into the kitchen. Linea come up to me directly taking me by her hand at the same time as she led me to the kitchen bench.
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(somewhat guilty)
It was a joke, a harmless joke mi lady ..

Why do you leave me here, alone?
I can hear the echoes of your steps

It's so silent here.
Please come back.

Now is that a poem or what?

A what?



'Carl, ' she started 'did you see that little colt, he thinks I'm his Mum, really he does.' She gave me an exited description of her day, down to the smallest details.' As I sat there listening I suddenly realized that I too had found a place here, that I was among friends and loved ones. Somehow my breathing seemed to come a little easier thinking of that, I leaned over to hug Linea. 'You sound like you've had a perfect day today.' I said holding her. 'I think you have a lot more of them waiting for you.'

Dawn who had been fixing supper come over to us with a newly baked loaf of bread asking me to taste it. As I took it from her hands I could feel the light touch of her fingers, it gave me a tingling sensation in my hand and combined with the smell of spices, warm bread and her own indefinable aroma it become a most sensual experience. It seemed as if all of my senses were working at full ahead this evening, every color seemed new and vibrant, all sounds clear and melodious.

It was almost to much, creating a overload of impressions for me. Dawn looked at me with a concerned expression. She placed her cool hand at my forehead again and then said. 'Carl, I think you should go up to your room to get some rest, I think you're getting down with something, you're burning.' I protested but to no avail, they conspired without mercy to get me to bed and they succeeded, in just a short while I found myself in my bed, now with a head feeling like its been blown up to double its normal size, and growing. I guess she was right, I was sick.

The next week just seemed to disappear as I was laying there. I don't remember those first days very well, so I guess I must have been quite ill. I remember someone washing my face saying that it would all be well, and someone else telling me about something funny, I knew it must have been funny as she seemed to laugh, or maybe it was crying, I'm not sure. In my feverish dreams I had this vision of myself leaving, watching the Earth getting smaller and smaller and passing through the clouds and then the outmost layers of the atmosphere into black and empty space. Looking back as I floated there I saw this thing of indescribable beauty, It was the Earth my home, then I just felt myself drawn back down like something at the end of a very stretched elastic band.

Another dream was of me down in the middle of a valley, with green hills surrounding me and with a clear little pool in front of me. It was very still as I bent over to look in it. I could see the sky darkly reflected in it and myself too, as I looked down at myself I felt my consciousness suddenly pass over, now I was the figure in the pool looking up on myself standing there in the valley. Those dreams were very powerful and disturbing and I didn't know what to make of them. At the same time they were very precious to me and made me feel like there might be a hidden purpose to me and to us all, yeah I know, the ramblings of a mystic...

When I come to my senses I found that I had lost more than just some days, I had also lost a lot of weight and my strength. I tried to get up but my legs didn't seem to work right. Someone must have heard me as suddenly Dawn was there helping me to stand at the same time she was chiding me telling me to lie down again. 'I need to go to the bathroom.' I said. 'No you don't.' She said. 'Lie down, I will get you a bedpan.' No way I was going to use that thing. 'I will go to the bathroom' I said. Even if I have to crawl to get there I thought. She gave after and helped me to it and after I had done my needs she followed me back to the bed.

'I'm nothing bout trouble to you.' I said. 'Look, I'm ok, I just need to rest a bit Dawn.' She shook her head as she straightened the sheet over me. 'Don't you be daft now boy.' She said, smiling down at me. 'You've been such a good lad until now, don't you turn all obstinate.' As I listened to her words, I found them both soothing as well as sounding more like a melody than just mere words. And the flow of them was strange too I thought. Maybe it was because she felt concerned about me she allowed herself to slip like this, still, it sounded so strange and enchanting too.

Like she had grown up somewhere quite different than I ever would be able to think up. 'Dawn' I said, feeling a little woozy, wanting to tell her about what I had found out about her, Linea and me. 'Did you know that it is possible to love more than one? At the same time I mean.' She started to laugh as she bent over me. 'Aye laddie so it is, and most properly too if I may say so. But please Carl, stop talking now, try to get some rest instead.' After giving me a swift kiss she left the room.

So I slept the rest of that day, and then I slept some more. I wasn't well yet but I was at least going in the right direction. Linea and the rest had been lucky, none more than me had become sick, knowing that was a great relief to me. Passing it on to the whole family would have been too much to bear right then. So life started to turn about to normal again, if one could describe what Linea and I had experienced and continued to experience as being normal of course.

Linea sat at the brook resting her tired feet in the water. She was out riding alone, strange she thought, just a month ago she seriously had been thinking about taking her own life. Now she was here in Canada living with some really great friends, working with what she always had loved most, all thanks to Carl. When she thought of Carl she wasn't sure herself how she saw him, a little like a lover but not really, very much like an older wiser brother. And sometimes like the Dad she couldn't remember having, it was confusing, all of it was. But she was glad that she and Dawn had shifted rooms, it seemed that Dawn too was pleased with the change, even though nothing seemed to have happened between Dawn and Carl.

If Carl almost was like that bigger brother then Dawn definitely was her elder sister, she thought. She could hear Butterbloom languidly move as she contently munched at the grass, she was definitely enjoying herself thought Linea. And now at last Carl was getting better, there had been some real worry at first, as if they might have to take him to a hospital. Then Dawn and Hope had mixed some strange smelling herbs together to give him and they all had joined hands concentrating on how he would get well. It had felt really strange at first but after a while it was almost as if she could see Carl getting well there, inside her mind. And whatever it was they had tried it seemed to work. Well it was time to turn to home she thought contentedly as she scooped up Butterbloom's rein from the ground. As she rode back the clear high air almost made her giddy, it was all very much like a dream, but if it was she would simply refuse to wake up.
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some thoughts...


blooms on a plant
side by side -
sister blossoms


zen rest;
search the water
for peace


after the rest,
only Butterbloom's rein
is grounded

Now what is this.

hesitant footsteps
coming back?

I'm flattered.
and grateful.

And I hope all of you are that brave :)))



Carl woke up to a sunny clear day, for the first time in days he didn't feel dizzy. He swung his legs over the bed and started to dress. Then he had to take it all of again as he remembered that one was supposed to shower before dressing. When he came down to the kitchen he found Dawn there humming as usual. For once she wasn't prepared for him, he sneaked forward to kiss her right on her right ear. It was a loud smacking kiss almost like a raspberry, and it scared her to death. She must have jumped three feet in the air turning around before coming down like a cat on steroids ready to do battle. Carl who hadn't been ready for such a violent reaction almost fell over as she landed in his arms, but as she already was there he couldn't see anything wrong with kissing her again.

So he did, and then some more, and somehow he couldn't stop. 'I must speak with Derek about that Niagra, I really must.' Dawn heard him mumble as she found herself embraced by his arms. She shook her head, he was hopeless she thought, one couldn't trust him to be sensible for one second, but it was nice being held though, she thought as his grip got tighter. Now she heard him say' I've gotta let go, she will scream. Awhh, let go Carl.' 'Carl?' She said. 'Why are you talking to yourself?' Now studying him so intently as if he was just a small specimen under her magnifying glass.

Not again, thought Carl despairing. She will never find me a grownup now, giving her raspberries, talking to my self. 'Sorry Dawn, just happy to hold you. Have I told you that I love you?' At last long he seemed to do something right. Dawn all of a sudden seemed to melt into his arms while tilting her head upward in a most inviting manner. After they had kissed she grabbed his arm and led him back up to his bed where she slowly started to undress him. Carl gallantly tried to reciprocate and from there i will leave the reader to guess. Let it be sufficient to say that Carl found himself most happily occupied for the rest of the afternoon.

When Linea came home she went up to see how it was with Carl. Deeming from the sounds emanating from his bedchamber he was feeling well, more than well in fact. She smiled as she turned around to go down to wait in the kitchen. When Hope and Derek who had been into town to get some commodities for the farm came into the kitchen a few hours later they found Linea fixing a late dinner. Not only that, but a really big late dinner. Hope shook her head saying 'Don't you think that's a little to much?' Linea smiled mischievously. 'Not when they are finished.' She answered. Derek who got it immediately took Hopes hand and they both stole up the stairs to listen.

By now one could only hear whispering in Carl's room so Hope looked at Derek who nodded then they knocked twice and opened the door without waiting. Carl dived under the covers quick as a snake but Dawn just lay there, acting as cool as can be. 'So the prey is finally laid down Dawn?' asked Hope. Dawn smiled and dramatically pulled down the sheet to show Carl hiding beside her. 'The Trophy is here, and neatly bagged Mistress.' She answered royally but then destroyed the whole effect by helplessly starting to giggle. The mirth spread like wildfire, and in the end even Carl had to join in.

After allowing the two lovebirds to get ready on their own they all sat down to supper. Out side the window they could see large dark rain-filled clouds building up, rolling in toward their homestead like a mighty armada. From far away one could hear a low thunder and see lightening flickering. 'They warned of this on the radio.' Said Derek. 'They even warned that there might be hurricane winds.' The horses were inside the barn already and they had lightening conductors on all buildings. They sat there in the kitchen listening to the wind, watching the fire in the old iron stove. Derek turned to Carl. 'Carl, do you believe in magic?' 'Magic?' said Carl. 'I never thought about it, well, not seriously. Are we talking about magicians or?' Now Dawn jumped in 'No Carl, we are talking about unexplainable things, real magic, not street magicians.' She was snuggled comfortably under Carl's right arm, Linea under his left as they sat on the kitchen bench.

Carl looked at them, then out at the storm building up. The clouds had by now formed themselves into a whirling black mass Interfoliated by more and more lightening as the wind increased. The rain was gushing down and the sound of the wind now forced them to raise their voices. Derek smiled. 'Well Carl. Just promise me to keep a cool head upon those shoulders tomorrow. And the same goes for you little sweetheart.' He said the last looking directly into Linea's eyes. She nodded, smiling back, she had already guessed that there was something weird about this place. Not that it felt bad, if anything it felt like a good weirdness, if one could say so she thought. 'Don't worry Derek.' She answered.

'Carl, Dawn, can I lend your bed tonight? You two only need one bed, right? I'm scared of the lightening.' Carl looked at Dawn thinking, sh- so now Dawn and Linea would sleep together and he alone? What did she mean? That I too would sleep with them? But Dawn just nodded snuggling even closer to Carl. They sat there watching the flames listening to the storm for a long time. Derek told stories that slowly got stranger and stranger. Some of them sounded very dark and ominous, Carl drew his girls closer to him as he listened. The strangest part though, was that the girls all seemed to accept them as the gospel.

They all had one last dram, except Linea who preferred something sweeter. Then they went to bed, Carl was totally prepared to go into Linea's and Dawns room but to his surprise they all ended up in his. The girls went to the bathroom and he changed in the bedroom, when they were finished it was his turn. He came back to a totally dark room, he walked carefully towards what he hoped was the right bed stumbling over some idiots clothes, oh yes, it must have been his own and finally could dive under the covers. It was very tight, Dawn was almost pushing him over the edge. He laid his hand on her pajama pushing her hip a little. 'Dawn?' he said. 'Do you think you can move in a little.

To his surprise it was Linea answering. 'No Carl, I can't. Dawn will fall down.' Carl thought about it, ok so they were going to be three in the bed, he could move over to the other bed but then he would have to sleep alone. He did not want that. But he could at least move to the other side right, or Linea could, couldn't she? 'Linea', can you move to the other side?' 'Sure Carl.' She said. 'Enjoy.' And with that she moved over him so that he now found himself in the middle sandwiched by two lovely maidens. When in Rome he thought giving in to the situation allowing them both to snuggle up to him. They all fell asleep like that, he holding them both, hearing the wind wail and the rain pouring down, with the thunder slowly moving away.
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in a bed
anger above


in a bed -


hope -
after the storm,
