A Preponderance of Predators

I like option 2 with lots of swear words, then again...simple things amuse me.

I bet that isn't what you meant was it?
Okay then! We all heard lilfrk the wiseass just volunteer to write the all-new, streamlined BDSM Forum sticky, right?

One more deed-to-do off my plate!

I think I just like saying the word "stickies"....mmmstickies.

Oh...hi....uh I think there should be a BDSM Welcome Wagon/FAQ thingy of some kind...but there are those who will RTFM, and those who won't.

But..... no matter what anyone says or does, there will still be times when Lance & Monster want to hold hands and slow dance in a field of daisies...and I think people should just open their hearts to the possibility of real love amongst people from monarchies and republics and just feel the love, you know?

Just feeeel it.

And if you hardestworkingburnoutsontheinternet need the key to my cabin on the east coast of canada....drop me a line...it's a great pine decompression chamber. With a hottub outside. And an antique brass 4poster. Seven foot bathtub for two. Fireplace. Herb garden. And really great pot(s).... for cooking lobsters.

Just change the sheets when you're done.

Oh...Can you recommend an ointment....

...for the Pithy Stickies?

It's not so much the swelling as the oozing that's bothering me.


Re: Stickies.

Lancecastor said:

And if you hardestworkingburnoutsontheinternet need the key to my cabin on the east coast of canada....drop me a line...it's a great pine decompression chamber. With a hottub outside. And an antique brass 4poster. Seven foot bathtub for two. Fireplace. Herb garden. And really great pot(s).... for cooking lobsters.

Just change the sheets when you're done.

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I was thinking...

..of the overburnt Moderators, but hey, you've got a cool av and teachers are always cool with me....hey, were you my First Grade teacher? Miss Silver???? That you? Woo-hoo!

Nope, no first grade for me. I teach Kindergarten.

I'm not at the lit break point, but you made your getaway sound perfect.
Re: Stickies.

Lancecastor said:

But..... no matter what anyone says or does, there will still be times when Lance & Monster want to hold hands and slow dance in a field of daisies...and I think people should just open their hearts to the possibility of real love amongst people from monarchies and republics and just feel the love, you know?

Just feeeel it.


OOOOOOOOO...can I watch please? Pretty Please with sugar on top? I'm beggin' here. (y'all saw what beggin' got me in that damn limerick thread right?)

OH...and about that fuckin' sticky. Geez cym...you're getting bossy or something. I'll write the damn thing later. Be warned that's all I got to say.

(have fun on your trip darlin')
If you *would*, that would be very cool.
If you don't want to, though, please don't feel obligated.
I like the idea of the single stick with links to others - especially to the mother thread. I have seen this mentioned in a few posts now, but can't seem to find it. (And I bet that means it's right under my nose!)

willow :rose:
cymbidia said:
If you *would*, that would be very cool.
If you don't want to, though, please don't feel obligated.

I will, for you, but I bet it won't be usable.

I'll work on a real one while you're gone.
Re: Stickies.

Lance, you are truly a piece of work. FYI, I got your PM, and I prepared a moderately long reply, but your PM box was full. Suffice it to say that yes, your note was received well.

And as for the holding hands and dancing in daisies and feeling love, well it seems lilfrk is working on a contract for the TV rights.

But..... no matter what anyone says or does, there will still be times when Lance & Monster want to hold hands and slow dance in a field of daisies...and I think people should just open their hearts to the possibility of real love amongst people from monarchies and republics and just feel the love, you know?

A Full Box

monster666 said:
Lance, you are truly a piece of work. FYI, I got your PM, and I prepared a moderately long reply, but your PM box was full. Suffice it to say that yes, your note was received well.

And as for the holding hands and dancing in daisies and feeling love, well it seems lilfrk is working on a contract for the TV rights.

Yes, I experienced a full box last night for the first time in a while.

Thanks for the sentiments.

I think we should retain the merch rights, as a line of action figures might be in order.

Reader's Digest said that they couldn't condense the mother thread enough to make it worth our while so I hung up on them.

I spoke to DCL and he's sending me Ron Jeremy's home number so we can make the Lancecastor and Monster Love Story. Filming should start around Labor Day. I'll keep you posted.

I've been in touch with the folks at Real Dolls, they agree with me that the Lancecaster and Monster Real Dolls should have vibrating orfices and life like sounds. Oh wait maybe that was the blow-up sheep I saw in the Adam and Eve catalog. Doesn't matter much I guess. Everyone start thinking of ad slogans...I'm going to need all the help I can get.

Yes...I got the pithy BDSM sticky assignment. I'm not sure if it's a privilege or a punishment. I'll get back to you about that one.

(this post is proof that I think WAY too much)

Back to the regularly scheduled program of: A Preponderance of Predators.
monster666 said:
Good grief. lilfrk has the pithy sticky. Do you have the reader's digest version of the monster thread? :>

*wild laughter* Spend time condensing the Monster? *snort*

You're funny!

Um, no. No I don't.
Much of it has been mined, though. Switch issues, sub-drop, links, online meetings & safe-calls, legal issues, dealing with a 'nilla partner...lots of stuff has already been lifted and reposted to the new threads. I'm sure a lot more could be, but it doesn't seem particularly high priority to me.

But, in any case, the link was posted for willow, not to suggest that lilfrk should wade through it. Lilfrk, if you actually do a unified sticky, just give a link to the monster, okay?

This started out as an interesting discussion in it's time and with new posters may have some purpose for added input and awareness........

Personally, I enjoy the occasional lighthearted banter on this forum. It enhances rather than detracts from the discussions.

Many topics here are discussed in such serious tones that new people reading could be forgiven for believing that all those who practice BDSM live in a dark & very dangerous world and spend their lives in dedicated contemplation of their own enlightenment & awareness.

The little flashes of wit & fun are welcome relief, giving additional insight into the personalities of the writers. My Master and I, (we live together & incorporate BDSM into our daily lives) joke, laugh and generally live a happy & full life. I believe that there are many more couples such as us. We enjoy reading Lit, for the most part, as it is interesting to gain others' views on the lifestyle, so please don't scold those who add a bit of cheeky irreverence to the board.
incubus'_sub said:
Personally, I enjoy the occasional lighthearted banter on this forum. It enhances rather than detracts from the discussions.

Many topics here are discussed in such serious tones that new people reading could be forgiven for believing that all those who practice BDSM live in a dark & very dangerous world and spend their lives in dedicated contemplation of their own enlightenment & awareness.

The little flashes of wit & fun are welcome relief, giving additional insight into the personalities of the writers. My Master and I, (we live together & incorporate BDSM into our daily lives) joke, laugh and generally live a happy & full life. I believe that there are many more couples such as us. We enjoy reading Lit, for the most part, as it is interesting to gain others' views on the lifestyle, so please don't scold those who add a bit of cheeky irreverence to the board.

Couldn't agree more, but feel a need to point out I was not scolding anyone, just pointing out a need to read both pages to know the original thread topic. Add to that the second page fun was a topic that no longer had any relevance, and was mostly between now absent posters, I thought it courteous, and sensible to direct people to the original topic as it is silly to try and continue a conversation which is irrelevant on today's board and try to continue a private joke form which was between posters over 18 months ago. No longer relevant IMO so sensible to return to topic with fresh ideas.

Can't agree with your fears newcomers will think BDSM is dark and dangerous, unless of course they have a preponderance to tunnel vision it that way shutting out the rest of the board discussions, or they have issues they need to deal with in their own life which leads them to feel everything in life needs to be turned into a joke. As a counsellor I have seen that as a common mechanism for those in denial trying to cope without addressing the real issues.

As I'm sure you are aware, we have 2 sections to the board, one for fun, one for serious. Most posters contribute to both, the humour and serious often cross, but most also want the freedom to enjoy humour if they want in Cafe, and for those who are seeking a serious discussion in Talk, sometimes because it is a point they are seeking help with which is disrupting their lives significantly, they also like to be able to have their discussion respected without feeling the need to break it up into a comedy and never reach any point which helps them or anyone else deal with the original issue being discussed. It is all about balance and respect of issues which though they may not touch your life personally, to someone else they may be hugely relevant and the most important issue in their life at that time.

If a topic is not of interest to particular posters, they usually just go to the next one which does...freedom choice so to speak without hijacking another's discussion. And Incubus-sub I am sure everyone will welcome seeing this jovial side of you you speak of sharing with your Master on a daily basis. Feel free to let it loose, especially in Cafe threads where we all enjoy a good joke and laugh between friends. I for one am often there, but then in your reading of the Lit BDSM board you would already have seen that yourself countless times. :)

So back to the original idea of resurrecting this and other threads, anyone who wishes to contribute to the thread topic, please feel free to do so. :D

Catalina :rose:
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cellis said:
I am increasingly alarmed at the number of people who post here and discuss obviously abusive relationships. It seems that we are spending more and more time explaining the difference between a Safe, Sane and Consentual relationship and an abusive one.

It was in fact the presence of a predator in my own life that brought me to the old Mother thread. I had been chatting for a couple of days with a dom on alt.com, who after a second chat session began demanding my phone number and that I meet him the next day. I knew that this did not feel right and I was not going for it at all.

It was that very same evening that I received my Lit newsletter featuring the old BDSM thread. I clicked on the link and began to read and when I came to the part about the on-line predator, I knew why it was that I felt so uncomfortable.

I am very concerned when a sub writes that they cannot leave their dom/me because they made a commitment to that person. It makes me wonder what would happen to the person if they were in a 'nilla relationship and their partner told they could not leave. To me it is basically the same difference.

Just because a person is in a BDSM relationship, does not mean that as a sub, they don't have choices and they cannot say "no". I think that it is very important to remember that before the relationship is BDSM, it is first and formost a relationship.

I know that I am on a rant today. I cannot help it. It just plain pisses me off when I hear someone say that they cannot leave a dom/me because they dom/me says so. That is not what this is all about and it makes me angry when I see people using BDSM as an excuse to manipulate and control and abuse people.

(Ok stepping off my soapbox now.)

i think this topic could hold relevance for a free submissive or a bdsm bottom, but not sure what i as a slave could contribute to it.
Re: Re: A Preponderance of Predators

ownedsubgal said:
i think this topic could hold relevance for a free submissive or a bdsm bottom, but not sure what i as a slave could contribute to it.

Thanks for trying anyway. :)

Catalina :rose:
I think concern for people getting into abusive relationships is mostly unfounded.

I doubt if many people in genuinely abusive relationships will be discussing it on the internet.
Texture said:
I think concern for people getting into abusive relationships is mostly unfounded.

I doubt if many people in genuinely abusive relationships will be discussing it on the internet.

You might be surprised...most people in abusive relationships go through a stage of not identifying it as abusive for a variety of reasons...sometimes they never get past that stage because they never see a choice.

Catalina :rose: