A question©©©

Me paranoid? Nah! I just don't like couches. Maybe you can help me with this?
Couch-o-phobia to couch potato!! Instant Cure

Sure I'll help you with it.

Just close your eyes. Picture a couch. Don't freak! Go on... Just try. Start with a small one - ultra-small, teeny-weeny. Ok, did that? See, it wasn't as bad as it seemed.

Now, picture something you like. Can be anything, but you really have to like it. Errr... may I suggest planes? :D

Ahh ok, now you go on to a slightly bigger couch. It's okay. Couches are nice things really. They won't hurt you... c'mon, that's a good boy!

now the planes (or whatever it was the first time, or maybe you can change it to something else too).

Now bigger couch, now bigger plane... now bigger couch... now bigger plane. I think you get the drift. You'll be cured (hehehe... cured?) in no time at all.

Good luck!!
:rose: :rose: :rose:

wildsweetone said:
either cured or dead. ;)

ever tried a chaise longue?
That's just it! I am chased by them in my dreams. They have legs and clippity clop, clippity clop (like a horse on pavement) when they are running. Gosh, doc, does this mean I am crazy? What happens if one catches me, do you think? Do I turn into a catched lounge, maybe?
Re: Couch-o-phobia to couch potato!! Instant Cure

damppanties said:
Sure I'll help you with it.

Just close your eyes. Picture a couch. Don't freak! Go on... Just try. Start with a small one - ultra-small, teeny-weeny. Ok, did that? See, it wasn't as bad as it seemed.

Now, picture something you like. Can be anything, but you really have to like it. Errr... may I suggest planes? :D
:rose: :rose: :rose: -DP.

Well, it seems to be working, but it is a slow process. I get to the size of a love seat, and that is all. Looks like I may need some more treatments?
DVS said:

That's just it! I am chased by them in my dreams. They have legs and clippity clop, clippity clop (like a horse on pavement) when they are running. Gosh, doc, does this mean I am crazy? What happens if one catches me, do you think? Do I turn into a catched lounge, maybe?

NO, of course it doesn't mean you're crazy!! Well,maybe a little crazy, but it's ok. It can be remedied. Now keep up the excercise. ;) :p
wildsweetone said:
either cured or dead. ;)

ever tried a chaise longue?

*whispering* Shhhh!!!! WSO, Don't talk about a chaise lounge. The poor thing is just getting started. Might interfere with the treatment! :D

I submitted a story, and received a reply stating that I need to re-submit it due to an error© I do this, the the newly submitted story ¥errors fixed¤ was stuck on pending for about 3 days, and then completely removed from my member page© Eventually it popped back up stating it was denied© I followed all guidelines, no underage sex, nothing like that© I e-mailed the people at Literotica for some help© I have yet to receive a reply© Please help!

I didn't see it at first but after someone mentioned it and I went back and looked you do have some strange characters showing up. I guess I'm not the most observant person.

I would suggest that you highlight your whole story in word or whatever program you're using and change your font to Arial or Times New Roman and resubmit it. You might be using some strange font and not even know it.

Hope that helps.

Re: Thank you

Y2J420 said:
Thanks for the help guys©

I just posted a How To essay that might help you track down the strange characters in your text.

If you use WordPerfect, it has a reputation for cut and paste operations not displaying properly on Webpages. You need to save your document as a pure text file and submit it with the browse button.

Hey, Doc! I'm cured. I don't have a phobia against couches any more. But, now I am getting paranoid about © marks. I see them everywhere I go. At the beginning of stories ©, on all of my CDs ©, and even on web pages. And now, I have even seen them in a post! © They are all over. It reminds me of the old Packman game where the little bugger goes around chomping on things. © chomp, © chomp, © chomp. Anybody else see them, or is it just me? See 'em? © © © © © © © © ©
nah can't see a thing... must be all that plane bumping going on DVS. maybe they need refuelling...?
Hiya DVS,

You're really in bad huh? I guess you'll have to come for a personal visit. All this long distance curing is what is making you feel worse I think. ;)

-DP. ©

P.S: I like Packman!! :D So, the symbols aren't that bad really - they're cute. Learn to live with them... hehehe.
Wow, this thread went on a lot longer than I thought, AND it veered waaaaayyy off the topic© Cool© lol
*whispering* Shhhhhhh try not to look directly at me, I'm hiding from the TOPIC POLICE!


thanks for the chuckles Y2J420
WSO, u hiding?

Me? I'm not even here. :D

Hope you didn't mind the veering Y2J420

So, where are you? Out changing your panties?

Oh, and surely everybody who posts knows a thread can take a right turn at any given time, and never return to the original topic. We are all human, after all.
Nah, I'm not out changing my panties. I'm in here... here! See me? *waving frantically*

btw, how are your phobias?

Well,, I just got off work, and I don't see very well at this time of day. So, you have already changed your panties, I guess?

My phobias? They s s s s s seem to be evolving. I I I I'm s s s s s stuttering, now.
But, it helps during sex, because I thrust with a s s s s stutter, too. She l l l l l loves it!

I don't think I will want this corrected. I t t t t t think stutterers have more f f f f fun.

This post in no way is trying to make fun of anyone who stutters. Sorry, if I offended anyone.
Leave my panties alone!! I don't know what possesed me to have this nick... temporary insanity? :rolleyes:

Poooooor poor you!! Tch tch. So does this mean all prior phobias are gone? Or you have all of them together? I'm really worried about you, you know...can't see also. Uhhh what some people have to deal with in life!

Tell me if I can help. And I really think you should get off those planes. Shouldn't be stuttering and driving ;)

Well, actually, if we lived close, I think a little tender loving care would go a long way in curing what phobias I have. You know...a house call, doc?

But, other than that, I do think I will get better, in time. These phobias ARE evolving, and sooner or later, they are all going to fade away. It is interesting to note that kinky sex seems to help a lot. So, that is my goal. Kinky sex, kinky sex, kinky sex.