A question for the Domme Ladies

Your name was well choosen!

Love the way you've been gently turning the sub to your desired goals.:rose: :kiss:
Because I enjoy this thread so much, I have sent it to Himself. Not because I think he needs any pointers, but because I think he will enjoy it immensely. You much remind me of him, in that you do things your way and seem not to seek validation from the outside. He is much the same.

It is well past 8 PM now (Canadian time!) and you have been in My home since noon. 8 hours of ups and downs as I led you deep into your own thoughts..feelings and fantasies.

you have felt the firm caring of My hand as well as its bite. you have seen the laughter in My eyes and the way they change to slate blue as I explain the reality of a 24/7 BDSM existance. The joys and the trials of near constant submission and obedience.

you have seen how I control and care for My slave simutaneously to training you, as easily as I breath. you have seen no jealousy from him nor fear for his own place. you have seen his pride in being Mine and My pride in owning him. This is a double whammy. you will be wondering if you could exist side by side in a *family* style D/s world. If you could feel so safe and content under the feet of a trainer. It is not a thought that should be new to you as I will have explained this reality long before W/we met. Still hearing it and seeing it brings its own kind of reality. Something else to process tonight when you drift off to sleep.

There will be no more lessons tonight...just talk...relaxation...you calmly at My feet feeling My strong hand on your wrist. you will feel My heat through the cuffs and I will watch you for the calm after effects of a long day. The length of the day began before you entered My door for I know how many times you almost turned back in hesitation before you rang My bell. I know that you have been nervous and excited for weeks and that this brings its own kind of exhaustion. I will send you to bed early and you will obey without hesitation.

you will sleep on a mattress on the floor in My office. I choose this place because I can watch you sleep as I type at My computer in the morning...I already know your sleep will be deeper and longer than you expect.

When you have made your own bed I will send you to brush your teeth, tonight you will sleep collared and cuffed. I will reassure you that if either of these bindings cause you trouble in the night you are to come to Me and I will release you from their bondage, that it is not a sign of failure to come to Me BUT it is a sign of failure to lack the courage to do so Me.

Tonight I will lie in My bed with My slave in My arms and listen for your sleep sounds. Every time you turn or your breathing changes I will do a mental evaluation as to where I think you are emotionally. you are under My protection even in your sleep. Even though you are one room from Me you are not alone.

to be continued....
saga continues....

It is morning and as usual I am the first one awake....I open My computer and read My mail as I watch you sleep on the floor at My feet. If you had of known you would be here on the floor you would have been sure you would have been awake the moment you heard Me move. It seldom occurs.

When you wake I will allow you a few moments to get your bearings and then ask how you have slept. How you feel. I will send you to the bathroom and have you also brush your teeth.

When you return you will be instructed to make Me a coffee and serve it in the standard way. you will make yours at the same time. I will join you in the kitchen this morning as I know that I will be interrogating you about yesterdays journey.

By now you know to serve My coffee from your knees, after first tasting it for perfection and kissing the rim of the cup. When I have approved its quality you will be instructed to join Me with yours..at My feet. We will talk of the emotions you are still processing and once again talk about limits, hopes and expectations. All subjects you and I have spoken about online or by phone. I do this because you have now tasted reality and will have a different view of many things. I will go indepth into all you say you need or want. Making you look past fantasy and into reality.

I seldom eat in the morning but offer you the opportunity to make yourself breakfast and then you will bathe Me...OMG is the look I see in your eyes! The tremble is back in your hands. The uncertainty is obvious. I explain to you that it is necessary to know how to bathe a Mistress to Her satisfaction whether you become Mine or not.


Because I train in the 24/7 lifestyle and in this lifestyle it is simply one of the services that are expected by some of Us more demanding Dominants. I wish to keep you slightly off balance this morning as I take you to new experiences that you may not have really expected on this first meeting.

you will prepare My bath as instructed..HOT and deep..when it is ready you will return to Me and inform Me that the bath awaits My pleasure. I will then attach the leash to your collar and lead you into My room and retrieve the blindfold.

you will kneel in the bathroom beside the tub and I will place the black leather blindfold over your eyes removing one sense to heighten others. I will smile as I watch the sweat of nervouness shine on your face. you will be instructed to remove My black silk night gown with your trembling hands. My voice will be your guide and your hands will become the eyes you will be using now. When I am naked before your blindness I will put My hand on the back of your head and hold you against My belly so that you will be aware of the aroma of My Womans heat. The moment I hear your first whimper I will step away from you and into the water. I will drop the leash between your legs so that the cold chain surprises your balls.

I have decided not to wash My hair this morning as I will do it later in the day after I have sent you home, so I will not allow you to wash My face.


Removing one small section of a training leaves the addition of that small section for the next training. Each experience brings its own emotions.

your hands will learn to be the guide to the exploration of My body. your ears will become the vehicle that allows you to follow instructions. This first introduction into bathing Me will bring you into a new head space of nervousness and I will not make it any easier as I ask you if you washed both of My feet. The hesitation and fear I see in your face as you try to remember will encourage Me to tease you even further. When I am satisfied that not and INCH of My nakedness has been left uncleansed I will instruct you to drop into the frog position until given a further instruction. I do this to give you a few minutes to try to gather your thoughts or increase the agony you will be feeling knowing you will very likely be instructed to dry Me next.

I will step from the water and just stand before you for several minutes to increase your discomfort..never letting you try to second guess Me.

"Up," I will command in a no nonsense voice. When you are back to your knees I will instruct you to pick up the towel and dry Me. I enjoy the caution you use, trying to make sure I am totally dry and at the same time I feel your hesitation in becoming to intimate with My nakedness.

When I am satisfied with the task you have completed I will step back and once again instruct you to drop to the frog position. I will leave you there as I repair My makeup and hair and dress. I then allow you back to your knees and remove the leash. Then the blindfold. ýou will be told how proud I am of how well you have served Me so far this morning and be given the luxury of your own shower. I will instruct you to take your time as once again it is also a time to process where you have just been.

to be continued....
Now i get it!

That whimper! You did a whole thread about that whimper. Ahh..that there were an alphabet which could spell the variations and inflections a single vocalization can hold.

i know what that whimper sounds like now.

i just DID it! Just before you got in the tub! You KNEW that was going to happen, dinchya?

You are a superb educator, Mistress:rose:

(i just DID it! Just before you got in the tub! You KNEW that was going to happen, dinchya? )

you betchur butt I knew it!

I will continue this thread when I return f~rom the motorcycle ride this afternoon...perhaps you will be interested in hearing a little about the whips and chains? ~~~grin~~
And while you are out biking,...

Shadowsdream said:
(i just DID it! Just before you got in the tub! You KNEW that was going to happen, dinchya? )

you betchur butt I knew it!

I will continue this thread when I return f~rom the motorcycle ride this afternoon...perhaps you will be interested in hearing a little about the whips and chains? ~~~grin~~

...I will be taking a shower in your Shadow. :D
Dang it Todd..

First you get the playstation.
Then you get Jeri Ryan.
Now you get this?

That's so not fair.
continuing before the ride since I seem to have an hour on My hands...

you will come to Me fresh from your shower....looking content and relaxed...not good! ~~~grin~~~

I know that you have almost given up on the idea that any play will occur as your 24 hours is running out very soon...I have planned it this way...to teach you that I am a service minded Domme and that a 24/7 position entails a hell of a lot more service than it does play. I want you to understand this reality so that you can base any future decisions on it. Fantasy will not last you a lifetime but reality will.

A long time ago you asked Me what you could do while you waited to prepare yourself for a lifestyle of submission. I explained how the buttplug would be a valuable tool to get used to. I never instructed you to use it but did explain the hows and whys. you decided to begin that training on your own and I was going to use a bit of that now. I had instructed you to bring your own buttplug with you on this training.

I sent you back to your over night bag to get the plug and then sent you to My room to insert it with instructions to return to Me and display it fully inserted for My pleasure. I saw your embarrassment but also your obedience as you left Me to do as commanded.


Humiliation should be tasted the first time with someone that is not trying to destroy anything in you but to teach you that it has its place in this lifestyle. That it is a strong taste of obedience training in its most fundemental form.

When you return I have you bend before Me with your hands upon your knees. I will spread your ass cheeks just to increase your humiliation..pressing gently on the plug to confirm and accentuate My control. I know it is the small sensations that can create a memory that will never leave you. It is all about memories this morning.

shall I continue?
artful...I just knew You would say yes

(By all means! (pun intended))


I will once again collar and cuff you since both have been removed for your shower and place My finger in the ring of the collar. With that single finger I will lead you to the wrought iron king sized bed that holds so many possiblities of bondage scenerios.

Releasing the collar I will instruct you to kneel at My feet, I will explain that I am going to gag you with a very simple bit gag so that you will have something to bite on if the pain of the whips become almost unendurable. I will also explain that I will blindfold you to increase the experience of sensation and powerlessness at My hands. I will again remind you that there is no shame in using the safe word...but since you may feel I will not understand the word with this small gag I will give you the additional reassurance that I will give you a set of keys to drop so that you will have a back up plan. I will ask you if you trust Me.


Because the scene must begin with a certain amount of trust..and if I have not BEGUN to earn that trust by now it is time I begin to question My style of Domination where you are concerned. If you do not feel that beginning of trust I will remove both new experiences of the gag and blindfold combination. It is not a big deal but needs to be discussed.

Assuming you are ok and trusting My Domiantion I will gag you with the rubber bit gag, ask if you are ok..upon confirmation I will add the blindfold and help you to your feet and then to lie upon your belly on My bed. I will put a set of noisy keys into your hand.

I will strap your legs apart with the largest spreader bar and with a white sailing rope I will tie you in place to the bottom rungs of the bedframe. Each wrist will be tied to the top rungs of the bedframe..apart but not in an agony position. I will speak to you calmly yet firmly, explaining every move I make and why I do so. I will torment you with My power over your vulnerbility as I allow My hand to caress the most initimate areas of your body..lifting you slightly to give a squeeze to your balls.

your breathing is laboured and you are tense. I slowly begin to run the thin rubber flogger over your back and ass as I instruct you how to relax with your breathing and the concentration you should allow your mind to take from My voice. The flogger will take you to the sensations of sensuality..no pain just erotica...I will ask you now and then if you are ok..you will feel Me step away and you will hear Me reach for a new toy..and another and another...The touch of a stronger leather flogger will replace the caress of the thin rubber..still lovingly taking you into calmness as I explain how you must let your body go as well as any responsibility to respond or not. That only your honest sounds and reactions are acceptable and that I will know the difference.


Because without the ability to let go you cannot submit..it becomes a game and I am not into games.

and now the motorcyle awaits...til later

shhhh over there in the corner..your heavy breathing is almost enough to have Me considering cancelling the bike ride!

to be continued...
Kept me entranced long enough,...

...for the water to be re-heated,...NOW I'm taking that shower and going to bed. :rolleyes:
Is there room? Am I too late?

May I join the group in the corner?
DES! Cool!

i remember you from some posts you made, what seems a long time ago. i always loved the av...and the Bette Davis comment. (classic)

Please DO join us in the corner. Nudity is quite voluntary, no peer pressure here... i think She likes it though. (but i think a LOT of crazy stuff)

i just about got us in trouble for breathing so loud, but i wasn't really breathing loud, i was moaning as softly as i could.

Squeeze over a little foxy, morninggirl... oooo it's NICE squeezing in with you guys, uh ..girls

Don't hit me!
I like where this is going, I love that your going into so much detail.

I want you to continue, but may I call in my stunt double?

please continue, I'll bear this out.
Re: Is there room? Am I too late?

Desdemona said:
May I join the group in the corner?

Of course you can join the group in the corner. There's lots of room to be had, it it get's too crowded we can always appropriate a couch or something.
Doc darlin', I never bothered to get dressed. Thanks for welcoming my nekkid self to the corner as well as the nice comments. I'll try not to get anybody too wet as I sit here.... um.... drooling. Yeah, that's it. Drool is the source of all this moisture I'm feeling.:devil:

MG, thanks. A couch is a good idea. I'm not gettin' any younger and I do like to be comfy.
Re: Corner Roll Call

foxinsox said:
Blue, mg5, cellis, Desdemona and moi :)

Anyone else?

What i want to know is... who gets to sit in the wet spot?


I think the "Doc" has got it covered,...if not, ...he's got the situation well in hand! :D :rose:
welcome Desdemona..watch out for the wet spot!
anyone willing to step in to take Todds place? No? okie Todd you are still it!


I can sense you sinking deeper and deeper into the mattress as I see your body relax with the assumption that this will be all sensuality..slowly dragging the leather tendrils across your shoulders and down the center of your spine..allowing a few strands to drop between your ass cheeks and caress vulnerable exposed balls. A gasp of breath tells Me that you are coming back to Me.

I step back for just a second or two. you hear My silence as I remain immobile. Then *smack* upon the ass with a blow that comes out of nowhere. Bearable but surprising as My voice now holds a touch of venom...the edgy enjoyment that lulled you into thinking I was a Pussy is about to end. "you are nothing but an object for My entertainment!", will be the words that will refocus your mind. "your suffering for My entertainment is about to begin."

WHY do I slam into this mode

Because for Me the scene should have ups and downs, emotions should ebb and flow just as should sensations. It is also time to relieve your mind of the silly thought that I am Dominating you for your pleasure and Not Mine. I know this thought alone can fill you with guilt and take away most of the pleasure you could feel. It also is not true! I Dominate for My pleasure and through Me you recieve the pleasure that you crave as well.

Blow after stinging blow will take your breath away and redden that white ass in such a warm and tingly way. I will remind you to breathe when I see that you are beginning to forget this basic requirement and just when I feel you are at the edge of what you can take in the initial assualt the flogger will once again begin to make love to you. The firm yet gentle pressure of My hand will soothe your tormented butt as My voice once again becomes velvet with a touch of ice.

A firm hand that holds a warning will squeeze your exposed balls as I let you know I have just begun this journey you have waited so long to taste. One more time I will assure Myself that you are ok before I drop the flogger onto the bed and pick up another of a heavier weight. The heavy strands will cascade like lava from your shoulder blades to your heels as I step from your head to your feet, then up again to the ass that awaits My attention.

I am in full Domme mode now...My head is completely on the joy I feel with this instrument in the control of My hand. I have no hesitaion, no doubts and no second thoughts as I allow the blows to rain one after the other until the whimpers edge on a scream. Back to the touch of a soft carressing hand to lull you once again into complacity...slap slap slap, My hand becomes the weapon that shows you a good old fashioned spanking is still what you should fear from Me.

It is now time for Me to play the way I enjoy the most when My heat is steaming...I pick up the 4th flogger in My left hand retaining the third in My right and one after another I give you a taste of two sensations at a time...hand over hand..no breaking in stride...hard..soft..carressing..tormenting and eventually you will become aware that even this is changing as I drop one flogger to pick up another..never breaking stride, I love to change floggers in mid air. I love the theatrics and control.

A sheen of sweat is on your back as I step back and calmly replace these first toys you have met. I ask if you trust Me..if you are ok..if you can continue..being assured through your fog and the rubber bit I grin in your blindness as I deliberately choose the next round of toys you will endure.

to be continued....

I am thinking maybe Blue is wishing you didn't bring up the permission question ~~~grin~~~~