A quick rant

Cliché rant of the day

Did it become, at some point, undesirable to be inspired or imitative in our creativity? Even in our speech and everyday life. Are puns, good and bad, really such a crime? Or is old really worn out and tired? Does individual creativity really mean you have to be completely unique and original?

Or are the pundits using the most overused cliché of them all: Cliché. What is the shelf life of terminology, sayings, or ideas? How used is overused? If it is really, really good terminology, saying, or ideas can it bear more or less overuse and abuse? And does those that misuse really diminish the power that the original possessed?

I say no. The most overused, abused, misinterpreted, misused writer in the world has to be William Shakespeare. People take insane grief stricken rants and make them into sympathetic speaks of honor and nobility. Take a eulogy and mangle it into a sonnet to crown everlasting love. Take a light comedic moment and break its back into a solemn dirge, writhing with pain.

But does any of that diminish the Bards power and the soul of his work? I say no. People have even managed to take the teachings of Jesus Christ as a reason to murder, maim, and kill. I don't think that takes away anything from a philosophy of peace and understanding.

So what does it come to? I think it comes to that we are afraid that if we are not completely original with completely original thoughts, we will become less individual. I think that is culture shock. Technology makes the world small and bigger at the same time. It makes it smaller so we can see how big it really is, making us feel less significant.

I think the answer to that is not in trying to stand out alone, but stand out as what we are. A member of a group.

I am my mother and father. I am my sisters, my cousins, aunts, uncles, grandparents, all those that came before them, and even those that will come after me. I am my friends, teachers, bosses, acquaintances, and even those that I fleeting contact with.

I am Emily Dickinson, Ralph Waldo Emerson, Robert Frost, Uncle Walt, C.J. Cherryh, Piers Anthony, Jane Austin, Charles Dickens, Marion Zimmer Bradley, and Jean Auel. And I am all of you too. How can I not touch something and it become a part of who I am? I am human. I learn from watching and imitating. It makes me more than the some of my parts.

If that makes me cliché, then I'm proud to be so. I'm in good company.
Ali :)

sounds like just knowing...in itself, makes knowledge cliche.

Nah, its what you do with what youknow that creates the unique voice a poet writes with. If that poet chooses wisely, then it is not so cliche, perhaps

enjoy your way of thinking, YOU are definitely not in danger of becoming cliche

New rant after a rant vacation

So I see that we've more emotes. A mad and a few catty ones. But where o where is the dancing penis? Does no one appreciate that some of us aren't fruit lovers?