a sci-fi work in progress..

Lots of changes!

You have added lots new! Some good, other parts need some work. Keep on adding until you have all of the elements and then hit the editing tool. You are doing good! I like the way you are mirroring the sensuality... it becomes you!

much thanks!

quietpoet said:
You have added lots new! Some good, other parts need some work. Keep on adding until you have all of the elements and then hit the editing tool. You are doing good! I like the way you are mirroring the sensuality... it becomes you!


to all who helped me with this undertaking...QP , you said I could write this as an epic but, its becoming a short story ...and so much I have to leave out...like the girl finding the master first and what he said to her which led to the fantasy journey...it leaves to much to others perspective of meaning and reading between the lines of fancy...so thanks all for the help..I am scraping it for now....take care...blue :rose: