A Stab at Sonnetry

champagne1982 said:
In a totally feminine way.

There is room for you and a dark romance
to bring a joyful poem to your love.
Don't fear that others don't join this dance
sometimes they don't like the fit of the glove.
Sonnets to your sweetheart will spill from your heart
go ahead and let the words fall in a start
and write your passion as they land where they will
to rest, without renown, here in poetic clicheville.
Perhaps your darling will enjoy the jokes
that will sneak into the story you tell
it's surely a side of you he loves well
and of course the laughter your humour provokes.
You know deep inside that our opinions can't alter
the way that your darling wears his lover's halter.

So write passionately, then work on the rhyme and the meter. The trick, I think, is to let a poem go THEN, even though you may abhor doing it, EDIT to formula.
I concur madame :rose:
champagne1982 said:
...The trick, I think, is to let a poem go THEN, even though you may abhor doing it, EDIT to formula.
That does seem to be the best way to do it :)
Of lovers now Content

Like an exotic flower blooming in a flower bed
my one and only love, her legs and lovely petals spread
revealing to me her wonderful sweet bud
as the inner dew from it slowly floods
the satin sheet drenching it from her passion
causing intense arousal in me after a fashion
a fashion only those in love can truly ever know
fueled by the intensity of erotica's sensual glow
love's aromatic smells a cooking in the bedroom
as lovers' ardor swells anticipating the coming soon
of emotions running up the stairsteps of winding spasms
to the very top of the tower of orgasm
only to leap into the skies quelling passions spent
floating to the flower bed of lovers now content :rose:
To My Day

Young sensual dream now grown
lady of beauty so well known
throughout our small metropolis
spreading untold visual bliss
wearing fashions that entice
advertising charms so nice
at last you're twenty-one
beauty both present and yet to come
I long to love you with a love that's bold
yet you could never love someone this old
a relic of a bygone day
I fear you'd laugingly push me away
for a young verile masculine one to play
bringing much angst to my day :rose:
Mightily to the Core

Kiss my hungry lips once more
an appetizer to my love starved day
as you've done so many times before
as you kiss me declaring you'll miss me
wanting me,literally taunting me
lady the thirst I have for you
to kiss the bud and extract the dew
from the bud of your vaginal flower
which I'd be honored to devour for hours
to let you know how much I care for you
lovely sensual lady blue
lovely exotic lady erotic
your sexuality making me neurotic
arousing me mightily to the core :rose:
Locked in Passion's Embrace

Come milady, lay next to me
under the leaves of this juniper tree
lay lovely head on my chest
let me breathe in the essence
of your warmth and tenderness
let me stroke the terrain
of your femininity
exploring each lovely shore
sharing the adrenal intimacy
with one I truly adore
deftly pulling you into my arms
kissing your lovely face
feeling the fire of your womanly charms
locked in passion's embrace
This Hunger for Your Touch

whenever I see you lady fair
I enter an amorous mood
o' lovely lady of raven hair
with sultry sensual attitude
exuding passion in such a way
that I've never seen before
causing feelings to come into play
feelings too wonderful to ignore
o' lovely luscious lady fair
lovely lady of raven hair
lady that I adore
kiss me thrill me forever more
revoke the word called enough
as you appease this hunger for your touch

Cerulean blue is not as lovely
as the sky I find at home.
Such beauty here that the birds
are loathe to leave it in the fall.
The frosted silhouettes of pine
are gentle on the eye until the sun
rises high enough make the trees sparkle
like gala diamonds of first night finery.
The firelit circle of my hearth warmed
not only by the flames but the love
that radiates from the hearts
of family and friends to flush my cheeks.
The blessings of forests, grass and lakes
are prayers the land makes to the Alberta blue.
champagne1982 said:

Cerulean blue is not as lovely
as the sky I find at home.
Such beauty here that the birds
are loathe to leave it in the fall.
The frosted silhouettes of pine
are gentle on the eye until the sun
rises high enough make the trees sparkle
like gala diamonds of first night finery.
The firelit circle of my hearth warmed
not only by the flames but the love
that radiates from the hearts
of family and friends to flush my cheeks.
The blessings of forests, grass and lakes
are prayers the land makes to the Alberta blue.
beautiful imagery :rose:

Fascinating the way the wind teases
the strands about her lovely face
pure symphony the rhythms of her movements
the sensual sway of full hips
curved in excellence, crafted in beauty
lovely the sparkle of her eyes
as they dance about, taking in nature's handiwork
enchanting the rise and fall of her lovely mounds
accenting her breathing, beating in time
to eros' timely rhythms, so lovely, so lovely
so beautiful the contoured frame
that enhances the dress she wears
so awesome the long legs spilling out from it
tapering off to lovely calves of sensuality :rose: :rose:
Of Two lost in Love

oh to touch those sensuous lips
those plumlike cuvatures of loveliness
divinely placed at just the right angle
to attract my eyes and accent the
beauty of already lovely face
to feel the soft pliable sweetness
explode against my hungry lips
the flavor intoxicating me
tranquilizing my emotional being
enticing me, enticing me
pulling me into the web
the web of wanting to engage
in the dance of eros, the waltz of erotica
the ballet of two lost in love :rose:
At What Price

Like dogs in heat other males and I
Gather around this lovely one
it's as if someone sprayed in the air
aphodisiacs or pheromones
she is dressed as scantily as society
will allow a woman in heat to dress
ample cleavage is shown to entice the eye
the tight shorts showing the print of her vee
her blood engorged mound setting out
like some historic landmark of sensualness
beckoning each eye in the place to bid
as if at a sexual ebay
who will start the bidding
and at what price
ewopper said:
Editing is the bane of many a creative dream.... [grin]
Nay, nay, not so! Rather, Poor editing...
I favor craft as much as content, you know.
Anyway, you're excelling in both here, seems like it comes natural to you :rose:
Stella_Omega said:
Nay, nay, not so! Rather, Poor editing...
I favor craft as much as content, you know.
Anyway, you're excelling in both here, seems like it comes natural to you :rose:

thank you I appreciate your comments I trust I can keep someone interested :D