About Last Night

Re: Re: Sorry...

lilfrk said:

I see...

So take away your ability to stir the shit and you have no reason why things are the way they are. I'll tell you why things are the way they are here...Because of you. I can honestly say that before you, we didn't have the mess on this board that we have now.

You are a broken record. It's getting really really fuckin' old too. I've been here 2 damn years and you are the very first person that has taken my enjoy of this place away from me. Congrats.

As for your not "understanding" why people don't want their real life stuff known...Well we've been over THAT a million and five times too. Get over it. Not everyone is like you, some of us like a little of our privacy and we hold it dearly.

Right now you're all pretending that you're done with your shit stirring. But I know you're not. Give it a week and a half and you'll be back at it. Crawled up the mods ass about not doing something the way you think it should be done. Or some sub replying in a very unsublike passive aggressive way.

I've said what I wanted about this for now. THIS time. But in a week when you start your bullshit again. I'm sure I'll have more to say to you because I just flat out fuckin' refuse to let you take a place that I love from me.

lil "passive aggressive" frk

Well, I guess you will be next on his list now.
Re: Re: Re: Sorry...

CarolineOh said:

Well, I guess you will be next on his list now.

No...you'll always hold that special place in my heart here, Caroline.

Re: Re: Re: Re: Sorry...

Lancecastor said:

No...you'll always hold that special place in my heart here, Caroline.


I wear your disdain like a badge of honor.
I have to wonder if Caroline and lance were lovers in a past life.
You too?

WriterDom said:
I have to wonder if Caroline and lance were lovers in a past life.

I was just upstairs, rummaging for some hemlock for myself, wondering the exact same thing, WD.

P. B. Walker said:

Oh I see now... gotta fill it with the "good stuff" huh? I can respect that. :D


The fluff is for the boards, the real "good stuff" is for.....
