About them new poems...

Tathagata said:
hopped up on vicodin and reeling from a night of sexual depravity
I remember the good old days...

I'd skip the coffee the next day and go for a Lucky Strike and a gatorade
nicotine and electrolytes
that's the ticket
As much sexual depravity as a woman can have when she's "basically" alone. Damn, I'm getting good at it. I've taken masturbation to a spiritual level. I think I had an out of pu... umm... body experience.
Tathagata said:
You are just incapable of grasping the subtleties of my art

No I'm not. I'm just into harrassing you. :devil:

(Sorry Liar-man. No more hijacking.)
WickedEve said:
As much sexual depravity as a woman can have when she's "basically" alone. Damn, I'm getting good at it. I've taken masturbation to a spiritual level. I think I had an out of pu... umm... body experience.

What's really odd is...as i was reading this I was thinking " Why hasn't Pat weighed in on this yet?"

Tathagata said:
What's really odd is...as i was reading this I was thinking " Why hasn't Pat weighed in on this yet?"


He's away for the day. I'm sure that's the only reason. :)
Damned if you do and Damned if you don't!

Liar said:
From the new poem reviews thread:
Originally Posted by Rybka
I was criticized last week for only mentioning some of the poems posted, even though I stressed that I was pointing out my personal choices.
That made me think:

Um... isn't that the whole point of the thread? To recommend poems that you find good/interresting/thoughtful and so on?

I always did that. And will do again whenI have the time, if you let me.
. . .
twelveoone said:
Whatever you are comfortable with. There is an amout of dilution, when everything is mentioned. If 50 poems are submitted, what do you have, they can get that from the new poems section. One always has the option of submitting on another day.
Hence, my earlier objection to the mention of mine.
I do think there is an obligation to avoid excessive favoritism and glowing reviews, unless reason is given.
I think Rybka handled it quite nicely with flyguy's review, and the mentions had value.

I, like Liar, (and I do) thought that a reviewer should comment on just those poems of which s/he thought favorably. I was shortly disabused of this notion.

This week when I kowtowed to PM criticism and made the effort to read, research, and review every submission I still caught flack! - And I went out of my way to be gentle and couch my thoughts in positive, or at least non-negative words.

Well I will say again, reviews are opinions of the reviewer. I am going back to only mentioning those poems that I personally like. This will make it a lot easier for me when some 30 plus poems land on one day (for instance, today I would mention no more than two poems),and will save time also because I won't have to deliberate on how to phrase something so as not to step on someone's feelings. - Let's face it, there is an awful lot of crap that is submitted as poetry out there! We just aren't allowed to point out individual examples, and that may be as it should. If we did then this board would be in flames and the trolls would own the bridge. :)

So always remember that opinions are just that, and if yours differs you are encouraged to make it known, just don't attack the reviewer for stating his. And just because I don't mention your poem does not mean that no one else may. If you like an unmentioned poem say so in the poem review thread. It won't come back around to you if it doesn't go out from you in the first place. :rose:

Peace, Rybka
Rybka said:
I, like Liar, (and I do) thought that a reviewer should comment on just those poems of which s/he thought favorably. I was shortly disabused of this notion.

This week when I kowtowed to PM criticism and made the effort to read, research, and review every submission I still caught flack! - And I went out of my way to be gentle and couch my thoughts in positive, or at least non-negative words.

Well I will say again, reviews are opinions of the reviewer. I am going back to only mentioning those poems that I personally like. This will make it a lot easier for me when some 30 plus poems land on one day (for instance, today I would mention no more than two poems),and will save time also because I won't have to deliberate on how to phrase something so as not to step on someone's feelings. - Let's face it, there is an awful lot of crap that is submitted as poetry out there! We just aren't allowed to point out individual examples, and that may be as it should. If we did then this board would be in flames and the trolls would own the bridge. :)

So always remember that opinions are just that, and if yours differs you are encouraged to make it known, just don't attack the reviewer for stating his. And just because I don't mention your poem does not mean that no one else may. If you like an unmentioned poem say so in the poem review thread. It won't come back around to you if it doesn't go out from you in the first place. :rose:

Peace, Rybka
Rybka, there's not much else you can do. :)
Rybka said:
I, like Liar, (and I do) thought that a reviewer should comment on just those poems of which s/he thought favorably. I was shortly disabused of this notion.

This week when I kowtowed to PM criticism and made the effort to read, research, and review every submission I still caught flack! - And I went out of my way to be gentle and couch my thoughts in positive, or at least non-negative words.

Well I will say again, reviews are opinions of the reviewer. I am going back to only mentioning those poems that I personally like. This will make it a lot easier for me when some 30 plus poems land on one day (for instance, today I would mention no more than two poems),and will save time also because I won't have to deliberate on how to phrase something so as not to step on someone's feelings. - Let's face it, there is an awful lot of crap that is submitted as poetry out there! We just aren't allowed to point out individual examples, and that may be as it should. If we did then this board would be in flames and the trolls would own the bridge. :)

So always remember that opinions are just that, and if yours differs you are encouraged to make it known, just don't attack the reviewer for stating his. And just because I don't mention your poem does not mean that no one else may. If you like an unmentioned poem say so in the poem review thread. It won't come back around to you if it doesn't go out from you in the first place. :rose:

Peace, Rybka

Just change it from Reviews to Mentions, like I did. Mention what you like, and leave the link for the New Poems. I didn't get any hassle and it wouldn't have mattered if I did.
Angeline said:
He's away for the day. I'm sure that's the only reason. :)


I see only some of us were deemed worthy to be notified of this...

I have never reviewed ALL the poems for a Tuesday, mainly to adhere to time constraints and to keep my own sanity.... but also because my mother told me if you can't say something nice, don't say nothing at all (she was a big fan of accidental double negatives, aswell as obscure North of England working class pseudo cockney slang, like 'right up the swannie' (which means to dissapear, and has no sexual connottations)), and it would take me far too long and be too absorbing to find something redemptive about some of the poems submitted.

Instead I tend to open them all and (try) to read them all, closing those that don't do anything for me and keeping the others open. I try to make comments on all the poems that I think are good poems, or which could be good poems, or which show a glimmer of possibility. However, if I read a bad poem that makes me think in some different way I usually try to mention that. I just never have and (probably) never will review a poem that I can only be negative about.

(Although saying that, I do find it difficult to say something about EVERY poem I like... so if your poem has been submitted on a Tuesday and I haven't mentioned it, it doesn't mean I see it entirely negatively... just that I haven't found time to say something about it...... or, it could mean that its shit in my eyes, you'll never really know.)

Although I've only been doing the reviews for about 5 weeks or so, I've never received any trollish comments, either in response to my reviews or my own submissions (though the latter is probably due to the fact that Troll's don't get any joy from calling shit shit). In the end, if I did get any comments like that, it wouldn't stop me doing the reviews the way I do them... I already try to say all the nice things I can say, and would hate to become all bitter and dismissive again.

I do see the part of the reviewer as being perhaps slightly disparaging... if we see shit we should probably shout shit... but as has been said, no matter how much you shout shit at a bad poet they won't stop writing shit (you have to lead them along the path away from shit, progressing along with words like poo, faeces, excreta, digested food, flushed memories... maybe then they'll change from shit to something more acceptable). But I, as a reviewer, will never produce a purely negative review of a poem, I will always try to highlight the redemptive features, and because of this there will be certain poems that I will never say anything about (as well as poems that I miss due to time).

I apologise if this is seen as sticking my oar in... I just felt that I should voice my opinion on the reviews process and justify my own process (when I read Rybka's reviews yesterday, my heart turned a little at the prospect of mentioning EVERY poem submitted for every day... especially when on some days there can be as many as 30-40 poems submitted... so well done Rybka). Also, if I post another 50 or so times on the forums I can upload an Avatar and you can all see how dashing I look and how young and innoccent I actually am.... and then some of my naivety can be forigven.....
Last edited:
WickedEve said:
As much sexual depravity as a woman can have when she's "basically" alone. Damn, I'm getting good at it. I've taken masturbation to a spiritual level. I think I had an out of pu... umm... body experience.

Tathagata said:
What's really odd is...as i was reading this I was thinking " Why hasn't Pat weighed in on this yet?"



Rybka said:
I, like Liar, (and I do) thought that a reviewer should comment on just those poems of which s/he thought favorably. I was shortly disabused of this notion.

This week when I kowtowed to PM criticism and made the effort to read, research, and review every submission I still caught flack! - And I went out of my way to be gentle and couch my thoughts in positive, or at least non-negative words.

Well I will say again, reviews are opinions of the reviewer. I am going back to only mentioning those poems that I personally like. This will make it a lot easier for me when some 30 plus poems land on one day (for instance, today I would mention no more than two poems),and will save time also because I won't have to deliberate on how to phrase something so as not to step on someone's feelings. - Let's face it, there is an awful lot of crap that is submitted as poetry out there! We just aren't allowed to point out individual examples, and that may be as it should. If we did then this board would be in flames and the trolls would own the bridge. :)

So always remember that opinions are just that, and if yours differs you are encouraged to make it known, just don't attack the reviewer for stating his. And just because I don't mention your poem does not mean that no one else may. If you like an unmentioned poem say so in the poem review thread. It won't come back around to you if it doesn't go out from you in the first place. :rose:

Peace, Rybka

Go read the first two paragraphs of your review, what does it sound like to you? A little like a tired old teacher enlightening the plebes, this undercuts what advice you gave (which was good, I think I said that before).
I also hope you do not consider my reply flak, it was an opinion on what worked, what did not, pointed out the good with the bad, and an acknowledgement that you have a right to ignore whatever you wish.

Peace also, twelveoone
Steppin In ...

I think Tath said it best when he stated

"He did review all the poems on the new list
for a few weeks, that didn't last very long"

I did the same, until my reviews were being
reviewed <grin> and after spending over 4 hours
reviewing all of them ...that fatal day too.
So now I adapted and over came the need to
'review' all the poems but I most certainly do
read them which is time consuming enough.

The standard post a comment if you want to
spot light a good one has been more or less
a finger in the right direction while the reviewer
for that day mentions it as well, well then it must
be a good poem and got the attention it deserves.

Seems to be an extra large amount of poems being
submitted that is to fill this survival contest which is cool
but an added amount of reading makes it hard enough
to read them all much less review them.

my two cents, any body got change for a nickel?
twelveoone said:
. . . an acknowledgement that you have a right to ignore whatever you wish.

Peace also, twelveoone
In furtherance of peace and harmony, consider it ignored. :rose: ;) :rose:
One more note I would like to point out
which is probably the main reason the reviews
are posted, some days I will come in beat and tired
and go to the reviews to read the highlights for the
day, and this may be a norm many times over.

Just a note to the importance of the review <grin>
(~_~) bows humble

If we have a habit of ignoring things
then we usually find ...mildew
It's easier to clean it up then let grow.
My Erotic Tale said:
Steppin In ...

I think Tath said it best when he stated

"He did review all the poems on the new list
for a few weeks, that didn't last very long"

I did the same, until my reviews were being
reviewed <grin> and after spending over 4 hours
reviewing all of them ...that fatal day too.
So now I adapted and over came the need to
'review' all the poems but I most certainly do
read them which is time consuming enough.

The standard post a comment if you want to
spot light a good one has been more or less
a finger in the right direction while the reviewer
for that day mentions it as well, well then it must
be a good poem and got the attention it deserves.

Seems to be an extra large amount of poems being
submitted that is to fill this survival contest which is cool
but an added amount of reading makes it hard enough
to read them all much less review them.

my two cents, any body got change for a nickel?

<hands you three cents> :)

IMO that, my friend, is why anyone--not just the day's reviewer--should always feel free to recommend poems they like and think others would enjoy, too. It takes a lot of time to do reviews, to say something more specific than "I did (or didn't) like it." I do think a reviewer should read every poem submitted on a given day, but then it's better to focus on the five to tens poems one really likes. Then you can say something meaningful about each of them. That alone can take well over an hour and reviewers don't get paid for this, after all. It's a labor of love.

When I did reviews I always felt that if anyone thought I missed something, they could mention it themselves. No single person's opinion can cover everyone's preferences for poetry.

More importantly

WickedEve said:
I'm making coffee now! :p
I'm also dopey from vicodin. And I'm tired from a late night of badness. Unspeakable naughty badness. Unspeakable. Naughty.


I think we just need to get back to Eve's badness. Unspeakable, naughty badness.


Please? (bats eyelashes)
