Absolution (closed)

Ghell was quiet for a long moment as she said that, before he smiled gently. "I'm looking forward to the day that he walks these halls freely. Valentina too. I think the twins especially will be too happy to know what to do with themselves."
"If he still wants me after all of this." Kitty said softly, knowing that Vincenzo very likely could have moved on by the time came to bring him to Inverness. "it's one of my greatest fears, actually. That letter that comes that tells me that he's found someone else, someone that makes him happy."
"It may be wishful thinking on my part, dear, but I don't think that letter is coming," Ghell murmured. As a man who'd loved Kitty for a long time from afar, he was aware that she wasn't a woman easily forgotten or moved on from. "And he has Valentina remind him every time he sees her, of what could've been and what could still be someday."
"What man in his right mind would wait for me, Ghell?" Kitty asked, long ago having forgotten about her youth and beauty. "I'm old beyond my years, a body that wants so badly to just break down, and scars given to me by a husband that is cruel. I made Vincenzo waste the best years of his life waiting for a promise that never came. He nearly died because of it in Greece. He should have just forgotten, taken Valentina, and been on his way."
"You know I've always cared about you Kitty, and I would certainly wait for you if you felt the same. Vincenzo has waited all this time for you already because he loves you and he loves what he had with you, however briefly. That's worth waiting for. It was never about your beauty or health. It was about you."
"My son is gone. My daughter will soon be gone. My family isn't welcome in my own home." Kitty said with a long sigh, tears brimming in her dark eyes as she sat heavily in her chair. "The man I love is half a world away. I can't even hug my youngest daughter without putting her in danger. My best friend is dying. This isn't the way that life was supposed to be, Ghell."
Ghell came to lift Kitty into his arms, hugging her tightly to his chest. "Oh, Kitty," he murmured, resting his head against hers. He couldn't tell her that things would be alright anymore. While he knew change would come, it would come at even more cost on top of what she'd already lost over time.
Kitty hugged Ghell tightly, knowing that she would lose him very soon as well. Whatever Selena decided, she would send Ghell along to make sure that she was well protected.

In the days leading up to Abel's visit, Kitty had done her best to make sure that Selena was well dressed. She had begged Tamblin for money to make the daughter a suitable gown and he had finally relented, which had put a rush on the occasion. It was perhaps the only time that Kitty felt any kind of joy at the situation. The dresser would come and fit Selena and Kitty would marvel at how beautiful her dark haired daughter was.

In the meantime, she saw just how Boar seemed to disappear a little more each day. She knew he was out hunting, but she had no idea where he was the rest of the time until she saw him one day with a young woman. He was young, but she wouldn't deny him a happiness. The young woman looked slightly haunted herself, fragile in a way. It made Kitty concerned to say the very least.

One evening, when he returned too late for dinner, Kitty called him into her parlor to have a talk. "I think there are a few things that you need to tell me, Lynndon."
Boar paused as if caught doing something he shouldn't have, knowing exactly by her tone what she meant. Still he tried to play dumb. "I don' know what you're talkin' about. Did I do somethin'?"
“Lynndon, don’t lie to me. Who is the young woman you’ve been hanging around the keep with?” Kitty asked him, giving him the chance to come clean with her.
Boar cast his gaze to the floor, nervously fidgeting with the edge of his belt with one hand. "... Her name's Ana," he muttered softly. "She's th'head housekeeper's daughter..."
“And?” Kitty asked, watching as he fidgeted in front of her as if he had been caught doing something very wrong.
"She's nice t'talk to," Boar murmured. At her expectant stare, he added even more quietly, "An' she seems t'think th'same about me..."
“Have you done anything more with this young girl?” Kitty asked as Boar acted sheepish about the entire situation.
"No," Boar shook his head immediately. "I'm no' an idiot, Ma. An' we 'aven' known each other tha' long anyway..." He came to sit beside her. "I jus'... I like bein' with 'er."
“Let me be very clear with you, Lynndon. I won’t tell you to stop speaking to her. I’m happy you have someone to talk to that makes you happy, but you need to understand something. A young girl with a meek personality can be overwhelmed by someone like you. You have your father’s temper, and I don’t want to see either of you get hurt.” Kitty said softly as she reached out to touch Boar’s arm gently.
"I'm no' always angry, Ma... An' she's completely separate from everythin' tha' reminds me o' our situation an' Da... It feels like when I'm around 'er... It's easier t'calm down."
“You’re growing up, love. Finding someone who makes you feel complete is all part of growing up.” Kitty said, knowing that Boar probably didn’t believe in love. “You have more freedom than Brogan or Selena in the matter. Choose wisely.”
"I'm no' gonna make up my mind this fast... She's jus' the first person I've met tha' makes me forget how terrible things are sometimes..." Boar dealt with his own form of depression completely differently from Durban. Where Durban would grow quieter and more melancholy, Boar grew more vicious to outsiders, especially men, and had a tendency.to go out and destroy targets and dummies to keep himself from breaking anything else.
Kitty tucked Lynn's long hair back behind his ear, leaning her head against her son's broad shoulder. "Your sister will leave us soon and I don't know what I'm going to do with myself. You children are getting too big to need your Ma."
"Tha's no' true an you know it," Boar scolded her lightly with a frown. "We'll always need you, no matter where we go. You're all we have."
"Lynndon, you don't need me anymore. If you started to spend every day in the woods like you really wanted to, you'd be much happier and you'd never spare another thought to me." Kitty said as he scolded her softly. "And that's alright. It's all part of growing up."
"Ma, I'm no' gonna sit 'ere an' let you downplay yourself," Boar insisted. "Th'reason I leave so often is because I don' want t'be around Oliver an' 'is men. But I always come back fer you an' the others. Jus' because I'm gettin' older doesn' mean I don' care about you anymore. Tha's not what family's about- leavin' 'em behind when you do new things an' go new places."
Kitty kissed Boar's cheek as he told her that he would need her no matter what. She knew he was speaking the truth, but it was still hard to swallow in the midst of everything happening.

"Just be careful with your heart, Lynndon. That's all I ask." Kitty said softly.
"I'm tryin'," he murmured, hugging his mother close.

After Selena's reply reached Wick, a letter returned informing the family that Abel would be close behind along with a small retinue. He had written it himself, promising that he wouldn't allow his father to interfere or choose his guard. Abel was attempting to be as friendly as possible, but that didn't alleviate Tamblin's suspicions of what Lochlan might try.

A scout came riding in one warm morning to report that Abel's entourage had been spotted crossing into Invernessian territory, and would arrive by noon. Tamblin, who had kept to himself since Durban had gone, finally emerged to make sure the keep was in order and the serving staff were looking their best. He didn't bother his sons or Kayla, but he did come to see Selena shortly before Abel was to arrive.

After Selena had gotten dressed, Ghell had helped to style her hair, and he was present when Tamblin knocked and stepped in. "Selena?" Tamblin murmured quietly.