Absolution (closed)

“If you would be willing to do that, it would mean the world to me.” Selena said softly, letting him see how desperate she was in that situation.
"Of course. No one will know til you're gone, if need be." Abel offered her a gentle smile. He was a kind soul, a complete departure from Lochlan.
"I would give you anything in return that I am able." Selena promised, not used to those giving her kindness in return for nothing.
"I don't need anything from you, Selena. I just hope that in the future, our two clans will be friendly without the need for marriages or sacrifices." He smiled gently, not expecting a thing of her.
Kitty had been expecting Selena to come and visit her as soon as her meeting with Abel was over. Kitty had been ill, as she often was, and was resting beside the fire when the door finally opened and her daughter entered.

"Hello, love." Kitty said softly as Selena came to sit across from her, Ghell standing behind Selena's chair. "How was it?"

"He's kind." Selena said softly, looking over her shoulder at her uvore as they shared a look that said they wouldn't tell Kitty their plan. "He's going to stay for a while to get to know me better."

"Are you sure that this is what you want, Selena?" Kitty asked, surprised that Selena seemed to be alright with Abel now that he was there.

"I'll make my own choices, Ma." Selena assured her. "And I'll be alright in the end."
Ghell paused beside Selena, a hand resting on her shoulder as she faced Kitty. He knew there would be a time to tell Kitty the truth, but it wouldn't be just then. "He's a nice enough boy," Ghell confirmed quietly.
Kitty looked towards Ghell as he commented that Abel was nice. She was very surprised that Selena was so docile in the entire situation, seemingly alright with Abel as a choice when she had been opposed to everyone else that had come along.

"Alright, love. It's your choice." Kitty said softly, knowing that the marriage might go better if both of them got to know each other better over time.
Ghell looked down to Selena then, knowing it was never easy for any of the children to lie to Kitty. "Maybe this could turn out for the better," he muttered, more to Selena than Kitty. Selena would know he meant their own plan to get her away to Edinburgh.
"You never know." Selena said as Ghell spoke, knowing that Kitty would be furious when she found out just what was happening. "I love you, Ma. I need you to know that."

"I always know that, sweet girl." Kitty said, giving Selena a smile as her daughter rose and hugged her tightly, kissing her cheek and holding on to her for dear life. "You look beautiful, Selena Marie. Like a queen in your own right."

Selena said nothing to that as Kitty complimented her, simply hugging her Ma tighter. She buried her face against Kitty's neck, soaking in the moment for all that it was worth. Moments like that were quickly drawing to a close and when she ran away, she had no idea if she would ever be able to return. It all felt so hopeless and dangerous.
Ghell quietly let the two be, setting about his own tasks immediately. The things Tamblin had arranged for were already made, waiting to be picked up. Ghell would have to work out ways, perhaps with Tamblin's help, to secretly acquire them.
Selena spent her time with Abel to keep up appearances and with her brothers to tell them what was happening. It seemed like forever before she could tell Boar and Brogan safely, but they hid under the guise of a hunt. In the middle of the woods, in hushed tones as Boar’s hunting dogs barked and whines, Selena told them what her plan was.
Boar was immediately in support of Selena's plan, ready to use his time away from the keep to help gather anything Ghell couldn't get. In the meantime, Brogan quietly sought out any potential shortcomings in the plan and put together an idea of when it was best to flee. Eventually the plan was set, to get Selena out while Oliver's men were distracted by Abel's own departure. And if need be, Boar would cause a scene to distract them further. Being that Tamblin knew and was in support, Brogan used that knowledge to encourage his father to draw Oliver's men away as well with talk of business and war with other clans. It'd leave a moment for Selena, pretending to go out for a ride with Ghell as she sometimes did to clear her head, to take Tamblin's horse and the things they'd gathered, and flee with a head start well ahead of anyone who might chase.
“I know I’ll break Ma’s Heart.” Selena said softly, sitting on a log as Boar plotted and planned for her escape. “I can’t even tell her goodbye. I’m afraid someone will hear.”
"I know it isn' the same... but you could a' least leave a letter for 'er explaining everythin'. We'll keep it so Oliver can' find it," Boar offered. "It might hurt... but she'll understand."
“She’s already been through enough with Durban. She doesn’t need it from me too.” Selena glanced at her brothers. “You’ll tell her what happened and you’ll tell her that Da knows where I’m going.”
"So you'll jus' leave 'er with nothin', no' even a note?" Boar looked over at his sister. "I know yer riskin' a lot here, but she deserves somethin' more than a passin' message through me."
“Boar, I’m afraid that Oliver already knows. I feel like a letter could easily be found.” Selena said as she looked at her little brother. “I don’t want anything to possibly get in the way of this escape.”
"Whatever you think's best, I guess... Ma's jus' lost so much without warning already..." Boar rose to tend the fire in the center of his camp where fresh venison was roasting.
"I won't leave her in the dark." Selena said as Boar tended to his spit of roasted venison. "And I need you to stay at the keep more if I'm gone. The twins need help and Ma needs help. She'll depend on you more, Lynn."
"I can' do anything t'help anymore, an' I can' stand t'just sit there an' be miserable with them. Th'only way I've stayed sane this long is by comin' out 'ere. I jus' can' sit an' let things happen anymore."
“Lynndon, you can’t hide out here in the woods like an irresponsible boy when Ma needs you.” Selena scolded. “And what about Kayla and Ashien?”
"Irresponsible?" Boar glared at her. "I'm tryin' t'stay sane so I can help 'em when they need me. Otherwise I would've bloody murdered someone 'r myself years ago. This is how I deal with Oliver an' Da- by distractin' myself elsewhere. I won' leave Ma an' the twins alone, but I can' stand t'be there all day everyday."
“I’m not going to fight you on this, Lynn.” Selena said as he tried to get her to be just as angry as he was. “You can try and justify things however you like, but with Durban and I gone, you’ll need to take on more responsibilities. Especially since Ghell will be coming with me.”
Boar shook his head, walking away from her to cool down. He didn't want the end of their time together to be spent angry, but she simply wouldn't see that he physically and mentally couldn't stand to be at the keep very often.
Selena let out a sigh as she looked over towards Brogan. “Keep him safe, Brogan. He needs someone to do that.”