Absolution (closed)

"I want to be what you need... but I can't abandon my post and my people... And I can't risk getting skinned every single day being here with Hunters around... That's why I wanted you to come join my people where Ruben would be safer. Those blue eyes of his will get him in trouble all his life, even as a human if he doesn't change."
"And how will any of this be any easier if I were to go with you back to your tribe?" Selena asked, looking at Kreston as if he might provide some kind of mysterious answer to their troubles. "I obviously can't do that now because you can't admit to your family that you have a cub."
"Nothing would have to change for you except moving there. You're a human, you can move around freely. But having my family and people around would make things easier... Maybe less lonely. If anything ever went wrong, there'd be a neighbor or relative nearby to help, and warriors if there was any danger. It'd also be easier to make it through winter and go hunting as needed when you could leave Ruben with my parents and know he was well-cared for." He glanced down at the boy again. "I'll tell them... If only for their sake because they'd love him."
"I'm not leaving my home, Kreston." Selena said as he begged her to come to his village. "Not yet, at least. This is the first time in my life that I'm free and I'm going to take every advantage."
"I knew you felt that way," Kreston nodded slowly. "But the offer will always be open." He brushed Ruben's short, dark hair back gently, the boy perfectly peaceful. "... I love you both... and I hope I can find some what to make this all work."
"I'm going to bed." Selena said after he promised that, standing and looking down at Kreston as he sat in the grass with their child. "Just bring him inside when you're ready."

She turned then, her heart aching so fiercely, and entered the house again, closing the door quietly behind her. Dozing on the couch with a thick wool blanket, Selena only stirred when she heard the front door open some time later and Ruben was placed beside her. Selena's dark eyes looked up to Kreston in the dim light, exhaustion clear on her features.

"Is he hungry?" She asked her mate, ready to wake up and feed him if needed.
"No," Kreston murmured. "I have a patrol at dawn... I have to get back to the village soon." He'd stayed up the entire night to bring her supplies and see Ruben, even though he'd be miserable and exhausted all day.
Selena carefully rested a hand on Ruben, the little boy still slumbering as Kreston admitted that he had to go out on patrol. "Stay safe." She said softly, sincerity in her voice for his safety in spite of their arguing.
Kreston leaned down to kiss Ruben's forehead, hesitating a moment before pressing a kiss to Selena's cheek as well. "I'll see you both soon... I love you." He slipped away then, silently closing the front door behind him.
Selena watched him go, tears welling in her eyes as the door closed silently behind him. She gathered Ruben up against her chest, cuddling him tightly as she pressed her nose against his dark hair. She would never admit to Kreston how much she loved him and needed him. It was one of her greatest faults, but she hoped that he knew.

"I love you, sweet boy." Selena said softly to her son as she settled back down to sleep. "And so does your Da."
Come morning, Selena woke to the soft voices of Brogan, Vincenzo, and Kitty. The two men were making breakfast while Kitty sat with Ruben, letting Selena sleep in a while.
Selena woke and saw Kitty sitting with Ruben, cooing to the little boy who watched her so intently. He was grinning at his grandmother, chewing on his fist as he patiently waited for his morning meal. Selena was up in an instant with his blanket in her hands, taking her from her mother to nurse him before breakfast was served. Settling in next to Kitty, she draped the blanket around herself, and let Ruben eat to his content.

"I thought about Italy and I don't think it's the best idea for us right now." Selena said softly. "He's very young...and it wouldn't be fair to his Da to keep him away for so long."
Vincenzo glanced back as Selena admitted it wasn't the right time to take Ruben so far. "... That's too bad," he sighed. "But there's always next time. This won't be the last time we go with the whole family, though it might be a few years til the next big vacation."
"When he's older, I'm sure it'll be the adventure of a lifetime." Selena said as Vincenzo looked over his shoulder at her. "We'll make it some day."

"We'll bring things back to you when we return. I'm sure Carmina will want to spoil this little boy just as much as we do." Kitty said, kissing her daughter's forehead. "I'm proud of you, Selena."
Vincenzo smiled gently at the interaction between mother and daughter, turning his attention back to preparing breakfast with Brogan. As everyone else began to wake, Brogan set out dishes, fetching some camp cutlery as well, as Selena didn't have enough on her own. There wasn't much room at the kitchen table, so everyone gathered in the den to eat instead.
As Selena finished up with Ruben, she looked up to see Boar bringing in more firewood and arranging chairs for everyone to sit in. "Boar, please don't tell anyone about last night. He and I have...a complicated history together."
"Wasn' gonna say a word," Boar murmured. "It's your business." He came to stand before her, looking down at her worriedly. "... Are you okay, though? Gotta be hard, goin' it alone, even with 'im bringin' supplies."
"Lynn, we're fine." Selena said in all honesty. "Brian and Marianne give me support if I need it. Ruben's needs are simple right now. We're just going through a rough patch figuring out how our lives will work now that he's actually here."

Selena brushed her fingers through Ruben's hair, letting out a small sigh as her son snuggled against her shoulder. "I feel like I'll never be able to forgive him for missing his birth. He hasn't even told his family about Ruben yet."
Boar's brows furrowed, already disappointed in a man he didn't even know. "... I'm no' sure what t'think o' that Wolf. Seems like a lot o' trouble when yer fine without 'im."
"Sometimes you do hard things for love." Selena said softly, pressing a kiss to Ruben's soft hair. "It might not be perfect, but it's what my heart wants."
"Th'way you looked at 'im was anythin' but love, Selena." She was good at hiding her feelings, to the point that even her siblings couldn't always tell, save perhaps Durban. "Seemed more like 'e was a nuisance."
"He is most of the time. Last night was no exception." Selena said with her normal blunt manner as Vincenzo called them both to breakfast. "It's hard to explain. One day when you fall in love with someone, you'll understand what I mean."
Boar didn't say any more, not mentioning that he had fallen for someone and that he still didn't understand Selena's tolerance for Kreston. He walked alongside her into the den where the food was served on the small central table and everyone sat around the room with plates and bowls.
Kitty didn't let Ruben stay in Selena's arms for long, the little boy soon in his grandmother's sure grasp as she doted on him. She was over the moon to be a grandmother, no matter how it had happened. She just hoped that Selena didn't get too deep into a situation that she could possibly lose everything to.
After breakfast, Vincenzo decided to take a walk, bringing Valentina along at his side as she didn't seem interested in playing with the twins. It was a simple activity they often shared no matter where they were, city or countryside. As a younger man, Vincenzo would bring along his smoking pipe and find a place to sit and ponder for a while, but he'd kicked the habit once he took Valentina home.

Walking with an arm about her shoulders, Vincenzo took in the scenery peacefully, their walks rarely involving light conversation. Often they walked in silence, but sometimes they'd pause if some deep or even philosophical topic came up. Vincenzo always enjoyed seeing how bright Valentina was, and how she saw difficult topics as a child.

Vincenzo eventually came to a pause as they came to the end of the little trail that led to the loch, reaching to his belt where he had a specific holster for his journal. He found a flat patch of ground encircled by the roots of a huge tree and sat down with Valentina on his lap, opening his journal before her and beginning to draw the landscape before her eyes, something he'd done since she was an infant.