abstract erotic poem

sorry for last post.

Don’t get me wrong, it's not bad or anything just very very different. I guess it's just not my style. Keep it up! Who knows you may be famous one day and all these people laughing would look really stupid.
wildsweetone said:
fuzzy nuts.

i swear there's a poem in that somewhere.

I think there's several disgusting poems on this thread. LOL!

I like fuzzy nuts. C'mere, bogus, and let me roll my, oh I forgot what I was going to say. Hands, tongue, oh, yum. That kinda rhymes. Uh huh...
ETanker7 said:
Don’t get me wrong, it's not bad or anything just very very different. I guess it's just not my style. Keep it up! Who knows you may be famous one day and all these people laughing would look really stupid.

Did you write this post in M.S. Word? ;)
saldne said:
I think there's several disgusting poems on this thread. LOL!

I like fuzzy nuts. C'mere, bogus, and let me roll my, oh I forgot what I was going to say. Hands, tongue, oh, yum. That kinda rhymes. Uh huh...

Well saldne, I'm here with my trousers round my ankles. :D
bogusbrig said:
Well saldne, I'm here with my trousers round my ankles. :D

Too bad I can't touch the "fuzz" through my computer screen. Damn it, post a picture, would ya?!

wildsweetone said:

Are you waiting for him to show some fuzz, too? Or the next disgusting topic? So much talk about peckers and even horse vaginas - I'm waiting for pussy farts next.
There are hairy arms and legs, unattached limbs moving along the concrete sidewalk and trees staring incoherently at inebriated cars that are parked on the verge of a never-ending street leading past the white housed mansion wherein lay half the populace of a doomed world ready to anticipate the hellish death of a match thrown into petrol that seeps under the locked door before being extinguished by pussy farts.

is this prose poetry? whatever it is it sure was fun to write. lol
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wildsweetone said:
There are hairy arms and legs, unattached limbs moving along the concrete sidewalk and trees staring incoherently at inebriated cars that are parked on the verge of a never-ending street leading past the white housed mansion wherein lay half the populace of a doomed world ready to anticipate the hellish death of a match thrown into petrol that seeps under the locked door and is extinguished by pussy farts.

is this prose poetry? whatever it is it sure was fun to write. lol

ROFLMFAO!! Good God, I peed my pants. Speaking of - you know, sometimes, pussy farts do that. And no, I didn't have one. Just saying

i didn't know that. sorry to hear about your pants.

you should write one, it's great fun you know. very whacko, and stuff.

wildsweetone said:
i didn't know that. sorry to hear about your pants.

you should write one, it's great fun you know. very whacko, and stuff.


But all my stuff is whacko. :confused: I haven't had any inspiration to write lately and so much is going on in my life, too. I don't understand it. I have writers block big time! *sigh*
writer's block, nah, can't be so... too many options.

choose one and waffle yer heart out.


works for me.
you're welcome. :)

Did you enjoy writing your poem? I know I found great freedom to just let my mind wander all over the place. I might try it again sometime. :)
This might just be up my alley

I've been working on some stuff that I thought might cause a few eyes to roll. Especially the intelligencia. Believe me, there is something here that comes from outside linear human logic. I don't have a lock on it I guess.

“Master One”

Lazer light in my heart opens unto the sky, looking for the system love in a solid mind. Fire in ever rising sincerity. Up, down, looking for, looking for, window, window in my eye, fry my gates in fallen red. My head wears a filthy black hood and fears my soul. Lay back liar, loose your loot. Somehow I will buck and fly, as I am air, you are earth. Separate and equal, high and low. The immeasurable dynasty is occurring and so offers the passing arrogance that mutes. Push after my misery to address the inconsequential feelings that are bloodied over the fusion reality which carries into mutation sunk below revision. Crunch drunk sister and her pal inkdrop, sugar-coated the juncture of “The Five Senses City”. Slowly into the fissure of “Soliloquy”, dropped the “Dead soldiers”. “Forward my friend’s, forward to the Mediterranean!” was the creed of the Spectacular Road Rash Bunnies. It’s a little sluggish now. No jewels. No cars.

The Mystery Valiant

The Mystery Valiant said:
I've been working on some stuff that I thought might cause a few eyes to roll. Especially the intelligencia. Believe me, there is something here that comes from outside linear human logic. I don't have a lock on it I guess.

“Master One”

Lazer light in my heart opens unto the sky, looking for the system love in a solid mind. Fire in ever rising sincerity. Up, down, looking for, looking for, window, window in my eye, fry my gates in fallen red. My head wears a filthy black hood and fears my soul. Lay back liar, loose your loot. Somehow I will buck and fly, as I am air, you are earth. Separate and equal, high and low. The immeasurable dynasty is occurring and so offers the passing arrogance that mutes. Push after my misery to address the inconsequential feelings that are bloodied over the fusion reality which carries into mutation sunk below revision. Crunch drunk sister and her pal inkdrop, sugar-coated the juncture of “The Five Senses City”. Slowly into the fissure of “Soliloquy”, dropped the “Dead soldiers”. “Forward my friend’s, forward to the Mediterranean!” was the creed of the Spectacular Road Rash Bunnies. It’s a little sluggish now. No jewels. No cars.

The Mystery Valiant


The lock I see is that it'll take me twenty years to figure out what you've said. ;) I think that means you've done good.
Thanx Maria,

However, this is not the type of work that you think about. You have to let go and fly with it! Let your feelings vibrate with the texture of the words. This an incursion upon the enviroment in which you inhabit. What is said in this type of "Master", is structured to make your body sync with your mind. Without any extraneous thought to weigh down the free existance involved in the flight. The words are the wind for which you can pass through the resistance of the earthen gravity.

The words are the key. They aren't placed in order for conscious reconstruction and communicative reason. They are in an order that makes your vocal chords tap certain rhythms and the surface of the words. To make the impression of the sentence and the words more substantial through the melding of body and mind cohesively! It's a feel your way, artwork. No man-made pathways, just a "get yourself lost in the woods" meditation.

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sorry, i'm not Maria - she's the one with the legs ;)

The Mystery Valiant said:
However, this is not the type of work that you think about. You have to let go and fly with it! Let your feelings vibrate with the texture of the words. This an incursion upon the enviroment in which you inhabit. What is said in this type of "Master", is structured to make your body sync with your mind. Without any extraneous thought to weigh down the free existance involved in the flight. The words are the wind for which you can pass through the resistance of the earthen gravity.

The words are the key. They aren't placed in order for conscious reconstruction and communicative reason. They are in an order that makes your vocal chords tap certain rhythms and the surface of the words. To make the impression of the sentence and the words more substantial through the melding of body and mind cohesively! It's a feel your way, artwork. No man-made pathways, just a "get yourself lost in the woods" meditation.


I'll think seriously about the getting myself lost in the woods meditation... to me that instantly conjures up scary movies, trees with limbs that stretch, capture and gouge *shudder*

Even if it is art, shouldn't it make some kind of sense though? (My naivete is showing, again. *sigh* )
Oh come now!

You're trying to tell me you never went for a hike in the woods with no intent of a planned path or agenda? Of course, you can't travel far without getting in real serious trouble, but you can still journey far enough out-of-sight of civilization. And just standing out in the middle of a never-ending forest, is a wonder of sublime magnificence! Nothing but sight, smell and feelings forever and ever! The sounds of the quiet, and whispering innuendoes of wind, branch and birds, create a soothing salve for a yearning soul! No thought can be near as sweet and satisfying. Sometimes, it isn't all fear when you are lost in the woods, (I have been and was lucky to have stubbled upon a road back) not when you hear an odd sound that almost speaks to you. You stop and stare..., at the tree's, bushes and wild flower's and weedsaround you. And that's when you realize just how magnanimous mother nature loves to be!

I guess you've never been lost in New Zealand bush. Stray off a path in the woods here and you're in for the long haul, if you're lucky; so are all the people who need to hunt you down.

Now being in the bush and being away from all humans... knowing where you are. That's okay. That's great. Beautiful. Magnificent! So too my garden, and the wild west coast beach just over the hill.

Meditation should be 'safe', right? No matter how abstract it becomes.

Well, I haven't gotten that lost ever!

No, I have never had people out looking for me. My parents were very strict when I was young and drilled it into my head that I was never ever to be out of ear-shot. But that didn't mean I couldn't explore the wilds. I kept within the distance and lived riotously in the mear exculsion. As I grew older, I could travel farther, as I had a good memory for where I was. As long as I knew where west was, I knew I wasn't lost. But I never stopped enjoying the custody of the Pines!

As for meditation, it can be safe. But there are threats in meditation as there is in real life. But the great news is that you can just turn your back on them and come out of it. It takes them time to make any contact. But there is the type of meditation in which you just enjoy the alpha waves of your mind. Never any threat there. But it requires that you remove all out side distractions. Mentally!

The Mystery Valiant said:
No, I have never had people out looking for me. My parents were very strict when I was young and drilled it into my head that I was never ever to be out of ear-shot. But that didn't mean I couldn't explore the wilds. I kept within the distance and lived riotously in the mear exculsion. As I grew older, I could travel farther, as I had a good memory for where I was. As long as I knew where west was, I knew I wasn't lost. But I never stopped enjoying the custody of the Pines!

As for meditation, it can be safe. But there are threats in meditation as there is in real life. But the great news is that you can just turn your back on them and come out of it. It takes them time to make any contact. But there is the type of meditation in which you just enjoy the alpha waves of your mind. Never any threat there. But it requires that you remove all out side distractions. Mentally!


I'm getting ready to move a few, physically. :rolleyes:

Even in meditation though, things are somewhat orderly, right? They all have meaning and placement and relate well to each other.
OK..., Meditation

For clarification, we'll state the more threatening meditation as #1, and the more materially based form as #2.

With #1, it is more of an abstract situation and can only become clearer when you have spent many years at the practice. But you also need education for a master in order to keep from getting caught in indeterminate traps.

#2 is more of a stress reliever. You force your body to slow down and stop thinking. This is so that when you calm quietly enough, it becomes easier each time to calm down and lapse into meditation. A side benefit of this is that when you feel stress building up at work, home or anywhere, you can go to your meditation and recover and keep it form doing damage to your mind and body. It is also a major health healer! You can bring your body enough comfort and it will be able to collect its needed chemicals and nutrients and repair cells that need it. I have even heard that it helps to beat unhealthy habits! Now #1 has the same benefits, but it must be taken to deeper and more thorough self-examination.
