Age Difference in D/s

Pick 2 of the 4 Options Please.

  • My D is usually older than me.

    Votes: 18 62.1%
  • My s is usually younger than me.

    Votes: 6 20.7%
  • I think there is a link to age in D/s pairs.

    Votes: 9 31.0%
  • Nah....there\'s no link. Two separate things.

    Votes: 10 34.5%

  • Total voters
Re: Re: Re: Geez Eb stole my line!!

artful said:

Age of consent varies for different states and countries. It also varies between male and female in some places. On Lit,...17 is the line not to be crossed. :rose:

Its 18 or Laurel gets into trouble.
Does this question apply to only skin-to-skin relationships, or would an online relationship count too, Lance? I've never had a real fulltime bdsm relationship. I'm sure you don't care about vanilla relationships.

Re: Re: Re: Geez Eb stole my line!!

artful said:

Age of consent varies for different states and countries. It also varies between male and female in some places. On Lit,...17 is the line not to be crossed. :rose:

Perhaps it is being a parent that causes my outrage at a 32 year old woman bragging about having sex with a 16 year old child (yes, at 16 you are a child), but in my mind, that child is being taken advantage of.

Age of consent notwithstanding, if this was your daughter, at age 16, who was having sex with a 32 year old man, would it make you see this in a different light? If this man bragged about it, would it not offend you in the least?

~my purpose is never to offend or judge others, but now, we have moved into the realm of values and morals. . . sorry folks . . . on this one I will not keep my opinion to myself~
Re: Re: Re: Re: Geez Eb stole my line!!

MsWorthy said:

Perhaps it is being a parent that causes my outrage at a 32 year old woman bragging about having sex with a 16 year old child (yes, at 16 you are a child), but in my mind, that child is being taken advantage of.

Age of consent notwithstanding, if this was your daughter, at age 16, who was having sex with a 32 year old man, would it make you see this in a different light? If this man bragged about it, would it not offend you in the least?

~my purpose is never to offend or judge others, but now, we have moved into the realm of values and morals. . . sorry folks . . . on this one I will not keep my opinion to myself~

Each of us have our own moral codes and ethicical values. In the United states and other countries as well, the majority rules. It doesn't necessarily make them RIGHT!

(JMHO),...but it's mine,...and I own it. :rose:
Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Geez Eb stole my line!!

artful said:

Each of us have our own moral codes and ethicical values. In the United states and other countries as well, the majority rules. It doesn't necessarily make them RIGHT!

(JMHO),...but it's mine,...and I own it. :rose:

I am not talking about a majority, Art. I am expressing my own opinion, just as you are.

Out of curiousity, are you saying that you think having sex with a 16 year old child when you are 32 - is ok, in your personal moral code?
Hey PB;

I don't think it matters for the purposes of this thread.

Dig in!



P. B. Walker said:
Does this question apply to only skin-to-skin relationships, or would an online relationship count too, Lance? I've never had a real fulltime bdsm relationship. I'm sure you don't care about vanilla relationships.

Age of Consent

For the purposes of this discussion, I would like us to assume we are all talking about adults as defined by the laws governing your jusisdiction and more importantly this site.

This is an Adult Web Site.....18 and over minimum, please and thank-you. If in doubt, please PM the Moderator and wait for a reply before posting.

If Ms Worthy and/or others would like to lead a discussion on the issue of Age Of Consent, please start a new thread if you wish.


Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Geez Eb stole my line!!

MsWorthy said:

I am not talking about a majority, Art. I am expressing my own opinion, just as you are.

Out of curiousity, are you saying that you think having sex with a 16 year old child when you are 32 - is ok, in your personal moral code?

In honesty, I have to say, and Webster's OFTEN don't agree as to defined terms of word expressions.

Blanket statements, (like you have just directed, in a question form to me is), inherently DANGEROUS to give a simple yes or no, as an answer.

Often, many places around the world, and indeed, in many of the UNITED STATES, there are LEGAL petitions ASKING for permission to engage in sexual acts at a much younger age than 16.

I don't see any value of my answering a yes or no to your question. You can STATE what your opinions are freely, and so will I, but you won't find ME saying, that 16 is TOO young for anyone to engage in sex.

For me to say, "having sex with a 16 year old child when you are 32 - is ok," would certainly at the LEAST, place me in a JUDGEMENTAL position.

Your referencing the age of 16 being a "child" is not acceptable, in my opinion, to all who are at that age. I consider myself as an example of being a young "man" at that age.

I would need a lot more information before I could answer your question, on an individual, case by case situation.

(JMHO),...but it's mine,...and I own it. :rose:
I've been involved with someone 5 yrs older and 5 yrs younger but generally have stayed withthin 3 years of my own age...

It's much more about personality for me than age. I could easily submit to a Domme younger than I if she had it about her....

Re: Age of Consent

Lancecastor said:
For the purposes of this discussion, I would like us to assume we are all talking about adults as defined by the laws governing your jusisdiction and more importantly this site.

This is an Adult Web Site.....18 and over minimum, please and thank-you. If in doubt, please PM the Moderator and wait for a reply before posting.

If Ms Worthy and/or others would like to lead a discussion on the issue of Age Of Consent, please start a new thread if you wish.



I apologise for my part in the unintentional thread hijack,...and will not respond to the OFF topic any longer Lance. Thanks for the reminder.
Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Geez Eb stole my line!!

artful said:

. . .
Your referencing the age of 16 being a "child" is not acceptable, in my opinion, to all who are at that age. I consider myself as an example of being a young "man" at that age.
. . .

Thank you for answering the question, Art.
Re: Age of Consent

Lancecastor said:
This is an Adult Web Site.....18 and over minimum, please and thank-you. If in doubt, please PM the Moderator and wait for a reply before posting.

I said that,you just used more words than I did.
Re: Re: Age of Consent

Hey Art;

No problem....just trying to keep us far enough above the line set by the owners...don't want any alarms going off.

At 16, I certainly didn't think of myself as a child. I drove a car, had a part time, my mom probably thought differently...


artful said:

I apologise for my part in the unintentional thread hijack,...and will not respond to the OFF topic any longer Lance. Thanks for the reminder.
Lancecastor said:
What's the greatest age difference you've encountered in your personal D/s experience? (24 yrs here, she was younger)

The greatest difference I have experienced is twenty-one years younger than I. However the largest gap in terms of maturity and recognition of self was in a s only six or seven years younger.

Is there a strong correlation between older D's and younger s's?

While it seems that there may I tend to think that it is a false correlation. That said I do believe that male D's come into their greatest ability and confidence at a relatively older age. It is then that the power of the mind - not just the lash or the leash - comes fully evident and the adventure truly begins.

Do you think it's more prevalent than in non-kink relationships?

For the reasons above.

Is age (chrono or emotional) bound to D/s by its very nature?

Not in my experience.
More Questions!

Are most of the subs here younger or youngest children in their families?

Are the Doms mostly elder children in theirs? (I am)

Does birth order also seem prevalent in D/s matches?

The sub women seem to appreciate a more mature, experience the Doms like a less mature, inexperienced sub?

If so.......what happens to older experienced subs?

Mature subs ought to be treasures, yes?
Re: More Questions!

Lancecastor said:
Are most of the subs here younger or youngest children in their families?

Are the Doms mostly elder children in theirs? (I am)

Does birth order also seem prevalent in D/s matches?

I can find no particular relevancy in the above stated questions, (I'm not saying there isn't).
Being 59 years of age, I myself was raised in different family settings, (marriages and divorces).

In looking back, I think more and more, this condition was imposed on more people younger than I, and it's simply a case of oranges and apples.
I am the youngest in my family, and it often turns out that the person who is turning me on is the oldest in theirs.

I think birth order most certainly plays a part in shaping us as humans.

Older subs....hmmmmm.....well, hopefully we aren't disposable at any age.
It's very rare for me to be attracted to anyone other than a youger or youngest....even before I know.
Rubyfruit said:
I am the youngest in my family, and it often turns out that the person who is turning me on is the oldest in theirs.

I think birth order most certainly plays a part in shaping us as humans.

Older subs....hmmmmm.....well, hopefully we aren't disposable at any age.

I have had the same experience. I hadn't thought of it that way before. I thought it was just a random thing that I, the youngest was going out with the oldest.

Weird. :p ;)

There are books on Birth Order and how it shapes you......interesting reading.

I've always been attracted to older men...younger ones just never seem to be as mature as I need.

As for the birth order...I'm the oldest...have always been independent and mature for my age. I always ask questions and like things to be in good order...very much in control of daily life. I've come to realize that I want more guidance and less control.

Don't know if that helps or just puts another spin on things....
