That's the idea Magical! I'm afraid I don't speak a single word of flemmish so I just had to take a gamble and write in French. We'll meet again I'm sure - just none of us will know it. Make sure it stays that way.
Just Log Out on the main Literotica Discussion Board Page - then your home free. OH and I suggest you don't post under you're new name for a few days - you don't want to make it too obvious.
Well Thank Christ that was sorted out while I stepped out for awhile.
You see Magical Love, WE ALL tend to take thing's personally when it comes to our Beloved site, we love coming here and being open with one another, You seemed to be prepared to take that away from all of us. I'm glad that you finally saw reason.
Sorry if you felt you were being hard done by, you will soon learn how we feel about this site. Not that I fully agree mind you, that you come back under a different name.
But thank-you for losing Magical Love.
See I can be nice. Please don't hold this against me. I just don't want to loose one of the two sites that I love to death.
In general, I have no clue what age people are who post on the board. The difference between 22 and 52 doesn't come through in the posts. But a 15 year old will likely give him/herself away again in the future, no matter what name they post under. The maturity just isn't there yet. (There are always exceptions, of course, but those are exactly that. Exceptions.)
For those of you who are parents (I'm not)- my question is this: Would you want your 15 year old to participate in this site? It's an honest question.
I'm not yet a parent, but laws aside, there are certain aspects of this site which I would be quite happy for my child to see. This BB for example, and a select few stories which I don't beleive are anything more than erotic words on a page designed to arouse. Many romance stories, and a few one on one stories would fall under that category. That goes for almost every age from the time a child starts to have desires, up to the about the age of 16. After that (Laws aside), I beleive that most people have the ability to make up their own mind as to what they can view. The age of consent in Oz is 16, so I hardly think anything here is going to be overstepping the mark.
I actually don't consider this a porn site. I really don't. In most cases, it's erotic art, nothing more. If I were going to teach my kids about sexuality, I may even consider using a lot of the things here as a guide.
That said however, I am 100% in agreement with what has been said here about the 18+ rules. They're fair, and very necessary.