
Tzara said:
I can't tell you who treebomb is, though. I don't know. I would guess ee, because the poem has that quirky run-on quality that his do and there are fish in it. But I could very well be wrong. :rolleyes:
Further evidence that treebomb is ee, from Wikipedia:
Jenner is a small town with a population of about 121 in Sonoma County, California, U.S. It is located on the Pacific coast near the mouth of the Russian River. State Highway 1 runs through the town and State Highway 116 runs nearby, along the Russian River.​
I think I remember someone saying he once lived in the San Francisco area.

Or, maybe not.
WickedEve said:
The alt is hers.
Champagne glass=glass ass
And she has a secret desire to taste underpants.
Does one serve underpants with finger bowls?
My ass can't be glass... my ass is a star and the universe revolves around it.
Tzara said:
Finkelstein Reaction

One halogen traded off
for another of the same

but you, your generic face,
I’m afraid I can’t exchange.

Guess away, folks.

Initally, considering the length, I thought perhaps Senna Jawa, but the poem seems a bit abstract for him... of course I guess some are trying to get away from their own style so I may be completely fooled. I wonder if perhaps Liar has written this one.

I looked up Finkelstein Reaction and wonder again...

jim : )
Tzara said:
Ange is correct in identifying Glass Bottom Butt's poem as being by Eve.

I'll put the next one up in a couple minutes.

I can't tell you who treebomb is, though. I don't know. I would guess ee, because the poem has that quirky run-on quality that his do and there are fish in it. But I could very well be wrong. :rolleyes:

Did you say fish? Like in the water fish? Where has Rybka been lately?

jim : )
Ahh The Tides

next to gasoline movie phonebooths
burned and rebuilt and burned again,
the marvel of slickermen
unloading ling cod and snapper
in wirebasket over brimmed with
pacific view and dank swimmer smell,

highwire birds and gathergulls and sparrow
Hitch to sky in the valley of the Bay,
tinytown where you walked me on the
boards of salt and rain and first tug of shiner
and silvers like the Pleschette gleam
of eyes pecked out
sight unseen and we sat in windowbooths
on westy edges and register ring barman
ears bourboned and ginned up swimmermen
before the fires
leveled the hangout up quick,

The Tides where the meal was rumored
fresh as the sky over Bodega in late spring
Before Birds and eggman and eggfarm in winehills
of my youth.
Tzara said:
Finkelstein Reaction

One halogen traded off
for another of the same

but you, your generic face,
I’m afraid I can’t exchange.

Guess away, folks.
I'm probably so wrong it's not even funny, but I'm gonna stab a guess at Lauren.

Based on the semi obscure title, and a bit of the sentence structure.
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treebomb said:
next to gasoline movie phonebooths
burned and rebuilt and burned again,
the marvel of slickermen
unloading ling cod and snapper
in wirebasket over brimmed with
pacific view and dank swimmer smell,

highwire birds and gathergulls and sparrow
Hitch to sky in the valley of the Bay,
tinytown where you walked me on the
boards of salt and rain and first tug of shiner
and silvers like the Pleschette gleam
of eyes pecked out
sight unseen and we sat in windowbooths
on westy edges and register ring barman
ears bourboned and ginned up swimmermen
before the fires
leveled the hangout up quick,

The Tides where the meal was rumored
fresh as the sky over Bodega in late spring
Before Birds and eggman and eggfarm in winehills
of my youth.

yeah...I'm thinking ee too. Wasn't his av a Sequoia or something like that?
or maybe somebody impersonating him...hmmmm? :)
I'm sitting here scratching my head. How the heck can you figure out who's writing what?

I am obviously not paying enough attention.
Never said:
I'm sitting here scratching my head. How the heck can you figure out who's writing what?

I am obviously not paying enough attention.
Never, I think Tzara meant for participants to guess who the alt poet is if they're familiar with various Literotica poet's styles.
Did I ever mention that my beloved spent much of his youth near Jenner on the Russian River at his grandparents' house? Of course that doesn't prove anything does it? :p

And tungtied, I've never been to that part of California. My Cali poem would have to be about San Diego.


PS Eve, I'm part Russian.
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neonurotic said:
Never, I think Tzara meant for participants to guess who the alt poet is if they're familiar with various Literotica poet's styles.

Yes, that's rather obvious. Did you think I didn't get that part?
Never said:
I'm sitting here scratching my head. How the heck can you figure out who's writing what?

I am obviously not paying enough attention.

Spend some time reading poems in the Passion or Writing Live threads. That's the best way I know to get a feeling for individual poet's styles. If you want to play, that is.
"Aparently, and was polite in my reply."

As was I. Your response was strange however. It's like I popped into the Suddenly Passion Thread said, "How do you guys come up with all this poetry?" And you replied, "This is the thread for writing poetry on the fly."

I feel like I'm missing something in our communication.

"Just giving you another chance to be rude?"

I'm sorry, have I been rude to you? If not you, who was a rude to previously?
neonurotic said:
Never, I think Tzara meant for participants to guess who the alt poet is if they're familiar with various Literotica poet's styles.
Yes, but the participants are supposed to write in styles dissimilar to their own, so... ;)
Lauren Hynde said:
Yes, but the participants are supposed to write in styles dissimilar to their own, so... ;)
The theory was to see if you could discern the style even when it was being disguised. Or, equivalently, is poetic style (word choice, line breaks, rhythm) so idiosyncratic that it would show through despite the attempt at disguise.

That assumes two things:
  1. The poet has a distinct style. I think most of us do, though some are more recognizable than others. I know, for example, I use the word "still" a lot. Too much. In damn near every poem.

    Richard Hugo said that was OK, though. :)

    Also, note that Ange picked out Eve very easily. If I hadn't known, I would have said her as well.
  2. The reader is familiar enough with the regular poets here as to be able to form a guess based on idiosyncracies of style. As Never's comment points out, many readers would not be, and are at a significant disadvantage in trying to play the game.
Tzara said:
Also, note that Ange picked out Eve very easily. If I hadn't known, I would have said her as well.
I was thinking it was different than my style. I guess I'm just a morbid, glass ass person who can't disguise any of that. :D
The Coffee Shop

logic having failed me
I pondered the imponderable
and considered the aerodynamics of goldfish
while baffled by the hideous wallpaper
my thoughts knotted on the image
of fish that flew like birds

studying the geometry of the walls
I floundered
nicotine clouds and waves
rippled in delicate hues
smudged horizons
and endless space without reference

but for the mirror staring back
and the dull lights of my eyes
staring through the fog
gazing into the dreamscape
unable to contrive an escape
to discover outside a planet rich in oxygen
illegallogic said:
The Coffee Shop

logic having failed me
I pondered the imponderable
and considered the aerodynamics of goldfish
while baffled by the hideous wallpaper
my thoughts knotted on the image
of fish that flew like birds

studying the geometry of the walls
I floundered
nicotine clouds and waves
rippled in delicate hues
smudged horizons
and endless space without reference

but for the mirror staring back
and the dull lights of my eyes
staring through the fog
gazing into the dreamscape
unable to contrive an escape
to discover outside a planet rich in oxygen
I guess vampiredust, but I'm most likely off.
Lauren Hynde said:
Yes, but the participants are supposed to write in styles dissimilar to their own, so... ;)
Well, that shows you how much I read the rules since, uhm, I didn't know. :eek: