
Aaarrrggghhh! This challenge is driving me crazy!

illegallogic said:
The Coffee Shop

logic having failed me
I pondered the imponderable
and considered the aerodynamics of goldfish
while baffled by the hideous wallpaper
my thoughts knotted on the image
of fish that flew like birds

studying the geometry of the walls
I floundered
nicotine clouds and waves
rippled in delicate hues
smudged horizons
and endless space without reference

but for the mirror staring back
and the dull lights of my eyes
staring through the fog
gazing into the dreamscape
unable to contrive an escape
to discover outside a planet rich in oxygen
Oh, good! One I get to guess on, since whoever this is didn't tell me.

I guess bogusbrig. Multiple reasons:
  1. The verse structure reads with a strong pause at the end of each line, and few or no pauses internal to a line. BB's poetry does this, and it gives it a declamatory quality that I think makes it work well when read out loud.
  2. Lines like "I pondered the imponderable / and considered the aerodynamics of goldfish / while baffled by the hideous wallpaper" with their heavy use of mellifluous polysyllabic words reminds me a lot of his style.
  3. The lines "my thoughts knotted on the image / of fish that flew like birds" is a description of the famous M.C. Escher woodcut. Escher was Dutch. BB is a woodcut artist who lives in the Netherlands. (Yeah, that one's a stretch.)
  4. The subject matter is primarily intellectual in nature, rather than personal or perceptual. Again, characteristic of his style.
All just a guess though. Could be someone imitating him. Or I could simply be flat wrong.

Fun to guess, though.
Tzara said:
Oh, good! One I get to guess on, since whoever this is didn't tell me.

I guess bogusbrig. Multiple reasons:
  1. The verse structure reads with a strong pause at the end of each line, and few or no pauses internal to a line. BB's poetry does this, and it gives it a declamatory quality that I think makes it work well when read out loud.
  2. Lines like "I pondered the imponderable / and considered the aerodynamics of goldfish / while baffled by the hideous wallpaper" with their heavy use of mellifluous polysyllabic words reminds me a lot of his style.
  3. The lines "my thoughts knotted on the image / of fish that flew like birds" is a description of the famous M.C. Escher woodcut. Escher was Dutch. BB is a woodcut artist who lives in the Netherlands. (Yeah, that one's a stretch.)
  4. The subject matter is primarily intellectual in nature, rather than personal or perceptual. Again, characteristic of his style.
All just a guess though. Could be someone imitating him. Or I could simply be flat wrong.

Fun to guess, though.

It's not fair, you're just too bloody good Tzara! I burnt my brains out trying to be different and I did nothing different.

I was struggling for a theme and I went into a coffee shop and they had Escher wallpaper on the walls and I thought, there is a poem on them there walls!

Did I get the rules wrong? :eek:
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bogusbrig said:

It's not fair, you're just too bloody good Tzara! I burnt my brains out trying to be different and I did nothing different.

I was struggling for a theme and I went into a coffee shop and they had Escher wallpaper on the walls and I thought, there is a poem on them there walls!

Did I get the rules wrong? :eek:
No, the rules were fine. I didn't see it right away. I was when I read it out loud that I figured it was you. Your style has a very characteristic sound when read aloud.

Why be embarrassed about that? It means you're distinctive. That's a good thing, I think.

Now I get to buy myself a prize. ;)
WickedEve said:
I was thinking it was different than my style. I guess I'm just a morbid, glass ass person who can't disguise any of that. :D

Only to me and Tzara, apparently. The rest of us just think you're sweet-assed wicked. :)
Angeline said:
Only to me and Tzara, apparently. The rest of us just think you're sweet-assed wicked. :)
Angelween? You now have your own Holiday--and you're Russian?
WickedEve said:
I was thinking it was different than my style. I guess I'm just a morbid, glass ass person who can't disguise any of that. :D
I'll make room for you on the "star-assed" bench. Lauren has the Portugese bench all filled up :p.
WickedEve said:
Angelween? You now have your own Holiday--and you're Russian?

LOL. I knew it was a stoopid av when I made it, but I'm too effing worn out to be very creative these days. I think it sounds like Barbara Walters is saying it.

And yes. I'm a Russian-Polish-German-Jewish-American little skeleton. :catroar:
"It's not fair, you're just too bloody good Tzara! I burnt my brains out trying to be different and I did nothing different."

A distinctive style is something to be proud of, especially when it's as strong as yours. I've re-read Flarity five times now and it's magnificent. It gives me shivers every time.
Never said:
"It's not fair, you're just too bloody good Tzara! I burnt my brains out trying to be different and I did nothing different."

A distinctive style is something to be proud of, especially when it's as strong as yours. I've re-read Flarity five times now and it's magnificent. It gives me shivers every time.

Thanks for the vote of confidence Never. I'm flattered. :rose:
sooo, I go to work, get all dirty and poisoned, ( but for reallly good pay) and come back for a respite and foind out yall talked about boobs behind my back :( pout, pout

when can I see the punkin' boobs?
Maria2394 said:
sooo, I go to work, get all dirty and poisoned, ( but for reallly good pay) and come back for a respite and foind out yall talked about boobs behind my back :( pout, pout

when can I see the punkin' boobs?
I was displaying my pumpkin boob cleavage in my av but changed it. I suddenly felt like I was being tacky. I know. Why now? lol

there is a HUGE difference between tacky and the 745 adjectives that come to mind when I think of you. Tacky is not one of them



hey, will breathing in arsenic EVER give you a good buzz?

normal jean said:

there is a HUGE difference between tacky and the 745 adjectives that come to mind when I think of you. Tacky is not one of them



hey, will breathing in arsenic EVER give you a good buzz?

So! It takes arsenic to say something nice to me! :catroar:

How dangerous is this job???
WickedEve said:
So! It takes arsenic to say something nice to me! :catroar:

How dangerous is this job???

:p you know better than that!!!! :heart:

~~ sorry for thr hijack, Tzara


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Altmania #3 by Mari

. I watch you shower
. until the steam
. fogs your reflection
. and all I remember
. is your eyes as we made love


This author has requested I not reveal their identity at this time. So if you guess correctly, I can't tell you.

Good luck anyway.
Tzara said:
. I watch you shower
. until the steam
. fogs your reflection
. and all I remember
. is your eyes as we made love


This author has requested I not reveal their identity at this time. So if you guess correctly, I can't tell you.

Good luck anyway.

Is it Clutching Calliope? She's a hot and steamy poet but the lack of carnal sting is making me doubt myself.
Tzara said:
. I watch you shower
. until the steam
. fogs your reflection
. and all I remember
. is your eyes as we made love


This author has requested I not reveal their identity at this time. So if you guess correctly, I can't tell you.

Good luck anyway.

my guess would be Cherries_on_Snow

its unpretentious and elegant, like her.

now, Fly wrote a beeeutiful steam poem, but it wasnt that one


Tzara said:
. I watch you shower
. until the steam
. fogs your reflection
. and all I remember
. is your eyes as we made love


This author has requested I not reveal their identity at this time. So if you guess correctly, I can't tell you.

Good luck anyway.
Could be sandspike in drag, but probably not. ;)
normal jean said:
my guess would be Cherries_on_Snow

its unpretentious and elegant, like her.

now, Fly wrote a beeeutiful steam poem, but it wasnt that one


Aw. Thanks Normal Jean, but alas it isn't me. I have to confess to having my ass kicked lately by developing curriculum for my students whom I have to teach to the same standards in literacy, numeracy and content as the kids who speak English as their native language are being taught. AND I have to be able to do this with only 20 textbooks per 25 students. If anyone ever tells you that it is pointless to "throw money" at education, don't believe the crap. But I digress.

I would have guessed you, by the way, for the same reasons you stated. :) :rose:
Tzara said:
. I watch you shower
. until the steam
. fogs your reflection
. and all I remember
. is your eyes as we made love


This author has requested I not reveal their identity at this time. So if you guess correctly, I can't tell you.

Good luck anyway.
Who would require anonymity? It does add an element of surprise to the season finale, though. I suspect this author is a man and although not as long and narrative as I've seen him write previous to this, my guess would be TheFool.