
Congratulations to cherries_on_snow, who was first to guess RhymeFairy as the author of this:

If you want to pop my cherry
come, linger and lick
while goose down flies off
from the firm pressing of fresh
twin lips.

I lay in wait
drinking in your border, where
light meets darkness. Apply
your mouth watering cum
to my

dehydrated pit. Knowing
no bounds. Only
the juicy, pungent
pie eye precision to hone in

on you.
Prize information is PMing its fond way your way, m'dear.

New poet up in a bit.

And RF? Just means we all recognize your style. Good thing. You're distinctive. :heart:

Off to reload. . .
Altmania #8 by the Midnight Poet what Poems at Midnight

Amaretto di Amore

Mixed with milk you are honey in my mouth
and heat in my belly. Light liquor
trickling down my throat, you turn to potent drought
deep in my veins then creep as a warm wind
winding through muscles and rising through skin.
I surrender and sink into your languor.
Tzara said:
Amaretto di Amore

Mixed with milk you are honey in my mouth
and heat in my belly. Light liquor
trickling down my throat, you turn to potent drought
deep in my veins then creep as a warm wind
winding through muscles and rising through skin.
I surrender and sink into your languor.
This is Vampire Dust.

I think
Tzara said:
Congratulations to cherries_on_snow, who was first to guess RhymeFairy as the author of this:

If you want to pop my cherry
come, linger and lick
while goose down flies off
from the firm pressing of fresh
twin lips.

I lay in wait
drinking in your border, where
light meets darkness. Apply
your mouth watering cum
to my

dehydrated pit. Knowing
no bounds. Only
the juicy, pungent
pie eye precision to hone in

on you.
Prize information is PMing its fond way your way, m'dear.

New poet up in a bit.

And RF? Just means we all recognize your style. Good thing. You're distinctive. :heart:

Off to reload. . .

Ya'll know me soooo well. Maybe one day I shall surprise you all and do something different. I knew this one would be a bit obvious. BUT, Thank You Tzara for the rose, think I shall bite it petal by petal and leave a path ...

Oh, it was a heart :eek: ... WOW. I'm special, makes me all hot'n gooey inside.

;) :rose:
Tzara said:
You win the consolation prize, Ms. A., for guessing correctly but not being the first to say.

I don't give out consolation prizes, though, but perhaps I could make a special request of the mysterious treebomb to give you something instead. ;)

A request?

The Consolation of Philosophy?

Signed with a cave painting?

turning of the tide

Driftwood gathered,
Lone dune on Point Reyes as
914 parked 2 miles back on HWY 1.

Burgundy chatter moves like
Starlite East West,
Sliver moon rides Celestial Map
As nightbirds chase foam
In bigfire yellow,

At dawn you chase down
Offshore smokesignal
Run naked into shark breeding ground,

I scratch my chestmop
And dream decades past and future,
Landing here with feet in
The sand.
Tzara said:
Oh, Treebie. Forget him and console the one you got.

She writes better, anyway. Just sayin'. ;)

These exercised very great influence on the development of medieval terminology, method, and doctrine, especially in logic. In fact, the schoolmen, down to the beginning of the twelfth century, depended entirely on Boethius for their knowledge of Aristotle's doctrines. They adopted his definitions and made them current in the schools; for instance, the definitions of "person", "eternity", etc.

Yeah Yeah Yeah!

treebomb said:
Isnt It Good
Norwegian Wood?

I wouldn't know, but you check it out and report back, mister. :cool:

Geez. Do I havta pour the wine for you two? I'm on the wrong coast to serve as sommelier. :rolleyes:

Fer God's sake, just kiss her when she gets home. Trust me. It works. ;)
Tzara said:
Amaretto di Amore

Mixed with milk you are honey in my mouth
and heat in my belly. Light liquor
trickling down my throat, you turn to potent drought
deep in my veins then creep as a warm wind
winding through muscles and rising through skin.
I surrender and sink into your languor.
I would have said Champ but she's already done this.

So... wildsweetone? Yeah, that's my guess.
Tzara said:
Amaretto di Amore

Mixed with milk you are honey in my mouth
and heat in my belly. Light liquor
trickling down my throat, you turn to potent drought
deep in my veins then creep as a warm wind
winding through muscles and rising through skin.
I surrender and sink into your languor.
If not my first guess of VampDust, then the narrative style points (I hope) to cherries_on_snow.
Tzara said:
Amaretto di Amore

Mixed with milk you are honey in my mouth
and heat in my belly. Light liquor
trickling down my throat, you turn to potent drought
deep in my veins then creep as a warm wind
winding through muscles and rising through skin.
I surrender and sink into your languor.

Well, OK, folks. I thought this one would be hard. This particular poet is not well known on the PDF. This
Amaretto di Amore

Mixed with milk you are honey in my mouth
and heat in my belly. Light liquor
trickling down my throat, you turn to potent drought
deep in my veins then creep as a warm wind
winding through muscles and rising through skin.
I surrender and sink into your languor.​
is really by Never. There were several good, and I suspect, flattering guesses.

Next one in a bit. ;)
Tzara said:
Well, OK, folks. I thought this one would be hard. This particular poet is not well known on the PDF. This
Amaretto di Amore

Mixed with milk you are honey in my mouth
and heat in my belly. Light liquor
trickling down my throat, you turn to potent drought
deep in my veins then creep as a warm wind
winding through muscles and rising through skin.
I surrender and sink into your languor.​
is really by Never. There were several good, and I suspect, flattering guesses.

Next one in a bit. ;)

Flattering indeed.

as a hint i rarely, if ever, use the word 'then' in a poem.

Altmania #9 by Hiaku Hater

Scarlett Sunset

Colored leaves on trees,
A change in wind’s direction,
Descent into sleep.
Tzara said:
Scarlett Sunset

Colored leaves on trees,
A change in wind’s direction,
Descent into sleep.
For a very specific reason (if I'm right, I'll tell you why)... The Fool.
MinorMonster said:
For a very specific reason (if I'm right, I'll tell you why)... The Fool.
OK, why?

You're correct and a winner. Congratulations, Monster man. :)

Just curious. Are you a minor poet? :rolleyes:
Tzara said:
OK, why?

You're correct and a winner. Congratulations, Monster man. :)

Just curious. Are you a minor poet? :rolleyes:
Well, my dear Watson,
He's the only poet
Here (that I could
Think of) that
Caps the first letter on
Every line.
MinorMonster said:
Well, my dear Watson,
He's the only poet
Here (that I could
Think of) that
Caps the first letter on
Every line.

Its the fault of Microsoft Word.... :rolleyes: