An "a-z poem" challenge

ok me and Ange did another one of these automatic thingys.

(andre breton hands me the scissors)

ahem and i went first this time-

Anodynes beckon,
changelings deny ennui,

following grace,

Italics "juggle"
Klesmer's lucid music
near oceans,

playing quintessence,
rolling sighs,
to underpin vast waking xpanses~

A brown crayon
doodles etchings
fastidiously grained
hounds in July
kissing lonely mares nipples
Oh pretty queer
rather sadistic
tearing udders
very wrong
xenophobic young Zambian
a burning caress
deepens every fighting grave
kills loves meaningless
notion of praise
quarantined rest
sweet thoughts
unusual visions
writhing xtraordinary
yearning zealotry

Not bad for 2:30 in the morning hehe..
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Found this old thread via a mention on the Authors Hangout.

Here's my contribution:

a boiling crazy
discharge erupts
flaring ghost hurricane

interrupts jestless kites
lying motionless

no other power
quiver ropes

the updraft valorizes
walking xenomaniacs
yearning zenith
My alphabet begins with X

Xanthian yellow zephyrs
Avow breathlessly
Careening down
Ecstatic from giving.

Her innocent juicy kiss
Licks maidenly near
Open puckers.

Quietly running seeking tongue
Under vanilla whispers.
Absinthe beckons
calling down enlightened fae
green hued imps
jostling, kicking, laughing

nebulous orbs
pause quickly
retelling stories
thought untrue
very wise xenagogue
A to Z

after bath caress Debbie
enjoy frigging greatly
hope its joy
kindles love

make Nancy open
pretty quaking
rose scented tits

use vision warming xray
you're zooming
This is a cool challenge to keep 'round :)

Acidic bickering
creating disturbing energies,
forging gratifyingly harrowing indulgences.
Just knowing little memories,
not of personal qualities,
rather simple things,
uncover very wicked
Xanthippe's yielding

Sorry. I don't know what happened, it just came poring out, ok? ;)

a forum dream

Angeline bedazzles Cordelia,
dandifes Eagleyes,
fondly gropes HomerPindar,
infatuates jthserra,
kisses Linbido,
maybe nibbles on perks (quietly),
ravishes smithpeter,
then (undressed) visits Wickedeve.

Xtaabay yawns.

God I suck!

Acquiescence cried Dawn
Even farm girls
Have impotent justifications

Keep lament minimal now
Opalescence passes quietly
Running stately towards uniqueness

Vowels whispering xenophobic zaniness

I had to try!
Re: Well let me set the record straight you Liar you

Angeline said:
Still waters run deep, baby. lol. :D

And Liar--

Cordelia bedazzles me. She did from the day I met her.

And I have never groped Homer--not that he'd mind, I'm sure--but we're just neighbors. :D

I am definitely infatuated with jthserra's poetry, and I see our kids share a Godzilla obsession. I don't want to analyze that.

I admit to having sent :kiss:es to Lin, and I suspect I'd plant one on her if we met.

Ditto for Perks, and I'd definitely nibble her cooking.

smithpeter *is* ravishing. Everyone knows that.

and well--who doesn't want Eve?

oh and I wrote a poem for Xtaabay once.

who does that leave. oh. eagleyez. well, i'd explain but i have to go meet him to uh discuss literature. or something.

:) :rose:

c'mere tess :D

i'll read more from the puckerbrush press....

;) :heart:
Re: Well let me set the record straight you Liar you

Angeline said:
Still waters run deep, baby. lol. :D

And Liar--

Cordelia bedazzles me. She did from the day I met her.

Awwwww.... thanks.

(But I think the poem said you bedazzle me... which is accurate.)

Another body calms down, eventually
floating gently hazily into jaded kinship;
languishing melancholic now over poppies
quashed reverently
so that unwanted vanities wither,
x-raying your zeal.
Sure, why not?

a breathless cry
delights each fevered gesture,
heaven in jubilant kisses,
loving moans nuzzling
one perfect quim,
releasing silver torrents
under Verona's walls...

X-rated yet Zeffirelli.

k u n d a l i n g u i n i

We don't see things as they are, we see things as we are.
—Anaïs Nin

Just a Touch - An intimate audio poem


A Boastful Call Demands
Every Force Generated
High In Justice
Killer Looks
Meaning New Obvious Punishment
Questions Race Senses
Together Utilizing Venom
Wanting Xenophobia Years


Comments please.
Re: ABC...

deezire1900 said:

A Boastful Call Demands
Every Force Generated
High In Justice
Killer Looks
Meaning New Obvious Punishment
Questions Race Senses
Together Utilizing Venom
Wanting Xenophobia Years


Comments please.

ok, but because you asked, and because I don't recall seeing you around these parts, so, Welcom Aboard! (can we get another one of those welcome baskets down here please :D)

My comment, and yes, I do understand the limitations of this particular poetic form makes it very tough, is in the philosophy expressed in the first two lines. I'm not certain I'd agree. But hey, a disagreement is a force generated so who knows.

Now, in order to appease the poetry gods, I'll take another shot at the a-z poem myself :p

Another becalmed calamity!
Distress envelopes fates
great harmonies!
I joust Kubla, loyally
meeting nonexistant optimism
pitted qualmishly. Repeatedly
statesmen tattle ubiquitously,
verifying wealthy Xanadu's
yearnfull zeitgeist.

Thanks...i think.

I am not new to the boards, or to Lit, but I am new to the poetry board, due to the fact that i just thought my writings were not good enough...maybe i was right.
deezire1900 said:
Thanks...i think.

I am not new to the boards, or to Lit, but I am new to the poetry board, due to the fact that i just thought my writings were not good enough...maybe i was right.

art aint about competition

write and be fearless about it.

(if you want to)

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