An Open Letter To _____

Dear Neighbors,

I understand that you're neo-Christian and refuse to allow your six children to read anything but the bible. I respect your right to raise them however you want.

But I'm an evil bastard so I've made a point to hide dirty magazines and cheap novels on your property in grocery bags for them to find. I've been doing this for a year and I know that they've found most of them.


Dear LI,

That was truly wicked! And hilarious! Thanks for the laugh :D

Dear You,

Stop using me to feel better about yourself.
Stop telling me I'm special, and then turning around and telling a handful of other girls the same thing.
Stop giving me excuses.
Stop forgetting about me.
Stop using your charm to draw me back in, only so you can break me down again.
Just, stop.

Every time you convince me to come back, you break my heart. And every time the pieces get smaller and smaller and it gets harder and harder to put back together.

And the worst part? I think you know that. I think in some sense, you get off on it. I'm always there to stroke your ego, to tell you how wonderful you are, to make you feel like you're a God among men. And a few whispered sweet nothings, a few murmured promises and I'm yours again like my heart never broke.

But I'm running out of tape to put it back together. I'm running out of patience and sincerity, I'm running out of the will to fight.

So please, just stop. Before I have no will left anymore, before I come back for that one last time that's going to end miserably for me. This is not a healthy relationship. Sure, there's give and take - but it's not equal parts. I give and I give and I give and all you do is take from me.

And I don't have anything left to give anymore.

I'm begging you.


Just this once, have the understanding and have a heart - and leave my poor, broken little heart alone.

This is my life right now. Thank you for writing this :X

We were rolling around in the dark. I felt your arms, your hands, your strength grip me tighter and tighter; like I haven't felt you pull me close in weeks. Your sweat slick, making my nails slide like razors, slicing lines instead of mere indentations.

I could not contain my lust. I could not contain myself. Control myself. I felt raw. I tensed. I burned. I couldn't help myself.

Neither could you.

You held tight and I held tighter. I was strong and you were stronger. It was intense. I felt you shudder and I clung to you. I rounded it off to five but it felt like more. I gripped you inside out and you couldn't move.

You loved that.

I hungered for your mouth like it would keep me breathing. Tearing off clothes like they would be destroyed by our very desires. You were howling beneath the rake of my claws and it only made you press me down harder. The ripple of your muscles above me spurred me on. I craved you, every inch. Skin on were never deep enough, never close enough. I wanted more. I couldn't get enough.

Neither could you.

Love me like it was the first time. Fuck me like it was the last.

I just wanted to make you sweat baby.

When my legs wrapped around your waist and you slammed me down on the bed with G force...
When I grabbed your ass hard and you led me to the bedroom by the waistband of my jeans...
When your tongue unraveled mine and left me panting beneath a kiss that bruised my lips...

I just wanted to make you sweat baby.


Passionate Disgrace. :rose:
Dear Grad School -

For the love of GOD, please don't extend my program from two to three years. I'm on a deadline!

Dear sexy_curves,

I dedicate my 1,000th post to you because you are my everything. :)


Thank you, darling.


Dear Elderly Lady,
If you want me to continue to be your care giver you need to stop cooking for the following reasons:

You were a mediocore cook at best 30 years ago and your skills have deteriorated over time.

I'm tired of cleaning all the pots and pans that you burn beyond recognition.

Your improvised dishes are ill conceived and unappetizing. It is no longer potatoe soup if you add tuna, red onions, and leftover giblet gravy.

And I'm afraid that one morning I'll arrive to find you and the house on fire or either passed out from inhaling gas fumes because the burner didn't light and you forgot to turn it off.

So please do us both a favor stay out of the kitchen and away from the stove.


Wake Me Up From This Kitchen Nightmare
Makers of ********,

Finally a drug that does what is says it is going to do. Hell I even love the side effects. Keep up the good work. You have just been crossed off my list of people who are going to be given a close tour if my sword collection.

Delightfully doped up,
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Dear Blank!

I could not care less about:

- What you think of me
- What's going on inside your mind
- Who you associate yourself with
- How you behave
- When our paths cross
- What was in our past
- What your intentions are

Seriously. I do not care. You've underestimated me, again, in thinking that anything you say or do effects me. I honestly DO. NOT. CARE. You should get this by now! You're academically bright, Blank! But I know, with absolute certainty, that you don't know me as well as you think you do. Because if you did, you would get that I walked away specifically because you act like this. You and your business are no longer my problem. I felt, and CONTINUE to feel good because I have allowed myself not to care. Not giving a damn feels great. Your existence has no real impact on my life.

All I can do is laugh for five seconds at your antics and move on. You don't even deserve the energy that's going into this random Internet 'letter'. You lost, okay? I'm sorry, but you did. Get over it, and get over me. Get over yourself, while you're at it.

I barely even think of you anymore, except when you do something very obvious to try to get under my skin. It fails, every time. Sorry about that. You just leave me with this reaction of, "Umm... why? What are you doing? I'm bored." You really are boring in your predictability and smugness. And I find you a bit sad, to be truthful. There is this part of me that genuinely pities you. Maybe you should move on. I hope you can, but then again, it doesn't bother me either way.

Not an ounce of love, or any emotion really,
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Dear Slugger31,

I truly wish you were on vacation with me, don't get me wrong, I'm having a wonderful time with my friend and all, but good god I'm missing you like crazy this week.



ps...get me a post ;)
Dear 2011,
Please get better. I can't really take much more of what you are giving me.
No love,
Fuck you, you little bitch.

Touch me again and I will bite each finger off at the first knuckle
I will wait till it heals and do it all over again.

I'm not your fucking baby.
You cant do everything you did and still have that right.

I would't give a rats ass if you graduated harvard let alone give more than half a thought to you getting that certificate of completion.

Its been said there cannot be great passion to hate if there were no passion to love...
but do you really want to hear that I hate you with just as much passion as I once loved you.

Yes I flinch at your touch... you tried to rape me you fucking twit.

I'd love nothing more than to chain you up in my basement and take you apart with a hole punch from office depot.

Wake up you little prick... before I eat you alive.
Dearest Mamita~

Thank you for your words. I was worried, you see. Even if the words were in private and no one else knows what they were, I do...and so do you.

So thank you.



Dear Workplace~

I hate you. I hate getting ready to go to you. I hate everything about YOU....mostly because I am bored, bored, bored and you keep making me ill.

Just wanted you to know.



Dear most other people~

You suck. No really. You do. I know it seems kind of harsh but it is what it is and I just wanted to express my disdain for the walking, talking cum stains most of you are. I know you don't WANT to be that way and if you could change it? I am sure you would. But you can't. Accept the fact that you are useless, worthless, craptastic butt faces and learn to embrace it.




Dear fucktard who keeps sending stupidity to my PM box~

You have a penis, don't you? And I do believe that my profile says HAPPILY QUEER. (If it doesn't? I know it mentions that I prefer women...much more.) So why? WHY? Why do you keep sending me odd little PM's about your hard little prick or the things you want to do to me.

Let me give you a clue~Queer means I prefer pussy. Happily means your tiny little penis won't change my mind. The stories I write in SRP are just stories. I have an S/O. My s/o KNOWS that I write my pervy little stories and she understands my need for certain types of outlets. I don't cheat on her. SHE KNOWS.

The next time you write me? I will put it in some sort of random fucktard PM thread...or I will call you out. *shrugs* I really dislike most men...and you are proof that idiots exist in all colors.

Stop bugging me.
Dear Cancer,

You suck. I hope we eradicate you in my lifetime. I'd love to come dance on your grave.


Dear drama,

Stay out of my life. Seriously. I don't have the time or the heart for it.
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Dear Santa,

I'm getting my letter in early this year, just so you have time to organise my one request...
Michael Buble, in a box, so I can bring him out and have him sing for me every now and then...dear God that man's voice makes me just want... *ahem* ...anyway, that will be all for this year...thank you!

Love to the reindeer,
from Britwitch

I understand. I do. And you showed me so much. I feel stronger now that I passed the sour sting. I really believed it was my doing, but it also gave me a better insight to my own life.... And how I still need to grow that strength to fix it in the best manner.

I do miss you, but not like that. I miss my friend, but dont know if that can happen.

Hearts and diamonds...
Dear God or any other supreme being,

I know you don't exist so I'm not angry at you. If you did exist, my wife wouldn't be sick, nor would countless other people. If these things are sent to test us, then why do you test those that don't deserve it? Why don't you go and test those that need some teaching? Those that hurt others? She never hurt anyone.

Oh, and not only do you hurt her, but you've hurt my son and me. What did we do? What the fuck did he do? What did everyone else do? Now mate, don't try and tell me that she'll go to a better place. Her better place is here with us, with the people who love her, not with you and your sick idea of unconditional love. It looks like a one-way street to me.

As I said, I'm not angry at you because you aren't there. But if you were, I'd kick the shit out of you for everyone you've unfairly treated, and you could fire and brimstone me as much as you like, because I'd still get you.

A - fucking -men.

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Dear parents
There must be something seriously messed up for a parent to be pocketing the wedding gifts of their daughter. Perhaps this is some level of "entitlement" you feel you deserve because you paid for some part of the wedding and therefore it was your wedding?

Maybe I should make a clarification. This was MY wedding. I was the one who planned everything, I was the one who said "I do", and I was the one who spoke those vows. Might I add that I was also the one who paid for nearly half of the wedding out of my own pocket, since the wedding gift you oh so generously provided wouldn't be enough to even feed the guests you invited?

Pray pray tell me where does this right to open another's gifts come from? Where does this entitlement to pocket those gifts come from? Where do you get the bright idea that it's necessary to deposit those gifts into your own account instead of handing those gifts to the wedded couple untouched?

A very angry VT
Dear 2011,
Please get better. I can't really take much more of what you are giving me.
No love,

Dear 2011,
You didn't get better, you got worse. I hate you. I really do. I have little hope that 2012 will be better, but I have to try,

Dear Universe,
Please send some comfort to people who need it. Not just people I care about, or even those that I barely know, everyone, even those that I hate.

Dear Universe (Part 2)
A nice, intelligent, funny woman to date would be nice. Bonus points for hot sweaty, sex.

Dear X_X,
That wasn't what I needed. You don't really know me, you didn't understand what I meant, so what you did was really counterproductive and insulting.
Fuck you.
Dear Mythical entity, What Fish said! ..... and Fuck you an the Mythical Horse you rode in on.

Dear Lit.Erotica,

Thank you very much for making me feel welcomed and happy.
Thank you Luna for being the Wolf.
For Vail for being sublime.
For Thyri for being en Elf!:heart:
For everyone, yes.. even Zydrate who grumped at me, I wish everyone a Wonderful year to come and much happyness and joy.
Bless you an those you love.

*breathes in...and forces it back out*

This is a random letter to VENT. If it describes you? Sorry. If it doesn't, good.

Dear racist brown skinned motherfuckers (and the horses you rode in on~)

I have never been one to hate an entire group of people based on the sins of a few. Really. Truly. BUT (and I say this with all sincerity) it cracks me up when a brown skinned person...just as brown as ME even if their ethnicity is different...attempts to look down upon me because they are *pure bred* or NOT BLACK...or what the fuck ever.

So imagine my shock, my absolute dismay, to hear from~ not one, not two...but at least six different people of this OPPOSING ethnicity who felt it was nice to tell me that I was pretty and ALMOST looked like them.

WHY is that a compliment? Who the fuck wants to look like you? Why the fuck do I care that I am pretty because I am kind of light skinned and don't look as BLACK as some others. Are you fucking serious? Are you even fucking AMERICAN, you racist bastards?? If that is how you feel? Take your asses back home. And if you were actually born here? Someone should have smacked you for stupidity ages ago.

I deal with racism from lighter skinned folk all the fucking time...I shouldn't have to hear it from you...or you...or you...and for sure, not you. This is 2011...we don't judge people for their accents nor their lifestyle choices. So STOP with the comparisons on our skin tones. I am not your ethnic background...and gods know, you think you are too good to be mine.

Shut the fuck up.

*breathes again*

