an opinion on abbreviated words in poetry

Greg_H said:
Hey, do you remember that iambic pentameter thing I was commissioned to do for Burning Man, '97? Around the time I had that peyote connection?

Well, I sure as hell don't. I was hoping you did.

How do you put "WOO HOO, BURN, BAYBEE, BURN!" into psychedelic script?

Can you use caps?
What's a meta for?

Honey, the Burning Man Festival isn't really about the, um, burning man.

It's a communion of post-millennialist, ultra-bleeding edge thinkers and feelers, building a new neologism out of the shards of broken, outmoded paradigms.



And a lot of dope-smoking and indiscriminate fucking.
Greg_H said:
Honey, the Burning Man Festival isn't really about the, um, burning man.

It's a communion of post-millennialist, ultra-bleeding edge thinkers and feelers, building a new neologism out of the shards of broken, outmoded paradigms.



And a lot of dope-smoking and indiscriminate fucking.

Ultra-bleeding edge thinkers and feelers?

Okay, now I really want to go.
Recidiva said:
Ultra-bleeding edge thinkers and feelers?

Okay, now I really want to go.

Burning Man itself has "sold out to Whitey" long ago, and now it is harder and harder to find the fringe kids. You see, they stay out on the... well, they're scarce.

Personally, I think the place for like-minded nut-jobs like us is the magical, wondrous land of furry cos-play. The '06 Midwest Furfest is just around the corner!
Greg_H said:
Burning Man itself has "sold out to Whitey" long ago, and now it is harder and harder to find the fringe kids. You see, they stay out on the... well, they're scarce.

Personally, I think the place for like-minded nut-jobs like us is the magical, wondrous land of furry cos-play. The '06 Midwest Furfest is just around the corner!

How do you know this shit?

I'm not going because of this:

"Art MUST NOT be displayed in the General section if it displays any of the following criteria:

Exposed genitalia. Genitalia is defined as female nipples and any detailing/definition of male and female groin areas.
Hidden or covered erections
Any depiction of sexual acts
Full frontal nudity
Excessive violence or bloodshed"

I'd paint a picture with a covered erection just to argue with the judges, you know.
furry logic

Recidiva said:
I'm not going because of this:

"Art MUST NOT be displayed in the General section if it displays any of the following criteria:

Exposed genitalia.
Any depiction of sexual acts ...

Wow, these people are the 'kindler, gentler' furries. The Second Life furries are all about displaying, in gynecological detail, the romance between Mr. Fox and Ms. Kitty Kat.

So I guess there is yet a further limb on which to climb out in search of the true loons.
Greg_H said:
So I guess there is yet a further limb on which to climb out in search of the true loons.

Wait... aren't loons a wading bird?

Damn, another metaphor crashes and burns.
Greg_H said:
Wait... aren't loons a wading bird?

Damn, another metaphor crashes and burns.

You're going to need rubbers and a net now.

I know, boots are the better word, but "rubbers" is just funnier.

Okay, let's not hijack this pleasant person's well-intended thread.

Let me tell you something that I don't think is appropriate in poetry:

Product placement.

Yes, you see it in all the popular "stadium venue" poetry these days. The stuff Joe six-pack reads. Why, just yesterday, in "Word Up" magazine (you know, that poetry slick with all the hot chicks that guys buy 'for the poetry'), I was reading this dark, melodramatic piece that totally didn't sound like some 15 year old girl's diary entry, and right in the middle was a blurb for the new Radiohead album.

At least I think it was, unless I read too much into 14 lines of atonal whining.
Greg_H said:
Okay, let's not hijack this pleasant person's well-intended thread.

Let me tell you something that I don't think is appropriate in poetry:

Product placement.

Yes, you see it in all the popular "stadium venue" poetry these days. The stuff Joe six-pack reads. Why, just yesterday, in "Word Up" magazine (you know, that poetry slick with all the hot chicks that guys buy 'for the poetry'), I was reading this dark, melodramatic piece that totally didn't sound like some 15 year old girl's diary entry, and right in the middle was a blurb for the new Radiohead album.

At least I think it was, unless I read too much into 14 lines of atonal whining.

Commercial jingles are poetry.
Higher form

Recidiva said:
Commercial jingles are poetry.

Commercial jingles are on a higher plane. They inspire us to buy, to consume. And we all know that consumption is the fundament of sex, death, food and cable viewership. No, I wasn't referring to such a lofty plane of creativity.

I am just trying to divine the rules of modern, everyday poetry, the kind that all the kids are so ga-ga about.
Greg_H said:
Commercial jingles are on a higher plane. They inspire us to buy, to consume. And we all know that consumption is the fundament of sex, death, food and cable viewership. No, I wasn't referring to such a lofty plane of creativity.

I am just trying to divine the rules of modern, everyday poetry, the kind that all the kids are so ga-ga about.

I'm not an expert. I just like beautiful words put in elegant order to evoke a shared response.
there seems to be more poetry in what you two have written today than in what i've read since bedtime last night.

commercial jingles are crap. apart from the noise, they just want me to have sex to buy a car, have sex to eat chocolate, have sex to watch sex... what is it with sex?

maybe i should stop muting the adverts.

anyway... there is an ad on tv here at the moment for some type of 4 x 4 car. this car drives through countryside and cities and there are words made out of mountains (novel eh?) and words made out of buildings, but the panning of the camera following the car is so fast that the words become mostly subliminal. perhaps abbreviations in poetry have the same effect.

hi and welcome to the poetry forum Greg. do i know you?

Who knows whom...

wildsweetone said:
there seems to be more poetry in what you two have written today than in what i've read since bedtime last night.

Recidiva will be most pleased to note your observation. We concur, of course.

wildsweetone said:
hi and welcome to the poetry forum Greg. do i know you?

Ms. 'diva knows me. Jesus knows me (and is thoroughly disgusted). My mom knew me as a child. But no, you don't know me. Hi!
Angeline said:
My son had a dinosaur obsession from age 2 to 8. I must have read Tyrannosaurus Was a Beast by Jack Prelutsky to him--oh about 42,000 times. God bless icthyosaur poems and Jack Prelutsky (and Shel Silverstein for that matter). They made my boy love poetry: all things in good poems are (more than) acceptable. ;)

Right on Greg (and welcome to the POBO) and hi there cherries.



Yes! That's the book! and hi there Angeline.
Greg_H said:
Okay, let's not hijack this pleasant person's well-intended thread.

Let me tell you something that I don't think is appropriate in poetry:

Product placement.

Yes, you see it in all the popular "stadium venue" poetry these days. The stuff Joe six-pack reads. Why, just yesterday, in "Word Up" magazine (you know, that poetry slick with all the hot chicks that guys buy 'for the poetry'), I was reading this dark, melodramatic piece that totally didn't sound like some 15 year old girl's diary entry, and right in the middle was a blurb for the new Radiohead album.

At least I think it was, unless I read too much into 14 lines of atonal whining.

Oh we love atonal whining here--even when it's not in quatrains: we're the kinder, gentler segment of the Lit forums.

As long as it's marginally poetic, we're happy.

And, hey, I know the diva, too. (Waves at Ms. diva.)
*looking up atonal, wondering if it's anything to do with sex* which reminds me, where is the 69 man?
Angeline said:
Oh we love atonal whining here--even when it's not in quatrains: we're the kinder, gentler segment of the Lit forums.

As long as it's marginally poetic, we're happy.

And, hey, I know the diva, too. (Waves at Ms. diva.)

*tackles Angeline for over-aggressive hugging*

I'm not kind or gentle. But I :heart: Angeline.
I am not awake enough for wit, just wanted to say

Happy Birthday

and welcome to the poetry forum. I have been catching up (kind of) for the past 5 months, much enjoyed your bantor. I think my SAT Verbal score went up 10 points after reading your posts.

Greg_H said:
According to my instructors at the Columbia School of Bong-making and Literary Arts, all manner of contractions, abbreviations and "l33t sp33k" are prohibited in poetry. Also not allowed:

Use of the 'kth' dipthong, as in the word ichthyosaur.

References to marmosets, especially in amorous pursuit. Generally applies to all New World monkeys or members of the subfamily Callitrichinae.

Red No. 2

Fatuous praise for the "Larry Sanders Show". Come on, that was, like, 15 years ago.