Angeline's Disco Inferno

Do the Hustle

Do the Bump

And I still have not freaking clue.
Got to have the right look



Just a few ideas to set the mood. :D
Re: Got to have the right look

Tristesse said:


Just a few ideas to set the mood. :D


makes me remember those days

which is worse?

the zodiac killer

or disco?

we asked ourselves that as we traversed the hills-

The_Fool said:
And I still have not freaking clue.


let me put on my

I'm with fool


What the phuck am I supposed to write?

MacArthur's Park is melting in the dark
All the sweet, green icing flowing down...
Someone left the cake out in the rain
I don't think that I can take it
'cause it took so long to bake it
And I'll never have that recipe again
Oh, no!

Switch that icing to pink and I'm sure you'll find your theme.. ;)
I must have missed something along the way, but what's the zodiac killer have to do with disco? wasnt he on the dirty harry movie? oh, and if this is about serial killers, I have a wicked collection of articles I cut out of the papers when I was a teen, about son of sam and manson and people like that. My mom was certain I would grow up and be trouble...:devil:
Maria2394 said:
I must have missed something along the way, but what's the zodiac killer have to do with disco? wasnt he on the dirty harry movie? oh, and if this is about serial killers, I have a wicked collection of articles I cut out of the papers when I was a teen, about son of sam and manson and people like that. My mom was certain I would grow up and be trouble...:devil:

well maria

the zodiac wasdoing his thing during the seventies

in SF where im from, and we use to be kind of afraid to go out and about -

and disco was just as scary, (almost).

any music that spawns fads like men wearing hot pants is very scary indeed.
Angeline said:
any music that spawns fads like men wearing hot pants is very scary indeed.

I dont know why, but that made me think of Richard Simmons...I feel sick now:eek:
Angeline said:
any music that spawns fads like men wearing hot pants is very scary indeed.

Oh Shit. I just had a flash on Austin Powers Goldmember....
The_Fool said:
Oh Shit. I just had a flash on Austin Powers Goldmember....

[smarmy accent]I love gooooooooooold![/smarmy accent]
I dont know why, but that made me think of Richard Simmons...I feel sick now

Oh Shit. I just had a flash on Austin Powers Goldmember....

[smarmy accent]I love gooooooooooold![/smarmy accent]

see? icky-poo, huh? :p
A lil suggestion:

Whew. Got one now. I knew there was a little iota of disco in me after all.

How evah, unless the plumbing is unclogged, should we wait a few days with this?
Re: A lil suggestion:

Icingsugar said:
Whew. Got one now. I knew there was a little iota of disco in me after all.

How evah, unless the plumbing is unclogged, should we wait a few days with this?

I couldn't agree more TFCG. I'm placing a moritorium on my poetry submissions until the log jam bursts. I'll still submit my Disco Inferno tomorrow night for a Monday appearance if that's everyone's consensus, but I really think we should delay if possible.