Women-only club must admit MEN !

Part of the slippery slope. Yes, they should be able to keep men out, but then so should men's clubs be able to keep women out. It's interesting, this double standard when it comes to harassment, discrimination, etc. Very interesting. This what happens when you make people open PRIVATE establishments to people. This is not a public facility, but law and logical consistency favor Mr. Kottle's case. Now, the shoe is on the other foot, and women are whining about losing their privacy. Hmmm...where have I heard THAT before?

No woman was whining here - only a whiny whiny man~!

Those women at that gym should sexually harrass him - that'll teach him! ;)
Angel said:
I'm sure there is nothing on the planet that you've ever felt uncomfortable with, because you are a magical alien.

old drivers and monkeys..... they never prepared us for that before coming here.