Angie IS in the Hospital...

Sara Crewe said:
Tell her if she doesn't get better I will send not one but two rabid giraffes after her.

Fear of rabid giraffes hunting me down is key to my recovery. :D
Sooo happy to see you back !!! :nana:

Hugs and a cuppa green tea for you my friend ~ :D

We missed you like crazy ~!!

:rose: :rose: :rose:
YAy!!!! Youre back!!

Im so glad, so very glad.


get better fast so you can critique the first sonnet I ever wrote in my life, okay? ;)

I love you sweet sister

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Get that laptop into your bed
and a little of that man in eagle disguise
A healthy dose of lit-er-porn
taken with tea each blessed morn
and as sure as glory and sun will rise
you, too, will stand up,
like ;) eagleeyez :eek:.

I'm glad you're feeling a little better. Sleep well, sleep lots and sleep often.
Get better. My hopes for a speedy recovery and far too many stuffed animals sent to you.

Angeline said:
Fear of rabid giraffes hunting me down is key to my recovery. :D
Good to see you up and about. Hope you're feeling much better and continue to improve. Mr. Eyez probably wants someone to watch the Patriots with him. ;)

All along I thought Sara was scaring you with rarebit giraffes. "Rabid" is much less puzzling.

RainMan, Tzara, LeBroz, Liar, Tath, Neo, Diva, Calliope, WSO, jthserra, Sara, Champers, Christian, 4D, Anna, Wlod, NJ/Maria, Fooly, PoeTess, Rhymers, Crackerjack, Minisue, EriAliSaa, Blue and all of you who have posted and pmed and emailed.

:heart: :heart: :heart:

I'm mending in spite of having to watch endless football playoff games. :D

I :heart: you forever, ee.
Angeline said:
Fear of rabid giraffes hunting me down is key to my recovery. :D

good to see you back home, Shara . . . where you belong. ;)

stay there, and well.

:rose: patrick

Quite literally by accident I discovered this thread. I know that, right now, perfect health and wellness are manifesting themselves within and as you, and that you are perfect and complete, embued with all you need to fulfill your destiny. This goes for your pupik too.


srw aka fflow