Annie's shoebox

Perhaps the answer never was in the skies,
but underground where the wild things are,
Pixies regaled in shades of mossy green
and russet autumn shades, shot through
with golden threads, Hammer-made upon
anvils of browned roots akin to the trees of life.
Who shines the stars after the rain of life
has tarnished their sparkle?
Winter white tipped pines washing the blue
but too lowly for the out of reach guardians of the skies?
Maybe the Sky Lark songstress, her calls
rivalling the male, soaring high above the earth?
i like you and it worries me that i do,
it makes my life harder
and leaves me confused and jealous
but i like you
and it feels good.
i like how casual we are,
so casual i don't have to use capitals.
how you touch me just to make me shiver,
how you steal small kisses
and then laugh because you know
you shouldn't have.
i like how i tell you everything
and you don't even flinch
and yes, i sleep next to someone else,
someone i love more than life itself.