Annoncing my poem! You jey!

Can I go off at a tangent and ask if other people get mail of an intimate graphic nature and if so what do with it apart from deleting it? I feel as if my personal space has just been invaded ....
UnderYourSpell said:
Can I go off at a tangent and ask if other people get mail of an intimate graphic nature and if so what do with it apart from deleting it? I feel as if my personal space has just been invaded ....
I think this thread is safe for any comment you want to place on it.

To answer your question, no, I personally have not. Was this e-mail or PM? From someone you know or at least are acquainted with or spam?

If it was a PM, you can put that person on ignore and that would stop any future PMs from them. Most mail programs provide a similar function--someplace you can enter an e-mail address you want to block. Once blocked, you wouldn't get any more messages from that address.

Neither of those actions would foil a stalker type, though, as they could just use another e-mail address or Lit ID. You can configure some spam blocker programs to only pass through addresses you have allowed, but that means that you have to know beforehand all of the addresses you want to see.

Depending upon the circumstances, it might be something you could refer to your ISP to see if they could do something about it. Certain kinds of contacts (e.g., cyberstalking or someone sending you child pornography) might be something that the police could handle.

You have my sympathies. I imagine that's kind of the 21st century equivalent of getting an obscene phone call. Ugly and disturbing.
It was PM and I have now blocked him having never heard of him before in my life but he must come in here as he seemed to take my avatar as a personal invitation so I have changed it. He also seems to think I am a young woman whereas the truth is I am probably old enough to be his mother! So to you whoever you are if you care to read this kindly keep your sexual practices to yourself even if sending them to women is the way you get your kicks I just think you are a saddo and I have every right to tell everyone who you are and how sick you are too.
UnderYourSpell said:
Can I go off at a tangent and ask if other people get mail of an intimate graphic nature and if so what do with it apart from deleting it? I feel as if my personal space has just been invaded ....

Yes I have. It's the nature of this site. Some people come here and think everyone and anyone welcomes that. I just delete it. In one case the stuff was graphic and violent. The guy was threatening me and wouldn't back down, even after I wrote to him and told him to buzz off. I reported it to Laurel (site owner) and that ended it. I'm not sure what she did, banned him probably. They can come back after that under another email address, but most people wouldn't go to the trouble to keep pming or emailing if they know they'll keep getting banned.
upbj on a different thread said:
Partial quote follows:
I believe I'll call it Bijou's Double Secret Leg-Humping No Rules All Hands On Deck Club
I thought that said all hands on DICK and I was all for it...

Unusual club about jerked off dicks
Preferential treatment and mod homey picks
Bijou's leg perfectly masturbatorily thick
Just humped twice upon it and made it all slick.
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:caning:I thought that said all hands on DICK and I was all for it...

Unusual club about jerked off dicks
Preferential treatment and mod homey picks
Bijou's leg perfectly masturbatorily thick
Just humped twice upon it and made it all slick.

Ritz Bitz Peanut Butter Sandwiches Fu!

You are so in. And I'm officially changing the name to Bijou's etc ...All Hands on Dick... etc. Thanks - it's one of the better pieces of editing advice I've gotten lately.

Your poem is very, very dangerously close to being "good". But I know you have a certain handicap there, in that you may actually be incapable of writing non-clever, non-good poetry. We do have a certain EEOC membership requirement for the Bad-Poetry Disabled.

So you're in, baby. So very in. Come hump my leg s'more. I'll hump yours right back. I'm all about the leg-humping.

I have a marked affection for the new caning smiley (glowery). I hope you don't mind my using it... LOTS

Bad poem? I got a million of 'em.

jumptyhump the abhor leg of
bj and bj the humped leg did
bring a bunch of

Stars in the sky.
metaphor: motherfucker.
<insert line about how humping legs is like honey, but stickier>
lol, pussy.
lol, pussy.
which is like air guitar, but with a crotch
Two bad I hate chicken.

I have a marked affection for the new caning smiley (glowery). I hope you don't mind my using it... LOTS


I was just going to get on here and tell you that that thing is killin' me. Almost makes me want to cave in and use smileys.

Is there one in black leather holding a riding crop?

jumptyhump the abhor leg of
bj and bj the humped leg did
bring a bunch of

Stars in the sky.
metaphor: motherfucker.
<insert line about how humping legs is like honey, but stickier>
lol, pussy.
lol, pussy.
which is like air guitar, but with a crotch
Two bad I hate chicken.


You are giving me flashbacks to every open mic poetry night I ever attended. Butt-puckeringly awful. You're in, m'man.

Eventually I found PSA (Poetry Slammers Anonymous). It changed my life. Rock bottom was the slam where the one guy had a big djembe with which he punctuated his shouted natterings about (ahem) revolution. And the drunk sorority gurl reading something she'd just written on a bar napkin.

I went to my first meeting the next day.

You are giving me flashbacks to every open mic poetry night I ever attended. Butt-puckeringly awful. You're in, m'man.

Eventually I found PSA (Poetry Slammers Anonymous). It changed my life. Rock bottom was the slam where the one guy had a big djembe with which he punctuated his shouted natterings about (ahem) revolution. And the drunk sorority gurl reading something she'd just written on a bar napkin.

I went to my first meeting the next day.


Open mic sucks. I want to read the 'poem' above as a duet.

my poem, in my listy of stuff, "Empty Stage" is about the open mic where I started performing. it's a ho-hum poem, but it's fun to shout at people.

Open mic sucks. I want to read the 'poem' above as a duet.

my poem, in my listy of stuff, "Empty Stage" is about the open mic where I started performing. it's a ho-hum poem, but it's fun to shout at people.


I've never shouted a poem. It sounds like great fun. If we do that as a duet, can I be the one to shout all the capitalized stuff? I think it would be quite cathartic for me.

Or else we could read it twice and switch roles.

There was a benefit for Move-On PAC where I got to perform with the accompaniment of drum, flute and stand-up bass. My friends told me it wasn't butt-puckeringly awful. Really, it wasn't. Honest.


I've never shouted a poem. It sounds like great fun. If we do that as a duet, can I be the one to shout all the capitalized stuff? I think it would be quite cathartic for me.

Or else we could read it twice and switch roles.

There was a benefit for Move-On PAC where I got to perform with the accompaniment of drum, flute and stand-up bass. My friends told me it wasn't butt-puckeringly awful. Really, it wasn't. Honest.



Makes me think of Laurie Anderson.

I used to go to these amazing readings at St. Mark's Church in the Bowery in NYC on New Year's Eve. They'd have all-night readings there (I'm not even admitting how long ago this was lol) with the most amazing people. There was a lot of shouting, too. Not always great poetry but very lively and always exciting. Actually there are some wonderful sound recordings of poetry at UBU. Check out the recording of Helen Adam here. If I get to be her age at the time she recorded that, I hope I am half as cool. :)
Makes me think of Laurie Anderson.

I used to go to these amazing readings at St. Mark's Church in the Bowery in NYC on New Year's Eve. They'd have all-night readings there (I'm not even admitting how long ago this was lol) with the most amazing people. There was a lot of shouting, too. Not always great poetry but very lively and always exciting. Actually there are some wonderful sound recordings of poetry at UBU. Check out the recording of Helen Adam here. If I get to be her age at the time she recorded that, I hope I am half as cool. :)

I want to be Laurie Anderson when I grow up. audio capability is being retarded so I must get my geek to enable me to hear your clips. Soon, tho.

Language IS a virus from outer space. That's why even when I'm being terribly serious about writing, I can't really be serious about it.

Champagne, darling, you're about to go on serious probation with this bad poetry thing. Anybody who can just flip out an acrostic in 20 minutes is definitely handicapped in the bad poetry challenge...

Makes me think of Laurie Anderson.

I used to go to these amazing readings at St. Mark's Church in the Bowery in NYC on New Year's Eve. They'd have all-night readings there (I'm not even admitting how long ago this was lol) with the most amazing people. There was a lot of shouting, too. Not always great poetry but very lively and always exciting. Actually there are some wonderful sound recordings of poetry at UBU. Check out the recording of Helen Adam here. If I get to be her age at the time she recorded that, I hope I am half as cool. :)
I think I'm gonna get artsy on these northern folks' arses. We have an Order of Canada winner in this community, Alex Janvier doing visual arts and many of our musicians Sugakane to performers at The Call Of The Wild French Horn Festival take care of that side of things. By now you've likely noticed (as have I) that there's a lack of drunk poets taking stage here.

I'd bet booze would bring 'em out in droves though.
Hold it hold ittttttttttt right there I wasn't let in because of my radishes and non radish is getting membership. I really feel I should get on my soap box for radish poetry. Consider if you will the life of the poor radish .. out in all weathers peed on by rabbits and humped by mice. We radish poets completely empathise unconditionally and we are being stoned and piliarised for it not to mention eaten and as for worm holes aghhhhh don't get me on the subject of wormholes! I am now in my salad days so lettuce not cucumber I am all cressed out here and not even dressed for tomato!
Hold it hold ittttttttttt right there I wasn't let in because of my radishes and non radish is getting membership. I really feel I should get on my soap box for radish poetry. Consider if you will the life of the poor radish .. out in all weathers peed on by rabbits and humped by mice. We radish poets completely empathise unconditionally and we are being stoned and piliarised for it not to mention eaten and as for worm holes aghhhhh don't get me on the subject of wormholes! I am now in my salad days so lettuce not cucumber I am all cressed out here and not even dressed for tomato!

Oh no, you're in, you're in, darlin'. I was just warning you about that cleverness. Gotta watch that, y'know.

Actually y'all are free to make suggestions about the name of the club, since that was merely a brainstorm. I do like the phrase "all hands on dick" - it seems appropriate, and of course it has to be called a SECRET club, but other than that I'm not married to any of it.

Eagerly awaiting more bad poetry. Just because you're in doesn't mean you have to stop there...

It was PM and I have now blocked him having never heard of him before in my life but he must come in here as he seemed to take my avatar as a personal invitation so I have changed it. ...

I guess that is a good use for software to help you ignore someone.

I have received unsolicited graphic images (a well as a lot of "hot" stock picks) sent as spam both to my work and personal email addresses. These I assumed were just spam and I deleted them. However, when I started to get registered for technical newsletters like how to program such-and-such that I had no clue about, that freaked me out. I figured I better just change my email address, which was easy to do. That worked.

None of these were personally directed at me (or at least I don't think so).

Restraining orders are useful also. With restraining orders you have to make sure you don't let that person back in willingly.
I got feedback the other day and altho it was very nice to know my poetry had been appreciated I didn't really need to be sent his email addy or asked to 'return the embrace'. So if your are reading this (which is doubtful) I am a married lady and my embraces are reserved.
And did the slithery humping stove
o'er Bijou's own recumbent toes?
Nix thrice again I tell thee nay,
twas done if nought whilst in repose.
Landsakes camudgeon get thee gone
unhand thy dick and poketh not
for spermatatory sloshed upon
these trews unwashéd goes to grot.

A spellcheckers nightmare especially the accented É!
And did the slithery humping stove
o'er Bijou's own recumbent toes?
Nix thrice again I tell thee nay,
twas done if nought whilst in repose.
Landsakes camudgeon get thee gone
unhand thy dick and poketh not
for spermatatory sloshed upon
these trews unwashéd goes to grot.

A spellcheckers nightmare especially the accented É!

From crying openly to laughing out loud.

you rawk! And I am so grateful to be indulged like that. golly. my very own leg-humping poetry.

I shall have to work on the various rewards and perks for being in the Secret Club. Aside from the basic coolness factor, that is. *snerk*

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pssst. hey sara.

The secret club is in here. Anyone can join. And it's not a secret so much as it's something that no one actually cares about. But that's functionally the same thing, in its way. Requirements, for everyone except those known as the Grand Nymph, are in this post. We moved over here so as not to be too outta control over there.

And by the way, I've now done live readings of all of these entries so far for unsuspecting victims, and DA's entry has actually caused people to fall over.

I'm gonna probably fall off the wagon and read that at the next local open mic poetry night around here.

with proper attribution, of course.

Those known specifically as the Grand Nymph of Shenanigans of Nymphomania may have special membership requirements. We'll talk.

pssst. hey sara.

The secret club is in here. Anyone can join. And it's not a secret so much as it's something that no one actually cares about. But that's functionally the same thing, in its way. Requirements, for everyone except those known as the Grand Nymph, are in this post. We moved over here so as not to be too outta control over there.

And by the way, I've now done live readings of all of these entries so far for unsuspecting victims, and DA's entry has actually caused people to fall over.

I'm gonna probably fall off the wagon and read that at the next local open mic poetry night around here.

with proper attribution, of course.

Those known specifically as the Grand Nymph of Shenanigans of Nymphomania may have special membership requirements. We'll talk.


Nice. I'm taking it to a slam, for the fun of it.