Annoncing my poem! You jey!

Sara Crewe said:
to ask:

Your Vizier-ness, do you sell your treasures online?

Not as such. Two problems:

Every piece of jewelry I make is different, so there's hardly be any point in advertising it, and we're also too retarded to develop a website as such. There's just not enough consistency in our inventory.

However, I do send stuff to friends in the mail on a regular basis. Folks in rural areas call us and order soap and rocks and stuff, and we mail things to them. Helps those who don't have a cool shop like this in town.

So if one needed some rocks or a strand of beads or a particular necklace or something, there are ways to do that. You'd have to trust me with a mailing address, but I promise that there are very few people around here I'd actually stalk.

one or two. Maybe four, tops.

unpredictablebijou said:
Not as such. Two problems:

Every piece of jewelry I make is different, so there's hardly be any point in advertising it, and we're also too retarded to develop a website as such. There's just not enough consistency in our inventory.

However, I do send stuff to friends in the mail on a regular basis. Folks in rural areas call us and order soap and rocks and stuff, and we mail things to them. Helps those who don't have a cool shop like this in town.

So if one needed some rocks or a strand of beads or a particular necklace or something, there are ways to do that. You'd have to trust me with a mailing address, but I promise that there are very few people around here I'd actually stalk.

one or two. Maybe four, tops.



I didn't really want the jewelery.

I just wanted to be stalked.

Okay so, I want both. Colour me greedy.
Sara Crewe said:

I didn't really want the jewelery.

I just wanted to be stalked.

Okay so, I want both. Colour me greedy.

Be of good cheer: You are TOTALLY on the list.

And I would love to build jewelry for you. That would be great fun. Just lemme know what you like.

Sara Crewe said:
Did you read the fine print?

Always read the fine print when dealing with a nymph.

calls will cost $50 for the first 5mins and for every 1 min thereafter
unpredictablebijou said:
Be of good cheer: You are TOTALLY on the list.

And I would love to build jewelry for you. That would be great fun. Just lemme know what you like.


Yay. Now I will never be alone. I will always have my stalker. Kinda like an emotionally disturbed adult security blanket.

Wow. Really? I am a bit like a kid in the proverbial candy store when it comes to jewelry. Hard to say what I wouldn't like. My main dislike is for having pieces that look like everyone else's...other than that, I am easy.
unpredictablebijou said:
Not as such. Two problems:

Every piece of jewelry I make is different, so there's hardly be any point in advertising it, and we're also too retarded to develop a website as such. There's just not enough consistency in our inventory.

However, I do send stuff to friends in the mail on a regular basis. Folks in rural areas call us and order soap and rocks and stuff, and we mail things to them. Helps those who don't have a cool shop like this in town.

So if one needed some rocks or a strand of beads or a particular necklace or something, there are ways to do that. You'd have to trust me with a mailing address, but I promise that there are very few people around here I'd actually stalk.

one or two. Maybe four, tops.


I wish you had a web site. I'd definitely buy stuff from it. Are the soaps handmade? I love good soaps. In fact I have a bath products fetish. I wrote a poem about it once (in honor of Lush, which I frequently covet and sometimes indulge).

Lush Life

Living the lush life
blissy-faced as the full moon
dropped in a steamy soapy sea
perfumed with jasmine,
evening primrose, and oh
most evil succulent of these:

white Belgian chocolate!

Smooth as silk and fragrant
as a hothouse gardenia
shimmering soft as jelly

(what bathos)

Seventy bucks down the drain.

And I lurve shiny dangly things. Especially of the fit-in-the earlobe persuasion. Amd the cache of saying I purchased them from my poet-witch pal would be tooooo delightful.
Let's build bijou a web site... we'll call it Poet-Witch Cachet.

I don't have pierced anything. I can't since I have a metals sensitivity, it makes me ooze inappropriately. But, I will buy soap. I love the scent of finely crafted wholesomeness.

Oh.. and because it's the you jey! thread I suppose I should say something poetical.

sandalwood and rosewater
toe tickle bubble clouds
on floats of steamy
champagne1982 said:
Let's build bijou a web site... we'll call it Poet-Witch Cachet.

I don't have pierced anything. I can't since I have a metals sensitivity, it makes me ooze inappropriately. But, I will buy soap. I love the scent of finely crafted wholesomeness.

Oh.. and because it's the you jey! thread I suppose I should say something poetical.

sandalwood and rosewater
toe tickle bubble clouds
on floats of steamy

Bubble bubble
toil and trouble fades to bliss.
The steam, the rainbow spheres
adrift in scented atmosphere
of jasmine and vanilla suds.
The candlelight, the gleam
of flesh. Come in my love.
Let me paint the droplets
on your wrist and taste
your skin. Let me scatter soapy
rain like morning dew on all
the curly stems of you. Come
lift my waterfall of hair that floats
to waist. Apply soap there, now
scrub your lips on me until bepruned
our bodies be and wrap them
in the purple towel to stumble,
damp and fragrant where our instincts
led again my dear: to bed, to bed.
I'm running a bath for you both. Come on in here - it's warm and steamy.

The soaps are made by my co-owner. They're all scent recipes that are exclusive to the shop, and they sell like friggin' hotcakes. Including to me - I won't use anything else now.

Her specialty is the Things That Smell Good, and my specialty is Shiny Things. We both do other stuff too - statuary and art and things. But she's the best with perfumes. She does essential oil blends. Among her inventions are ones named Oil of Boing (yes, it works), Sacred Slut and Witch Bitch. The newest invention is stellar - our working title was "Knock Me Down and Fuck Me" but we decided to settle down and name it Red Stiletto Heels. It works too.

I dunno. If anyone wants to PM me with their address I guess I could get some samples together. I never really thought about it but K's soaps and oils deserve a much wider audience. Although she'll bitch at me about making her work harder.

And while I'm deeply appreciative of the poetry, and don't stop, since when were there any rules in this thread?

Except for the holidays. This week is Bubble Bath Week. Take one. With a rubber duckie, if at all possible.

I can do duckie but not hubble bubble any strange soaps etc tend to me make me scratch which is very inelegant and unladylike. I am sitting here hearing strange noises in parts of the house where the dogs aren't. I have already had a man at the door asking to take away this n that (I think my husband was a squirrel in a former life ... only now his nuts are bigger shhhh you rude girls) and I am wondering if I am being reduced without permission as it were. I suppose I could have the dogs up here with me but they tend to desert anyway and go and sit on beds proffessly forbidden.
unpredictablebijou said:
The soaps are made by my co-owner. </snip>
Ahem, I keep returning to this and I keep wanting to buy a share of you. ... co-owner.. you could call me "Mistress"
Okay, I like that one too. A lot. I have a feeling you wouldn't make something that I wouldnt like.

Oh, and that Red Stiletto Heel stuff sounds good too. Although, I would be torn between it and the Sacred Slut.

unpredictablebijou said:
I'm running a bath for you both. Come on in here - it's warm and steamy.

The soaps are made by my co-owner. They're all scent recipes that are exclusive to the shop, and they sell like friggin' hotcakes. Including to me - I won't use anything else now.

Her specialty is the Things That Smell Good, and my specialty is Shiny Things. We both do other stuff too - statuary and art and things. But she's the best with perfumes. She does essential oil blends. Among her inventions are ones named Oil of Boing (yes, it works), Sacred Slut and Witch Bitch. The newest invention is stellar - our working title was "Knock Me Down and Fuck Me" but we decided to settle down and name it Red Stiletto Heels. It works too.

I dunno. If anyone wants to PM me with their address I guess I could get some samples together. I never really thought about it but K's soaps and oils deserve a much wider audience. Although she'll bitch at me about making her work harder.

And while I'm deeply appreciative of the poetry, and don't stop, since when were there any rules in this thread?

Except for the holidays. This week is Bubble Bath Week. Take one. With a rubber duckie, if at all possible.

Sara Crewe said:
Okay, I like that one too. A lot. I have a feeling you wouldn't make something that I wouldnt like.

Oh, and that Red Stiletto Heel stuff sounds good too. Although, I would be torn between it and the Sacred Slut.

What you can't see about that one because it's out of focus is that the dark blue beads are actually very sparkly - they're blue goldstone, which is all full of sparkly bits and looks like a night sky.

The red is "ruby jade" which is really delish and lavish and mostly comes big and faceted. I love that particular piece; it looks like you spent a million dollars on it. I think it ended up being about $23. It's a good combo.

We tested Red Stiletto Heels in the bar like we test all our scents. The chicks liked it, and the men were generally all speechless and sorta primate-like after smelling it. It's got neroli in it - that's all my partner will tell me. I'm the one who taught her to be proprietary about her recipes, but it has backfired, since she won't give them to me now.

Tomorrow I'll put up a carnelian piece I'm very fond of. Or maybe the citrine... hm.

champagne1982 said:
Ahem, I keep returning to this and I keep wanting to buy a share of you. ... co-owner.. you could call me "Mistress"

You'd have to negotiate with the shop cats. They actually own me. But I'll call you mistress anyway.

unpredictablebijou said:
What you can't see about that one because it's out of focus is that the dark blue beads are actually very sparkly - they're blue goldstone, which is all full of sparkly bits and looks like a night sky.

The red is "ruby jade" which is really delish and lavish and mostly comes big and faceted. I love that particular piece; it looks like you spent a million dollars on it. I think it ended up being about $23. It's a good combo.

We tested Red Stiletto Heels in the bar like we test all our scents. The chicks liked it, and the men were generally all speechless and sorta primate-like after smelling it. It's got neroli in it - that's all my partner will tell me. I'm the one who taught her to be proprietary about her recipes, but it has backfired, since she won't give them to me now.

Tomorrow I'll put up a carnelian piece I'm very fond of. Or maybe the citrine... hm.


I figured it would only be better in person. I don't wanna 'jump the gun' but I definitely love that one too. I love the contrast in that one and the size of the individual stones. It's pretty darn perfect looking.
Sara Crewe said:
I figured it would only be better in person. I don't wanna 'jump the gun' but I definitely love that one too. I love the contrast in that one and the size of the individual stones. It's pretty darn perfect looking.

Kay well we may have a good start on an answer. I'm off to dinner. I'll play with some beads tomorrow...

those who PM'd me about soap and such, I'm on it. We'll figure out the various details later. I am, make no mistake, a pusher, so the first one's free...

God. I love this one too. But I think I might have loved the citrine more and the first one you put up might have an slight edge too because it had the red jade but also the blue stones as well.

*wipes grool off face and shakes greedy look outta eyes*

I would wear everything you have put up.
Sara Crewe said:
God. I love this one too. But I think I might have loved the citrine more and the first one you put up might have an slight edge too because it had the red jade but also the blue stones as well.

*wipes grool off face and shakes greedy look outta eyes*

I would wear everything you have put up.

Well that makes my job that much easier.

This one's particularly yummy. It's untreated carnelian - that's getting harder to find, and it's got such a nice variety of shades. It's also got smoky quartz in it.

More pics soon. Off to dinner...

unpredictablebijou said:
Is a pig pile different from a puppy pile or a kitty pile?

some of my best friends are pigs.


A pig pile is where all the kids pile on top of one poor kid lying on the ground
the fat kid always waited till last to jump on
it was a recess ritual up here

although I have a feeling you aren't necessarily a " bottom" type of gal