Annoyance value

Quick question: English civilisation pretty much conquered 90% of the world, mainly because we were more advanced than other civilisations. The question has to be asked whether we would have appreciated being conquered by Japan and China in the Middle Ages because they had a more advanced civilisation than us then. If they'd been expansionist, we could have been forced to accept Japanese culture.

Was it right that the Inca civilisation were 'converted' to Catholicism at the point of the conquistadores?

I'm not supporting female circumcision, but I feel that it is sometimes presumptuous to interfere in another culture because we feel ours is better. Do Shi'ia Muslims say that we should not drink alcohol because that's against their customs?


Just random thoughts.

The Earl
How to wear a hat

I doff my hat to ladies, chador wearing or not.

Re: How to wear a hat

oggbashan said:
I doff my hat to ladies, chador wearing or not. Og
That's why I love you and Cary. - Perdita

p.s. please read my praise of you re. matching fetishes.

Ooh, I hate these quote thingeys; that's my edit.
TheEarl said:
Just random thoughts. The Earl
Hey, T. Earl: I love your randomness and often your thoughts. Also recall this thread began about you; just mentioning it to be polite.

I never laugh at boys under 29.

Best, Perdita
Genital Mutilation

Madame Manga said:
Oh, damn straight. I recall reading an article that offered this as a test for people who like to say they are tolerant of other cultures and customs: what do you think of "female circumcision", AKA genital mutilation, as it is carried out in traditional North and East African communities?

Most Muslims would agree that genital mutilation is wrong. Is ritual circumcision of males wrong?

Some cultures regard ear-piercing and tattoos as mutilation. Are they wrong?

Tolerance is one thing. Politeness is another. I do not think I have the right to judge another individual's customs as wrong without sufficient information to make a reasoned decision. Even if I think something is wrong I do NOT have the right to force change. I can try to understand, to educate, to persuade, to modify but who am I to judge? I am not perfect.

Re: Genital Mutilation

oggbashan said:
I can try to understand, to educate, to persuade, to modify but who am I to judge? I am not perfect.
This expression has always bothered me. I can't help but judge things. Some things are right, some things are wrong, some things are just different. In any case, that by itself doesn't mean I'm superior, or that I think I'm superior -- just that I recognize and accept my responsibility to live by the principles I've adopted for myself.

I think the key is to understand "wrong" vs. "different". Too often, people seem quick to make snap moral judgments about things that don't involve ethics at all, but then they back away from taking a stand on true matters of principle. Any in any case, taking a stand doesn't necessarily mean you need to proselytize or enforce your views -- just that you're making an honest effort to understand and to uphold your own convictions.
Morality is a viewpoint

My ethics and morals are my own. I can use them as a yardstick to compare others against but not to allocate relative values.

We are all individuals and the differences make life interesting. By some people's standards I am a most immoral person just because I am a member of Literotica. That is their viewpoint.

Freedom and democracy means having to accept that other people can say things you would rather not hear. Free speech is still an uncommon commodity in the world.

Enough seriousness. I'm back to the keyboard to write about the manifold uses of a garderobe.

Re: Genital Mutilation

oggbashan said:
I do not think I have the right to judge another individual's customs as wrong without sufficient information to make a reasoned decision. Even if I think something is wrong I do NOT have the right to force change. I can try to understand, to educate, to persuade, to modify but who am I to judge? I am not perfect.


No more am I. But that doesn't mean that right and wrong don't exist or that I cannot come to understand the practical differences between them. Those concepts don't depend on me or on any other human being. I realize that's not what is taught in the public schools, but I believe I have an obligation to resist wrong and not turn away from calling a spade a spade. I am not a relativist, and I don't care who knows it. ;-)

In the real world, education and persuasion often work better to change things than flat-out prohibition, but the ends are still the same--to stop injurious and ignorant practices. Nothing should enjoy immunity, including my own imperfections and undoubted prejudices. ;-)

what do you think of "female circumcision", AKA genital mutilation, as it is carried out in traditional North and East African communities?

Well, honestly, female genital mutilation has ONE advantage. A man whose wife has been mutilated can be pretty d***ed sure that she won't be unfaithful to him, since she has severe pains every time she pees, has her peiod, or gets fucked by her husband. A woman who hates sex beacause it hurts so friggin' much, will most likely not jump into bed with another man.

Oh, and one more thing - since she has been cut open, had her lips removed, and then been stitched up, leaving only a small hole, about the size of a finger, for urine and menstruation blood to pass through, she will always be nice and tight for her husband's cock. He will feel like he's deflowering a virgin every time!


Now, in the name of honesty, let's not be racistic here, and claim that only muslims do this horrible thing. The idea of female mutilation began down in Africa/Egypt, long before Christianity and Islam were even thought of. It spread over the world.

USA itself had educated gynecologists who RECOMMENDED female genital mutilation in order to rid strong, loud-mouthed women with a well-developed appetite for sex, of their libido. Their arguments was that this would cure women with lesbian tendencies, and stop women from the disease of the (mental) disease of wanting to masturbate. After having gone through this ordeal, the mutilated women often became much more subdued, as our libido is one of our strongest reasons for behaving like we're alive and not just existing. This was a common practice up to 1935, but is still used now and then in both USA and Europe, as a way of proventing teenage girls from having sex before marriage, although nowadays, we don't get to hear about it.

Sisters - we must never sit back and think that we have won, and that everything is now just peachy. WE may have reached many goals, but there are millions of women who are still suffering. And the rights we have won through our foremothers' hard work, are not to be taken for granted - laws can be changed, and we may loose our rights. We must never, ever, stop fighting for our rights, or they might be taken away from us.

Last word from me

In the early 90s I did some voluntary work with a lady who publicised and campaigned against female genital mutilation as practised in Africa.

The indifference of the local women to the practice nearly broke her heart.

My sole contribution was to keep her word processor smoking.

I don't approve but I'm not a woman.

Re: Morality is a viewpoint

oggbashan said:
Enough seriousness. I'm back to the keyboard to write about the manifold uses of a garderobe.Og

Dear Og,
I'll certainly be watching for that.
Re: Re: Genital Mutilation

Madame Manga said:
I am not a relativist, and I don't care who knows it. ;-)
Ditto to what she said. Although I have no major problems with relativity. I just wish Einstein had included more anal sex, especially in the general theory.
Re: Last word from me

oggbashan said:
In the early 90s I did some voluntary work with a lady who publicised and campaigned against female genital mutilation as practised in Africa.

The indifference of the local women to the practice nearly broke her heart.


Well, if they would help to stop the practise, they would also have to admit to themselves that they had been mutilated - violated! If they block their minds and call it "improvement" or something equally ridiculus, they won't have to feel so bad for what was done to them, and what they are doing to their daughters.

Besides, in a country where a woman's only hope is to get married and provided for, and where men only want to marry women who have been mutilated, these women do what they think they'll have to do in order to help the girls get provided for in the future. Instead of fighting the sytem, they fight themselves.

Beside women being brave enough to say "No! I won't put my daughter through the same hell as I went through!", we also need men who will turn the trend in the opposite direction by saying "I will not marry a girl who has been mutilated. I want someone who still has all the bodyparts she was born with."

I've heard that more and more of the modern, well-educated young men (who have been studying at universities in the West, and possibly also experienced with Western women how wonderful sex can be when your partner screams in exstacy instead of pain) are demanding "whole" women for their brides.

The sytem will change. But it takes an obnoxiously long time!:rolleyes:

Svenskaflicka said:
The idea of female mutilation began down in Africa/Egypt, long before Christianity and Islam were even thought of. It spread over the world.
Very good point, so many ignorant liberals cannot think outside their time and place. Thank you for noting mutilation practices (and not only sexual mutilation) in the USA and European 'civilized' countries. In my youth I knew young women who were institutionalized by their middle-class (never lower) parents because they were being sexual or homosexual. I believe this still happens.

...our libido is one of our strongest reasons for behaving like we're alive and not just existing.
Lovely statement, sweetie.
We must think of a good motto for Lit. feministas. Perhaps you can cull one from your Potter knowledge (we do want to be current).

xoxo, Perdita
I'll go through my Potters once more, and get back to you with a suitable Potter Feminist Quote.:heart:
Female genital mutilation


Being a guy, this goes way beyond my capacity to understand on any level that I would consider useful. But, from what I understand and from what I have read on the posts, I would agree with Svenskaflicka all the way.
And that was my 100th post ... yayyyyyy!

Hmmm ... time for an AV ... I wonder ?

Gabriel_Lee said:
And that was my 100th post ... yayyyyyy!

Hmmm ... time for an AV ... I wonder ?
Congratulations, Gabriel. I had no idea. Never looked at your post nos. and presumed you were a guru-type on Lit. Ooh, looking forward to your AV. Regards, Perdita :rose:
Re: Morality is a viewpoint

oggbashan said:

Enough seriousness. I'm back to the keyboard to write about the manifold uses of a garderobe.


Hm Garderobe yes!!

This reminds me of a friend of mine a few years ago, (Tommy, great character but a bit short on brain cells), went to a party in an old castle, in Dorset I think it was.

Half way through the evening he felt the need to perform a BM, Vindaloo Curry and several pints of heavy the night before I think.

"Scuse me mate, where's the crapper" He enquires of the Butler who was standing near the door attending to peoples needs.

"Ahem, well sir, the toilet is up the stairs and down the corridor just to the left, but be warned this place hasn't been altered since Henry VIII days, it's actually a well preserved Garderobe chamber". The stiff necked Butler replies.

"Oh OK mate". Says friend Tommy starting up the staircase.

Down the corridor staggers Tommy in his drunken stupor, bounces of the wall twice and loses it.
'Ughh, was that left or right the mush said' Tommy thinks as he studies two identical doors.

'Fuck it this'll do' He thinks as he enters a semi darkened room, small room, quite smelly, with nothing but a large hole in the middle of the floor.

Tommy's not all that thick really, he'd heard about Garderobes, he knew what they were, it was a question on Who Wants To Be A Millionaire the week before, the guy in the chair lost 32,000 on it, he thought nit was a breed of sheep.

'Hmm, bit crude, still that's the way it is'. Thinks Tommy as he drops his pants and attempts to squat over the hole, almost falling down it in the proccess.

With a huge fart and squelch two days stored waste matter assisted by the laxative effects of Vindaloo and Burtons best Bitter shot out of his butt and down the hole in about 5 seconds flat.
Tommy was sure he could feel the cool air blowing up from the hole assuming it to be from the openening at the bottom of the Garderobe chute.

'Ahh bloody hell, no paper, Jesus how'm I gunna wipe my arse'. He thinks looking round the room. nothing in sight other than a couple of old house bricks. 'I'm not freekin using them'. He thought remembering the camel joke.

'Ahh balls, skid marks again'. He thinks as he hauls up his pants.

On returning to the main ballroom down the stairs Tommy is shocked to find the place empty apart from the Butler.

"Oi where's everybody gone mush". Tommy politely enquires of the Butler.

The Butler appears to be wiping his face with a cloth, and flicking bits of something off of his clothes.

"Well sir". The Butler responds. "The ladies have retired to the cloakrooms to clean up, and the gentlemen have gone looking for the bastard who just crapped down the ballroom extractor fan shaft".

Annoyed with me now, Hehehehe!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!pops.........
Svenskaflicka said:
Gabriel_Lee, why have you chosen a silver turd for your AV???:confused: lol
Svenskaya-mou: I am LOL-ing (not lolling) on my just awakened ass. I so anxiously awaited GL's AV, then had nothing to say. Until now.
- Purd
Well, to get back to the original topic of this thread.

Um. I hang out on the General Board and the bulk of my posts are there. All ya'll are a bunch of labrador puppies compared to the GB. Even Svenskaflicka's fits over the Sven thing are mild compared to the vicious brawls that I've started been involved in over there.

MG is a biting wit, but she's friendly and easy to get on with anyway. Svenska is cute when she's angry. Sorry, but you are. The Earl is twenty? Would that all men were that grown up. We have feminists and political debate? Thank God Redrump and Donk haven't pounced.

I am watching a man in seersucker wearing a pink tie with tiny purple polkadots on TV. It's CSPAN-2, too. Weeeeeird.
Why would I want to know that? You should be able to maintain all month long without the necessity of a hormonal boost.
That's what men say when they want to annoy a woman who's upset with injustice.

"You look so cute when you're angry."

"You sound angry - is it that time of the month again?"