Anti-fantasy erotic poem

I couldn't help myself. In response to sexual fantasy poetry, I just had to write a poem from the point of view of the other partner who wasn't having the fantasy, as an antidote. I just thought there might be some interesting results. Feel free to post your anti-fantasy poem on this thread if you have one.

It's been years since I've tried my hand at poetry (Hi, by the way, I'm new here.), but I happened upon this thread and it really struck my fancy. So here's my meagre attempt:

Every time she moans, “I’m yours, I’m yours
You own me
I pretend I haven’t heard
Recoil inwardly
And touch her even better
Trying to drown out the words…

She pretends it’s love
Every touch a promise
My fingers thrusting into not just cunt but heart
Reality’s not enough
So I stop her words with another kiss
Thinking, this time I’ll leave

This time
This time I’ll let her down
Gently, if I can

I never said I loved you
Never staked a claim
Remember how we said before that this is just

Stop it, I don’t want your love
Just let me fuck you harder
I don’t own you, don’t want to
Stop forcing your love, demanding my love
Demanding more than I have to give you

She cums.
She cuddles close
And doesn’t speak
Drifts to sleep
She’s so goddamn happy.

When will I break you?
It's been years since I've tried my hand at poetry (Hi, by the way, I'm new here.), but I happened upon this thread and it really struck my fancy. So here's my meagre attempt:

Every time she moans, “I’m yours, I’m yours
You own me
I pretend I haven’t heard
Recoil inwardly
And touch her even better
Trying to drown out the words…

She pretends it’s love
Every touch a promise
My fingers thrusting into not just cunt but heart
Reality’s not enough
So I stop her words with another kiss
Thinking, this time I’ll leave

This time
This time I’ll let her down
Gently, if I can

I never said I loved you
Never staked a claim
Remember how we said before that this is just

Stop it, I don’t want your love
Just let me fuck you harder
I don’t own you, don’t want to
Stop forcing your love, demanding my love
Demanding more than I have to give you

She cums.
She cuddles close
And doesn’t speak
Drifts to sleep
She’s so goddamn happy.

When will I break you?

It's been years since I've tried my hand at poetry (Hi, by the way, I'm new here.), but I happened upon this thread and it really struck my fancy. So here's my meagre attempt:

Every time she moans, “I’m yours, I’m yours
You own me
I pretend I haven’t heard
Recoil inwardly
And touch her even better
Trying to drown out the words…

She pretends it’s love
Every touch a promise
My fingers thrusting into not just cunt but heart
Reality’s not enough
So I stop her words with another kiss
Thinking, this time I’ll leave

This time
This time I’ll let her down
Gently, if I can

I never said I loved you
Never staked a claim
Remember how we said before that this is just

Stop it, I don’t want your love
Just let me fuck you harder
I don’t own you, don’t want to
Stop forcing your love, demanding my love
Demanding more than I have to give you

She cums.
She cuddles close
And doesn’t speak
Drifts to sleep
She’s so goddamn happy.

When will I break you?
welcome to Lit, and our poetry section. you deliver a real sucker punch with this write.
It's been years since I've tried my hand at poetry (Hi, by the way, I'm new here.), but I happened upon this thread and it really struck my fancy. So here's my meagre attempt:

Every time she moans, “I’m yours, I’m yours
You own me
I pretend I haven’t heard
Recoil inwardly
And touch her even better
Trying to drown out the words…

She pretends it’s love
Every touch a promise
My fingers thrusting into not just cunt but heart
Reality’s not enough
So I stop her words with another kiss
Thinking, this time I’ll leave

This time
This time I’ll let her down
Gently, if I can

I never said I loved you
Never staked a claim
Remember how we said before that this is just

Stop it, I don’t want your love
Just let me fuck you harder
I don’t own you, don’t want to
Stop forcing your love, demanding my love
Demanding more than I have to give you

She cums.
She cuddles close
And doesn’t speak
Drifts to sleep
She’s so goddamn happy.

When will I break you?
meagre, it is not, it is rather outstanding, it really doesn't quite fit the tenor of the thread as it is too serious, too poetic, actually touching on emotion. Also a bit of a first for me; cunt, fuck and cum not to mention love ( 4x) and heart all in a poem, any combo of three generally means death. You handle this well. I'm impressed.

Not that that should mean jack shit to you, 'cause I'm not a poet, I'm a comedian and love and heart are often used but always in an ironic tone, fuck is substitute punctuation and cunt is heckler bait.
serious question time
Trying to drown out the words… why not her words, and do you need elipses?
Remember how we said before that this is just... here you may need it

My fingers thrusting into not just cunt but heart thrust? ing weakens it

Reality’s not enough justification for the line? it seems to do nothing

Please don't be put off by the questions, as I find this too good to go without development.
Wow, I did not expect you lot to be so nice. :) Thank you!

I don't want to hijack by posting edits, especially since as twelveoone pointed out it really doesn't seem to fit the tone of the thread, but I did change around most of the things you pointed out, twelveoone, and clarify a little in the "She pretends it's love" stanza: "That my fingers thrust into not just cunt but heart / Reality’s not enough to get her off."

I want to read other poems like the ones bogusagain and UnderYourSpell did! I'm no good at writing funny but I can certainly appreciate it.
Wow, I did not expect you lot to be so nice. :) Thank you!

I don't want to hijack by posting edits, especially since as twelveoone pointed out it really doesn't seem to fit the tone of the thread, but I did change around most of the things you pointed out, twelveoone, and clarify a little in the "She pretends it's love" stanza: "That my fingers thrust into not just cunt but heart / Reality’s not enough to get her off."

I want to read other poems like the ones bogusagain and UnderYourSpell did! I'm no good at writing funny but I can certainly appreciate it.
fuck it, go ahead, the general thing is nothing lasts more than one page before anarchy reigns and since bog started it....
Wow, I did not expect you lot to be so nice.
did our bad rep precede us? consider it a prelude :p
just wait till you reach intermission - 12's sucked the popcorn but there's ice-cream and crap!
Wow, I did not expect you lot to be so nice. :) Thank you!

I don't want to hijack by posting edits, especially since as twelveoone pointed out it really doesn't seem to fit the tone of the thread, but I did change around most of the things you pointed out, twelveoone, and clarify a little in the "She pretends it's love" stanza: "That my fingers thrust into not just cunt but heart / Reality’s not enough to get her off."

I want to read other poems like the ones bogusagain and UnderYourSpell did! I'm no good at writing funny but I can certainly appreciate it.
nice has nothing to do with it - you good. And since bog and UYS turned each other on, they won't be back for a fortnight.
did our bad rep precede us? consider it a prelude :p
just wait till you reach intermission - 12's sucked the popcorn but there's ice-cream and crap!

And if you don't make it to intermission well, perhaps you'll get lucky and have a remission.
I don't suggest the crap but the caq, sorry cake, is lovely
I only come on this site for the sexy American accents and Bogus' is English
but, aren't they the ones big on spanky butt, ah the English vice, the thought of all those House of Lords's bottoms being dusted by abductees from the former USSR being flashed daily in The Sun
Classical allusions by anti-lord 12-oh-1 !!!

You're not my bend over while I strap this foot long dildo on. :nana:

but, aren't they the ones big on spanky butt, ah the English vice, the thought of all those House of Lords's bottoms being dusted by abductees from the former USSR being flashed daily in The Sun

Nice allusions to Spankology but the original sadist : Marquis de Sade was Ffrench , Monsieur 1201 !!
Nice allusions to Spankology but the original sadist : Marquis de Sade was Ffrench , Monsieur 1201 !!
Monsieur 1201
last month I was an Aryan according to you
spanky probably originated when enough hair and callouses fell off the buttocks to present an appealing target, in other words, probably predated the french. English propaganda.
And I am sure somewhere in India, there is a stone statue somewhere and a god...
Mangalathu Chiruthevi
for one, that was too tough for the english to make a name of, but if you run it though google translator comes out ass whipper or arse paddler depending on which side of the pond you're on
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under the flowering asoka tree
you spank me
I spank thee
with six arms full of ass paddles
'till cheeks are red as apples

it goes on a bit until the asoka tree mutates to a mulberry and every one dies of smallpox, although scholars now believe the latter verses where added by english spies in order the grab the opium and tea trade.
*just laughing*
you see That is what I like about the English, any culture that gives us Monty Python has to be advanced, American's aren't far behind, the French gave us deconstructionism which is a hoot.
And what does Canada add?
William Shatner
well I guess its funny in a way, they sent him to the US.