Any women have a crush on a professor or teacher?

why would you assume that? the same is true regardless of sex or sexuality... accept of course the cleavage and legs comment :)
Well, guys don't have much cleavage, but that doesn't negate the impact of a partially unbuttoned shirt. Guys can get quite a few glances at their legs, too. Sure, a lot of women don't like to admit that they look, too, but when you're bi and go guy watching with the women, they tend to point out all the parts they like, just like guys do. ;) Whatever you have, be confident and flaunt yourself a little bit. I promise there's people out there that would like to get you undressed...

Seriously, a good friend of mine is 50+, on disabiity, and over 100 pounds overweight. You know, the kind of guy that supposedly could never get fucked? That didn't stop him from screwing the hell out of a 20 something ship's officer. She even showed up every night at dinner to flirt with him and carry his tray. One night, she even pulled rank on one of the hosteses. To his credit, though, he is a very charming, guy and a pretty good fuck, as well. :devil: I just wonder what she would have thought if she'd known I wasn't really his son...
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i think we all had a certain teacher at school or collage that we fancied at one time or another
of course, ironically i'm studying for my Doctorate and I want to be a professor :D

The first time I liked my a teacher was in high school .
I had a crush on the maths master at my high schoolhe used to do private tutorials for me so that I could do my advanced level one maths. The tutorials were at the end of the school day and we would be alone in the school. I loved that man's brain this ability to make me stretch was a total turn on apart from the fact that he was a spunkhe always spoke to me as an equal lover of maths. he never so much as spoke to me in a way that could be construed as inappropriate. A few years after I left high schoolI ran into him in a local pubsitting having a quiet beer. Grabbing my lust firmly in my handsI marched up to the bar and bought a couple of tequila slammersand offered him one on the pretext of thanking him for all his wonderful tutorial help. After several more to tequilaslammers he finally started to loosen upand we ended up back at his place bonking our brains out until sunrise. I walked out of their one very self-satisfied girl.:)
My English teacher was my first ever crush when I was 13. I used to dream about us running away and getting married (his wife also taught at my school). It was the only lesson I was excited to get to LOL. I saw him a few months ago and he still looks fit as! <insert wistful sigh here>