Anyone for random non-sex (but occasionally sex) chat on the thread here?

Good morning Queen Mia and the remainder of the Court!

Oh, Lovely Queen, please don't be disappointed with yourself!! You have created something wonderful here! The responsibilities of the Bean-throne have grown since the tiny Queendom was first established, and we don't expect you to devote your whole life to this Court. ❤️

As for you loyal Alchemist becoming your successor, I am touched beyond words! It's an honor to be considered worthy, and I thank you! I have no wish to be leader, however. I like serving the court as Alchemist. 😊 I hope that's okay.

I like your suggestion that the Queendom become a Republic, though, and the Court members ascend to the throne as they feel ready (an/or have a good idea in mind for a challenge or question!).

I will always regard you as the guiding spirit of the Queendom, @MiaBabe23 . It was your thread and your effort that brought us here. So you will always be the one I look to for guidance on how the thread should be run. I think you should retain the title of Queen, and the Court can take care of itself under your vision, if not your daily leadership.

How does that sound, my Queen and Court?

I do have a challenge for Mia and the Court today. Be gentle and kind with yourself. Don't place burdens on yourself that are not necessary. And please accept this hug from your humble Alchemist. 🫂
Good morning Queen Mia and the remainder of the Court!

Oh, Lovely Queen, please don't be disappointed with yourself!! You have created something wonderful here! The responsibilities of the Bean-throne have grown since the tiny Queendom was first established, and we don't expect you to devote your whole life to this Court. ❤️

As for you loyal Alchemist becoming your successor, I am touched beyond words! It's an honor to be considered worthy, and I thank you! I have no wish to be leader, however. I like serving the court as Alchemist. 😊 I hope that's okay.

I like your suggestion that the Queendom become a Republic, though, and the Court members ascend to the throne as they feel ready (an/or have a good idea in mind for a challenge or question!).

I will always regard you as the guiding spirit of the Queendom, @MiaBabe23 . It was your thread and your effort that brought us here. So you will always be the one I look to for guidance on how the thread should be run. I think you should retain the title of Queen, and the Court can take care of itself under your vision, if not your daily leadership.

How does that sound, my Queen and Court?

I do have a challenge for Mia and the Court today. Be gentle and kind with yourself. Don't place burdens on yourself that are not necessary. And please accept this hug from your humble Alchemist. 🫂
Thank you for your ever wise and lovely words, most worthy Alchemist
And thank you for providing a perfect challenge for the day - or perhaps more opportunity than challenge
And thank you for the hug, a hug returned by your humble co-queen 🫂
It is hard for me to imagine what life at Court would be like without @MiaBabe23 installed on the Royal Beanbag and her guidance no longer emanating from her throne.

I fear our realm might collapse or we might be subject to hostile invaders. I relish in the protection of our sovereign.
It is hard for me to imagine what life at Court would be like without @MiaBabe23 installed on the Royal Beanbag and her guidance no longer emanating from her throne.

I fear our realm might collapse or we might be subject to hostile invaders. I relish in the protection of our sovereign.
Our Finest Wench and Advisor, I wouldn’t cease to provide guidance and protection to our realm
I simply see others more worthy of the bean-throne
Good morning Court, I hope you are all well and have a good start to the day
Your co-queen is rather disappointed in herself, and since our Noble Confessor appears to be in lands yonder, I suggest I allow one of you to take on the heady responsibilities of the beanbag throne
I suggest we either become a republic, and worthy bean-throne successors nominate themselves
We have Worthy Alchemist Holly take the throne, since she’s sexy, kind and sassy enough to do so
The next occupant is also welcome to suggest an alternative title for me!
*clap of the hands*
Mia, WHATEVER you decide to do, I will ALWAYS refer to you as "Your Highness!"
Your love, kindness, and beautiful demeanor have left an indelible "mark" on me.... Hell, you converted this Hangman from building guillotines and executing people in my vat, to sharing kindness and operating the worlds largest fish fryer....
Kudos and Hat-Tip to ya!
I just want the beanbag with none of the responsibility. So I'm not putting my hat in the ring for the monarchy. I'll just go on Amazon.
...bad news is, I went to Scamazon yesterday and shopped... I don't know if they have ANYTHING left to sell. Lol
Mia, WHATEVER you decide to do, I will ALWAYS refer to you as "Your Highness!"
Your love, kindness, and beautiful demeanor have left an indelible "mark" on me.... Hell, you converted this Hangman from building guillotines and executing people in my vat, to sharing kindness and operating the worlds largest fish fryer....
Kudos and Hat-Tip to ya!
Thank you, Boat, as have you on me
And we all enjoy the fish frying you provide to the realm!
Mia, WHATEVER you decide to do, I will ALWAYS refer to you as "Your Highness!"
Your love, kindness, and beautiful demeanor have left an indelible "mark" on me.... Hell, you converted this Hangman from building guillotines and executing people in my vat, to sharing kindness and operating the worlds largest fish fryer....
Kudos and Hat-Tip to ya!
You're a good man Boat. 😊
Alright good Courtiers, your loyal Alchemist needs to go hop in the shower and prepare for the day. The lab awaits!

Everyone have a wonderful day! I'll pop in as I can. 😊
Thank you, Your Highness!
I'm going to look for our beautiful Wench, DeeDee and see if I can get a tall glass of 1738 Cognac...
Oh, sir @Boat1 . What you desire should definitely be stocked in the Royal Storeroom. But, alas, we served the last bottle just a few days ago. The Purser has been negligent in keeping the shelves stocked appropriately.

Do we even have a Royal Purser? I fear a loss of Royal appointments while the Beanbag issue remains in doubt.
No worries, lovely Lady... I'm not too picky about my drink this morning, I just need some relief...
That said, I can assist as Purser, if needed, for a while... I LOVE requisitioning adult beverages!
I hope you rested well and have a great day, DeeDee!
No worries, lovely Lady... I'm not too picky about my drink this morning, I just need some relief...
That said, I can assist as Purser, if needed, for a while... I LOVE requisitioning adult beverages!
I hope you rested well and have a great day, DeeDee!
I'd love to share a bottle of fine cognac with you later this evening, kind sir. 🍸