Anyone for random non-sex (but occasionally sex) chat on the thread here?

Certainly money and power can corrupt

But get rid of fiat money - so, return to a barter economy?
Not a barter economy as an "Economic System" but I do STRONGLY support barter between individuals, including "labor swaps"...
Our $$ used to be backed by gold and silver, printed right on the paper, " Redeemable to the bearer on demand"
IOW, "real money" is backed by a tangible and rather finite commodity...
The Federal Reserve, which was given a "Charter' to control our nation's monetary supply is a private bank. It's no more "Federal" than any random thing we could name....
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Not a barter economy as an "Economic System" but I do STRONGLY support barter between individuals, including "labor swaps"...
Our $$ used to be backed by gold and silver, print right on the paper, " Redeemable to the bearer on demand"
But given those resources are so finite, that would be inherently inflationary
So those unable to afford such notes would be reduced to bartering - will I have to try and sell copies of my thesis is exchange for my regal soup and shoes lol?
But given those resources are so finite, that would be inherently inflationary
So those unable to afford such notes would be reduced to bartering - will I have to try and sell copies of my thesis is exchange for my regal soup and shoes lol?
In the 60s (when they stopped minting them) a real silver quarter would buy you a gallon of gasoline. Today, that same silver quarter's sale price will STILL buy you a gallon of gasoline.
The same is true of the gold dollar coin, in comparison of buying a tailormade suit, from the 1800s, to present day.
I consider that to be way more stable and way less inflationary than our current fiat $$...
Granted, to back the dollars with gold today, the fractional equivalent would be minuscule, but it would still limit it being inflated at the rate it has been and is being.
As a kid in the 70s, I could take the copper core (modern) quarter to town and buy a full size bottled Coke and a full size Snickers bar (.15 and ,10 respectively) and at 3% sales tax, the store owner was kind enough to "round down" on the penny.
What would that cost me today? 4 bucks and 10% tax...
Inflation is a silent, sanctioned thief.

It's what funds an out of control Govt.
Good morning to the Court! Your humble Alchemist was up later than usual and slept a little later, as well. A welcome rarity!!

Thank you for the invitation to the Bean-throne, Mia! I will happily snuggle in with my fellow Courtiers! I like the company and companionship. ❤️

As for your challenge, my Queen - very wise. I have to employ many of the same techniques when dealing with family members. Luckily the bond of love is strong enough to give us incentive, but I know that others are not so lucky.

DeeDee and Boat - your analyses and points are also valued!

I am not in a position to add much, especially in my sleepy state, but I'm enjoying and learning from the conversation! (I did hear the suggestion one time that gold and silver still fluctuate too much, and the value of the dollar should instead be tied to a blowjob. 😂)

I hope you all have a wonderful day! I'll pop in from the lab as I have time. 😉
Good morning to the Court! Your humble Alchemist was up later than usual and slept a little later, as well. A welcome rarity!!

Thank you for the invitation to the Bean-throne, Mia! I will happily snuggle in with my fellow Courtiers! I like the company and companionship. ❤️

As for your challenge, my Queen - very wise. I have to employ many of the same techniques when dealing with family members. Luckily the bond of love is strong enough to give us incentive, but I know that others are not so lucky.

DeeDee and Boat - your analyses and points are also valued!

I am not in a position to add much, especially in my sleepy state, but I'm enjoying and learning from the conversation! (I did hear the suggestion one time that gold and silver still fluctuate too much, and the value of the dollar should instead be tied to a blowjob. 😂)

I hope you all have a wonderful day! I'll pop in from the lab as I have time. 😉
Good morning to you as well