Anyone from the UK?

It was quite a formal / informal party, but I wasn't sure what to expect. I think my common sense was blinded by friendship & obligation. I stayed in a Airb&b and made it back to the end of the film I'd been watching :LOL:

Reasons to hate such parties
  • the chatter approaches medically dangerous volume
  • people only want to talk about themselves
  • you stand like a nodding idiot not hearing half of what's being said anyway
  • the wine is cheap and warm
  • the line of sweat on someone's temple and the bloke with sweaty shoulders.... general sweatiness
  • who booked a folk band ffs?
My partner feels exactly the same as you. One reason she absolutely hates weddings! I know where you are both coming from, but I'm slightly more tolerant with a few beers in me. However the older I get the more is echo your thoughts.

Do what makes you happy! Life is too short
It was quite a formal / informal party, but I wasn't sure what to expect. I think my common sense was blinded by friendship & obligation. I stayed in a Airb&b and made it back to the end of the film I'd been watching :LOL:

Reasons to hate such parties
  • the chatter approaches medically dangerous volume
  • people only want to talk about themselves
  • you stand like a nodding idiot not hearing half of what's being said anyway
  • the wine is cheap and warm
  • the line of sweat on someone's temple and the bloke with sweaty shoulders.... general sweatiness
  • who booked a folk band ffs?
I get nervous, I'm quiet and shy but start talking shit and getting people backs up. I want to be funny and over compensate. I hate those sort of parties too.
Jet lag, waking up at ungodly hours because you can't sleep and there's a hurricane outside.

Morning everyone!
Anybody see the Turkish pistol shooter who got the silver? Wonder what he does for a living??? 😲
This guy was ace.
Everyone else using eye patches and special eye focus thingymebobs and he rocks up , one hand in his pocket, and shoots bang in the middle of the target without any additional tools.

51 years old - ex military
Someone said he was a Hitman 🤣🤣
Lol, I can drive on the wrong side of the road, and I can go through red lights, I can drive through floods all perfectly. But, why the fuck do I forget to put the car in park and have it roll backwards all the time?