Anyone from the UK?

Morning everyone
School holidays are almost over. I can see my freedom on the horizon!
Mine are 24 and 26, you’ll miss them when they’re gone. Actually you’ll really enjoy the freedom but I feel duty bound to lie in this case.
I'm pretty sure he'll change his mind. He's only 12 after all

And yeah, I moved out and away as soon as I could
Me too. I left when I was 18 and moved to the other side of the country. My sister did the same but went back to stay a few years later. Seemingly that was a nightmare for all concerned!
Me too. I left when I was 18 and moved to the other side of the country. My sister did the same but went back to stay a few years later. Seemingly that was a nightmare for all concerned!
Yeah I moved for uni and never went back whereas my sister moved back home afterwards and still lives in the same town now.
I love my parents but they don't see me as an adult even now