Anyone remember LusterMunky?

Munky, you’re posting like it’s 2014. Be careful. Things have changed around here. Someone’s gonna dick punch you so hard for this imbalance of power.

Also, between you, @Taegul, @Mrtenant and me, the toxic masculinity threshold was exceeded for this thread. We will need to plant one white knight in here to offset our toxic masculinity footprint.
He's not wrong-hence my you're acting like you're 90 posts and PM's. Hugs bestie. :)
I remember LusterMunky. Where I’m from, they’d say he had more threads than you can shake a stick at.
That's better 😍 For a second I thought I was gonna have to pee all over you.

I mean. I still can. If you like it.
Just drink lots of water and you'll be safe. Barely any color at all. :p
I am willing to try most things but if you check my bio you will see that I am not into urine or feces or blood so...
I remember the name. I don't have a negative vibe with the name, so you must have been ok. :) As far as Lit changing, I see it more as an issue that I have changed. A lot.