Archival Review


( 11-27-07 quote )

Goimg through all so many poems with this same title, I found they all started to sound the same. When I came to this one, I'd forgotten I'd read it once before, but my reaction was the same now as then — when I got to the end I found I wanted to read it again in light of the way it finishes.

by RhymeFairy©

You are the light, that leads me
through the dense darkness, into
life's joyous journey, of comical
Jack-in-the-box dreams.

What once, we dreamed for me,
has come ... gone. No longer
to be. Yet, you always shared
this journey with me.

Whispering words of kindness,
collecting cracker jack dreams,
to have another day. Rings of joy,
transferred, from you ... to me.

Always with a loving smile,
you lead, guidance of sincere
friendship. Harmonious love
that completes me, with just
a smile, a look, just ... you.

New dreams shared, many a
longing, I have expressed.
You uplifted that dream with
the utmost care. Taking it
to heart, valued and
treasured, as you do
everything I wish, want.

Never could anyone love me,
as you do. Never shall I love
the same. I want to be you,
one day.

A mother who loves. Always
loves, without question,
deception, greed, who
always helps lead.

My love, forever more, to you.
My mother, my one truest love.
My mom ~


I was offline when this was posted. I've been reading through some of my previous writes/submissions. I ran across this and ... I'm humbled. :rose:

I remember writing this and I had started writing a love poem. When one thinks of love, pure love - it all resonates back to our roots and what we value I guess. My mother has always been the MOST inspirational person in my life. This poem might sound a lil hinky - littered with such devotion but it is from the heart ~

Thank you LeBroz for the mention ~ :rose:

I was searching for this and lamenting its loss just one hour ago!!!

Doo dee doo doo, doo dee doo doo.

Thanks, Boo!

And LeBroz!

I was searching for this and lamenting its loss just one hour ago!!!

Doo dee doo doo, doo dee doo doo.

Thanks, Boo!

And LeBroz!

I've been feeling this sort of psychic link w/ someone but I didn't know who. Now I don't know if I should leap up on you or hide under the bed! lol

Hiya Stranger!! Don't you miss the good ol' days here? I do...
some lovely reading material right here in this thread. *nods*

it's nice after having been so busy to wake up and dally with my morning coffee over these.
LeBroz is still around though no longer here (unless he's crept in under a different name who can tell these days?) I'm feeling nostalgic for the old days and the old names that taught me so much. I blame Boo personally :)
LeBroz is still around though no longer here (unless he's crept in under a different name who can tell these days?) I'm feeling nostalgic for the old days and the old names that taught me so much. I blame Boo personally :)

uh oh...

Please don't be mad. Its just such a good thread to read for variety, ideas, and even I who doesnotedit found things I would have done differently.
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Just go to Page 1, and read. I am. It's well worth it.

I'll tell you what I'd like to find and can't. Once upon a time there was a thread here for Poets to recommend good poetry (and some story) books for kids. I need it before Christmas. Which will be next week sometime the way time flies regarding THAT damned holiday!
I wrote a kids story in verse, never did anything with it apart from sending to a friend who said it went down well with her grandson! Don't even know if I could find it now
I wrote a kids story in verse, never did anything with it apart from sending to a friend who said it went down well with her grandson! Don't even know if I could find it now

This was a thread with names and authors of really good books for kids. I wouldn't even know where to begin searching as the word "KIDS" will get you shot around here.
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:rose:- Thanks LeBroz wherever you're for making this thread. It's been a tremendous help in finding the poems that I thought I lost. When I did my mass deletion a few years ago on my two user names, I thought they were gone for good. Especially for the Illustrated Poems since many of them I hadn't kept a copy.

I wish I could find my crow poem...I can't find it anywhere. :c

P.S. This thread should be revived, with an addition of newer archives since you never know.
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Thank you:eek:

No worries. I just figured you (and maybe some of the other newer forum peeps) didn't know. And this really is a great thread. The guy who started it did yeoman's work for years putting it together. There's truly wonderful reading in it. :)

Since this thread was bumped, I'll put Maria's poem here:

Bad Day at Skeeter Pond


It was a steamy day . A sticky humid,
sweaty dog with itchy balls, type of day.
Just damn aggravating. An ominous veil
of mosquitoes blackened the sky and hummed
to life, the sky barely visible above the pond.
Something had to be done and done quick.

Perhaps Frog King sent word by messenger frog,
I do not know, but late that afternoon,
Hammer Frog showed up. He was packing a tongue
that could pull a cliff diver off balance. He could hide
from his prey till it was too late. He was a mercenary.
He was an intimidating frog and he knew it.

Hammer Frog had arrived with a flourish,
an entourage, and a bad attitude. As everyone
in the frog world knows, a mercenary frog
with thick skin is a thing to be avoided. Frog King
had buckled to pressure from the ladies. They ached
for the sweetness of bumble bee, but mosquitoes

Had taken over the place, and as almost everyone
in the frog world knows, mosquitoes are never
as tasty as bees. It was then I saw Frog King
hiding, or perhaps concocting a strategy,
to rid the pond of potential rival, the exterminator,
and oh how the ladies loved old Hammer Frog.

And Frog King knew it!

Quizzical expression, he stared straight ahead
gazing at a pink cherry tree. I saw him blink,
again, and again, and I saw him swallow,
again and again. This process continued
until darkness came, and Frog King had swelled
far beyond normal size. I feared for his life.

His situation might have been amusing, if he hadn’t
looked ill in his eyes. His frog-lids were drooping,
lips slightly parted, a nauseated croak escaped from his lips,
and then he fell backward into the pond. There was a plop,
it almost echoed. Ricochet from cement wall, from
the monkey grass to the water hose, and back.

I sprang from my swing and leapt into the pond,
grabbing him with my hands. He was bloated and bulging,
his frog chest was heaving and jiggled as I held him.
Gently I placed him onto the grass, placing a finger
just so, then I pressed. One upward motion and Frog King
expelled the offending mosquitoes, then I expelled my lunch.

I didn’t say a word and he wiggled his way away from me
and dove back into the pond. Hammer Frog was content
to finish the job, within a few days he moved on.
Now the ladies have the bumble bees, I still haven’t seen
Frog King, but I have a good feeling that he wouldn’t mind
it Hammer showed up next year, about this time.
It's great to see you back in the fold Maria! Hope to see more of you. :heart:

.....and what a fantastic undertaking for LeBroz (also missed), he did a great job and devoted a lot of time compiling those poems from the past.
:rose:- Thanks LeBroz wherever you're for making this thread. It's been a tremendous help in finding the poems that I thought I lost. When I did my mass deletion a few years ago on my two user names, I thought they were gone for good. Especially for the Illustrated Poems since many of them I hadn't kept a copy.

I wish I could find my crow poem...I can't find it anywhere. :c

P.S. This thread should be revived, with an addition of newer archives since you never know.
I had hoped your crow poem would be here. Alas, no. But Rybka's wonderful illustrated blackbird is and a few other greats showed up, so all is not lost!
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The illustrated poem by Rybka as mentioned above:

I had hoped your crow poem would be here. Alas, no. But Rybka's wonderful illustrated blackbird is and a few other greats showed up, so all is not lost!

That Illustrated poem of Rybka's is one I really liked because I do some bird watching where I live with the fields, Red Wing Black Birds being a favorite.

Also, as for my poem about crows, remember I deleted a lot of writing before 2008 when I dropped off the net for a few years? Anyway, I've been putting them back since I returned so the poem you've mentioned is here:

Clever Like A Crow
by Neonurotic©

I cannot look at a crow
without imagining that he wears
a slick grin, running lengthwise, inviting.

It's your fault, your totem,
I see everywhere lone
or with another doing crow things.

Topping telephone lines,
streetlights and cawing orders,
drilling bottom
of trashcans for leftovers.

Most would think just a black bird,
an annoying pest. Not me, however,
I see you, oh so clever, wicked
lover, I see you.
Wow. A lot of my poems I deleted are here. Good thing LeBronz copy-pasted them then just adding a link to a poem.

I doubt an of the E's I earned for some of those would get another E when resubmitting.