Are Joe Biden's presidential hopes dead?

Joe Biden will be lucky if he avoids a grand jury investigation before election day next year.
BotanyBoy writes: "Or maybe it's because Joe is the only candidate who hasn't openly endorsed the absolutely insane brand of ethno-centric identitarian politics the radical left is pushing. "

Compared to the other declared candidates, Joe does indeed sound like a moderate, BotanyBoy - but he's NOT! Right now, the rest of the party is jockeying for the title who who can move furthest to the left, along with WHO hates Donald Trump the most!

Unless the others can destroy Biden early in the primaries - which is what ended Joe's presidential runs in both 1988 & 2008 - he'll probably win it for the same reasons Jimmy Carter won the Democratic Party's nomination in 1980! Back then, the party's base LOVED Teddy Kennedy! Chappaquiddick was over ten years in the past, and everybody could already see that Jimmy Carter was doomed to serve only ONE TERM in office!

But Carter controlled the "levers of power," and THAT'S where Democratic Party nominations are won! Carter defeated Kennedy (before getting destroyed by Reagan in November)! The same thing happened in 2016 to Bernie Sanders! Hillary controlled the "levers of power," and along with that came the nomination! One of the current far-left neo-socialist progressives may make a run of it in 2020, but unless Joe is put out-of-action early, HE'S got the political base to defeat all comers.

But no, that won't help him any against President Trump, anymore than it helped Hillary in 2016! The further left he moves, the worse he'll do in November.
Joe Biden will be lucky if he avoids a grand jury investigation before election day next year.

LOL....he's clearly a Russian agent!!!

BotanyBoy writes: "Or maybe it's because Joe is the only candidate who hasn't openly endorsed the absolutely insane brand of ethno-centric identitarian politics the radical left is pushing. "

Compared to the other declared candidates, Joe does indeed sound like a moderate, BotanyBoy - but he's NOT! Right now, the rest of the party is jockeying for the title who who can move furthest to the left, along with WHO hates Donald Trump the most!

Unless the others can destroy Biden early in the primaries - which is what ended Joe's presidential runs in both 1988 & 2008 - he'll probably win it for the same reasons Jimmy Carter won the Democratic Party's nomination in 1980! Back then, the party's base LOVED Teddy Kennedy! Chappaquiddick was over ten years in the past, and everybody could already see that Jimmy Carter was doomed to serve only ONE TERM in office!

But Carter controlled the "levers of power," and THAT'S where Democratic Party nominations are won! Carter defeated Kennedy (before getting destroyed by Reagan in November)! The same thing happened in 2016 to Bernie Sanders! Hillary controlled the "levers of power," and along with that came the nomination! One of the current far-left neo-socialist progressives may make a run of it in 2020, but unless Joe is put out-of-action early, HE'S got the political base to defeat all comers.

But no, that won't help him any against President Trump, anymore than it helped Hillary in 2016! The further left he moves, the worse he'll do in November.

I know he's not.

The (D)'s didn't learn shit from 2016.
LOL....he's clearly a Russian agent!!!

I know he's not.

The (D)'s didn't learn shit from 2016.

Extorting a foreign official with taxpayer money to prevent his son from being prosecuted criminally. Taking his son on a trip to China on Air Force One so that he can profit personally? Joe might be in some legal jeopardy.
Joe Biden will be lucky if he avoids a grand jury investigation before election day next year.

30 years of investigations

a quarter billion dollars spent on investigations

and he most the Rapepublicans have come up with is a blowjob

This leaves three possible conclusions

1. The Clintons are the greatest criminal mastermind in all of recorded history

2. The Rapepublican party knows they have nothing on them, and its all just political theatre on the taxpayers dime

3. Or the Rapepublicans hire the stupidest lawyers. investigators. and personally don't have a clue how to investigateanything

So what is it, ...Moriarty,Mooches or Morons?
BotanyBoy writes: "Or maybe it's because Joe is the only candidate who hasn't openly endorsed the absolutely insane brand of ethno-centric identitarian politics the radical left is pushing. "

Compared to the other declared candidates, Joe does indeed sound like a moderate, BotanyBoy - but he's NOT! Right now, the rest of the party is jockeying for the title who who can move furthest to the left, along with WHO hates Donald Trump the most!

Unless the others can destroy Biden early in the primaries - which is what ended Joe's presidential runs in both 1988 & 2008 - he'll probably win it for the same reasons Jimmy Carter won the Democratic Party's nomination in 1980! Back then, the party's base LOVED Teddy Kennedy! Chappaquiddick was over ten years in the past, and everybody could already see that Jimmy Carter was doomed to serve only ONE TERM in office!

But Carter controlled the "levers of power," and THAT'S where Democratic Party nominations are won! Carter defeated Kennedy (before getting destroyed by Reagan in November)! The same thing happened in 2016 to Bernie Sanders! Hillary controlled the "levers of power," and along with that came the nomination! One of the current far-left neo-socialist progressives may make a run of it in 2020, but unless Joe is put out-of-action early, HE'S got the political base to defeat all comers.

But no, that won't help him any against President Trump, anymore than it helped Hillary in 2016! The further left he moves, the worse he'll do in November.

its not that at all

Women tuned their back on Clinton, and Trump walked in through the front door

In the mid terms..women came out in record numbers and voted in a record number of women into congress

Women don't want to reward sexual predators

they wont vote Trump anymore, but they aren't going to vote Biden for the same reason

if Biden steps up, women will stay at home.. and Trumps base will win him the election
30 years of investigations

a quarter billion dollars spent on investigations

and he most the Rapepublicans have come up with is a blowjob

And a pile of stolen classified document that would have landed anyone not named Clinton a life sentence in Leavenworth or a federal pen.

From the group of 30,000 e-mails returned to the State Department, 110 e-mails in 52 e-mail chains have been determined by the owning agency to contain classified information at the time they were sent or received. Eight of those chains contained information that was Top Secret at the time they were sent; 36 chains contained Secret information at the time; and eight contained Confidential information, which is the lowest level of classification.

its not that at all

Oh yea....I'm sure the "Fuck white guys!!" had absolutely NO influence on why so many white women voted for the man pig over the (D)'s white girl.

I'm sure they are all very supportive of the (D)'s desire to use the government to punish their fathers, sons, brothers and in most cases their husbands for being born white and male.

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Women tuned their back on Clinton, and Trump walked in through the front door

In the mid terms..women came out in record numbers and voted in a record number of women into congress

Women don't want to reward sexual predators

Doesn't compute. They rewarded a known sexual predator in 2016.
Democratic presidential candidate Joe Biden, who has been critical of President Donald Trump's immigration policies, previously expressed similar views, saying a barrier at the southern border was needed to stop "tons" of drugs from coming into the United States.

Speaking to a South Carolina rotary club in November 2006, then-Sen. Joe Biden (D., Del.) touted his support for the Secure Fence Act, a bill that authorized "700 miles of double-layered fence on the border through more than a billion dollars in appropriations," CNN reported Friday. Biden made the comments in the run-up to his failed presidential bid in 2008.

"Folks, I voted for a fence, I voted, unlike most Democrats—and some of you won't like it—I voted for 700 miles of fence," Biden told the group....​

C. Cawthorne, Biden in 2006: U.S. Needs Border Fence to Stop ‘Tons’ of Drugs From Mexico, Washington Free Beacon (May 10, 2019), citing A. Kaczynski, Joe Biden once said a fence was needed to stop 'tons' of drugs from Mexico, CNN (May 10, 2019).
badbabysitterwrites: "In the mid terms..women came out in record numbers and voted in a record number of women into congress"

Yes, I suppose that women voters played an important role in the Democrats taking back the House with their 40-seat pick-up in 2018. Still, that pales in comparison with what Republicans did to President Obama two-years into Barack's presidency with their 63-seat House pick-up, and that was just over the massive failure that is ObamaCare!

And while Obama's party also lost six U.S. Senate seats in 2010, Trump's party actually GAINED two senate seats in 2018 - mostly because of the clumsy way that Democrats had tried to destroy the career & reputation of Judge Brett Kavanaugh in the progressive-left's brazenly unsuccessfiul attempt to keep Judge Kavanaugh off of the U.S. Supreme Court with Christine Blasey-Ford's alcohol-hazed testimony! That backfired in a BIG way!

"Women don't want to reward sexual predators... they wont vote Trump anymore, but they aren't going to vote Biden for the same reason"

Hillary Clinton & the Democratic Party (along with their media allies) threw everything but the kitchen sink at candidate Trump in 2016 to end his presidential ambitions, including that now-infamous "grab 'em by the p*ssy" recording from several years earlier. It didn't work. They threatened all kinds of disasters for women, minorities, gays, & Muslims if Trump should win, only NONE OF THAT HAPPENED! Women will vote in larger numbers than before to re-elect Trump in 2020!

KeithD writes: "They rewarded a known sexual predator in 2016."

You're forgetting 1992 & 1996, Keith! Back then, Bill Clinton's defenders were actually saying that it's perfectly NORMAL for a powerful man to repeatedly cheat on his wife and chase after younger women, adding that the Europeans were laughing at us for our Puritan morality. Little did we know that the Democratic Party would return to EMBRACING that same Puritan morality in 2016!

The #Me,Too movement is definitely Democrat-friendly - I mean, how much have you heard about that Democratic Party Lt. Governor of Virginia's being accused of sexual assault since THAT story first broke earlier this year? If he was a Republican they'd have forced his resignation months ago!

DawnODay writes (about Joe Biden): "Speaking to a South Carolina rotary club in November 2006, then-Sen. Joe Biden (D., Del.) touted his support for the Secure Fence Act... "Folks, I voted for a fence, I voted, unlike most Democrats—and some of you won't like it—I voted for 700 miles of fence," Biden told the group..."

That reminds me of Senator John Kerry (D-MA) voting to authorize President Bush's 2003 invasion of Iraq - but then, when Kerry ran for president only a year later, he infamously defended his vote by saying: "I voted FOR it before voting AGAINST it!" I was not at all surprised when he lost the 2004 presidential election, just as I won't be at all surprised when Trump kicks Joe Biden's butt in 2020.
dan_c00000 writes: "White women turned their back on Clinton. According to the CNN exit poll Clinton lost only white men and white women while winning every other group."

Mrs. Clinton alarmed Democratic Party strategists by just how SHALLOW her support was among black voters in 2016, Dan! Yes, she won a sizeable majority of those blacks who actually VOTED, but an enormous number never even bothered going to the polls. Yes, they'd go the extra-mile for Barack Obama, but NOT for an old white liberal woman promising to be Barack's third term!

And now it's looking like the Dems will very likely nominate another old white liberal. Meanwhile, President Trump has IMPRESSED the black community with the enormous number of JOBS that have been created during the Trump presidency! And no, black voters are NOT giving Barack Obama the credit!

"In other words racists like bot and dawn are the problem."

You are cheapening the use of the word "racist," Dan, by calling everybody you disagree with a racist. You subscribe to that modern-day Antifa-inspired mantra that goes: "Everybody who disagrees with us is Hitler" - they clearly know nothing about Hitler or about his National-Socialist party. Instead, it's all about venting frustration at being unable to stop Donald Trump. To quote former President Bill Clinton: "I feel your pain!"

Joe Biden uses a lot of immature race-baiting lines just like you do, trying to get black voters excited about voting for him. None of it worked in either 1988 or 2008, and it certainly won't pan out well in 2020. 'Gropin' Joe' is already going to do poorly among women voters, and America's black voters will be even less excited about going to the polls for Joe than they were for Hillary! Watch & see!
30 years of investigations

a quarter billion dollars spent on investigations

and he most the Rapepublicans have come up with is a blowjob

This leaves three possible conclusions

1. The Clintons are the greatest criminal mastermind in all of recorded history

2. The Rapepublican party knows they have nothing on them, and its all just political theatre on the taxpayers dime

3. Or the Rapepublicans hire the stupidest lawyers. investigators. and personally don't have a clue how to investigateanything

So what is it, ...Moriarty,Mooches or Morons?

If Trump had done the same for his son, you and all of the other snowflakes of the left would be calling for a public beheading, and you know it...hypocrite.
I didn't read this post because I'm a huge racist. Man, I just keep getting owned! Dan owned my alt dawn and it's just been rough times being a racist on Lit these days.

Extorting a foreign official with taxpayer money to prevent his son from being prosecuted criminally. Taking his son on a trip to China on Air Force One so that he can profit personally? Joe might be in some legal jeopardy.
For this reason I really thought Biden would not run. So I was surprised when he announced. The democrats have made a huge deal of Trumps Runnian connections. So Biden's dealings with the Ukranian government, while vice president, on behalf of his son are going to be very problematic. Biden can't deny it happened; he is on audio discussing what he did. But his dealings with the Chinese are far far more serious.
Today CNN says that a poll has Biden leading all Democrat candidates. For what it's worth.
dan_c00000 writes: "I hope that Dr. Christine Blasey-Ford announces her candidacy very soon, as she's the only Democrat I could support, especially if she runs with somebody famous like Jussie Smollett"

You're not the ONLY liberal out there who is ashamed of Joe Biden, Dan - he doesn't stand a chance against Trump in 2020!

milehighcityman writes: "So Biden's dealings with the Ukranian government, while vice president, on behalf of his son are going to be very problematic. Biden can't deny it happened; he is on audio discussing what he did. But his dealings with the Chinese are far far more serious."

I think that Biden is beginning to get nervous that the Trump administration might end-up launching an investigation into the former V.P.'s dealings with the Ukraine & China - and his campaign already has enough embarrassing things to cover-up!

heathergives writes: "Today CNN says that a poll has Biden leading all Democrat candidates. For what it's worth."

Joe & Bernie (the two old white guys) are currently dominating the Democratic Party's presidential field, which kind of takes away from their claim to be the party representing women & minorities. Black voters will NOT turn out in large numbers for Obama's running-mate, anymore than they turned-out for his former Secretary of State! And women will NOT get excited about "Gropin' Joe," no matter what he says!
Jussie Smollett

What's your obsession with him? It's ok to like a man. If you want to admit you find him attractive go right ahead no one is going to judge you. Perhaps it's because he's black and you're a racist and you therefore hate yourself for finding a black man attractive?
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I think that Biden is beginning to get nervous that the Trump administration might end-up launching an investigation into the former V.P.'s dealings with the Ukraine & China - and his campaign already has enough embarrassing things to cover-up!

It's interesting to see conservatives now just openly enjoying the prospect of a president launching investigations of his political opponents like it's the most normal thing in the world and not the latest sign that we're now essentially a banana republic.
It's interesting to see conservatives now just openly enjoying the prospect of a president launching investigations of his political opponents like it's the most normal thing in the world and not the latest sign that we're now essentially a banana republic.

Isn't that what conservatism has always been? The criminalization of dissent? Bush II said you're with us or you're against us. Goldwater was fine with extremism. Nixon saw enemies everywhere. Trump is the logical end point of this: everyone is out to get me and must be crushed and whatever means (Russians, breaking the law, etc.) he uses justifies the ends.
dan_c00000 asks (about Jussie Smollett): "What's your obsession with him? It's ok to like a man. If you want to admit you find him attractive go right ahead..."

That's right, Dan - I almost forgot that you're a liberal Democrat who actually applauded President Obama for lighting-up our White House in gay rainbow colors! OF COURSE you're going to want to see Jussie Smollett walking free after orchestrating that racist criminal-hoax! He's gay, he's black, & he hates President Trump! That's the LIBERAL TRIFECTA, isn't it? Michelle Obama was going to move heaven & earth to keep him from going on trial!

(Unless, of course, the gay guy or the black guy is a conservative, at which point liberals like Barack & Michelle will DESPISE him instead!)

Wrong Element opines: "It's interesting to see conservatives now just openly enjoying the prospect of a president launching investigations of his political opponents like it's the most normal thing in the world and not the latest sign that we're now essentially a banana republic."

If Mrs. Clinton had been elected, I'm pretty sure that your "Banana Republic" label would certainly apply. But no, Trump won in 2016, followed by over two-years of the Mueller investigation, costing taxpayers $30-million-plus! I think we can ALL agree that the investigation will not really be complete until we look at what the previous administration might have done to subvert democracy!

dan_c00000 asks: "Isn't that what conservatism has always been? The criminalization of dissent?"

No, Dan. When Democrats lose elections, they start HATING our U.S. Constitution. The 1st-amendment becomes "allowing hate-speech" - while the 2nd-amendment allows law-abiding citizens to protect themselves, which isn't allowed in socialist states like Cuba or Venezuela - and the Electoral College means that the American heartland plays a key role in electing our presidents! These are all things that modern liberals oppose!

"Nixon saw enemies everywhere."

Richard Nixon & Bill Clinton both violated our nation's laws, Dan. One was forced to resign while the other was impeached. The system works!
If Trump had done the same for his son, you and all of the other snowflakes of the left would be calling for a public beheading, and you know it...hypocrite.

What the hell does that even mean?

Are you saying if Trump had investigated his son for 30 years to the tune of a quarter billion tax payer dollars and only came up with a blowjob...we would want to behead someone?

Your whataboutism doesn't work, as there is simply nothing in even remote scale to compare

so what is it
Are the Clintons the greatest criminal masterminds in all of recorded history?

Or are the Rapepublicans incompetent?
That's right, Dan - I almost forgot that you're a liberal Democrat who actually applauded President Obama for lighting-up our White House in gay rainbow colors!!

Yeah! gay people should be identified only with tattoos and never acknowledged in public.. but tweets from white nationalist websites are totally cool

OF COURSE you're going to want to see Jussie Smollett walking free after orchestrating that racist criminal-hoax! He's gay, he's black, & he hates President Trump! That's the LIBERAL TRIFECTA, isn't it? Michelle Obama was going to move heaven & earth to keep him from going on trial!!

Conrad Black is rich white and old...the trifecta for the Rapepublicans

(Unless, of course, the gay guy or the black guy is a conservative, at which point liberals like Barack & Michelle will DESPISE him instead!)

Name one prominent black gay Rapepublican… right..they don't exist

If Mrs. Clinton had been elected, I'm pretty sure that your "Banana Republic" label would certainly apply. But no, Trump won in 2016, followed by over two-years of the Mueller investigation, costing taxpayers $30-million-plus! I think we can ALL agree that the investigation will not really be complete until we look at what the previous administration might have done to subvert democracy! !

The multiple Benghazi investigations didn't cost a penny apparently