Are Pussies Pretty?

WHAT??? One Thumb?? You better make that two hands up, and anything else you can get up .... never mind this ONE thumb business...
Oh God, I'm so sorry honey, I meant no disrespect. Yours is definitely the best pussy there is, no other even comes close
I think when they are shaved they are really nice looking. My last girlfriend had some hair then shaved the whole thing baby soft smooth. And it did look fantastic. Hair tends to take away from the overall presentation.
Are pussies pretty? Well, is the sun hot, the wine a deep red, the skin soft and smooth ... Whisper, pussies are irresistibly pretty, and I love to look at them so much that not satisfied with the daily opportunities at home, I sometimes surf for pix of snatches.... something about a pussy where there's one lip a little too long to fold away tidily which just asks to be pulled gently open by my tongue....

And one's own cock ...? Yeah it's impressive and smirk-making when it does that thing.... Let's face it girls, it IS a helluva good trick isn't it! I wouldn't call a cock pretty or beautiful, but I certainly don't argue when I'm told it is; and I assume that when a woman wants to take mine and kiss it, that's just her way of saying than you, not an aesthetic comment.....
Originally posted by golden:
...something about a pussy where there's one lip a little too long to fold away tidily which just asks to be pulled gently open by my tongue....B]

Oh, my. <fans herself> Golden, luv, I'm going to have to go seek out your stories. What a tantalizing bit of description.

Thanks for answering the male question I had. Yes, it IS quite an impressive trick. I can't even imagine the rush of getting heavy and hot and hard. Must be incredible.
Okay DrTom but, From now on I expect to be taken into the exam room immediately, no more waiting, I don't care who's there, OUT THEY GO ... and that will have to accompany 20 lashes with love from me to you.. then all is forgiven
Thanks matt for the Mouth watering, Dick Hardening pics, I have to go and buy a plastic cover for my key board now Too much drool on it does not help much. Thanks again

BTW the only problem that I have is my pubic hair, It gets cought in the forskin and gets very uncomfortable. I did remedy that tho. So whisper, Yes pussies are beutiful and even more when the person they are attached to is beutiful too (NOT PHYSICALLY BUT THE ATTITUDE OF THE WOMAN MAKES THEM BEUTIFUL, NOT THE WAY THEY LOOK)


It's funny how they look sometimes. All wrinkled and puckered up at times. And oh, don't they remind you of..what do they call that...taco?
(especially if it's clean shaven)
Still, I am grateful that i was born a female, and own a pussy. At least they don't "rise to the occasion" and make you feel arkward at times. (no heart feelings, guys!)
Renee....From here on out, I will forsake all other patients just to devote my attention strictly to you. I hereby renounce my hypocratic oath to help others, and declare myself Renee's personal physician.
Originally posted by whispersecret:
Oh, my. <fans herself> Golden, luv, I'm going to have to go seek out your stories. What a tantalizing bit of description.

Don't do it yet Whisper 'cos i haven't written any! Oh except one short contribution in the erotic poetry section which might entertain you... [oh, flattered ... thinks - maybe I should try this writin' lark ....]
Woohoooo..... now to me there is nothing finer than a well trimed pussy,nothing in this world is more exciting or beautiful than an aroused pussy. You can bag the face if the woman is really ugly, why do you think they make condums...lmao... to cover the head so it doesn't see where its going.Wooohooooooooo...... I don't care what anyone thinks... there are no ugly pussy, some just prettier than others just like faces.
DrTom, comere baby, I'm aching really bad ... you have a cure for that? know I have a cure for what ever ails you. Let me dig into my magic black bag of tricks and see if we can find something in there to help you out.
smile.gif know I have a cure for what ever ails you. Let me dig into my magic black bag of tricks and see if we can find something in there to help you out.
so Whisper, love, you got your answer - show your pussy to some of us guys on the list and we'll hopefully convince you (salivating lips, erect cocks, lack of ability to formulate grammatical sentences up to anything like your exacting standards ...
) it doesn't look scary!

Come to think of it, now I realise why Nature (a woman, don't forget) designed the woman's body with the pussy invisible to the owner's so you don't get scared by it until you find out what to use it for!

So don't give a hand held mirror to a virgin for her birthday!

[This message has been edited by golden (edited 03-22-2000).]
Well, Golden, alas, but I have no digital camera, nor a scanner. I think I can get my film developed on disc though. I've been thinking about submitting a pic on and off for the past week, but I'd have to take the pictures myself, and don't have anywhere near the skill that Guess Who (Wasn't it EoD?) has. I suppose the lesson here is beauty is in the eye of the beholder. I think perhaps I'll give it a try anyway with the auto-timer. What do I have to lose? A few bucks worth of film, and possibly my self-esteem when I see the result. <grimaces>
Whisper I used to have a US website addy for a company specialising in discreet adult film developing and processing ... but can't find it anywhere; so that's useless of me isn't it! Sorry love!
Well I think girls southern regions can be totally beautiful. At the same time I've seen some that made me want to stay a virgin.
As for anyone thinking a penis is attractive I'm happy or us guys would have to use our hands more then we already do...
"A rose by any other name should smell so sweet"...taste so sweet...look so sweet...

'Nuff said.
I like my pussy

I like it even more when a man tells me he likes it too.. If only I knew more men who wanted to share that with me... and thanks Nobody Special for realising that beauty is not necessarily physical attractiveness

There is nothing more beautiful than the beautiful flower of a woman spread wide and moist, just waiting to be tongued and kissed.
Pussies are so pretty. I havn't seen one that I thought was ugly. Whether it's shaved, trimmend, or looks like it has a shag carpet growing on it, it is still one of the best looking things in this world.