Are there free websites where I can post my stories?

Chicklet said:
Hey there,

You can also always copy and paste your story into the box for submissions in the submit page. You don't need to attach a file at all.

When volunteer editors fail you, come to us, or go to Story Feedback. There are plenty of people willing to help = )

Don't give up on lit, please. We'd be sad to lose any stories. (even the durtgurl ... works of art)


Oh, I haven't given up on lit. Like I said before, I was shocked and awed by this rejection, but I don't have animosity towards the editors.

I have people looking at my story and there was a lot of work that needed to be done, and it's getting done. Most people say it is too wordy, and I am dealing with that issue. THEN I'll consider resubmitting it.
Is anyone willing to take a look at my story. It was rejected and it said for spelling errors which WordPerfect only picked up two. It might not be the best story but I know it's not that bad either. Please pm me if possible.
WordPerfect tends to make this sort of text:

Every once in a while, or so they say, worms fly.

Look like this:

Every once in a while,or so they say,worms fly.

In a Word based form like Lit has. You can tell by hitting the preview button, cutting and pasting from that window into WordPerfect and looking for red lines.

It's also quite possible that you added words that you just knew were spelt correctly and weren't. A popular choice for this is activity is her's.
dr_mabeuse said:
Try these guys:| ----- send stories to: <> |
| FAQ: <> Moderator: <> |
|Archive: <> Hosted by Alt.Sex.Stories Text Repository |
|<>, an entity supported entirely by donations.

I used to post there, but it's not half as good as Literotica. I think it's the biggest free erotic site on the web, and it's pretty hard to get noticed.

I don't think it's harder to get noticced there. ASSTR actually has several sections. (If you post to, nobody knows how many downloads there are, but there are plenty.)
I have a webpage on ASSTR, although that means doing my own HTML, and that's one hell of a lot more work than the original poster wanted to avoid.
Lit and ASSTR both give download reports, though they give them in different formats. ASSTR is weekly, Lit, as you know, is cumulative. I have copies of my Lit reports from April 4 and May 11, call it five weeks. I compared that to the four reports I got from ASSTR in April.
I'm in the process of updating my ASSTR pages, so the downloads for soome weeks are unreasonably high.
Of the 14 stories I have on Lit, though, the lowest week from ASSTR is higher than the average week (1/5 the difference in the cumulatives) on Lit. Three other stories have only a few more downloads in the *average* week from Lit than I got in my *worst* week on ASSTR.
Of the other three, one was very new when my Lit count started; I don't know what happened WRT the other two, but -- if I knew -- I'd do it again. So *my* ASSTR downloads mostly compare favorably with my Lit downloads. Your milage may vary.

Uther_Pendragon said:
IOf the 14 stories I have on Lit, though, the lowest week from ASSTR is higher than the average week (1/5 the difference in the cumulatives) on Lit. Three other stories have only a few more downloads in the *average* week from Lit than I got in my *worst* week on ASSTR.

Ah, yes, but was it statistically signifigant (p<0.005)?

I'd suggest a Chi-square analysis or a Student's t-test.

MG <being insufferable now that she got her degree>
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One last question before re-submission

If you have the document in .rtf format (for the use of italics), how do you double space the paragraphs the way lit wants it? By hand, or is there some utility that automatically adds a newline (or whatever that is)?
Re: One last question before re-submission

LovingTongue said:
If you have the document in .rtf format (for the use of italics), how do you double space the paragraphs the way lit wants it? By hand, or is there some utility that automatically adds a newline (or whatever that is)?

Ub .rtf, make sure you hit 'return' twice between paragraphs. Put HTML formats in for italics (<i> and </i>. Use 'save as' to change it to text format.

That's the way I do it, and it comes out fine on Lit.

MG the Self-Styled Knowitall
Re: Re: One last question before re-submission

MathGirl said:
Ub .rtf, make sure you hit 'return' twice between paragraphs. Put HTML formats in for italics (<i> and </i>. Use 'save as' to change it to text format.

That's the way I do it, and it comes out fine on Lit.

MG the Self-Styled Knowitall

Hmmm.. okay.. oh wait, I'm a fraggin rocket scientist, I just noticed RTF files look like some kinda programming language (a formatting language, no doubt). Lemme sit down and reverse-engineer this sucker. I'll just auto-add in the newline codes in the .rtf file and save it as a backup and see if it comes out right.. :D
It worked.
Open a backup of a .rtf file in a word processor and you'll see a ton of code for formatting the document.

Find a line like this:

And get out yer search/replace utility and double it up. Replace that line with a line containing that same text twice:

Voila! Double spacing between paragraphs.

I checked it in Abiword and Wordpad and it looks fine!

Dear LT,
I'm glad it works, but I think you're making it unnecessarily difficult.

Here's how I do italics:
1. Write the piece in .rtf using WordPad
2. When I want italics to start, put "["
3. When I want italics to end, put "]"
4. Do all the editing, proofing, etc. until it's finished and ready to submit
5. Use "replace all" to change [ to <i> and ] to </i>
6. Use "save as" and save it as a .txt document.

Submit it that way, but use the "preview" to make sure it's okay.

This sounds sort of complicated, and there are probably easier ways. Like most things, it's easy once you get used to it.


Ps. I write in WordPad instead of the fancy word processor. It's simple and does everything I need.