Another AI Rejection Post (5/30 Update)

I just had another story rejected as AI which was entirely written by me. Frustrating!

I was looking for a couple of editors who were very helpful the last time this happened. I cannot find them. Is there any way to search by name on this site? (Username, of course.)

Anyway, the AI detector is haywire, IMO.
Sorry to hear that. It is definitely frustrating! I've never worked with an editor from here before, but if you know their username, you can search for them on the main site.

All the online AI detectors I've used are nonsense, frankly. They don't detect jack shit. I've posted about what I did to get my story published. Hopefully that helps. I find that one specific detector usually rates my stories as around 17-22% AI, so I focus on that one and try to reword and revise until I get that down to 5-7% if I can. Also, something I need to add - I put a note in my submission essentially thanking them for their time, asserting that I don't use AI, explaining a little about my revision process. I don't know how much it helps, but it certainly can't hurt.

Hope you can figure out a way forward. Good luck to you!
I am fairly new here with 1 published story and a 2nd story recently just rejected for accusation of AI usage, which I haven't used. Just for fun, I have run my story through multiple AI detectors (random ones I have seen posted on these threads) which have come back as 100% human written, so I would love to understand how Literotica is checking for AI usage.

I am at a loss of what to do. I have contacted multiple volunteers to no avail so far. I would be happy to fix anything they deemed as AI assisted, even though it isn't, just to get my story published. Little frustrated, but I suppose I will continue to contact volunteers until I can find one.
I am fairly new here with 1 published story and a 2nd story recently just rejected for accusation of AI usage, which I haven't used. Just for fun, I have run my story through multiple AI detectors (random ones I have seen posted on these threads) which have come back as 100% human written, so I would love to understand how Literotica is checking for AI usage.

I am at a loss of what to do. I have contacted multiple volunteers to no avail so far. I would be happy to fix anything they deemed as AI assisted, even though it isn't, just to get my story published. Little frustrated, but I suppose I will continue to contact volunteers until I can find one.
I'm with you. The note about volunteer editors appears in every rejection, regardless of the reason, so there's no need to focus on that.

Some in these threads have admitted to publishing hundreds of stories, raising eyebrows. Since this is only your second submission, it's natural to feel frustrated. Hopefully, the Mods will read your post and reconsider.
I am fairly new here with 1 published story and a 2nd story recently just rejected for accusation of AI usage, which I haven't used. Just for fun, I have run my story through multiple AI detectors (random ones I have seen posted on these threads) which have come back as 100% human written, so I would love to understand how Literotica is checking for AI usage.

I am at a loss of what to do. I have contacted multiple volunteers to no avail so far. I would be happy to fix anything they deemed as AI assisted, even though it isn't, just to get my story published. Little frustrated, but I suppose I will continue to contact volunteers until I can find one.
Most of the ones online don't give you enough info, and they often come back as human IME. B/c AI detectors are all smoke and mirrors bullshit. Keep in mind, at this point, you aren't necessarily trying to prove your work is human, but trying to figure out what is getting flagged. That said, try this one: I had to make several free accounts to get around their limits, but this is the one that always flags my shit as AI. It doesn't highlight sentences in the free version, but you can at least get a sense of where your manuscript is getting flagged. DISCLAIMER: I don't know this is the one that Literotica uses, and it is highly likely it isn't, but I have had success by using this one as a baseline. It's the only one I've used that consistently comes back with high AI %. In some cases 45%. Working on my manuscript to get that % down as low as I can has helped me get 2 chapters published.

It's up to you to decide if it is worth changing your manuscript to get through Lit's AI detection. For me it was. Some feel differently. Decide what is best for you. If you choose to go that route, I wish you the best of luck in getting through.
Most of the ones online don't give you enough info, and they often come back as human IME. B/c AI detectors are all smoke and mirrors bullshit. Keep in mind, at this point, you aren't necessarily trying to prove your work is human, but trying to figure out what is getting flagged. That said, try this one: I had to make several free accounts to get around their limits, but this is the one that always flags my shit as AI. It doesn't highlight sentences in the free version, but you can at least get a sense of where your manuscript is getting flagged. DISCLAIMER: I don't know this is the one that Literotica uses, and it is highly likely it isn't, but I have had success by using this one as a baseline. It's the only one I've used that consistently comes back with high AI %. In some cases 45%. Working on my manuscript to get that % down as low as I can has helped me get 2 chapters published.

It's up to you to decide if it is worth changing your manuscript to get through Lit's AI detection. For me it was. Some feel differently. Decide what is best for you. If you choose to go that route, I wish you the best of luck in getting through.
Appreciate the response. I used the tool you suggested, leveraging the Deep Scan, and it came back with 41% AI likeliness, but overall it categorized it as being written by a human.

Just for fun, I rewrote a paragraph they flagged as AI multiple times, and it came back as AI written every time. I.e:

"Candace had managed to elevate their foreplay to a whole new level, mixing the worlds of career and fantasy in a way that excited Paul. Despite the impossible likelihood of ever meeting their porn star counterparts in real life, Paul couldn’t resist the temptation of the moment and went along with it, smiling as he digitally signed what would ultimately become the death warrant of his 25-year marriage."

I also noticed that it flags conversations as well. I.e:

(Candace): Should we go say hi?

(Paul): What are you going to say?

(Candace): I don’t know, just hello I guess (laughing)

Are they truly relying on algorithms that would identify that paragraph and conversation format as AI written in their approval decision making? Again, super frustrating.
Appreciate the response. I used the tool you suggested, leveraging the Deep Scan, and it came back with 41% AI likeliness, but overall it categorized it as being written by a human.

Just for fun, I rewrote a paragraph they flagged as AI multiple times, and it came back as AI written every time. I.e:

"Candace had managed to elevate their foreplay to a whole new level, mixing the worlds of career and fantasy in a way that excited Paul. Despite the impossible likelihood of ever meeting their porn star counterparts in real life, Paul couldn’t resist the temptation of the moment and went along with it, smiling as he digitally signed what would ultimately become the death warrant of his 25-year marriage."

I also noticed that it flags conversations as well. I.e:

(Candace): Should we go say hi?

(Paul): What are you going to say?

(Candace): I don’t know, just hello I guess (laughing)

Are they truly relying on algorithms that would identify that paragraph and conversation format as AI written in their approval decision making? Again, super frustrating.
Any human reading this will immediately recognize that it was not AI-generated. However, you have made some peculiar choices that require consideration. Firstly, your sentences are a bit too long and convoluted.

For example, consider breaking the second sentence:

Despite the unlikely chance of ever meeting their porn star counterparts in real life, Paul couldn’t resist the temptation of the moment. He went along with it, smiling as he digitally signed what would ultimately become the death warrant of his 25-year marriage.

Secondly, regarding your play-style dialogue, why not use the simplest and most common style?

"Should we go say hi?" Candace asked.

"What are you going to say?" Paul replied.

"I don’t know, just hello, I guess," she laughed.

In any case, these decisions lie entirely within your artistic choices, and only you can decide. Good luck.
Any human reading this will immediately recognize that it was not AI-generated. However, you have made some peculiar choices that require consideration. Firstly, your sentences are a bit too long and convoluted.

For example, consider breaking the second sentence:

Despite the unlikely chance of ever meeting their porn star counterparts in real life, Paul couldn’t resist the temptation of the moment. He went along with it, smiling as he digitally signed what would ultimately become the death warrant of his 25-year marriage.

Secondly, regarding your play-style dialogue, why not use the simplest and most common style?

"Should we go say hi?" Candace asked.

"What are you going to say?" Paul replied.

"I don’t know, just hello, I guess," she laughed.

In any case, these decisions lie entirely within your artistic choices, and only you can decide. Good luck.
Appreciate the feedback. Thanks!
Appreciate the response. I used the tool you suggested, leveraging the Deep Scan, and it came back with 41% AI likeliness, but overall it categorized it as being written by a human.

Just for fun, I rewrote a paragraph they flagged as AI multiple times, and it came back as AI written every time. I.e:

"Candace had managed to elevate their foreplay to a whole new level, mixing the worlds of career and fantasy in a way that excited Paul. Despite the impossible likelihood of ever meeting their porn star counterparts in real life, Paul couldn’t resist the temptation of the moment and went along with it, smiling as he digitally signed what would ultimately become the death warrant of his 25-year marriage."

I also noticed that it flags conversations as well. I.e:

(Candace): Should we go say hi?

(Paul): What are you going to say?

(Candace): I don’t know, just hello I guess (laughing)

Are they truly relying on algorithms that would identify that paragraph and conversation format as AI written in their approval decision making? Again, super frustrating.
I've noticed this, too. It flags dialogue for seemingly no reason unless your characters talk like absolute idiots. I remove pronouns where possible and focus on making dialogue fresh or cutting it altogether if I can't. Keep in mind you just want to get the % low, not aim for 0 so don't worry about "fixing" every single thing. A few short exchanges that get flagged won't matter too much.

As far as rewriting your sentences, some ways I've found to "fix" long sentences with multiple clauses is to use unusual words/phrases, reduce wordiness where possible, and convert commas to periods. It also helps to sprinkle in some short sentences between longer sentences. Don't be afraid to have sentences that are really just clauses either. I've literally just taken a sentence, stuck a period in it, and moved on. For example: "She sucked and slurped around his shaft, tongue wriggling against the swollen belly of his prick. Wet mouth absolutely stuffed with meat." Again, AI detectors are bullshit. LOL

I reiterate that I do not know that this is the one Lit uses. However, whatever they use, they all suck and are all deeply inconsistent. It's frustrating. I am personally very anti-AI, so I appreciate Lit's position on banning AI-generated material, but whatever process they use to screen work isn't working. Unfortunately, this is the reality we're stuck with, so we have to work with what we have. The only other option is to take your ball and go home.

As an aside on the tool itself, if Lit is using this one or one like it, it's so bad. It will rate your work as 41% likely to be AI, but then rate it's own analysis as "low confidence." --_--
Rant ahead: I will try some of these tips. I was in the process of really getting these stories out of my docs so I could stop tweeking them and changing scenes around, but lo and behold I was denied two stories in. I've spent so much time editing this week, (My lest fave part of it) and rereading for mistakes. By the time the story gets sent back, I am so bored of the scene, I have written that I change it 🙃 😐 😕 I wish the folks at home could read the original post cause who knows what I may do while I try and make my story more human like. God, forbid I make a spelling error, at least two people via the comment section will point out my flaws with the quickness. I guess I am Damned if I do take my time to edit and damned if I don't. Perhaps, I'll just start submitting rough drafts and let the people decipher the nonsense I type out at 3am after a dream I had.
Rant ahead: I will try some of these tips. I was in the process of really getting these stories out of my docs so I could stop tweeking them and changing scenes around, but lo and behold I was denied two stories in. I've spent so much time editing this week, (My lest fave part of it) and rereading for mistakes. By the time the story gets sent back, I am so bored of the scene, I have written that I change it 🙃 😐 😕 I wish the folks at home could read the original post cause who knows what I may do while I try and make my story more human like. God, forbid I make a spelling error, at least two people via the comment section will point out my flaws with the quickness. I guess I am Damned if I do take my time to edit and damned if I don't. Perhaps, I'll just start submitting rough drafts and let the people decipher the nonsense I type out at 3am after a dream I had.
There are other places that would likely appreciate your efforts. I took that route recently after 2 bogus AI rejections and have enjoyed the collaboration with members on a story they correctly didn't deem AI written.
I also noticed that it flags conversations as well. I.e:

(Candace): Should we go say hi?

(Paul): What are you going to say?

(Candace): I don’t know, just hello I guess (laughing)

Are they truly relying on algorithms that would identify that paragraph and conversation format as AI written in their approval decision making? Again, super frustrating.
Is this an actual excerpt of your story? If it is, change the conversation to a dialogue, not a screen play. Ex: Candace asked if we should go say 'Hi'. "Is that all? I mean what will you say after that?"I asked.

Candace laughed as she replied, "I have no idea. I didn't get any further than just Hello."