Are there really Doms out there that "get it"?

rosco rathbone said:
What is the big deal about two women fucking each other anyway? That's a major "whatever" to me personally.

Evidently, in studies, itis said it is the number one fantasy of most men. I do not know if that is true.

I would rather see two men go at it myself. However, I am not willing to volunteer a sub of mine to make it happen.

Sex is simply sex when you're only watching. I can see the erotic aspect in female/male, male/male, female/female... and all the other variations when the participants are into it. However, there are only certain combinations that I personally am willing and eager to do.

I find it amusing when straight men find this so hard to understand in women, and yet remain staunchly heterosexual themselves. It's rather ironic and seems based on a double standard. That being said, I think there are far more women who express an openness for bi experience themselves, than there are men, and as it's a very common fantasy and desire for men to have more than one woman, it can appear the deck is stacked that way.

I didn't see anyone who only likes to be sexual with men or women exclusively say that no one else should do it, because they didn't like it. Simply that they personally didn't want to participate, and they resented the implication that all they needed was a push in the right direction to understand their true nature.

PS Not man-bashing, as it seems the majority who have spoken agree with hard limits and support the right to stand behind them no matter what they are. :)
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Personally I think it's just a matter of too much fucking ego.

I'll go on record as saying that I LOVE lesbian sex and that one of my biggest fantasies is the one with myself and two women. However, I respect people's limits, just as I expect them to respect my own.

And I find it kind of reassuring that there are women out there who have no desire to go lesbian or bi. After all, if every woman on earth could derive pleasure from another women, then they wouldn't have anymore use for us guys.

LC Rough Caress said:
Personally I think it's just a matter of too much fucking ego.

I'll go on record as saying that I LOVE lesbian sex and that one of my biggest fantasies is the one with myself and two women. However, I respect people's limits, just as I expect them to respect my own.

And I find it kind of reassuring that there are women out there who have no desire to go lesbian or bi. After all, if every woman on earth could derive pleasure from another women, then they wouldn't have anymore use for us guys.


I like penises. I require service from submissives who carry them as standard equipment. In other words, I drive a stick shift. LOL

Re: Are there really Doms out there that "get it"?

Who's a "dom" and what is "it"? LOL

Sorry everyone loves a firm ass, no one loves a smart ass.

I'd say the ratio of thosthat do is higher than the average male, not?
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I have personally never seen the attraction of watching lesbians meself. They don't want you and are never going to want you so whats the attraction? Then again, thats probarly just because i love to be wanted, hehe.
Forcing a hard limit

In a nutshell...a hard limit is just that...a hard limit. If the sub isn't willing to move beyond a particular act/circumstance in his/her relationship, so be it. The choice not to do so is the sub's...period.

As for the girl on girl thing...hey. whatever floats someone else's boat. However, if it does nothing for you, then gently extract yourself from the situation and move on to the next heterosexual encounter. Forced bisexuality doesn't sit well with me. Either you want to play on both sides of the fence or you don't. You shouldn't be penalized for either choice.

Re: Forcing a hard limit

s'lara said:
Forced bisexuality doesn't sit well with me. Either you want to play on both sides of the fence or you don't. You shouldn't be penalized for either choice.


Re: Re: Re: Forcing a hard limit

s'lara said:
Thanks LC and hello to Y/you. :)

Hello to you as well, s'lara. :cool:

I'd be curious to learn what some people's hard limits are, if anyone would be willing to share them.
Hard limits

My own hard limits are as follows:

1. No children.
2. No animals.
3. No necrophelia.
4. No permanent physical/pyschological/emotional damage.
5. No ignoring of the above by any Dom/me.

Pretty simple really. There may be more to add to that list, but i have yet to find any new ones.
I dunno

I heard a statement once and for the life of me I do not remember who said it.

She said that is was ironic that a man's fantasy was to be with two women, when a man is hard pressed to please the one he is with.

There is some truth to that statement.

Re: I dunno

Ebonyfire said:
She said that is was ironic that a man's fantasy was to be with two women, when a man is hard pressed to please the one he is with.


I couldn't agree more - in my younger days, I.. like most young males.. had the 3-some with 2 women desire. Then I actually had one, involving my (now ex-)wife and a neighbor female friend we had both fooled around with.

I dunno - there were so many emotional concerns, it didn't seem as much fun as porno movies make it look. (I know, BIG surprise, right? heh) It was more work - trying to please 2 women at the same time - than fun for me. :shrugs:

But hey, whatever floats everyone else's boats... :j
Re: Re: I dunno

TheWanderer said:

I couldn't agree more - in my younger days, I.. like most young males.. had the 3-some with 2 women desire. Then I actually had one, involving my (now ex-)wife and a neighbor female friend we had both fooled around with.

I dunno - there were so many emotional concerns, it didn't seem as much fun as porno movies make it look. (I know, BIG surprise, right? heh) It was more work - trying to please 2 women at the same time - than fun for me. :shrugs:

But hey, whatever floats everyone else's boats... :j

Yep, it takes us "mature individuals" realize that quality wins over quantity every time.

I would rather have one fuck done right than have several bad repeat fucks.

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LOL! Eb, you slay me.

as for hard limits, a few of mine are just the same as s'lara's

-no kids/animals/corpses

-nothing that could cause permanent damage (other than light scarring, i'm talking about broken bones or missing pieces)

-no showing any video tape/pictures to ANYBODY without my specific verbal ok

-nothing involving exrement. you know what i mean.

-no analingus on my part

i'm sure there's others that just aren't coming to mind. what interests me is, what are limits for dom/mes? what won't you do to a sub?
Oh yeah...forgot about that one

bunny bondage said:
LOL! Eb, you slay me.

as for hard limits, a few of mine are just the same as s'lara's

-no kids/animals/corpses

-nothing that could cause permanent damage (other than light scarring, i'm talking about broken bones or missing pieces)

-no showing any video tape/pictures to ANYBODY without my specific verbal ok

-nothing involving exrement. you know what i mean.

-no analingus on my part

i'm sure there's others that just aren't coming to mind. what interests me is, what are limits for dom/mes? what won't you do to a sub?

i forgot about the scat limit...that is a definite hard limit for this subbie. Thanks for reminding me bunny.

i so want to see what limits the Dom/me's have...should be interesting.
I'm bisexual as I think most on here already know. I know who and what I am and what I like and want as do most people. I don't force my sexuallity onto anyone else nor do I feel anyone else should. When someone no matter who they are try forcing another into a bisexual relastionship or itnto any sexual act in my oppion it then becomes RAPE, no is no and if someone says no and yet another tries forceing that perosn anyway yep in my oppion it is then RAPE. Forcing someone into something they do not wish to take away the consent and therfore is no longer adhereing the SAFE, SANE< CONSENTUAL that we all preach , talk and live by. just my oppion.
My hard limits, in addition to not having sex with girls:

No kids or corpses (animals are a soft limit...I would do it under the right circumstances, and I would know at the time what those were)
No knives, guns or other overtly deadly weapons
No major damage, same thing someone else said, no missing pieces, visible scars, that sort of thing
No asphixiation
Nothing public, that includes play, pictures or videos

Other than that, I'll try pretty much everything else.
I think that "getting it" is largely a matter of the Two rather than simply the D.

It's really easy to say "he/she just didn't get it" when smething doesn't work.

Dancing together takes practice, patience, a natural chemistry and a compatible sense of what makes good things happen.

Limits? The same obvious ones as the rest of us.

Hmm...hard limits. Let me see. There are a hell of a lot of things that I could think of that I wouldn't do, but I'll go with the general ones for now:

1. No kids

2. No animals

3. No necrophilia

4. No scat/watersports

5. No excessive violence

Those are some basics. There are probably more, but I don't want to go writing out my grocery list.
