Whip Limit?

Are you on a drilling rig I take it. I only ever got to natural gas pumpiing stations on land.
Are you on a drilling rig I take it. I only ever got to natural gas pumpiing stations on land.
No sir, I'm on a boat that supplies/supports the rigs and platforms.
Pumping stations are a good field to be in as well... Maybe one is even home more.
No sir, I'm on a boat that supplies/supports the rigs and platforms.
Pumping stations are a good field to be in as well... Maybe one is even home more.
I did some work on controls at the gas pumping stations down below Corpus Crisie on the King Ranch. Great people, great area.
Wish we lived a lot closer. My husband and I are Sadists and I adore the thrill I get from inflicting pain. We have a wide selection of implements, a lot modified from hardware store items. I am very proud of the homemade leather knotted flogger that my hubby made for me but my tool of choice is the cane.

We also delve into other pain sources. Love using my cigarette on a sub, starting general then getting into the more intimate areas. A special treat is clamping a sluts cunt lips and nipples, then applying considerable weight to them and force her to drag them round a room....of course applying the cane if she stops. The same can be done with weights on a guys cock and balls.
My Dom was sadistic. He told me that very early on. An older gentleman .. took him awhile to get hard - which meant prolonged suffering for me. He whipped the soles of my feet. Incredibly painful. Did not enjoy. He branded an "R" into my shoulder. I bit down on a wet washcloth and screamed. I smelled my flesh burning. Seemed like an eternity but was only 5 seconds at the most. He was clutching his cock the entire time
My Dom was sadistic. He told me that very early on. An older gentleman .. took him awhile to get hard - which meant prolonged suffering for me. He whipped the soles of my feet. Incredibly painful. Did not enjoy. He branded an "R" into my shoulder. I bit down on a wet washcloth and screamed. I smelled my flesh burning. Seemed like an eternity but was only 5 seconds at the most. He was clutching his cock the entire time
We also like to prolong the sensations to allow the subject to go through the various levels of mental transformation that a good session can bring. The further into the session the suffering should transform from a sharp intensity to an all encompassing layer of beautiful pain.

Yes, having the soles of your feet beaten can be very intense. Branding is interesting. Have only done it to a sub once. Have to admit it made me incredibly wet so I am not surprised your Dom was holding his cock throughout. Whilst I obviously enjoyed my one time, I still think I prefer to use something like a cigarette where the level of damage is usually much less plus the act can be sustained over a much longer period of time.

I would have loved to watch you enduring at the hands of your Dom. :devilish:
I wish he'd filmed us. I wore a hood most of the time and except for my tattoo I was anonymous. He was proficient with a whip, too. He striped my entire body. Hundreds of little cuts. I was a bloody mess but I wanted more. I remember visiting my parents the following weekend and wearing long pants (in 90 F degree heat). My legs were still striped front and back and no way could I let anyone see. I think I wore a turtleneck, too. Shaved head. Wore a hat. I have a lot of secrets!
Wish we lived a lot closer. My husband and I are Sadists and I adore the thrill I get from inflicting pain. We have a wide selection of implements, a lot modified from hardware store items. I am very proud of the homemade leather knotted flogger that my hubby made for me but my tool of choice is the cane.

We also delve into other pain sources. Love using my cigarette on a sub, starting general then getting into the more intimate areas. A special treat is clamping a sluts cunt lips and nipples, then applying considerable weight to them and force her to drag them round a room....of course applying the cane if she stops. The same can be done with weights on a guys cock and balls.
mmmm. As a switch with a strong masochistic streak, I love the way your mind works! :devil:
Wish we lived a lot closer. My husband and I are Sadists and I adore the thrill I get from inflicting pain. We have a wide selection of implements, a lot modified from hardware store items. I am very proud of the homemade leather knotted flogger that my hubby made for me but my tool of choice is the cane.

We also delve into other pain sources. Love using my cigarette on a sub, starting general then getting into the more intimate areas. A special treat is clamping a sluts cunt lips and nipples, then applying considerable weight to them and force her to drag them round a room....of course applying the cane if she stops. The same can be done with weights on a guys cock and balls.
I definitely wish you lived closer to me! ;)
Several years ago I pursued a whipping session where the agreed upon number of strokes was 300. My punisher alternated between an ordinary belt, a prison strap and a single tail cord. There was no safe word as he assured me he'd read my responses (and he did). He whipped my front and backside and despite the intense burning I felt, I wanted more. I'd like to know from the experienced folks here HoW many strikes is too much? I was a bloody mess but wasn't really injured. I had cuts and most of the marks cleared up within a month. I'd like to be whipped 500 or more times. Is this physically unhealthy for me?
500? Seems like a lot especially with no safe word.

The first time I was spanked she used a hair brush and I loved it. We didn’t count how many times and not every stroke was the same. I kept wanting more and more and She finally had to stop because she thought it wasn’t good for me. I’m glad she did now but I cried at the time.
Maybe I'm just a masochistic freak of nature, but I'm not really interested in my "whip limit" despite my extremely high pain tolerance.

What intrigues me the most, up to the point of "bucket list" is the thought of finding the "whip limit" of my Domme Wife...

She's ALWAYS Hot AF, which even intensifies when She's in full "Domme mode" whipping the fuck out of me! Seeing that on Her, watching Her really getting into it, into the zone, the moment, selecting which implements to use on me, planning the patterns/marks that She desires to whip into my flesh is absolutely HOT AF!

I'd love to see if She could whip me until She reaches HER limit, even if I pass out and she uses smelling salts to bring me to... Even if it takes days, I'd LOVE to see Her completely, totally sated, regardless of my state of dishevelment....
I NEED to feel it, to SEE HER reach that level of contentment and satisfaction!!!🔥
500? Seems like a lot especially with no safe word.

The first time I was spanked she used a hair brush and I loved it. We didn’t count how many times and not every stroke was the same. I kept wanting more and more and She finally had to stop because she thought it wasn’t good for me. I’m glad she did now but I cried at the time.
500 does seem like a lot. Not all strikes connect well and after 30 minutes I'm sort of in a zone and start to enjoy the numbing burn. I could have said STOP but it's not often we have a session and I just enjoy the whole experience.
I am thinking you should make some canes for her! They are a little more accurate and, well I will leave you to hopefully find out.
Howdy Friend, just a little update...
I'm on a "5 day countdown" now!
That harness I'd been trying to get, finally came available, so I ordered a couple canes with it (which my Lovely Domme has waiting for me at home).
Very nice work! I hope to see marks as red as those handles! Maybe a little blood! (Oppps! Did I say that out loud?)
I think those should be treated with alcohol for after care!!!!!!! I am totally jealous!
She sent me this beautiful reply to that pic... Talk about giving me instant wood!!!

"You do realize this is just a warm up, right?"
Very nice work! I hope to see marks as red as those handles! Maybe a little blood! (Oppps! Did I say that out loud?)
You might be happy to hear that I ordered a tripod... It should arrive the day before I do. LOL!