Attacking new frontiers

Hey Dingus Guy

Could be New Year before you get it posted, guess we will have to wait.

As for the Challenge Club, I'll have a crack from time to time, I enjoy the idea of posting shorts, be interesting to see what you come up with.

Re: Challenge

Dingus Guy said:
I wasn't offering a challenge out to anybody, but some of you seem eager to take one on, so I offer this idea:

Write a story about 2 people who are private/instant messaging each other online. So this will primarily be a conversation. It must include the following items somewhere within the chat:
1- Mention of blackmail
2- "honey" as in the condiment
3- liquid latex
4- deja vu
5- fishing

Can not contain:
The words "Cock" and/or "Pussy"

We can set a minimum word limit of 1000, and a time limit of 1 week. By next Tuesday.

Anyone up for this?

Marty the Midget's Erotic Christmas

Hey, this seems like fun, I'm gonna give it a go!

Wills and BT, loved both of yours, they both made me laugh!

Wills: "Whoops, now I’ve dripped honey on my cunny" LOL

BT, you did the chat thing very well, with the BRB's and the other interuptions. I think you chat a lot. ;)

I'll give it a go this morning, I could do with an amusing distraction. Thanks for posting this challenge, Dingus.

Go for it Lou

It's a week late, but you are more than welcome to join our ranks. Curious to see what you come up with.

Wills, the story has been viewed twice all ready, and it is short so I don't think it will be long at all.
Thanks for your comments, welcome as ever. Do give it a go.

I only say that because I've been waiting now 14 days for a story to be posted! Nothing the slightest bit encroaching on the borderlines of what is acceptable for Lit. :confused:

It's had 15 reviews, second part, of the same series has had 9 reviews in three days.

The Challenge Group sounds fine by me. But I am not sure I can always find the time. Would that be a problem? It could be a lot of fun as well.

Lou, nice to join us.

About chatting: it seems there is this person who made a handy little booklet with abbreviations. :D
It is absolutely ok

You don't have to do it each week, just come to the table as often as you can. More the merrier as they say. I am going to start the new post now, so look out for "The Challenge Club". Black Tulip, would you like the honors to set the 1st challenge? I think we should run the challenge so it ends Jan 2 because of the holidays, and it gives Tatelou a chance to keep up. You don't have to answer me here, just go to the new post and set the challenge there.
I was challenged to write an erotic story about a midget from my girlfriend.

Digressing from the subject, there is an old Henny Youngman joke about a midget.

A guy comes home from work and finds his wife in bed with a midget. He's furious.
He says "How can you do that to me! You promised you would stop going to bed with other men!"
His wife replies, "Well you can see I'm tapering off."

thebullet's rantings