Attention All Poets: It's the 1st Monthly Literotica Poetry Contest!

The polls are up!

There were 22 poems submitted, so we divided them in three semi-finals.

When the polls close in 5 days, the two most voted entries from each semi-final will transit to a final poll, which will then decide the winner of the 1st Monthly Literotica Poetry Contest!

Now go read and vote! :D
as i expected...

Hey, I'm glad the poems got divided up that way. As I expected it would be, the choosing is a bit tough.

There are some really fine poems coming out of this.
The problem with this contest? I can't whore for votes like I usually do.
hella good poems, all of them

I voted, but it seems like I have peculiar tastes. ;)
The Mutt said:
The problem with this contest? I can't whore for votes like I usually do.

I whored over on the AH (for the CONTEST itself, not my entry).
Ouch! and rhyme.

I'm taking a bath on this thing. I just knew I shouldn't of jumped
into a winter contest. I like most of what I have read and I'm
still making up my mind on some votes. My mind was thinking
there would be more poems. I also find myself voting for
poems which are much a like in form, (line lenght, etc.). This
contest is showing me a lot about how I view poetry, that is
a good thing. Boo, I didn't rhyme in this contest because I
thought it would loose votes and maybe tell people who wrote
the damn thing. I agree with a lot you posted above the post.
Overall this is fun. I thought I could pick out who wrote what but
it ain't happening. My thanks to Literotica and The Poets for
coming up w/ this. Maybe we can do something w/ bars or
beaches when it warms up.
Yeah, yeah...

What I want to know is why did 35 people vote on poll #3, 32 on poll #2, and only 29 on poll #1? :mad: :eek:
Lauren Hynde said:
Yeah, yeah...

What I want to know is why did 35 people vote on poll #3, 32 on poll #2, and only 29 on poll #1? :mad: :eek:

I was curious about that one too and only bad things pop into my head to explain it.
Lauren Hynde said:
Yes, I know what you mean... :(

There is nothing you three can do. Just know that we all appreciate the thought behind the contest so don't worry about how it turns out. :rose:
*Catbabe* said:
There is nothing you three can do. Just know that we all appreciate the thought behind the contest so don't worry about how it turns out. :rose:
Maybe we can have votes via PM only, for the final round, and maybe only from the 22 contestants (with self-votes excluded)...
Lauren Hynde said:
Maybe we can have votes via PM only, for the final round, and maybe only from the 22 contestants (with self-votes excluded)...

That's a very good idea and that sure didn't take you long.:D
*Catbabe* said:
I was curious about that one too and only bad things pop into my head to explain it.

I just figured folks started at the "top" (the 3rd being highest on the list) and got tired before they read all 22 poems. Try bumping the order and see if that changes the voting ratios.
Lauren Hynde said:
Yeah, yeah...

What I want to know is why did 35 people vote on poll #3, 32 on poll #2, and only 29 on poll #1? :mad: :eek:
#3 is on top,
I've been through them twice, still can't decide what one to vote for
impressive said:
I just figured folks started at the "top" (the 3rd being highest on the list) and got tired before they read all 22 poems. Try bumping the order and see if that changes the voting ratios.
I'll do that. :D
Lauren Hynde said:
Yeah, yeah...

What I want to know is why did 35 people vote on poll #3, 32 on poll #2, and only 29 on poll #1? :mad: :eek:

it isnt times up already is it?

Don't be mad, be glad, it means people (like me) are coming back (a hundred times) to read the ones in those threads over and over again trying to decide.

I don't think that allowing the participants only to vote is a good idea.

I do think that allowing a closed vote might be, as people can see the numbers before hand, and that may have weird consequences.

okay okay I promise to vote on the other two threads :)
Voting will only close on Friday night. There's plenty of time to read and choose carefully. :)
Lauren Hynde said:
By the way, should I post a list of the 22 contestants, or wait until all is decided? :D

I'd like to see a list (but I can also wait 'til it's over).

That was helpful, wasn't it?