Attention All Poets: It's the 1st Monthly Literotica Poetry Contest!

Mea Culpa???

Lauren Hynde said:
. . .
What I want to know is why did 35 people vote on poll #3, 32 on poll #2, and only 29 on poll #1? :mad: :eek:
Uuunh, did I do a Bad? I thought I was supposed to vote for one poem in each list, not just one poem out of the total twenty two.
Please forgive me if I misunderstood the instructions. :eek: :kiss: :eek:

If I didn't screw up, maybe other people misunderstood and only voted in one pole??
Re: Mea Culpa???

Reltne said:
Uuunh, did I do a Bad? I thought I was supposed to vote for one poem in each list, not just one poem out of the total twenty two.
Please forgive me if I misunderstood the instructions. :eek: :kiss: :eek:

If I didn't screw up, maybe other people misunderstood and only voted in one pole??
You did good. One poem from each poll. The top 2 from each poll will go on to the final. :D
At Boo's request, I moved the (non-)rhyme discussion to the "OK... Here we go again!" thread.

Sandspike's post exists both here and there, though. Something for all you quantum physicists in the crowd to think about. ;)
Lauren Hynde said:
By the way, should I post a list of the 22 contestants, or wait until all is decided? :D

My vote:

Give the contestants names after the polls close, along with a list of titles. It might be fun to try and guess whose be whose.
annaswirls said:
My vote:

Give the contestants names after the polls close, along with a list of titles. It might be fun to try and guess whose be whose.
You mean after the semi-finals? A list of the contestants that didn't go through to the final along with their titles?

Or only at the end of it all?
Lauren Hynde said:
You mean after the semi-finals? A list of the contestants that didn't go through to the final along with their titles?

Or only at the end of it all?

For what it's worth, I think any disclosure of the contestants names before the final vote might lead to bias in the voting. Once people see who have been eliminated, they will try to narrow down the finalists and choose by whom they presume the poems to be written, rather than the strength of the poems themselves.

Non-disclosure will make that sort of guessing much more difficult.
tungtied2u said:
Non-disclosure will make that sort of guessing much more difficult.


However, I've already matched them all up. *smirk*

(... *laugh* ... just kidding)
I tried very hard to not try and guess at authorship but just to vote on the work...only my sub-concious really knows if I was successful.

I agree that I think no authorship should be revealed until the very end....
Lauren Hynde said:
You mean after the semi-finals? A list of the contestants that didn't go through to the final along with their titles?

Or only at the end of it all?

ah right, at the end of it all would make sense :)
Hey folks...this was fun and there were some great reads among the group. I'm off to Winter Fantasy in Crystal City for the weekend, so might not be voting in the final, but wanted to wish ev'ryone who entered good luck and if the hotel has access, I'll bop by and see how we all did. <g>
yep ... ditto!

there are some great poems ...
I don't know that I could match
them but some seem to be a
familiar style <grin>
Someone please remind me when voting closes for the semi-finals -- and how long the final poll will be up. Thank-ee. :D
Elementary dear Watson
your words just do not have what it
takes to be a semi much less a finalist
so join the ranks and cheer at the
finish line for another, "Go team"

ra ra re
(alby-a son of a gun)
The polls closed at exactly midnight GMT, and we have the six finalist poems.

We'll be posting a new thread with the voting procedure shortly. :)
If you get all 22 votes before the close of voting, will you then announce the winner early?
impressive said:
If you get all 22 votes before the close of voting, will you then announce the winner early?

We have a group of finalists--a terrific group of finalists. It won't be easy to choose. ;)

Lauren is putting together the finals thread now, I believe.

Lauren Hynde said:
Yes. And the thread is up already. :D

I like this PM idea. It might be cool to try the most influential poet thang with people with more than 10 poems too, just to see the difference in voting. As you said in the other thread, often times results flip magically at the last minute.


Democracy literotica style!

Good job fightin the craziness ladies!:heart:
annaswirls said:
I like this PM idea. It might be cool to try the most influential poet thang with people with more than 10 poems too, just to see the difference in voting. As you said in the other thread, often times results flip magically at the last minute.


Democracy literotica style!

Good job fightin the craziness ladies!:heart:
I personally have complete trust in all 6 finalists and would have done it the same way. But there were certain... blatant irregularities... with some of the other poems, and well, this way is better. :)

It's only 8 pm here, that makes me sad to know that your that far away from me. I will have to write a song about this,

"Alby- laying here with, ******
on my mind ...she's so far away,
I can't believe, that I didn't win!"

Well Alby-that was fun, now I read these 6 poems and PM the poets and note which of these six I liked by monday night, wait make that monday morning, sweet legs is "So far away!"

okay, alby-here