August 2015 WTF Is This All About Challenge Entries


The Lost Isle of The Dead

So deep is night’s eternal yawn
On lost isle of the dead there’s no dawn.
I’m ringing the bell
but de plane’s crashed to hell.
No new wave to surf my bones upon.

oh ghost hunter won’t you join me
in my favorite fantasy?
Let’s play hide and seek
in caves where I’ll streak
your blood on stones when you find me.

Beam of light through thick methane mist hacks.
I chase a dream of men in black.
How I roll eyes of red
to find the beam instead
is a dead tribe’s glass phallus that’s cracked.

Underneath flaming coconut tree
I sing “to be or not to be”
upon Gilligan’s grave;
Hamlet play brought him raves
but he couldn’t take a skull fuck from me.

I’m the only survivor left dry
on this dark battle shore. As bats fly
I toss bottled death threats
into sea of regret
for serving my guests blowfish pie.

How I wish Bill and Ted would drop by.​

Jake's Song

Keep you a diary?
You ever been betrayed?
Have you betrayed another?
What was the price you paid?

Did you expect such pain?
Or did you roll for fun?
Now wounded and alone, know,
I'm not the only one.

Man, recovering
loss of once in a lifetime only
precious love
Oh what didn't I give her?
She played with the fire
and now I search for reasons why

She bathed in hot dark blood
Bright red shoes cast on floor
I read her diary
My love will dance no more

Send your diaries in the mail
Share your heart as I share my tale.
I need some answers now!​

A Real Dick Of A Superhero

Super Penis springs into action
Super Penis whirls about
Super Penis darts in for the rescue
Super Penis swiftly glides out

Super Penis
Is my hero
On a scale of One to Ten
He's a Nine
Not a Zero
Like you-hoo-hoo-woo-woo-woo
Like you-hoo-hoo-woo-woo-woo

Super Penis is rough and uncut
Yet smooth and quite exotic
Not your average Harry, Tom or Dick
Their round heads aren't romantic in the least

Super Penis

He is a sexy beast!

Muscles bulging with veins
He becomes extremely thick
Hope he's coming real soon to my neighborhood
Dispensing justice oh so good
Unlike you-hoo-hoo-woo-woo
Super Penis goes woo-woo-woo-woo
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The Door Into Summer

Awakening on the sandy shore
To fiddlings of a horseshoe crab orchestra
And their glaring human eyes

Safe haven of the barn no more
Amidst random ruin
Wrought by the Hunter's meteor storm

Against dark skies
Upon turbulent waters
Stands the lighthouse
A silent sentinel
Still and tall

What lies hidden
A secret door between worlds

On the other side

I can almost hear him call

Sense the warmth of his touch

Wading through the tide

My long lost love

For a moment brief
It's all way too much

As if a horn sounding upon the seas
Piercing many layers of fog surrounding
A sun finally having shone through
Illuminating misty recollections in a mind
Clouded with a lifetime of memories
Belonging to you

Fabric sewn with faded dreams
Within another dream
Not my own

Compass failing to point True North
Once again it seems
I have lost my way

Blindly struggling forth
Forever finding myself
For better or for worse

In how many of these troubled times
Have we ended up here together?
Difficult it is to say

How can one uncover
The people we were before
Without ever knowing who we are today?

Always discovering too late
Wishing to forget
Wipe clean the slate

Your troubles are my curse​
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Witches are Bitches

Light as a feather
Stiff as a board
We coven together
Satan is Lord

Satan is Lord
Light as a feather
Stiff as a board
We coven together

We coven together
Satan is Lord
Light as a feather
Stiff as a board

Stiff as a board
Light as a feather
Light as a feather
Thine Mallum in Salem
Witness our Grand Rite
Heavenly Father of Night
Now and forever

Fathers and Sons

One of these things is not like the others

None of these Others are from this world

While mad Bishops in squared universes
paired with one another on the board
fated in a war undeclared
fought with Science and Machines
create the occasional unnatural door ...
bridging universes invariably means
opening Pandora's Box and
being checkmated by paradox

Sons of the Bishops no more

No more​

Wrap Me

Satin wrap has wrapped up so many
of my plastic thoughts
thoughts that feel little
bar a code of ethics
that cut to the core
before the next item is itemised
searches conducted
fragments lit up under blue light

and I drive while drinking coffee
wear that mask of blending in
wait for the darkness to come
then wrap it in plastic
find a hole
and watch it sink away
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Dead Flies

something bad is going to happen
something wicked this way crawls
hate is rattling bones in the cellar
down the staircase shadow falls

cardboard KKK in the treetops
bloody face in kitchen sink
toilet bubbles babble of trouble
close that closet, man, it stinks!

unseen harsh hand yanked my hair
smacked my bum and left it red
something’s sitting on this bed
clawing, ripping, my throat to shreds...
Not tonight dear I’ve a gunshot headache

Knock Knock Knockin on Hell's back door...
Don't come around here no more.

Succubi want to eat your heart out
Draw me a picture of your latest fear.
What the hell... it looks just like—Amy !
What cruel ghoul left this sketch here?!​
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Super Funky Sock Monkey Dance

Sock Monkey, Sock Monkey
does a dance that's super funky
Super funky sock monkey dance
as if a human hand was up his pants

Now, don't yawl be hatin
on that primate in the
D to the U to the P
You don't even see
there just so happens to be
more than one monkey meeting the eye
in the nanner tree up high
Although low on the evolutionary scale
Sock Monkey tried too hard to be
all that he could be
It was the grand epitome of an epic fail

Sock Monkey fought every super villain
He was a dozen of the baddest superheroes
Spent his days off in the backyard chillin with neighbors
touching their wieners he was g'rillin

Sock Monkey was a brain surgeon
and the most brilliant of rocket scientists
He once fought off a school of sharks with bare fists
while riding bareback on sturgeon

Then one day
poor Sock Monkey
forgot who he was supposed to be
It caused a schizophrenic calamity
and all he could do was a
Super funky sock monkey dance
as if a human hand was up his pants
Com'on and dance for us monkey
Do it real funky

Ba nanna nanna na na na
Ba nanna nanna nanna
Com'on, dance for us monkey
and do your super funky sock monkey
dance for me​
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Drilled into Their Little Heads

Come be my friend and I will
make all your dreams come true
Play the game
be a winner;
accept this challenge from me

I'll grant a wish of your choosing
In the end if you are successful
Losing is not an option
if you want to see

your divorced parents falling back in love
Mama waking up from her coma
little brother walking again;
these things are all possible

Do as I say
don't disappoint
or risk me getting angry
I won't hesitate to walk away
find a more capable playmate

All dreams can come true
your every wish
In order to be a winner
you first have to play

by my rules

Now go into the garage and get
your hands on some of Daddy's
power tools
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My Best Friend

He says
it's better to be kind than wealthy or clever

Whenever I'm in a bind
does he ever let me down?


Call an ambulance
This baby bird has a broken wing

Hamster in a row boat
makes him want to dance
makes him want to sing

Folks, he's my best friend
in the whole wide world
And his name is Derek

He's my best friend
and if you blokes don't like him
then kiss my bloody wanker
and sod off you dirty cunts​
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