Author tantrums

I just came across this hissy-fit author profile, for 'Coopser':

"Binned this site off. It’s absolute dogshit. I’ll leave votes and comments on for the trolls to feel good about themselves lol 😂
Write and rant whatever you want. I’ll never read it."

Coopser's five stories (all written in 2023) scored pretty well (all in the 4s), but three of them were posted in Loving Wives... perhaps not the kindest place to learn your skills? Anyway, I'm not here to give him a kicking despite his invitation, but just to ask if there have been any epic tantrums/departures over the years that eclipse this?
For what it's worth, I think my original question has been comprehensively answered, in interesting and entertaining ways. Thanks very much for the insights.
Nothing was confirmed. Stacnash was just banned one day from the forums with no reason given by Laurel. We found out about the ban from a friend? (sockpuppet?) posting to the AH after the ban. At that time, some people (MediocreAuthor?) felt that Stacnash was banned because of too much shitposting on the forums. You have to do something seriously bad to get perma-banned, and, from what I've seen, the first punishment for too much shitposting is a vacation from the forums. I feel that given the timing of the attack, her history of launching attacks, the timing of her punishment, and the severity of the punishment, her getting a perma-ban for bombing my story makes the most sense. But it's only a guess.
Well, obv not perma-banned. Someone using that name just left a missive on one of my older stories.
Well, obv not perma-banned. Someone using that name just left a missive on one of my older stories.
I believe the account has been banned from forums, but definitely still exists story-side. (Which would make very little sense if the ban was for story-side shenanigans.)
Well, obv not perma-banned. Someone using that name just left a missive on one of my older stories.
To her credit, even when she deeply dislikes something, she’ll finish it and offer a thorough review explaining why. For me, reading something I don’t enjoy feels like drinking bleach-- though who knows, maybe it’s cleansing.
Well, obv not perma-banned. Someone using that name just left a missive on one of my older stories.
I couldn't resist looking. This is what she's done - compiled her naughty and nice lists. I'm not linking to it, but I will mention that every story on her lists is rated as a four star story, and she's included some competition winners on her One Star list. Definitely on topic for this 'tantrum' thread, and a worthy competitor to the 'I'm out of here' comment that the thread started with. I rate this as a four star tantrum (moments of brilliance, but lacks the vision and discipline evident in a five-star tantrum).

As a lurker who recently made an account, I just want to express my surprise and delight at opening a thread titled "Author Tantrums" and finding that it is indeed filled with authors throwing tantrums.
Raise your hand if you wanted to call this out but we’re afraid of pissing someone off and having your stories bombed…😜