Authors, How Do You Like Your Feedback?

Hello, all.

Newer writer, long-time lurker here. (You can call me Alan if you like.)

The very first feedback I got from my first story was negative. The guy (?) told me to go back to "writing for Sunday school" and went on to list a few things my characters did that he didn't like. I laughed, 'cuz if this guy knew what I was actually like he would've never made that Sunday school reference.

Ever since then, I've gotten a lot of GREAT feedback, especially from the Literotica readers. (I've posted my stories on one other site as well.) What I get mostly are feedbacks saying either, "Nice story" or "You are writing another chapter, aren't you?" and that's it. I value most the feedbacks that list what the reader liked or disliked. I like constructive criticism and am my own worst critic, but value the opinions of others.

I haven't had any "offers" in my feedbacks, but I'm not female and my picture probably scares a few folks off. I respond to everybody who gives me their e-mail, even if it's just a little "thanks for reading" note. (Actually, I think I've missed a couple.)

The feedbacks I used to give to authors used to be "Great story! I gave you a 5!" and that's all. I now try to quote something I liked in the story or at least mention a plot point. I've come to understand that a pat on the back is nice, but showing somebody you understood what their message was is better.
Downright pisses me off!

The only two stories I have posted here are in the incest category. Brother/Sister stuff. It is a real turn off when readers want to know if I lust after my brother. The thought turns my stomach! Do they not see the difference between fantasy and reality, or do they think I don't see the difference? Do these readers believe everything at Lit is reality-based? I know I should expect this, posting what I post where I post it, but it still rubs me wrong.

Also, I want some detailed negative feedback with a return email address. I want to improve, and "good story" doesn't help much except my ego. I'm not as unappreciative as I sound. I love feedback. I just wish my work was good enough to inspire more thoughtful feedback. Maybe I'll include something like this at the end of the story: "If you don't like my story, please tell me why so I can improve my writing."
I can empathise with ou on the reality vs fantasy realm of thinking Taffy. I spend a lot of time (or used to) trying to explain to people that because someone writes something in a story, does not mean they actually live out, or even want to, their storyline. Where would that leave the likes of Stephen King? I actually find it a challenge to write something that goes completely against anything I would do or think, and make it believable. Can also relate to your desire for feedback so will try and make the time in the next few days to read your stories and get back to you.
openthighs_sarah said:
SexyChele, is that why you never answer any of my "Let's fuck!" PMs and feedbacks?


Oh, there's some good mental pictures comingo ut of that sentence :D.

Alright Alan. Strangely enough one of my first stories got a message from someone telling me to go back to writing for Sunday school. Maybe there's a weirdo about who preys on newbies. MathGirl, is there something you'd like to tell us? :D

Taffy: Someone once asked whether my Seducing dawn story (set in the Buffy the Vampire Slayer universe and includes lots of magic) was a real life experience. <cue sound of palm hitting forehead>

The Earl
Originally posted by TheEarl MathGirl, is there something you'd like to tell us? :D

Nope. I hardly ever read anything on the site. If I did leave feedback, though, they would know from whence it came.
I like to hear what worked and what didn't and which parts were most enjoyed. I get a little irritable when I get negative responses, especially when I think the respondent was judging the story on an unfair basis, but I need to see those responses too and they do eventually teach me how to improve.

I love all my feedback. I always appreciate the fact that someone has cared enough to make the effort - so many don't. The different types of feedback, especially about the same story, just make it all the more interesting.

It's kinda silly to get all upset when readers assume we're wild fuck machines. I mean, face it. We write smut. It's a logical assumption.

I say, make an assumption of your own: that many readers can't differentiate between fantasy and reality. Earl's feedback is a perfect example. Also, SO many stories are (supposedly) true, so I think many people go into a story expecting that the stuff really happened.

With that said, however, I know how difficult it is to turn off one's annoyance switch off when someone flicks it.

Here are some solutions.

1. Look at your profile. If you have personal info that is flirtatious, that's how readers will see you. I used to have a bio that said I wanted to be done up against a wall, and I got a lot of propositions along with the feedback. After I changed it to something more along the lines of "I'm happily married and an upstanding member of the PTA," amazingly the flirting stopped. So, decide how you want to come across to the readers.

2. Consider putting a sort of author's note at the beginnings or ends of your stories. You could say something like, "Although this is a fantasy story about sibling incest, I do not condone or participate in incest in real life. Also, I am honestly interested in improving my writing, so any specific criticism in this regard would be greatly appreciated."
Whispersecret said:
"I'm happily married and an upstanding member of the PTA,"

Dear WS,
There will still be readers who will write, asking you to sit on their face.
Heh heh. Yeah, that's true. All those weirdos who get turned on by stretchmarks and saggy, post-baby tits, right? LOL.

I never minded the sexual feedback, really. I know it's possible to have too many guys hitting on you, but I've NEVER had that problem. Quite the opposite. So when I get propositioned online, it's kinda flattering, actually. ;)
Whispersecret said:
Heh heh. Yeah, that's true. All those weirdos who get turned on by stretchmarks and saggy, post-baby tits, right? LOL.

I never minded the sexual feedback, really. I know it's possible to have too many guys hitting on you, but I've NEVER had that problem. Quite the opposite. So when I get propositioned online, it's kinda flattering, actually. ;)

Can I buy you a drink? :D

The Earl
Originally posted by Whispersecret
1. Look at your profile. If you have personal info that is flirtatious, that's how readers will see you. I used to have a bio that said I wanted to be done up against a wall, and I got a lot of propositions along with the feedback. After I changed it to something more along the lines of "I'm happily married and an upstanding member of the PTA," amazingly the flirting stopped. So, decide how you want to come across to the readers.

2. Consider putting a sort of author's note at the beginnings or ends of your stories. You could say something like, "Although this is a fantasy story about sibling incest, I do not condone or participate in incest in real life. Also, I am honestly interested in improving my writing, so any specific criticism in this regard would be greatly appreciated."
I see your point. No 2 would kill the more interesting feedback!
Thanks for the tip! I better flirt up my profile. :)

I know what I'm gonna do - make it impossible for people to send me ANONYMOUS feedback. If they're gonna sling shit at me, they're gonna have to have the balls to stand up and defend their opinions!
Okay, I'm another newbie, anxious for feedback. I've posted two stories so far and have gotten one anonymous feedback. The respondent was very polite and complimented my efforts. However, she (I assume it was a 'she') went on to suggest that she would have liked it better if the characters went on to develop on serious long-term relationship based on their mutual interests.

At first, I think it's great feedback, but that's not what my story was about. It was about horny strangers getting naked. But something gnaws away at me for a few days. Am I missing something? Am I neglecting the emotional part of the equation? Am I just writing cheap, quick, wham-bam-thank-ya-maam smut? Could I be putting out a better product?

Today, I tried to write a prequel to one of my stories. I cranked out six pages and the characters are still fully clothed. I thought they were six GOOD pages, but my in-house proof-reader was not impressed. "Slow," was her one-word review.

So my question is, has your feedback ever made you try something different, and go against your grain, write outside your style?
Yep. And I ended up with One Cup Of Coffee, the white elephant in my story stable. Go with what you're comfortable with is my advice.

The Earl
St. Magnum said:
So my question is, has your feedback ever made you try something different, and go against your grain, write outside your style?

That's not A question, that's three questions.

Question A: "Try something different?"
1. I changed the viewpoint of a whole story as an experiment after feedback suggesting that the original 3rd person viewpoint detached the reader from the action.
2. I wrote a much shorter story.
3. I wrote stories for particular audiences who are turned on by something I don't share.

Question B: "Go against the grain?"
1. Yes. It was useful practise but an unsuccessful story.
2. see A3 above. They liked the stories. I didn't.

Question C: "Write outside your style?"
1. Yes and it widened my range. It was hard to do and several drafts had to be abandoned as I slipped back to my normal style.

Conclusion: If the feedback is reasonable and makes suggestions that are physically possible then it is worth considering. Practise makes perfect and trying different things even unsuccessfully can improve your technique.

What a pity that my stories are still long and boring ...


I don't post very often but I just got a feedback that was hilarious and I wanted to share it:

This message contains feedback for: masterhypnotist
About the submission: Erotic Induction for Women
This feedback was sent by: Anonymous


man your wiring is dryed, fryed and should be left outside. you pollute this site with your best mundane endeavors. you collect 'H's like an adolescent collects smiley faces which really doesn't mean shit. yes the give you smiley faces while they take the jeffersons faces to the bank. you fucking idiot. If you have to write (chances are you are under or unemployed)
(because you are a fucking failure as a hypnotist) why don't study the writings of my friend...anal-slave. He is a real writer. you are just an egotistical, autistic retard who fails at eveything he does. In fact plagiarize anal-slave word for word cause you are too fucking stupid to succeed, anyway.

I couldn't find "anal-slave" MH
Actually, anal slave writes lovely stories in the fetish category. He's rather fond of creampie that he's forced to eat. Not my cup of tea, but the writing was engaging enough to get all the way through a story.


I picked up one feedback that said something to the effect that he had no idea how in the fuck I won an award for anything because I wrote complete shit. He actually left an email address. I think he was looking for a fight. I sent him a polite note thanking him for a piece of feedback that I really needed at the moment. I printed it off and taped it to the wall.

Muffie has, erm, ego problems. Some people just need to be taken down a peg or two every once in a while. I'm one of them.
KillerMuffin said:
I sent him a polite note thanking him for a piece of feedback that I really needed at the moment. I printed it off and taped it to the wall.
That's impressive, Muffie. Sometimes I print off feedback and set it on fire. Doesn't seem to have the same motivational effect. Maybe I just don't understand the whole peg system.
I'm not better than anyone else here, with the possible exception of durt gurl, I'm not better at all. I'm a peer, on equal footing, standing side by side and shoulder to shoulder with every other author on this site. But, I won all of these local awards. I get paid to write. I get paid to edit. I have people asking me to judge their writing. Not just once in a while, but all the time. I have people telling me how great I am. Not just once in a while, but all the time.

The result of all of this is this monstrosity of an ego that I have. I'm arrogant, egotistical, and conceited. Every once in a while, I need a not-so-gentle reminder that Muffie isn't all that and a bag of chips. And there are people out there who are kind enough to give it to me. Most of the time I don't let it get to my head too much. I remember that we're all equal here. Every once in a while, though, I need someone to kick me in the butt and tell me to get with the program. I can prove it, too. This whole post has been about me! See?

I'm not saying anyone else needs to be taken down a peg or two, but I know for a fact that I certainly do.
Muffie you suck.

Better? :D

The Earl

Edited to add a smilie. Making sure everyone gets the joke